Donald Trump Is Polling Better Than Ever. Here's Why.

This says it all:

That support is pretty even among the groups that were large enough to include in the pollsters' demographic break-outs. There's one remarkable exception: Education level. Trump is much more strongly supported by those with no college degree than he is by those with one. Cruz leads that latter group by three points (over Marco Rubio). Trump leads among those with no degree by 34.

Republicans are dumb.
Trump if elected will find out the Congress will not be slavish followers at all.

When he gets ready to morph ACA into single payer, the GOP will go bananas.

When he submits a tax proposal to raise on the rich, the GOP will go bananas.

If elected, Trump will be fun to watch.

No, they won't.

The GOP will be fine with these things because they weren't the Ni66er's Idea.

You work on the assumption that the rank and file people who are supporting Trump care about the Agenda of the 1%.

They don't.

The 1% has fooled these folks for years talking about the abortion and the guns and the gays and the Mexicans and such.
99% of colleges and universities are nothing more than libtard propaganda factories....Its why when time comes my kids and my and their mother will be very wary about WHERE they attend school at. I want them to get an education not taught propaganda from some old hippie anti white racist mental midget who hates America.
You dont have a degree, do you?
Trump is polling better because of his appearance of strength, while the administration seems ineffective.

Weak Americans, such as the far right, have always been willing to trade freedom for security.

The overwhelming majority of Americans will trade some liberty for security. This nation is a center nation but it will always lean to the right on National Security issues.
Trump is polling better because of his appearance of strength, while the administration seems ineffective.

Weak Americans, such as the far right, have always been willing to trade freedom for security.

The overwhelming majority of Americans will trade some liberty for security. This nation is a center nation but it will always lean to the right on National Security issues.
Then it will determine who can out fascist the other candidate in the general election.
Trump is polling better because of his appearance of strength, while the administration seems ineffective.

Weak Americans, such as the far right, have always been willing to trade freedom for security.

Did you say that about Bush and the Patriot Act?
Did you? I opposed the Iraq invasion and thought the Patriot Act went too far, particularly the no-warrant wire tapping.

Did you know that Kasich is leading second place Trump in the NH primary race? Donald is doing well there though because he has Democrats supporting him. They think he would be the easiest of the GOP candidates to beat in a general election.

Either that or they too are disgruntled with their party.

The thing about Trump is he does have the ability to attract people from both sides. That's an advantage that Democrats don't have with the admitted Socialist or Clinton. One is way left and the other is even further left.
Clinton and Trump break within a point of two in drawing the same number in their own parties.

As always, the decision will come from the center.
Clinton and Trump break within a point of two in drawing the same number in their own parties.

As always, the decision will come from the center.

You are probably right.

But frankly, that probably helps Trump more than Hillary.

At Thanksgiving, my brother the Union Thug who has no use for either party said he really likes Bernie, but he also likes Trump.

MOst of the middle is the dumbed-down, short attention span types who enjoy reality TV, not CNN or Fox News.

And Trump knows how to talk to the Apprentice/American Idol/Dancing with the Stars constintuency a lot better than Hillary does.
People like seeing warts on their politicians. It shows they are real and not airbrushed or photoshopped. Everyone else is too perfect to be real.
It's a sad reflection on education in the U.S.

Why? What's wrong with supporting an educated, successful man who has proven to be very good at building large companies and creating thousands of jobs?

Trump may not be the best candidate, and he does say some needlessly insulting things at times, but he is not a racist or a bigot, and given the confused and feckless way that Hillary and other Democrats are responding to the recent terrorist attacks and the threat of ISIS, and given Obama's insane plan to bring 170,000 more Muslims into the country [correction: 10,000, not 170,000], Trump might just be able to beat her if he gets the nomination.

The Democrats could find themselves losing in a landslide in 2016 if they don't ditch the PC nonsense they've been spewing. As it is, the damage may have already been done, even if they change their tune.
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It's a sad reflection on education in the U.S.

Why? What's wrong with supporting an educated, successful man who has proven to be very good at building large companies and creating thousands of jobs?

Trump may not be the best candidate, and he does say some needlessly insulting things at times, but he is not a racist or a bigot, and given the confused and feckless way that Hillary and other Democrats are responding to the recent terrorist attacks and the threat of ISIS, and given Obama's insane plan to bring 170,000 more Muslims into the country, Trump might just be able to beat her if he gets the nomination.

The Democrats could find themselves losing in a landslide in 2016 if they don't ditch the PC nonsense they've been spewing. As it is, the damage may have already been done, even if they change their tune.
are you really this stupid??? first of all there are limitation on how many people can claim political asylum each year we only allowed 48,000 people a year ... thats federal law ... something Obama or and dem/liberal can change ... which by the wayTrump quoted 270,000 for the first year ... just to get your vote ... he's a liar and as for a business man he is one of the worst who cheat people out of their money.... do you thing maybe he could be lying to you ... naw you're not that bright to see that

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