Donald Trump Is Polling Better Than Ever. Here's Why.

I will not vote for Trump in the primaries.
If selected in the primaries, then yes I will vote for Trump, as what the left has to NOTHING.............except failed policies and more of the same.

Trump is attacking the status quo and their enablers the media.............people in this country are fed up with both.............and why he is soaring in the polls.....
"Donald Trump Is Polling Better Than Ever."

With only a third of republicans supporting him.

He's a tempest in a teapot.
.Pew polling research (4/2015) indicates only 23% of the registered voters to be Republican. That means an estimated 1/3 of 23% are pledging or working or hoping to put a fascist in the White House. I am very poor at math, but that seems to indicate a small 7% of the voters, not counting independents, are making a lot of meaningless noise and attention. I think it is called hype and marketing skills. The same poll shows 39% Republican or Republican "leaning". Even when that higher number is used the total only comes out to at most 10%. Trump followers are suckers.
It's a sad reflection on education in the U.S.

Why? What's wrong with supporting an educated, successful man who has proven to be very good at building large companies and creating thousands of jobs?

Trump may not be the best candidate, and he does say some needlessly insulting things at times, but he is not a racist or a bigot, and given the confused and feckless way that Hillary and other Democrats are responding to the recent terrorist attacks and the threat of ISIS, and given Obama's insane plan to bring 170,000 more Muslims into the country, Trump might just be able to beat her if he gets the nomination.

The Democrats could find themselves losing in a landslide in 2016 if they don't ditch the PC nonsense they've been spewing. As it is, the damage may have already been done, even if they change their tune.
are you really this stupid??? first of all there are limitation on how many people can claim political asylum each year we only allowed 48,000 people a year ... thats federal law ... something Obama or and dem/liberal can change ... which by the wayTrump quoted 270,000 for the first year ... just to get your vote ... he's a liar and as for a business man he is one of the worst who cheat people out of their money.... do you thing maybe he could be lying to you ... naw you're not that bright to see that

I conflated two ideas about Obama's Muslim immigration plan. Right now he wants to bring in 10,000 this coming year. Estimates of the number of Syrian refugees start at 170,000. I was incorrect in saying Obama plans on bringing in all 170,000, although that may be what he'd like to do.

So let me rephrase my point: Given the Democrats' confused and feckless responses to the recent terrorist attacks and the growing threat of ISIS, and given Obama's insane plan to bring 10,000 more Muslims into the country over the next year alone in spite of the obvious flaws in our vetting system, Trump just might be able to beat Hillary.
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No. It's a sad reflection on the disgust that Mainstream America has with eight years of limp-wristed Liberal foreign policy and accommodation for Illegal Aliens.

Rather than blaming the intellectual prowress of your fellow countrymen, look in the mirror, and to your own track record in these areas while you were in power...

Fun-time's almost over...

The American People are preparing to see to that...

It's a sad reflection on education in the U.S.

Why? What's wrong with supporting an educated, successful man who has proven to be very good at building large companies and creating thousands of jobs?

Trump may not be the best candidate, and he does say some needlessly insulting things at times, but he is not a racist or a bigot, and given the confused and feckless way that Hillary and other Democrats are responding to the recent terrorist attacks and the threat of ISIS, and given Obama's insane plan to bring 170,000 more Muslims into the country, Trump might just be able to beat her if he gets the nomination.

The Democrats could find themselves losing in a landslide in 2016 if they don't ditch the PC nonsense they've been spewing. As it is, the damage may have already been done, even if they change their tune.
are you really this stupid??? first of all there are limitation on how many people can claim political asylum each year we only allowed 48,000 people a year ... thats federal law ... something Obama or and dem/liberal can change ... which by the wayTrump quoted 270,000 for the first year ... just to get your vote ... he's a liar and as for a business man he is one of the worst who cheat people out of their money.... do you thing maybe he could be lying to you ... naw you're not that bright to see that

I conflated two ideas about Obama's Muslim immigration plan. Right now he wants to bring in 10,000 this coming year. Estimates of the number of Syrian refugees start at 170,000. I was incorrect in saying Obama plans on bringing in all 170,000, although that may be what he'd like to do.

So let me rephrase my point: Given the Democrats' confused and feckless responses to the recent terrorist attacks and the growing threat of ISIS, and given Obama's insane plan to bring 10,000 more Muslims into the country over the next year alone in spite of the obvious flaws in our vetting system, Trump just might be able to beat Hillary.
The 10,000 is for next year, 2016. Plenty of time to make adjustments and changes.
We face a very detirmend enemy,if they can get a young women with an infant child to do what she did,one would have to be wondering,how good do you think that process is going to be,these people will stop at nothing,this was aided by people not in this country as we speak,its war regardless .
It sucks to be your average ME guy/family, living in these shit holes of hate and violence, the irony is they have the power for change, stay fight for country,and stop teaching your children to hate.

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