Donald Trump Jr. accuses Democrats of hoping coronavirus 'kills millions of people'

Sounds crude and unwarranted right? Looks like he takes after his dad and is bluntly honest. Consider this:

Majority of New Hampshire Democrats Would Prefer a Meteor Extinguish 'All Human Life' Than Trump Get Re-Elected: Poll
Thats clearly an exaggeration

I’m sure most dems would settle for thousands of dead Americans before election day instead of millions

Brilliant deduction and ridiculous. Nobody wants any deaths unless you Trumpists want the virus to hit immigrants, yes?
The democrat party is praying to whatever graven image passes for their god that the coronavirus drives trump out of office

and if that takes thousands of deaths so be it
This is among the most disgusting comments I have ever read.
Sounds crude and unwarranted right? Looks like he takes after his dad and is bluntly honest. Consider this:

Majority of New Hampshire Democrats Would Prefer a Meteor Extinguish 'All Human Life' Than Trump Get Re-Elected: Poll
Thats clearly an exaggeration

I’m sure most dems would settle for thousands of dead Americans before election day instead of millions

Brilliant deduction and ridiculous. Nobody wants any deaths unless you Trumpists want the virus to hit immigrants, yes?
The democrat party is praying to whatever graven image passes for their god that the coronavirus drives trump out of office

and if that takes thousands of deaths so be it
This is among the most disgusting comments I have ever read.

Reality doesn't care how you feel about it!
Sounds crude and unwarranted right? Looks like he takes after his dad and is bluntly honest. Consider this:

Majority of New Hampshire Democrats Would Prefer a Meteor Extinguish 'All Human Life' Than Trump Get Re-Elected: Poll
Thats clearly an exaggeration

I’m sure most dems would settle for thousands of dead Americans before election day instead of millions

Brilliant deduction and ridiculous. Nobody wants any deaths unless you Trumpists want the virus to hit immigrants, yes?
The democrat party is praying to whatever graven image passes for their god that the coronavirus drives trump out of office

and if that takes thousands of deaths so be it
This is among the most disgusting comments I have ever read.

Reality doesn't care how you feel about it!
This whole discussion is divorced from reality and based on a dark and black alternate reality from Trumpers. So yeah, Reality doesn’t care.
Sounds crude and unwarranted right? Looks like he takes after his dad and is bluntly honest. Consider this:

Majority of New Hampshire Democrats Would Prefer a Meteor Extinguish 'All Human Life' Than Trump Get Re-Elected: Poll
Thats clearly an exaggeration

I’m sure most dems would settle for thousands of dead Americans before election day instead of millions

Brilliant deduction and ridiculous. Nobody wants any deaths unless you Trumpists want the virus to hit immigrants, yes?
The democrat party is praying to whatever graven image passes for their god that the coronavirus drives trump out of office

and if that takes thousands of deaths so be it

Whatever you say
Thats what I say
Sounds crude and unwarranted right? Looks like he takes after his dad and is bluntly honest. Consider this:

Majority of New Hampshire Democrats Would Prefer a Meteor Extinguish 'All Human Life' Than Trump Get Re-Elected: Poll
Thats clearly an exaggeration

I’m sure most dems would settle for thousands of dead Americans before election day instead of millions

Brilliant deduction and ridiculous. Nobody wants any deaths unless you Trumpists want the virus to hit immigrants, yes?
The democrat party is praying to whatever graven image passes for their god that the coronavirus drives trump out of office

and if that takes thousands of deaths so be it
This is among the most disgusting comments I have ever read.
You have led a sheltered life
Sounds crude and unwarranted right? Looks like he takes after his dad and is bluntly honest. Consider this:

Majority of New Hampshire Democrats Would Prefer a Meteor Extinguish 'All Human Life' Than Trump Get Re-Elected: Poll
Thats clearly an exaggeration

I’m sure most dems would settle for thousands of dead Americans before election day instead of millions

Brilliant deduction and ridiculous. Nobody wants any deaths unless you Trumpists want the virus to hit immigrants, yes?

That makes a lot of sense
Sounds crude and unwarranted right? Looks like he takes after his dad and is bluntly honest. Consider this:

Majority of New Hampshire Democrats Would Prefer a Meteor Extinguish 'All Human Life' Than Trump Get Re-Elected: Poll
Thats clearly an exaggeration

I’m sure most dems would settle for thousands of dead Americans before election day instead of millions

Brilliant deduction and ridiculous. Nobody wants any deaths unless you Trumpists want the virus to hit immigrants, yes?
Once again... you have so far fallen for the MSM hoax! Trump, are anti-immigrant!
How f...king stupid you idiot!
Did you not know Trump is married to a LEGAL immigrant?
Did you not know his grandmother was a LEGAL immigrant?
And for true dummies like you, are criticizing nearly 40 million people like me who are either "LEGAL" immigrants or have relatives that are "LEGAL immigrants"!
You dumb shits... you really believe Trump, his wife, his family and 40 million people like me are ANTI-IMMIGRANT?
No wonder you people are going to get clobbered in November!
Millions of people like me are really offended when you believe that crap that we want immigrants to be harmed, let alone restricted.
DUMMY! You obviously don't know what it takes to become a "LEGAL" immigrant and for you to say Trump, are against "immigrants"?
Plain stupidity and further proof that you and your really dumb ilk believe the MSM's biased reporting.
I'm 100% confident you believe everything the MSM puts out about Trump, and all of us millions of legal immigrants and Trump supporters.
CASE in point:
"Trump anti-immigrant" search of Google just moments ago...
Look at a screen shot: 75,000 results... look at the headlines.."Trump's Anti-immigrant"... policy... agenda!
How totally biased you and your ilk are!
Then look at "Trump anti-illegal immigrant" search:
View attachment 309719

Just 577 results... Any wonder most of the 75+ million Americans are going to be voting for Trump with such biased, ignorant MSM results?View attachment 309721

Trump is anti-immigrant from certain countries and has made it difficult for many professional people to emigrate here.
As far as illegal immigrants are concerned, Trump has not hired enough immigration judges to handle the inflow and the wait takes months. He also separates children from their parents and this act shows how much disdain he has for those poor people fleeing for their lives.
Let's not forget that we have culpability for this huge influx since our government coddled dictators in Central America for years in the name of oil. So get off your high perch and see what is happening around you. Southern Californians consider Mexicans to be a lower form of life, but they still marry their women, and who Trump is married to means nothing relative to his view of immigrants.
Sounds crude and unwarranted right? Looks like he takes after his dad and is bluntly honest. Consider this:

Majority of New Hampshire Democrats Would Prefer a Meteor Extinguish 'All Human Life' Than Trump Get Re-Elected: Poll
Thats clearly an exaggeration

I’m sure most dems would settle for thousands of dead Americans before election day instead of millions

Brilliant deduction and ridiculous. Nobody wants any deaths unless you Trumpists want the virus to hit immigrants, yes?
Once again... you have so far fallen for the MSM hoax! Trump, are anti-immigrant!
How f...king stupid you idiot!
Did you not know Trump is married to a LEGAL immigrant?
Did you not know his grandmother was a LEGAL immigrant?
And for true dummies like you, are criticizing nearly 40 million people like me who are either "LEGAL" immigrants or have relatives that are "LEGAL immigrants"!
You dumb shits... you really believe Trump, his wife, his family and 40 million people like me are ANTI-IMMIGRANT?
No wonder you people are going to get clobbered in November!
Millions of people like me are really offended when you believe that crap that we want immigrants to be harmed, let alone restricted.
DUMMY! You obviously don't know what it takes to become a "LEGAL" immigrant and for you to say Trump, are against "immigrants"?
Plain stupidity and further proof that you and your really dumb ilk believe the MSM's biased reporting.
I'm 100% confident you believe everything the MSM puts out about Trump, and all of us millions of legal immigrants and Trump supporters.
CASE in point:
"Trump anti-immigrant" search of Google just moments ago...
Look at a screen shot: 75,000 results... look at the headlines.."Trump's Anti-immigrant"... policy... agenda!
How totally biased you and your ilk are!
Then look at "Trump anti-illegal immigrant" search:
View attachment 309719

Just 577 results... Any wonder most of the 75+ million Americans are going to be voting for Trump with such biased, ignorant MSM results?View attachment 309721

Trump is anti-immigrant from certain countries and has made it difficult for many professional people to emigrate here.
As far as illegal immigrants are concerned, Trump has not hired enough immigration judges to handle the inflow and the wait takes months. He also separates children from their parents and this act shows how much disdain he has for those poor people fleeing for their lives.
Let's not forget that we have culpability for this huge influx since our government coddled dictators in Central America for years in the name of oil. So get off your high perch and see what is happening around you. Southern Californians consider Mexicans to be a lower form of life, but they still marry their women, and who Trump is married to means nothing relative to his view of immigrants.
Trump is anti illegal alien, most of whom are not professionals but shoeless migrants

and trump voters have zero culpability for the illegal alien invasion

We are trying to stop the illegals from coming here and people like you are standing in the way
Sounds crude and unwarranted right? Looks like he takes after his dad and is bluntly honest. Consider this:

Majority of New Hampshire Democrats Would Prefer a Meteor Extinguish 'All Human Life' Than Trump Get Re-Elected: Poll

Donnie Jr says what he is told to say.

he does?

Do you really think he is going to cross daddy?

He's a deadbeat trust fund baby grifter just like his daddy, what can he do? Nothing else.
Like father like son....

The Apple didn't fall far from the tree...

But president Trump was cuter than Jr when young, with a personality.... Jr has none.

Holy crap, I think just complimented Trump!!! :lol:
Sounds crude and unwarranted right? Looks like he takes after his dad and is bluntly honest. Consider this:

Majority of New Hampshire Democrats Would Prefer a Meteor Extinguish 'All Human Life' Than Trump Get Re-Elected: Poll
Thats clearly an exaggeration

I’m sure most dems would settle for thousands of dead Americans before election day instead of millions

Brilliant deduction and ridiculous. Nobody wants any deaths unless you Trumpists want the virus to hit immigrants, yes?
Once again... you have so far fallen for the MSM hoax! Trump, are anti-immigrant!
How f...king stupid you idiot!
Did you not know Trump is married to a LEGAL immigrant?
Did you not know his grandmother was a LEGAL immigrant?
And for true dummies like you, are criticizing nearly 40 million people like me who are either "LEGAL" immigrants or have relatives that are "LEGAL immigrants"!
You dumb shits... you really believe Trump, his wife, his family and 40 million people like me are ANTI-IMMIGRANT?
No wonder you people are going to get clobbered in November!
Millions of people like me are really offended when you believe that crap that we want immigrants to be harmed, let alone restricted.
DUMMY! You obviously don't know what it takes to become a "LEGAL" immigrant and for you to say Trump, are against "immigrants"?
Plain stupidity and further proof that you and your really dumb ilk believe the MSM's biased reporting.
I'm 100% confident you believe everything the MSM puts out about Trump, and all of us millions of legal immigrants and Trump supporters.
CASE in point:
"Trump anti-immigrant" search of Google just moments ago...
Look at a screen shot: 75,000 results... look at the headlines.."Trump's Anti-immigrant"... policy... agenda!
How totally biased you and your ilk are!
Then look at "Trump anti-illegal immigrant" search:
View attachment 309719

Just 577 results... Any wonder most of the 75+ million Americans are going to be voting for Trump with such biased, ignorant MSM results?View attachment 309721

Trump is anti-immigrant from certain countries and has made it difficult for many professional people to emigrate here.
As far as illegal immigrants are concerned, Trump has not hired enough immigration judges to handle the inflow and the wait takes months. He also separates children from their parents and this act shows how much disdain he has for those poor people fleeing for their lives.
Let's not forget that we have culpability for this huge influx since our government coddled dictators in Central America for years in the name of oil. So get off your high perch and see what is happening around you. Southern Californians consider Mexicans to be a lower form of life, but they still marry their women, and who Trump is married to means nothing relative to his view of immigrants.
Trump is anti illegal alien, most of whom are not professionals but shoeless migrants

and trump voters have zero culpability for the illegal alien invasion

We are trying to stop the illegals from coming here and people like you are standing in the way

I too am opposed to people coming here improperly, and there are good reasons why they are flowing here. I just listed 2 of them for
your reading pleasure, and the lack of empathy and compassion is typical of the Trump party mantra. True Republicans have
compassion for those less fortunate than us. The grifter in the White House has hijacked the Republican party and turned it into a hate group.
Don Jr tells the truth the left goes into mass hysteria.
That wasn’t truth it was a hyperbolic partisan lie. It’s not even disguised as truth. Do yourself a favor and don’t even try to make the case that Dems really want millions of Americans to die. That’s just sick
both sides engage in a lot of "sick" behavior. i've yet to see you call out the democrats for things they have done that are over the line.

yet you whine about honest debates.
Thats clearly an exaggeration

I’m sure most dems would settle for thousands of dead Americans before election day instead of millions

Brilliant deduction and ridiculous. Nobody wants any deaths unless you Trumpists want the virus to hit immigrants, yes?
Once again... you have so far fallen for the MSM hoax! Trump, are anti-immigrant!
How f...king stupid you idiot!
Did you not know Trump is married to a LEGAL immigrant?
Did you not know his grandmother was a LEGAL immigrant?
And for true dummies like you, are criticizing nearly 40 million people like me who are either "LEGAL" immigrants or have relatives that are "LEGAL immigrants"!
You dumb shits... you really believe Trump, his wife, his family and 40 million people like me are ANTI-IMMIGRANT?
No wonder you people are going to get clobbered in November!
Millions of people like me are really offended when you believe that crap that we want immigrants to be harmed, let alone restricted.
DUMMY! You obviously don't know what it takes to become a "LEGAL" immigrant and for you to say Trump, are against "immigrants"?
Plain stupidity and further proof that you and your really dumb ilk believe the MSM's biased reporting.
I'm 100% confident you believe everything the MSM puts out about Trump, and all of us millions of legal immigrants and Trump supporters.
CASE in point:
"Trump anti-immigrant" search of Google just moments ago...
Look at a screen shot: 75,000 results... look at the headlines.."Trump's Anti-immigrant"... policy... agenda!
How totally biased you and your ilk are!
Then look at "Trump anti-illegal immigrant" search:
View attachment 309719

Just 577 results... Any wonder most of the 75+ million Americans are going to be voting for Trump with such biased, ignorant MSM results?View attachment 309721

Trump is anti-immigrant from certain countries and has made it difficult for many professional people to emigrate here.
As far as illegal immigrants are concerned, Trump has not hired enough immigration judges to handle the inflow and the wait takes months. He also separates children from their parents and this act shows how much disdain he has for those poor people fleeing for their lives.
Let's not forget that we have culpability for this huge influx since our government coddled dictators in Central America for years in the name of oil. So get off your high perch and see what is happening around you. Southern Californians consider Mexicans to be a lower form of life, but they still marry their women, and who Trump is married to means nothing relative to his view of immigrants.
Trump is anti illegal alien, most of whom are not professionals but shoeless migrants

and trump voters have zero culpability for the illegal alien invasion

We are trying to stop the illegals from coming here and people like you are standing in the way

I too am opposed to people coming here improperly, and there are good reasons why they are flowing here. I just listed 2 of them for
your reading pleasure, and the lack of empathy and compassion is typical of the Trump party mantra. True Republicans have
compassion for those less fortunate than us. The grifter in the White House has hijacked the Republican party and turned it into a hate group.
Their “need” of illegal aliens to come here, whatever those needs are, is negated by our need to stop them
Sounds crude and unwarranted right? Looks like he takes after his dad and is bluntly honest. Consider this:

Majority of New Hampshire Democrats Would Prefer a Meteor Extinguish 'All Human Life' Than Trump Get Re-Elected: Poll

Looks like he takes after his dad and is bluntly honest. "


the turd doesn't fall far from the arsehole

"Consider this:"

Majority of New Hampshire Democrats Would Prefer a Meteor Extinguish 'All Human Life' Than Trump Get Re-Elected: Pol"

as opposed to conservatives/republicans who prefer we become putins puppets?

Typical attack politics from the Trumpybears.

Over the top hyperbole is more suited to a WWE match than American politics.
Typical attack politics from the Trumpybears.

Over the top hyperbole is more suited to a WWE match than American politics.

"Over the top hyperbole is more suited to a WWE match than American politics."

and WWE is what trump, his family and his minions are giving us....
He did not accuse, that’s a feelings thing
He identified, which is a fact thing

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