Donald Trump Jr: Biden immigration policy is ‘absolute insanity’

RE opening our southern border during a pandemic is suicidal....and the Biden team did it not to help illegal aliens but to stick it to Trump their anger at Trump and his base out weighs any resemblance of common we have an unhinged leadership right now....and they cheated to get there....
Donald Trump Jr. is spot on. Why do we, the American people, start having to take care of these folks in the first place? I have absolutely no problem if they just came here legally. But they know once they are here...they will be granted the same treatment as any American gets - if not even more.
Other than to make this country a "One World Government" just goes against completely what the United States of America stands for. Why do we need to become the "The United States of North America"? It's not only insane, but is completely wrong for all the reasons just to take this country down. Just as they did in Pompei and Rome.
the "woke mob" is condemning Biden's reopening of concentration camps that closed under trump.

There is no sense in pretending that all of those to the left of your political position are the same or interchangeable. They may disagree more with one another than you do with either.
Does this mean he will go back to deportations in the numbers comparable to the Obama, Bush and Clinton administrations? If so, I really have no problem with that. Prioritizing criminal illegal aliens certainly does not bother me either. Not concerned about the kids that have grown from small children to adults, originally brought by their parents, though have no problem shipping the parents of adult DACCA kids back home, though I doubt it is really considered on his agenda. Wish it was. Illegal immigration is a political football that has been kicked down the road at least since the Reagan days. Both of the main parties raise money on it, yet do nothing as it is in their interests politically or business constituent interest to do nothing more than kick the can down the road and fund raise off of it. I cannot work up much emotion and certainly do not donate any money in the over-hyped issue. Y'all go ahead on.
This will be THE issue in 2022.
Working class people of all colours and creeds will be competing (along with illegal aliens) for jobs in the economic wasteland post-China Virus.
Same shit is going on in Europe. There will be conflict in some European countries.
You ever wanted to live in Latin America
Now you can
I hope you don’t have kids or grandchildren because many flooding in are rapist and murders
lol. Like right wing fantasy was any better? Your guy got practically nothing accomplished that could not be overturned by a simple executive order.
the woke mob has lost it's mind...or am I talking about the Biden administration?

Yep Biden farted out an order earlier today for the border patrol to mothball their large guns and carry only small guns.

This will enlarge criminals in the drug cult to push border patrollers around and kill our efenders, disarmed except with their small shooter weapons. The sophisticated repeaters are likely to be spread thick in their paradigm OF weapon superiority.

They be killing our border defenders in droves. :(
there's 4 thousand migrants being apprehended every day at the border...A CARAVAN A DAY!

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