Donald Trump Jr. Doubles Down on Calling John Fetterman a 'Vegetable'

Besides defrauding charities (literally) what has he done?

Just a lot of Trumpy behavior in general.
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These people haven't learned a thing. It's the same childish insults, sophomoric taunts, and crass behavior that cost them the election two years ago and they've made zero effort to change. Despite this, these people still think they have a shot at returning to the White House.

It's not the first time Trump mocks disabled people. He enjoys it.
These people haven't learned a thing. It's the same childish insults, sophomoric taunts, and crass behavior that cost them the election two years ago and they've made zero effort to change. Despite this, these people still think they have a shot at returning to the White House.

He is... He cannot make cognitive sentences or thoughts as shown by his letter. It is apparent that he has had a stroke and they are lying about it being depression. With the wife running off his condition is very probably terminal.

I am laughing at you people and your conspiracy theories...
At least Fetterman has a job.
He checked himself into a mental hospital for depression and his wife left the country. From there he is co-sponsoring legislation. If this appeared on SNL, folks would think it was way too far out to even be possible much less funny.
I see you still haven't accepted the reality of:

Attacking Cops with weapons.
Breaking through Barriers, Doors and Windows.
Entering Restricted Areas.

Not ^^^^^ Peaceful.

You just described a typical evening in every one of the inner city hellholes leftists have created.
Fetterman isn't? He had a critical stroke. A vegetable isn't what I'd say but no one ever said that Trump is diplomatic.


Give me a fucking break with this meme that is a blatant lie. He gave tax breaks to the rich, period, drop the mic.
He rolled back over 100 EPA and transportation regulations and the disaster in East Palestine, Ohio is on his hands.
He had to file bankruptcy for 6 of his "successful" businesses. And now the courts have found Trump Corp of tax fraud and his CEO is in fucking jail.

The humor of middle school bullies. Today's GQP.

And here's Barely-Speaker No Balls McCarthy's number one go-to person in Congress: a performance media whore disguised as the Rep for District 14 in GA. The GOP is dangerous joke filled with idiots. I bet the GQP keeps Santos in his job, too.

Give me a fucking break with this meme that is a blatant lie. He gave tax breaks to the rich, period, drop the mic.
He rolled back over 100 EPA and transportation regulations and the disaster in East Palestine, Ohio is on his hands.
He had to file bankruptcy for 6 of his "successful" businesses. And now the courts have found Trump Corp of tax fraud and his CEO is in fucking jail.

The opinions of liars and hacks. Today's DNC.
So you like trump jr?

What are his accomplishments, beside that charity fraud thing and the trump organization fraud, and cutting off the tail of a dead elephant on a PAID trophy hunt.

Screenshot 2023-03-04 at 11.32.31 AM.png

Worthless POS ^^^^^^

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