Donald Trump Serves Up A Delusional New Take On His Massive Legal Woes

Let me guess Hillary and Bill have been running things?
Heck no,'s Susan Rice and the gang! Anthony Blinken...John Kerry...literally 3/4's of this administration worked in the Obama administration. Joe Biden is just a figurehead. He does what he's told.
I’ll give you this. White uneducated Americans are doing horrible and trump is using that.

Those blue collar workers need to wake up and join or start a union. And start complaining about illegal employers.
It's not "white" blue collar workers that are struggling under's ALL blue collar, Hispanic and white!
"Corrupt"? if you're supporting Biden, then it is clear you don't know the meaning of the word...

A lie to a federal judge that he was disbarred for...So, you think it's ok to lie to the courts...

As far as Hillary goes, Trump let her off the hook. Keep it up with this abomination of trying to bankrupt, and jail Trump, and that'll never happen again.

Hillary should STFU and consider herself very lucky.

Again, if you are defending Biden, you have no clue what corruption is.

Do you have a link showing this will happen? Has Biden said as much? Or is this just you guessing?

Oh, but wait just a goddamned minute here. You fucks told us over and over how this was about "No one being "above the law"... And how Trump deserves this and all that jazz...Now you reveal the truth, it's all a stunt to hamper the opposition in an election, like some third world shithole? You people are enemies to liberty.

Yes, and gleefully pursue it....Just look up Whoopi and Joy trying to hold back the gleeful laughter at the thought of LaQuanda James siezing Trump Tower....It's sickening....

You just said this was about preventing Trump from campaigning, and using the federal government to do it....Sick.
Remember how many decades you claimed the Clinton’s were corrupt? Now you say Biden is the most? Was Obama corrupt?

Then you claim trump isn’t a habitual line crosser when he admits it? That’s trumps argument. Presidents should be allowed.

But you want to continue saying the Clinton’s obamas and Biden’s are the most corrupt?

Bush I would agree. But not them.
I'm pretty sure that 450 million isn't going to affect a multi billionaire. I'm not losing one ounce of sleep over a billionaires legal stuff. It'll all work itself out.
It's not "white" blue collar workers that are struggling under's ALL blue collar, Hispanic and white!
Well last year with Biden’s support unions won big. Auto, casino, writers, healthcare workers, etc. all got raises last year.
I'm pretty sure that 450 million isn't going to affect a multi billionaire. I'm not losing one ounce of sleep over a billionaires legal stuff. It'll all work itself out.
You’re going to find out he isn’t a billionaire. He over inflated the value of his things.

Youre going to find ou5 the gold toilet gives your ass a rash
Well last year with Biden’s support unions won big. Auto, casino, writers, healthcare workers, etc. all got raises last year.
Some not all union workers received increased wages. Then again CEOs and corporate execs got hefty raises.
I am not struggling and I am blue collar.

Let’s not do what they do. When we’re in charge deny reality. Yes blue collar are struggling so let’s go after illegal employers who are fucking them

Lets support unions

And let’s support social security because they’re all going to need it one day.
What we’re doing to this country? You mean like supporting labor and gay people?
Supporting Labor? What in the hell do you think you're supporting Labor with? Mandates of electric cars that will ultimately destroy this country's electrical grid? High living costs that put pressure on families? Bankrupting the country through incessant borrowing? Nah bro...You sure aren't supporting labor....You're destroying them....

Supporting Gay's? by what? parading them like clowns for everyone to see the perverse under culture of less than 1% of the nation? Forcing our children to be subjected to the perverse culture as young as 5,6, or 7 years old? supporting agendas that would mutilate children for life? That's not support...
Trump is the master of crossing the line when it comes to the rule of law.
Nothing compared to the Biden crime family selling out America to whoever will pay....
You should watch the late shows. They are constantly showing videos of you guys from before trump was president and now. What hypocrites, flip flopping liars you are. You hate them because they expose you.
No, I don't watch the late shows because I can't stand to watch some snarky liberal host stand up there and lie, and get paid for it...They're not even funny anymore.
Do we really have to scream it, Sealy? It's obvious that this is a political hit job! Every single one of these cases was a joke from the start. But then again...what choice did you on the left have? You can't run on your records. You progressives have turned some of America's greatest cities into drug and crime infested sewers that people are fleeing by the tens of thousands. Joe Biden is the worst President in modern US history. Everything he touches turns to a steaming pile of excrement! Look at the people who "lead" your party now! A sleazier group you'd be hard pressed to find. They know how corrupt Joe Biden is and they sit in Congress and defend the indefensible all the while blathering about "saving democracy"! I'll give you a don't "save" democracy by trying to jail your chief political opponent on trumped up charges! You destroy it.

You can scream it at the top of your lungs until you lose your voice, but that won't make it true.

Trump's record is one of debt, disease and death. More than 1 million Americans dead from covid. Economy crashed. Trade Wars - Allies and trading partners offended. Russia, Iran and China empowered and advancing around the world.
Legal errors? You mean like taking a misdemeanor and turning it into a felony? You mean like finding someone guilty of fraud in a deal where there was no victim? You mean like having a DA that lies on the stand? There are so many reasons why appeals will go forward it's laughable that you don't see them!

Have you noticed none of the arguments against Trump's convictions are predicated on the notion that he's innocent of the charges filed? You keep trying to get Trump off on technicalities, not because he's not guilty of the offenses.

Most Americans really fucking hate to see criminals getting off on technicalities. That will include the orange menace. Trump has done nothing but lose voters since he lost the last election. He's still losing 20% of Republican votes to Nicki Haley and she's no longer on the ballot.
Remember how many decades you claimed the Clinton’s were corrupt? Now you say Biden is the most? Was Obama corrupt?

Then you claim trump isn’t a habitual line crosser when he admits it? That’s trumps argument. Presidents should be allowed.

But you want to continue saying the Clinton’s obamas and Biden’s are the most corrupt?

Bush I would agree. But not them.
The Clinton family IS corrupt pal, and everyone knows it...

Yes Obama was corrupt, and had a vision to tear down the fundamental principles of this nation. He's worse, he's a traitor. Like Biden who is both corrupt and a traitor....

As for Republican's, I'd believe they were/are as well...All one has to do is take a look at their wealth before vs after their terms of service...Were they richer, or poorer? Trump was the only President I know of that returned his salary to the treasury....
Do we really have to scream it, Sealy? It's obvious that this is a political hit job! Every single one of these cases was a joke from the start. But then again...what choice did you on the left have? You can't run on your records. You progressives have turned some of America's greatest cities into drug and crime infested sewers that people are fleeing by the tens of thousands. Joe Biden is the worst President in modern US history. Everything he touches turns to a steaming pile of excrement! Look at the people who "lead" your party now! A sleazier group you'd be hard pressed to find. They know how corrupt Joe Biden is and they sit in Congress and defend the indefensible all the while blathering about "saving democracy"! I'll give you a don't "save" democracy by trying to jail your chief political opponent on trumped up charges! You destroy it.

You can scream it at the top of your lungs until you lose your voice, but that won't make it true.

Trump's record is one of debt, disease and death. More than 1 million Americans dead from covid. Economy crashed. Trade Wars - Allies and trading partners offended. Russia, Iran and China empowered and advancing around the world.
Oh bullshit! A handful of far left DA's had Trump charged with "crimes" that they created! The American people SHOULD have the ability to choose who they want to have as President but people like you have decided that instead of letting that're going to try and jail your chief political rival. It's disgusting.

Are you saying January 6th never happened??? That Trump didn't bribe Stormy Daniels to buy her silence.

Can the American people elect Arnold Schwarzenegger President if they wanted him???? Could they elect AOC President if they wanted her? Why not?

Trump was in the middle of a $100+ million dollar fraud trial when he was elected, and was completely unfit for office the first time. He should NEVER have been President in the first place.

I have no problem putting this crook into jail at long last. And all of your whining about the "unfairness" of it all is just lies and bullshit.
/----/ Not to be out done...
The Clinton family IS corrupt pal, and everyone knows it...

Yes Obama was corrupt, and had a vision to tear down the fundamental principles of this nation. He's worse, he's a traitor. Like Biden who is both corrupt and a traitor....

As for Republican's, I'd believe they were/are as well...All one has to do is take a look at their wealth before vs after their terms of service...Were they richer, or poorer? Trump was the only President I know of that returned his salary to the treasury....

The Clinton Family IS corrupt even if 25+ investigations of everything they have ever done or been involved in hasn't found a shred of evidence that they are, and they have never been charged with anything?????

Over 300 charges against members of Republican Administrations since Nixon. 3 against Democrats.

Trump returned his salary to the Treasury after he doubled initiation fees at his East Coast Golf Clubs, and may have billed the taxpayers in excess of $100 million for his golf trips. Just the travel to the golf clubs alone cost taxpayers $6.4 million per year. More than $25 million over 4 years.

The Clinton Family IS corrupt even if 25+ investigations of everything they have ever done or been involved in hasn't found a shred of evidence that they are, and they have never been charged with anything?????

Over 300 charges against members of Republican Administrations since Nixon. 3 against Democrats.

Trump returned his salary to the Treasury after he doubled initiation fees at his East Coast Golf Clubs, and may have billed the taxpayers in excess of $100 million for his golf trips. Just the travel to the golf clubs alone cost taxpayers $6.4 million per year. More than $25 million over 4 years.

Sore looser…
The Clinton family IS corrupt pal, and everyone knows it...

Yes Obama was corrupt, and had a vision to tear down the fundamental principles of this nation. He's worse, he's a traitor. Like Biden who is both corrupt and a traitor....

As for Republican's, I'd believe they were/are as well...All one has to do is take a look at their wealth before vs after their terms of service...Were they richer, or poorer? Trump was the only President I know of that returned his salary to the treasury....
Trump suddenly has $500 million cash. Wonder where he got it from.

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