Donald Trump Jr. Mea Culpa to NYT Investigative Report - LOVE IT!

For fucks sake, he has admitted to trying to partner with a foreign country to get negative information to use in the election. How many times does this have to be explained to you?

Read this. Then get back to me. By of all people Politico. The Ukrainians actively lied to torpedo Manafort.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
Kiev officials are scrambling to make amends with the president-elect after quietly working to boost Clinton.

By Kenneth P. Vogel and David Stern

01/11/2017 05:05 AM EST

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

You guys still don't get it. :lmao:

This meeting proves that the Trump team were working to collude with Russia...

Getting dirt on your opponent? Yeah baby. Both sides do it. Now though wait till Grassley gets those sons of bitches Fusion GPS in front of the committee to find out WHO paid for the fake dossier.

Oooooooooooooooh baby. Now let the investigations kick in. Grassley wants t know why Comey was willing to pay Christopher Steele to find dirt on Trump.

Think about that. Let that sink in. An FBI director going to pay a foreign agent to find dirt on a Presidential candidate. Pfffffffffft. Better yet Grassley is going after McCabe too.

Feinstein is going after Loretta Lynch. It's down for it. I can't wait for each investigation to continue.

Collusion with Russia... Not sure how many times this has to be said to you. They are investigating collusion with Russia... and Trump Jr. just admitted to going to a meeting where he was hoping to get information to use in the campaign from RUSSIA. Why is this so difficult for you?

You can list all the deflecting shit you want. It isn't going to change what Trump Jr. just admitted to.

No deflection. A set up that didn't work by Fusion GPS.

Oh thanks for clarifying with something besides your opinion.
"The statutory definition of a crime pairs Actus Reus with Mens rea, the psychological state defining a criminal perpetrator as culpable for having committed a crime."

Actus Reus

Hillary wasn't convicted by Comey because he couldn't prove intent... this admission by Trump Jr. proves intent.
...AGAIN junior. Post the law he broke and his knowledge of said law.

It's not about the law he broke. It's about the lie he's been telling.
But since honesty is something you fucking morons don't honor anymore, then what do you care?
"The statutory definition of a crime pairs Actus Reus with Mens rea, the psychological state defining a criminal perpetrator as culpable for having committed a crime."

Actus Reus

Hillary wasn't convicted by Comey because he couldn't prove intent... this admission by Trump Jr. proves intent.
Wrong, moron. The statute doesn't require intent. It only requires gross carelessness, and she certainly fits that bill.

Oh now you're an attorney who knows more than Bob Mueller and Jim Comey.
You're a fucking phony just like the other 99% of right wing redneck dumb asses on this board.
You guys still don't get it. :lmao:

This meeting proves that the Trump team were working to collude with Russia...

Getting dirt on your opponent? Yeah baby. Both sides do it. Now though wait till Grassley gets those sons of bitches Fusion GPS in front of the committee to find out WHO paid for the fake dossier.

Oooooooooooooooh baby. Now let the investigations kick in. Grassley wants t know why Comey was willing to pay Christopher Steele to find dirt on Trump.

Think about that. Let that sink in. An FBI director going to pay a foreign agent to find dirt on a Presidential candidate. Pfffffffffft. Better yet Grassley is going after McCabe too.

Feinstein is going after Loretta Lynch. It's down for it. I can't wait for each investigation to continue.

Collusion with Russia... Not sure how many times this has to be said to you. They are investigating collusion with Russia... and Trump Jr. just admitted to going to a meeting where he was hoping to get information to use in the campaign from RUSSIA. Why is this so difficult for you?

You can list all the deflecting shit you want. It isn't going to change what Trump Jr. just admitted to.

And what law was broken?

It proves intent for their future actions... This is going to be the nail in the coffin for the investigation into collusion with Russia. He admitted he went into a meeting to do just that.

Intent is part of proof of guilt. There are two parts. Mens Rea and Actus Rea. This proves Mens Rea on the part of the Trump campaign.
It proves absolutely nothing. Donald Jr didn't even know her name before he met her. Hillary undoubtedly had hundreds of such meetings. All the women who accused Trump of harassing them had to have contacted the Hillary campaign. The same goes for that former miss universe. There is nothing illegal about passing information to someone. If it was illegal, then Hillary should be in prison right now.

I will take credit for busting Miss Piggy with the DM article. The left has some fucking nerve claiming that only the right tried to smear a candidate. Miss Piggy was solid Soros related bullshit it even shocked the crap out of me. But we took her down. And all the rest of the lying bitches.

OMG it's Russia Russia Russia. This is worst than Marcia Marcia Marcia.

You stupid asses used to call liberals commies before you became one yourselves. You're too stupid to even be a hypocrite.
"The statutory definition of a crime pairs Actus Reus with Mens rea, the psychological state defining a criminal perpetrator as culpable for having committed a crime."

Actus Reus

Hillary wasn't convicted by Comey because he couldn't prove intent... this admission by Trump Jr. proves intent.
Wrong, moron. The statute doesn't require intent. It only requires gross carelessness, and she certainly fits that bill.

No, it doesn't numbnuts. Comey clearly said he could not proceed because he couldn't prove intent.

Comey will now be toast with the Grassley investigation. He and McCabe targeted Flynn for revenge. I love this. Keep those investigations rolling.
This a nothing burger in a long unbroken streak of them.

Sorry, BedPan.

40 minutes ago on NYT website:

Trump’s Son Met With Russian Lawyer After Being Promised Damaging Information on Clinton

In a statement on Sunday, Donald Trump Jr. said he had met with the Russian lawyer at the request of an acquaintance. “After pleasantries were exchanged,” he said, “the woman stated that she had information that individuals connected to Russia were funding the Democratic National Committee and supporting Ms. Clinton. Her statements were vague, ambiguous and made no sense. No details or supporting information was provided or even offered. It quickly became clear that she had no meaningful information.”

Wow a meeting that mainly discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children that was active and popular with American families years ago and was since ended by the Russian government. Let the Watergate comparsions and impeachment talk begin in 3.2.1.
Come on. A guy who scams children with cancer? You don't really believe what you are saying, do you?

That's not funny lying pile of dogshit, St Judes has publicly stated that Trump gave them millions of dollars. Shit like you have caused them to lose those funds murderer..
I don't believe Donald Trump JR. is required to report anything, he's not in the government but he does support his father as a private citizen.

This is just another fake news humping another dry hole frenzy...

You're right. He's not in the government. He had no business meeting with Russians for anything, now did he?
Thanks for admitting your stupidity.

No business ?

Whose demonstrating their stupidity ? YOU
"The statutory definition of a crime pairs Actus Reus with Mens rea, the psychological state defining a criminal perpetrator as culpable for having committed a crime."

Actus Reus

Hillary wasn't convicted by Comey because he couldn't prove intent... this admission by Trump Jr. proves intent.
...AGAIN junior. Post the law he broke and his knowledge of said law.

It's not about the law he broke. It's about the lie he's been telling.
But since honesty is something you fucking morons don't honor anymore, then what do you care?
So he didn't break a law, that's what I thought. I don't know if he told a lie or not but you lefties care nothing about the lies from Obama, Hillary or any other leftist, so spare me your condescending bullshit.
Jr. said he agreed to meet with a person without learning their name.

That's high level businessman stuff right there.

He also said that Kushner and Manafort agreed to attend the meeting, but didn't know what the meeting was supposed to be about.

Really impressive executive decision making.

You Trombies will excuse anything.

Anything! Can you imagine if Malia or Sasha Obama were a few years older when Obama took office and they admitted to meeting with Russian lawyers when their daddy was running for POTUS? These redneck assholes would have had torches lit and pitchforks high in the air outside the White House.

Another worthless prognostication from the far left idiots who have to justify their butthurt.
Tony Podesta actually worked for the Russians in the elections.


Thanks for trying to deflect and divert from the topic.

Not at all bitch. Just mentioning that the D's can have the Podestas working directly for the Russians and still bitch about R's. BTW I have no problem with Tony trying to help lift sanctions that should never have been imposed.

Podestas seem to be the only sane ones.

So? Trump Jr. agreed to meet with someone without even knowing her name, as he claims.
I know. Maybe I could give them a call and set up a meeting? Got his number? I'm sure he would have the time. Maybe you could set one up too?

You need Victor Pinchuks phone number. You know Hillary's pal in the Ukraine who funds the Atlantic Council who Dmitri from CrowdStike who told the intel agencies ty was the Russians who "hacked the DNC".

So? Trump Jr. agreed to meet with someone without even knowing her name, as he claims.
I know. Maybe I could give them a call and set up a meeting? Got his number? I'm sure he would have the time. Maybe you could set one up too?

You need Victor Pinchuks phone number. You know Hillary's pal in the Ukraine who funds the Atlantic Council who Dmitri from CrowdStike who told the intel agencies ty was the Russians who "hacked the DNC".

Do you use Reynolds Wrap?

You are only two people away from getting to Kevin Bacon.
OMG it's Russia Russia Russia. This is worst than Marcia Marcia Marcia.

You stupid asses used to call liberals commies before you became one yourselves. You're too stupid to even be a hypocrite.

I'm a classical liberal you moron. I used to run with Abbie and Jerry. Learned a lot back then.Far left with Bernie and Bill I was out of there. What ever you do don't fuck with me. This is a nice place Stay focused on whatever you want but don't screw yourself on the board.

This board is totally cool. You just don't seem to have a roll on yet,.

So? Trump Jr. agreed to meet with someone without even knowing her name, as he claims.
I know. Maybe I could give them a call and set up a meeting? Got his number? I'm sure he would have the time. Maybe you could set one up too?

You need Victor Pinchuks phone number. You know Hillary's pal in the Ukraine who funds the Atlantic Council who Dmitri from CrowdStike who told the intel agencies ty was the Russians who "hacked the DNC".

Do you use Reynolds Wrap?

You are only two people away from getting to Kevin Bacon.

I adore Kevin Bacon. Tremors is one of his best works. Oh and JFK.

So? Trump Jr. agreed to meet with someone without even knowing her name, as he claims.
I know. Maybe I could give them a call and set up a meeting? Got his number? I'm sure he would have the time. Maybe you could set one up too?

You need Victor Pinchuks phone number. You know Hillary's pal in the Ukraine who funds the Atlantic Council who Dmitri from CrowdStike who told the intel agencies ty was the Russians who "hacked the DNC".

Do you use Reynolds Wrap?

You are only two people away from getting to Kevin Bacon.

I love Kevin Bacon. What's the issue?
"The statutory definition of a crime pairs Actus Reus with Mens rea, the psychological state defining a criminal perpetrator as culpable for having committed a crime."

Actus Reus

Hillary wasn't convicted by Comey because he couldn't prove intent... this admission by Trump Jr. proves intent.
As has already been explained to you, the statute doesn't require criminal intent. The fact that Comey tried to pretend it did only shows what a douche bag Comey is.
"The statutory definition of a crime pairs Actus Reus with Mens rea, the psychological state defining a criminal perpetrator as culpable for having committed a crime."

Actus Reus

Hillary wasn't convicted by Comey because he couldn't prove intent... this admission by Trump Jr. proves intent.
Wrong, moron. The statute doesn't require intent. It only requires gross carelessness, and she certainly fits that bill.

Oh now you're an attorney who knows more than Bob Mueller and Jim Comey.
You're a fucking phony just like the other 99% of right wing redneck dumb asses on this board.
Thousands of commentators have pointed out what the statute says. Furthermore, you can read it for yourself on the internet. Furthermore, other prosecutions demonstrate that criminal intent is not required. Furthermore, furthermore, furthermore . . . .

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