Donald Trump Jr. Mea Culpa to NYT Investigative Report - LOVE IT!

How about them apples.

You wasted your money.

You see that little line below where it says Major in Criminal Justice? Now that I have proven the shit you have been saying I have been lying about over a year... It's back to ignoring you.
LOL, you retarded fuck. A photo with a blanked out name, or any name, proves what? I said you don't know jack shit about law and you prove it whenever you pop off about it.

Yeah...lemme see my last name is Lewis... and my screen name here is Lewdog... and I've told you this for over a year now when you kept trying to say I was some poster on some other forum, I go by Lewdog everywhere because my last name is Lewis. Wait maybe this has been one of the most complicated lies in the history of this forum. I lied about being a student at EKU in Criminal Justice, then made up a thread asking participants to help me with an assignment I had that required people to fill out a survey, I continued to lie about my classes I was taking, I stole a diploma from someone with my name, and then I posted it on here with your scream name! Brilliant! And I did it all just to fuck with Iceweasel.

You can't put 2 and 2 together, and yet here you are trying to act like you know federal laws better than Comey. :lmao:
First it was a lawyer who had ties to the Russian government and now it's a "Russian lawyer". What's the freaking point? Was it against the law for a republican civilian to talk to a lawyer who may have represented the Russian government when the democrat candidate paved the way for the Russians to purchase vital uranium sites?

No, it is not against the law to meet with Russian lawyers. If you or I were to do it, it would be no big deal

However, for representatives of Trump to meet with the Russians at the time Russia was releasing emails it becomes highly suspicious

If representatives of Trump meet with the Russians to discuss the release of information, it borders on treason
How about them apples.

You wasted your money.

You see that little line below where it says Major in Criminal Justice? Now that I have proven the shit you have been saying I have been lying about over a year... It's back to ignoring you.
LOL, you retarded fuck. A photo with a blanked out name, or any name, proves what? I said you don't know jack shit about law and you prove it whenever you pop off about it.

Yeah...lemme see my last name is Lewis... and my screen name here is Lewdog... and I've told you this for over a year now when you kept trying to say I was some poster on some other forum, I go by Lewdog everywhere because my last name is Lewis. Wait maybe this has been one of the most complicated lies in the history of this forum. I lied about being a student at EKU in Criminal Justice, then made up a thread asking participants to help me with an assignment I had that required people to fill out a survey, I continued to lie about my classes I was taking, I stole a diploma from someone with my name, and then I posted it on here with your scream name! Brilliant! And I did it all just to fuck with Iceweasel.

You can't put 2 and 2 together, and yet here you are trying to act like you know federal laws better than Comey. :lmao:
I didn't say those things but I did call you a fucking liar. IF you have a degree you threw your money away, politics over rides any sense of law for you. Comey acted politically and wanted an out because he did not want to be the one deciding the US presidential election. Which is understandable. She did break the law, idiot. That's WHY he fell back on intent, otherwise he would have said she broke no laws.
The GOP has a better messaging apparatus. This is fact.

The best candidate got more votes and lost the election. That's some high level shit.

We are all paying the price. Only some of us are happy to be paying it.

Hillary Clinton was the "best candidate"? I'm sorry, Lone Laugher but the voters disagreed with that assessment. She was an awful candidate and you should be embarrassed calling her anything but an awful candidate!
The GOP has a better messaging apparatus. This is fact.

The best candidate got more votes and lost the election. That's some high level shit.

We are all paying the price. Only some of us are happy to be paying it.

Hillary Clinton was the "best candidate"? I'm sorry, Lone Laugher but the voters disagreed with that assessment. She was an awful candidate and you should be embarrassed calling her anything but an awful candidate!

She got more votes, genius. She is more qualified and more capable than the guy who got elected. Not opinion.
The GOP has a better messaging apparatus. This is fact.

The best candidate got more votes and lost the election. That's some high level shit.

We are all paying the price. Only some of us are happy to be paying it.

Hillary Clinton was the "best candidate"? I'm sorry, Lone Laugher but the voters disagreed with that assessment. She was an awful candidate and you should be embarrassed calling her anything but an awful candidate!

And yet she still got more votes than any white man in history. 3 million more than the orange clown. I'm really tired of the "what's wrong with Hillary" narrative. It's bullshit. She got more votes. 3 million more.
"The statutory definition of a crime pairs Actus Reus with Mens rea, the psychological state defining a criminal perpetrator as culpable for having committed a crime."

Actus Reus

Hillary wasn't convicted by Comey because he couldn't prove intent... this admission by Trump Jr. proves intent.
As has already been explained to you, the statute doesn't require criminal intent. The fact that Comey tried to pretend it did only shows what a douche bag Comey is.

It's amazing you continue to argue about something you know nothing about. The fact that random people on a message board think they know more than a guy that was at one time the highest law enforcement officer in the country, and the Director of the FBI. A guy that is a lawyer that graduated from Chicago Law School... and here you are arguing you know the laws better than him. Do you even have the slightest clue how dumb that makes you look?
Comey knows that statute doesn't require criminal intent. When he said it did he lied. He's a political hack and a douche bag.
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As has already been explained to you, the statute doesn't require criminal intent. The fact that Comey tried to pretend it did only shows what a douche bag Comey is.

It's amazing you continue to argue about something you know nothing about. The fact that random people on a message board think they know more than a guy that was at one time the highest law enforcement officer in the country, and the Director of the FBI. A guy that is a lawyer that graduated from Chicago Law School... and here you are arguing you know the laws better than him. Do you even have the slightest clue how dumb that makes you look?

It was not Comey's decision to make whether or not Clinton should be prosecuted. Now with that shit out of the way, that drama queen Comey is in for one hell of a ride coming up.

You better get ready for fireworks. McCabe is already under investigation for going after Flynn in a revengeful act because Flynn was going to back the woman who is involved in a mega sexual discrimination case with the FBI. Grassley is keeping his focus on McCabe at this point (who by the way is under two other investigations) BUT Comey as head of the FBI is going to rue the day he kicked up all this shit because if the FBI while he was still head of it went after Flynn in revenge all hell is going to break loose.

He's also overplayed his hand because now Loretta Lynch is under investigation. Comey made sure he smeared her too.

Comey was entailed with deciding to send the case for an indictment. It was up to Comey to decide if the evidence was there to do so ,which included intent.

This is what a year or more later, this has been gone over 343,879,445,645,434,619 times and you guys are still arguing to this day. He said he could not prove intent and therefor he was not going to ask for charges to be filed.

Give that shit up. It's over.

No. The FBI does not decide who should be prosecuted or not. Only the DOJ.

The FBI investigates the case and sends their recommendation to the DoJ. He recommended against it because of lack of proof of intent. I've said this a million times and that's what happened. So at this point you are basically kicking and screaming about something that is over and done. And the process worked exactly like I said.
Yeah, we know what your idiot excuse is. It's wrong. Now go play on the freeway.
First it was a lawyer who had ties to the Russian government and now it's a "Russian lawyer". What's the freaking point? Was it against the law for a republican civilian to talk to a lawyer who may have represented the Russian government when the democrat candidate paved the way for the Russians to purchase vital uranium sites?

No, it is not against the law to meet with Russian lawyers. If you or I were to do it, it would be no big deal

However, for representatives of Trump to meet with the Russians at the time Russia was releasing emails it becomes highly suspicious

If representatives of Trump meet with the Russians to discuss the release of information, it borders on treason
Trump didn't even know here name before he met her. How would he know she's Russian? Furthermore, at the time, there was no one claiming that Russia was responsible for releasing the emails. There still isn't any conclusive evidence to support the claim.
Trump team met with Russian lawyer during campaign
Updated 4:04 PM ET, Sun July 9, 2017

Trump team met with Russian lawyer during campaign -

Hahahahaha......LOVE IT.
The Trumps are up to their eyebrows in Commies!

View attachment 137919

Oh, fuck, the New York Slimes produces another wet fart.

Hey, libtardos, where's this evidence of the information she gave Trump Jr.?

Trump's son met Russian lawyer after promise of information on Clinton: NY Times

After pleasantries were exchanged, the woman stated that she had information that individuals connected to Russia were funding the Democratic National Committee and supporting Ms. Clinton," the Times quoted Donald Trump Jr. as saying. Clinton was the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee.

"Her statements were vague, ambiguous and made no sense. No details or supporting information was provided or even offered. It quickly became clear that she had no meaningful information."

That's WHY he met her, dumb ass.
Goddamn you people are either in total denial are just too stupid to breathe and type at the same time.
You are the one grasping at the straws of an incredibly bizarre conspiracy theory.

Kinda makes people think you need personal attention from a qualified psychiatrist. It would probably do you a lot of good.
First it was a lawyer who had ties to the Russian government and now it's a "Russian lawyer". What's the freaking point? Was it against the law for a republican civilian to talk to a lawyer who may have represented the Russian government when the democrat candidate paved the way for the Russians to purchase vital uranium sites?

No, it is not against the law to meet with Russian lawyers. If you or I were to do it, it would be no big deal

However, for representatives of Trump to meet with the Russians at the time Russia was releasing emails it becomes highly suspicious

If representatives of Trump meet with the Russians to discuss the release of information, it borders on treason

Really as compared to buying dirt on Trump from Russian agents? Whoever paid $$$$$$$ for that dossier is in biiiiiiiiiig trouble.
How about them apples.

You wasted your money.

You see that little line below where it says Major in Criminal Justice? Now that I have proven the shit you have been saying I have been lying about over a year... It's back to ignoring you.
Major in Criminal Justice is not a law degree. You aren't any kind of authority on this subject.
But it could help clinch that "loss prevention" position at Walmart.
How about them apples.

You wasted your money.

You see that little line below where it says Major in Criminal Justice? Now that I have proven the shit you have been saying I have been lying about over a year... It's back to ignoring you.
Major in Criminal Justice is not a law degree. You aren't any kind of authority on this subject.

I guarantee I took more law classes than you ever have.
The GOP has a better messaging apparatus. This is fact.

The best candidate got more votes and lost the election. That's some high level shit.

We are all paying the price. Only some of us are happy to be paying it.

Hillary Clinton was the "best candidate"? I'm sorry, Lone Laugher but the voters disagreed with that assessment. She was an awful candidate and you should be embarrassed calling her anything but an awful candidate!

She got more votes, genius. She is more qualified and more capable than the guy who got elected. Not opinion.

Electoral College votes or Popular votes, Laugher? Unless you know something I don't...we elect our President using the former...not the latter! When politicians plan their election strategies...they could care less about the Popular vote because that's meaningless! The only thing that matters is the Electoral College.

As for Hillary's being qualified and capable? Did you miss the whole part of the FBI investigation into her use of private servers to run the State Department where James Comey explained that the reason they weren't bringing charges against Mrs. Clinton was that he didn't feel like she was "sophisticated" enough to understand that what she did broke the law! That's the Director of the FBI basically calling Clinton a dumbass! When a cop lets you off the hook because he thinks you're too stupid to understand that what you've done is wrong...THEN YOU ARE A REALLY STUPID PERSON!
The GOP has a better messaging apparatus. This is fact.

The best candidate got more votes and lost the election. That's some high level shit.

We are all paying the price. Only some of us are happy to be paying it.

Hillary Clinton was the "best candidate"? I'm sorry, Lone Laugher but the voters disagreed with that assessment. She was an awful candidate and you should be embarrassed calling her anything but an awful candidate!

She got more votes, genius. She is more qualified and more capable than the guy who got elected. Not opinion.

Electoral College votes or Popular votes, Laugher? Unless you know something I don't...we elect our President using the former...not the latter! When politicians plan their election strategies...they could care less about the Popular vote because that's meaningless! The only thing that matters is the Electoral College.

As for Hillary's being qualified and capable? Did you miss the whole part of the FBI investigation into her use of private servers to run the State Department where James Comey explained that the reason they weren't bringing charges against Mrs. Clinton was that he didn't feel like she was "sophisticated" enough to understand that what she did broke the law! That's the Director of the FBI basically calling Clinton a dumbass! When a cop lets you off the hook because he thinks you're too stupid to understand that what you've done is wrong...THEN YOU ARE A REALLY STUPID PERSON!

She lost. You seem unable to move on. Your guy has been POTUS for 6 months. If you were pleased with his performance, you'd be talking about it.
For fucks sake, he has admitted to trying to partner with a foreign country to get negative information to use in the election. How many times does this have to be explained to you?

Read this. Then get back to me. By of all people Politico. The Ukrainians actively lied to torpedo Manafort.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
Kiev officials are scrambling to make amends with the president-elect after quietly working to boost Clinton.

By Kenneth P. Vogel and David Stern

01/11/2017 05:05 AM EST

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

You guys still don't get it. :lmao:

This meeting proves that the Trump team were working to collude with Russia...

Getting dirt on your opponent? Yeah baby. Both sides do it. Now though wait till Grassley gets those sons of bitches Fusion GPS in front of the committee to find out WHO paid for the fake dossier.

Oooooooooooooooh baby. Now let the investigations kick in. Grassley wants t know why Comey was willing to pay Christopher Steele to find dirt on Trump.

Think about that. Let that sink in. An FBI director going to pay a foreign agent to find dirt on a Presidential candidate. Pfffffffffft. Better yet Grassley is going after McCabe too.

Feinstein is going after Loretta Lynch. It's down for it. I can't wait for each investigation to continue.

Collusion with Russia... Not sure how many times this has to be said to you. They are investigating collusion with Russia... and Trump Jr. just admitted to going to a meeting where he was hoping to get information to use in the campaign from RUSSIA. Why is this so difficult for you?

You can list all the deflecting shit you want. It isn't going to change what Trump Jr. just admitted to.

And what law was broken?
They'll qoute some bs law that has nothing to dog with what happened
Trump team met with Russian lawyer during campaign
Updated 4:04 PM ET, Sun July 9, 2017

Trump team met with Russian lawyer during campaign -

Hahahahaha......LOVE IT.
The Trumps are up to their eyebrows in Commies!

View attachment 137919
Every freaking day it's something new with the ruling family.

Hopefully this dog and pony show comes to an end soon.
You aren't hoping for that at all. You want it to drag on as long as possible.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Nah. The Trump posse is too freaking dangerous even with the gop Congress doing there best to keep the head nitwit in check.

I'd take a qualified, intelligent Democrat or Republican over this idiot in a heartbeat.

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