Donald Trump Jr. Mea Culpa to NYT Investigative Report - LOVE IT!

Rough night for the Trumps tonight. It seems as though there are emails and WH insiders who think we ought to know about them.
Trump team met with Russian lawyer during campaign
Updated 4:04 PM ET, Sun July 9, 2017

Trump team met with Russian lawyer during campaign -

Hahahahaha......LOVE IT.
The Trumps are up to their eyebrows in Commies!

View attachment 137919
Every freaking day it's something new with the ruling family.

Hopefully this dog and pony show comes to an end soon.
You aren't hoping for that at all. You want it to drag on as long as possible.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Nah. The Trump posse is too freaking dangerous even with the gop Congress doing there best to keep the head nitwit in check.

I'd take a qualified, intelligent Democrat or Republican over this idiot in a heartbeat.
You actually think this will end with Trump getting impeached?

That is charming!
How about them apples.

You wasted your money.

You see that little line below where it says Major in Criminal Justice? Now that I have proven the shit you have been saying I have been lying about over a year... It's back to ignoring you.
Major in Criminal Justice is not a law degree. You aren't any kind of authority on this subject.

I guarantee I took more law classes than you ever have.
That doesn't make you a lawyer, bonehead.
First it was a lawyer who had ties to the Russian government and now it's a "Russian lawyer". What's the freaking point? Was it against the law for a republican civilian to talk to a lawyer who may have represented the Russian government when the democrat candidate paved the way for the Russians to purchase vital uranium sites?

No, it is not against the law to meet with Russian lawyers. If you or I were to do it, it would be no big deal

However, for representatives of Trump to meet with the Russians at the time Russia was releasing emails it becomes highly suspicious

If representatives of Trump meet with the Russians to discuss the release of information, it borders on treason

That is nowhere near treason.

You're a dumbass.
Trump team met with Russian lawyer during campaign
Updated 4:04 PM ET, Sun July 9, 2017

Trump team met with Russian lawyer during campaign -

Hahahahaha......LOVE IT.
The Trumps are up to their eyebrows in Commies!

View attachment 137919
Every freaking day it's something new with the ruling family.

Hopefully this dog and pony show comes to an end soon.
You aren't hoping for that at all. You want it to drag on as long as possible.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Nah. The Trump posse is too freaking dangerous even with the gop Congress doing there best to keep the head nitwit in check.

I'd take a qualified, intelligent Democrat or Republican over this idiot in a heartbeat.
You actually think this will end with Trump getting impeached?

That is charming!
No. I didn't say that I thought it would end that way, but I wouldn't mind if it did. I don't really care how it ends, just that it ends as soon as possible.
The GOP has a better messaging apparatus. This is fact.

The best candidate got more votes and lost the election. That's some high level shit.

We are all paying the price. Only some of us are happy to be paying it.

Hillary Clinton was the "best candidate"? I'm sorry, Lone Laugher but the voters disagreed with that assessment. She was an awful candidate and you should be embarrassed calling her anything but an awful candidate!

She got more votes, genius. She is more qualified and more capable than the guy who got elected. Not opinion.

Electoral College votes or Popular votes, Laugher? Unless you know something I don't...we elect our President using the former...not the latter! When politicians plan their election strategies...they could care less about the Popular vote because that's meaningless! The only thing that matters is the Electoral College.

As for Hillary's being qualified and capable? Did you miss the whole part of the FBI investigation into her use of private servers to run the State Department where James Comey explained that the reason they weren't bringing charges against Mrs. Clinton was that he didn't feel like she was "sophisticated" enough to understand that what she did broke the law! That's the Director of the FBI basically calling Clinton a dumbass! When a cop lets you off the hook because he thinks you're too stupid to understand that what you've done is wrong...THEN YOU ARE A REALLY STUPID PERSON!

She lost. You seem unable to move on. Your guy has been POTUS for 6 months. If you were pleased with his performance, you'd be talking about it.

What am I moving on to? My guy won. As for what he's done with policy? I'm actually very happy with both what he's proposed and what he's gotten passed. Only the very naive thought it was going to be easy for an outsider to take on a negative main stream media...entrenched GOP lifers who like the status quo...and a foaming at the mouth Democratic Party lashing out at anything Trump tries to do because they're so upset at Hillary losing. What Trump has managed to do so far against all of the opposition is quite remarkable.
Trump team met with Russian lawyer during campaign
Updated 4:04 PM ET, Sun July 9, 2017

Trump team met with Russian lawyer during campaign -

Hahahahaha......LOVE IT.
The Trumps are up to their eyebrows in Commies!

View attachment 137919
Every freaking day it's something new with the ruling family.

Hopefully this dog and pony show comes to an end soon.
You aren't hoping for that at all. You want it to drag on as long as possible.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Nah. The Trump posse is too freaking dangerous even with the gop Congress doing there best to keep the head nitwit in check.

I'd take a qualified, intelligent Democrat or Republican over this idiot in a heartbeat.

I hate to break this to you, VOR...but nobody really cares what you would "take"!

Good luck on finding a "qualified, intelligent Democrat" by the way! That party is loaded with ancient, career politicians with no new ideas.
The GOP has a better messaging apparatus. This is fact.

The best candidate got more votes and lost the election. That's some high level shit.

We are all paying the price. Only some of us are happy to be paying it.

Hillary Clinton was the "best candidate"? I'm sorry, Lone Laugher but the voters disagreed with that assessment. She was an awful candidate and you should be embarrassed calling her anything but an awful candidate!

She got more votes, genius. She is more qualified and more capable than the guy who got elected. Not opinion.

Electoral College votes or Popular votes, Laugher? Unless you know something I don't...we elect our President using the former...not the latter! When politicians plan their election strategies...they could care less about the Popular vote because that's meaningless! The only thing that matters is the Electoral College.

As for Hillary's being qualified and capable? Did you miss the whole part of the FBI investigation into her use of private servers to run the State Department where James Comey explained that the reason they weren't bringing charges against Mrs. Clinton was that he didn't feel like she was "sophisticated" enough to understand that what she did broke the law! That's the Director of the FBI basically calling Clinton a dumbass! When a cop lets you off the hook because he thinks you're too stupid to understand that what you've done is wrong...THEN YOU ARE A REALLY STUPID PERSON!

She lost. You seem unable to move on. Your guy has been POTUS for 6 months. If you were pleased with his performance, you'd be talking about it.

What am I moving on to? My guy won. As for what he's done with policy? I'm actually very happy with both what he's proposed and what he's gotten passed. Only the very naive thought it was going to be easy for an outsider to take on a negative main stream media...entrenched GOP lifers who like the status quo...and a foaming at the mouth Democratic Party lashing out at anything Trump tries to do because they're so upset at Hillary losing. What Trump has managed to do so far against all of the opposition is quite remarkable.

Of course.
Rough night for the Trumps tonight. It seems as though there are emails and WH insiders who think we ought to know about them.

Dude, you folks have been playing that tune for the better part of a year now...when are you going to actually prove something? It "seems" as though something isn't right? Yeah, that dog will hunt! (eye roll)
Rough night for the Trumps tonight. It seems as though there are emails and WH insiders who think we ought to know about them.

Dude, you folks have been playing that tune for the better part of a year now...when are you going to actually prove something? It "seems" as though something isn't right? Yeah, that dog will hunt! (eye roll)

You seem to be out of the loop. Poor guy.
How about them apples.

You wasted your money.

You see that little line below where it says Major in Criminal Justice? Now that I have proven the shit you have been saying I have been lying about over a year... It's back to ignoring you.
Major in Criminal Justice is not a law degree. You aren't any kind of authority on this subject.

I guarantee I took more law classes than you ever have.
That doesn't make you a lawyer, bonehead.

Please quote me where I said I was a lawyer dipshit. Part of getting my degree it was required to take law classes. I know that is hard for you to understand.
Trump team met with Russian lawyer during campaign
Updated 4:04 PM ET, Sun July 9, 2017

Trump team met with Russian lawyer during campaign -

Hahahahaha......LOVE IT.
The Trumps are up to their eyebrows in Commies!

View attachment 137919
Every freaking day it's something new with the ruling family.

Hopefully this dog and pony show comes to an end soon.
You aren't hoping for that at all. You want it to drag on as long as possible.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Nah. The Trump posse is too freaking dangerous even with the gop Congress doing there best to keep the head nitwit in check.

I'd take a qualified, intelligent Democrat or Republican over this idiot in a heartbeat.

I hate to break this to you, VOR...but nobody really cares what you would "take"!

Good luck on finding a "qualified, intelligent Democrat" by the way! That party is loaded with ancient, career politicians with no new ideas.
Let me guess. You have "gop forever" tattooed on your forehead, right? LOL.
Reportedly, the White House staff refers to Donny Junior as "Fredo" behind his back.
You wasted your money.

You see that little line below where it says Major in Criminal Justice? Now that I have proven the shit you have been saying I have been lying about over a year... It's back to ignoring you.
Major in Criminal Justice is not a law degree. You aren't any kind of authority on this subject.

I guarantee I took more law classes than you ever have.
That doesn't make you a lawyer, bonehead.

Please quote me where I said I was a lawyer dipshit. Part of getting my degree it was required to take law classes. I know that is hard for you to understand.
In other words, if you started giving out legal advice for money you would be arrested.

Does that just about sum it up?
You see that little line below where it says Major in Criminal Justice? Now that I have proven the shit you have been saying I have been lying about over a year... It's back to ignoring you.
Major in Criminal Justice is not a law degree. You aren't any kind of authority on this subject.

I guarantee I took more law classes than you ever have.
That doesn't make you a lawyer, bonehead.

Please quote me where I said I was a lawyer dipshit. Part of getting my degree it was required to take law classes. I know that is hard for you to understand.
In other words, if you started giving out legal advice for money you would be arrested.

Does that just about sum it up?

If I was going out representing myself as an attorney and taking money for it? Yes. If I talk about law on an internet forum and quote the truth? Nope.

So I'm still waiting for you to quote where I said I was a lawyer.
Major in Criminal Justice is not a law degree. You aren't any kind of authority on this subject.

I guarantee I took more law classes than you ever have.
That doesn't make you a lawyer, bonehead.

Please quote me where I said I was a lawyer dipshit. Part of getting my degree it was required to take law classes. I know that is hard for you to understand.
In other words, if you started giving out legal advice for money you would be arrested.

Does that just about sum it up?

If I was going out representing myself as an attorney and taking money for it? Yes. If I talk about law on an internet forum and quote the truth? Nope.

So I'm still waiting for you to quote where I said I was a lawyer.
You haven't quoted any truth, numskull. You've have pontificated and told us to believe you because you're supposedly an authority. However, the legal profession says you aren't an authority.
I guarantee I took more law classes than you ever have.
That doesn't make you a lawyer, bonehead.

Please quote me where I said I was a lawyer dipshit. Part of getting my degree it was required to take law classes. I know that is hard for you to understand.
In other words, if you started giving out legal advice for money you would be arrested.

Does that just about sum it up?

If I was going out representing myself as an attorney and taking money for it? Yes. If I talk about law on an internet forum and quote the truth? Nope.

So I'm still waiting for you to quote where I said I was a lawyer.
You haven't quoted any truth, numskull. You've have pontificated and told us to believe you because you're supposedly an authority. However, the legal profession says you aren't an authority.

Even if I were a lawyer you wouldn't listen. :lmao:

Fact is, I AM more educated in law than you are. Comey IS a lawyer, was the top law enforcement officer in the country, and Director of the FBI, and told you and all the other idiots in this country that he couldn't find the intent needed to suggest filing charges against Clinton. You still don't listen.
Donnie's got jet lag from flying home after felating Putin for two days, and now this.

You just answered the question as to why the MSM is rehashing this old news at this particular time when the sensationalism (ratings) has run out on this whole Russian narrative fiasco. Everytime Trump is gaining confidence with foreign relations trips the Dems have to counter that presidential appearance with the ole
demonization tactic claiming he's not, including continually baiting reactions to fake news and fake charges.
How gullible and naive do the left wingers need to be to not notice the MSM changing words from one sentence to the next from
" A Russian" to the false narrative
"THE Russians"?
IT reminds me of the fallcious way Christians claim Jesus in the Book of Daniel which states "AN ANOINTED" (KING) NOT
" THE ANOINTED ONE", whereby word play sets the false narrative and illusion for said propaganda ploy.
Selective recognition also falls into the MSM and Left wing charade, as how many lawyers has both campaigns met from many countries? How many Mexico lawyers did the Clinton campaign meet that colluded with the Mexican gov't interfering with our election when they sent compatriots over the border to vote through US imigration group sponsership?
Democrats new found Xenophobic behavior "selectively" chooses to single out hate and fear for Russians as means to demonize them in strategy against the new administration. Whereby before they lost, this demonization did not exist, because they too had to kiss up to Russia for sake of stable and cooperative relations. Now they do the opposite sabotaging relations for sake of political posteuring, even if it hurts this country, hurts our leverage, hurts our global clout, or worse causes conflict or our ability to maneuver within conflicts like Isis and Syria and Iran.
That doesn't make you a lawyer, bonehead.

Please quote me where I said I was a lawyer dipshit. Part of getting my degree it was required to take law classes. I know that is hard for you to understand.
In other words, if you started giving out legal advice for money you would be arrested.

Does that just about sum it up?

If I was going out representing myself as an attorney and taking money for it? Yes. If I talk about law on an internet forum and quote the truth? Nope.

So I'm still waiting for you to quote where I said I was a lawyer.
You haven't quoted any truth, numskull. You've have pontificated and told us to believe you because you're supposedly an authority. However, the legal profession says you aren't an authority.

Even if I were a lawyer you wouldn't listen. :lmao:

Fact is, I AM more educated in law than you are. Comey IS a lawyer, was the top law enforcement officer in the country, and Director of the FBI, and told you and all the other idiots in this country that he couldn't find the intent needed to suggest filing charges against Clinton. You still don't listen.
There are plenty of prosecutors that said Clinton should be prosecuted. They are all layers. Comey is a political hack who would sell his own mother for political power.

Bottom line: the statute doesn't require intent. It only requires gross negligence.

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