Donald Trump Jr sells T-shirts mocking Alec Baldwin set shooting

Even when you are under the impression that the weapon is not loaded?

God bless you always!!!

Yes. When you pick up a weapon, you accept responsibility for whatever happens while that weapon is in your hand.

I am not al all surprised that all of the lefties dismiss this responsibility so glibly when talking about one of their own.

You can buy this on the idiots website.
View attachment 556071
I wonder if he will donate the profits to the family of the dea woman ? Piece of shit.

And he clearly hasn't listened to Goldie Lookin' Chain. It's "Guns don't kill people, rapper do". Typical ignorance
Yes. When you pick up a weapon, you accept responsibility for whatever happens while that weapon is in your hand.

I am not al all surprised that all of the lefties dismiss this responsibility so glibly when talking about one of their own.
For the record, I wouldn't call myself a fan of his when I have only seen one of his films and actually I have only seen that one film only one time. I am only just asking what I believe to be good questions about him since I don't know much about him in the first place. I am well aware enough of his past, but because of him never being this vile of a person before now, I don't consider what happened as being an intentional act on his part at least not yet anyway for whatever my opinion is worth in the grand scheme of course.

God bless you and him and the family of the victim always!!!


P.S. The film of his that I have seen was The Ghost Of Mississippi and its been around 25 years now since the one and only time that I have seen it. It may be even longer than that.
Yes, that is the way of progressives all the time. Hypocrites to the end.

ummmmm .... i'm thinking of that woman's family. seems you're more bent on getting a 'dig' into a trump hater than anything else.

remember when i said: sickening, yet not surprising?

that applies to you & yer ilk too.
ummmmm .... i'm thinking of that woman's family. seems you're more bent on getting a 'dig' into a trump hater than anything else.

remember when i said: sickening, yet not surprising?

that applies to you & yer ilk too.
The left is just fine with using every cheap shot you can until one of your own is in the hot seat. Sorry. Baldwin pulled the trigger and capped off his ignominious career as a professional asshole. Karma is a bitch and we're so accustomed to your shit that it doesn't faze us in the slightest when you hurl a little more. Keep trying. It's entertaining.
five people died because of it.
If you believe in fantasies that Republicans tried to overthrow the government, then you're an exception brand of imbecile.
The left is just fine with using every cheap shot you can until one of your own is in the hot seat.

nice try - but he isn't one of my own. i don't have any respect for baldwin, ever since that outed drunken stupor phone call he had with his daughter.

you sure are.

Baldwin pulled the trigger and capped off his ignominious career as a professional asshole.

afraid not; it's looking like he's free & clear - however the dude on the set that IS responsible for 'firearm' safety is in deep doo doo.

Karma is a bitch

it sure is.... stay tuned....


and we're so accustomed to your shit that it doesn't faze us in the slightest when you hurl a little more. Keep trying.

blah blah blah.gif

lol ...

You can buy this on the idiots website.
View attachment 556071
I wonder if he will donate the profits to the family of the dea woman ? Piece of shit.
Lol...that's pretty funny....he totally triggered the libs with this one.......

He should at least donate some of the proceeds to the family of the woman Alec murdered....but I doubt he will....not a person who stole money from a cancer charity...
Can you prove money laundering or are you just doing Trump style lies and slander?
Suppose he/she cannot prove "money laundering", does that mean what looks and smells like a rose is not a rose? that which walks and talks like a duck is not a duck?
and if he/she cannot prove that a case of "money laundering" has ever taken place in history does that mean to you that it has never occurred...why don't you tell us what it is you would accept as proof before everyone wastes their time pretending you really want proof...or art you just parroting media babble?
Baldwin could be in serious trouble with criminal involuntary manslaughter if the Hollywood Limousine Liberal Privilege Card is not invoked.

That case law is a decision out of the New Mexico Supreme Court itself, State v. Gilliam, 288 P.2d 675 (NM Sup. Ct. 1955). For any of you who may be concerned that Gilliam, a decision handed down in 1955, is “out of date,” be not afraid—case law is perfectly valid law until there is a Constitutional, statutory, or later court decision that modifies or reverses the applied legal standard. Valid case law does not simply “expire”—and I used my office’s professional legal database resource, Lexis, to ensure that Gilliam remains good law in New Mexico.

The decision was an appeal of a criminal conviction at a jury trial, in which the defendant had been found guilty of involuntary manslaughter by the act of unsafely handling a gun with the result that it discharged and killed the victim.

The NM Supreme Court ruled in that decision, in relevant part that:

It could have made no difference to the trial of a charge of involuntary manslaughter as to who loaded the gun … . All that it is necessary to establish for involuntary manslaughter by the use of a loaded firearm is that a defendant had in his hands a gun which at some time had been loaded and that he handled it … without due caution and circumspection and that death resulted.
ummmmm .... i'm thinking of that woman's family. seems you're more bent on getting a 'dig' into a trump hater than anything else.

remember when i said: sickening, yet not surprising?

that applies to you & yer ilk too.
Yes, Ashli Babbitt who was shot to death in the Capitol, i am glad you are thinking of her family. Oh, you werent thinking about her family, then fuck off and die, you worthless piece of excrement...
Meaning its ok for a gun grabber who wants to take away gins from others to shoot and kill someone because he did not practice basic gun safety?

I know what you mean about mass murder but this thread is about gun grabbers playing with guns
It's actually about a tragic accident that resulted in a woman's death.

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