Donald Trump Jr Shares Tweet Questioning Kamala Harris's Race

.......race should not even be an issue/etc--just like in the OJ case--totally irrelevant
....this is RIDICULOUS.......the Dems platform is --------------RACE !!!!!!!
I despise Kamala but I fail to see why her racial background is even a salient point.

She’d brought it up because it was convenient on the debate stage vis-a-via Biden. Why does that need perpetuation courtesy Donnie Jr??

Trump is ''outing'' all the bullshit--and GOOD for him ...GOOD for the country
not perpetuation---but bringing out the truth
Glad he did it. The seed needed to be planted because she's creating a false narrative about herself. She's not a true American negro who's a decendent of black American slaves.

Donald Trump Jr. Shares, Then Deletes, a Tweet Questioning Kamala Harris’s Race

I long, long history of stupid, asshole posts, this has to be the dumbest thing ever. Harris has never claimed to be the descendant of slaves, and has made no false statements concerning her background or her past.

But the conservative right is sure working overtime to try to discredit this woman. Scared shitless are you?

Not as scared as Creepy Joe and Socialist Bernie!! lmao


Junior is truly a product of his father's faulty sperm. Sen. Harris' ethnic background is not of the slightest importance.

BTW: the term "negro" is long past its expiration date.
....but she is obsessed with race!! SHE is the one who is the racist always bringing it up--not Trump
..remember Harris is so obsessed with race she can't add 1+1 = anyone with half a brain and not obsessed with race would know Smollet was a liar--but Harris fell for it
..a dumb RACIST b^^^h
“This was an attempted modern day lynching. No one should have to fear for their life because of their sexuality or color of their skin. We must confront this hate.

Kavanaugh THEN Covington THEN Smollet !!!
DUMBASSES and racists
Instead, the apparent hoax is turning out to be a warning to 2020 Democratic candidates about singling out people for martyrdom, including the woman who accused Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh of sexual assault and the drum-banging American Indian who confronted Catholic high school students on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.
not Fox news but leftist Washington Post..''''FOOLS''''
‘Played all of them for fools’: Democrats, media burned by rush to judgment on Jussie Smollett
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He tweeted questioning her race?

I can't tell if doing something like that is desperation or stupidity.

The fact that he deleted it is pretty interesting on its own.

Not her race; her family history. If she boasts big on "being bussed" then Granddaddy's ownership of slaves is, well, a fun fact. BTW: where she was from had no OFFICIAL segregation policy. Attendance was based on where she lived. I don't get why she should have been bussed to a non-local school? Here we were bussed only as far as our nearest High school(student pass free) or local Primary school if we lived any distance from it. A trivial point so why raise it?

He tweeted questioning her race?

I can't tell if doing something like that is desperation or stupidity.

The fact that he deleted it is pretty interesting on its own.

Not her race; her family history. If she boasts big on "being bussed" then Granddaddy's ownership of slaves is, well, a fun fact. BTW: where she was from had no OFFICIAL segregation policy. Attendance was based on where she lived. I don't get why she should have been bussed to a non-local school? Here we were bussed only as far as our nearest High school(student pass free) or local Primary school if we lived any distance from it. A trivial point so why raise it?


She is probably full of shit... I mean that we already know, it's just how much full of shit she is... and I would say the answer is full of it.
Gold digger incumbent bound for greener fields,
Sold in Congress for those cheap labor deals.
potus Trump getting real uptight
Hear him tweet the race card just around midnight.
Ah Dem sugar how come you taste so good
(a-ha) Dem sugar, just like a shill girl should

I bet your mama worked for CNN, and all her boy
friends wrote some lofty trends
Im half literate but I know what I like,
You should have read Trump just around midnight.

Ah Dem sugar how come you taste so good
(a-ha) dem sugar, just like a shill dem should.

I said yeah, I said yeah, I said yeah, I said
Oh just like a, just like a shill dem should.

I said yeah, I said yeah, I said yeah, I said
Oh just like, just like a shill dem should.

~w/apologies to the Stones S~

They're going to sue you as an affront to good taste!

Glad he did it. The seed needed to be planted because she's creating a false narrative about herself. She's not a true American negro who's a decendent of black American slaves.

Donald Trump Jr. Shares, Then Deletes, a Tweet Questioning Kamala Harris’s Race

I long, long history of stupid, asshole posts, this has to be the dumbest thing ever. Harris has never claimed to be the descendant of slaves, and has made no false statements concerning her background or her past.

But the conservative right is sure working overtime to try to discredit this woman. Scared shitless are you?

Yeah not sure why Don Jr. tweet is an issue when liberals had no issue with comments questioning Melania's citizenship and that of her parents...
They both Hunt and Fish contributing to wildlife conservation. Do you?
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They both Hunt and Fish contributing to wildlife conservation. Do you?

I have been fishing since I was old enough to bait my own hooks, and I learned to clean my own catch, before I could drive. I personally don't hunt, but my brothers did, and my husband's family own a large hunt camp near Huntsville. His family were some of the original settlers there, and his great-grandfather sired 18 children, all of whom went forth and multipled, so the family hunt camp will accommodate about 25 hunters at a time. The 25 acres the camp sits on are only hunted for deer and moose. The bears are getting too scare in that area.

So yeah. My entire family does more for conservation than those two yokels do.
For being angry at the white man I’m sure she’s done some wonderful things for him in the bedroom.
Glad he did it. The seed needed to be planted because she's creating a false narrative about herself. She's not a true American negro who's a decendent of black American slaves.

Donald Trump Jr. Shares, Then Deletes, a Tweet Questioning Kamala Harris’s Race

I long, long history of stupid, asshole posts, this has to be the dumbest thing ever. Harris has never claimed to be the descendant of slaves, and has made no false statements concerning her background or her past.

But the conservative right is sure working overtime to try to discredit this woman. Scared shitless are you?

Yeah not sure why Don Jr. tweet is an issue when liberals had no issue with comments questioning Melania's citizenship and that of her parents...

That’s because Melania wasn’t born a citizen, used a spurious claim under the “genius clause” to obtain a VISA and then brought in her unemployed parents who are retired and are no longer contributing members of society, in what is clearly a case of “chain migration”.
We have to have serious discussions about race in this country to help us to be unified. There is nothing wrong with raising issues for serious discussion. There are some real assholes out there, including on USMB, who just want to hush up any discussion of issues regarding race, sex, religion, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. These are people who just run away rather than both talking and listening. They just call names and run for the door.

We have to listen to each others' experiences because none of us can ever walk in someone else's shoes. This is why I always ask people who complain of discrimination what happened to them or their loved ones. I did employment-discrimination law for decades, and I've seen thousands of court decisions, some of which found that the plaintiff had been a victim of discrimination and some of which found that the plaintiff just was caught doing something wrong and tried to use a discrimination claim to mask the fact that they just got caught.

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