Donald Trump Jr to go on Prairie Dog Hunt

Years ago when I used to visit friends in northern New Mexico, we'd barbeque, drink beer and shoot Chipmunks with .22's scurrying around behind their camp. We would lure them in by placing peanuts on a boulder. Their little bodies would basically explode if you hit them with a hollow point. Fun times!


You should be ashamed of yourself Steve... not a thing to be proud of.

What do you mean? They're damn good to eat and they make great wall mounts.


Grilled Chipmunk on a stick.... Yummy!

hunters , varmint shooters do good work and have fun and its all legal OldLady . Those that don't like it don't have to do it .
Having fun killing animals that are doing you no harm indicates something else to me.
------------------------------------------- tough , you probably learned that in some kind of liberal training or brain washing or maybe your thinking is just 'feminine' thinking . As many posters have commented , prairie dog shoots are legal , fun and are a way to eradicate pests that cause damage to farm lands OldLady !!
Screw you, pismoe. Devaluing a poster because she's a woman is even worse than shooting prairie dogs that never did a thing to you.
Why is it ok for Ranchers, and not ok for Trump to go to a ranch and do it?
He's not a rancher. He has no reason
Helping the rancher eradicate harmful rodents and honing his shooting skills is not a reason?
No. That's why God made target ranges. Skeet shooting. Put empty Pepsi cans on a fence.
Ok, but that's only half of my question, are you going to address that?
I already did, Mike. Prairie dogs aren't doing a damned thing to Donnie Jr. Nothing.
But you can't address that he may have been invited to a ranch in order to eliminate harmful pests?
Having fun killing animals that are doing you no harm indicates something else to me.
So are you against people using mouse and rat traps? .... :cool:

When are you guys gonna get it? DONALD JR. IS JUST DOING THIS TO KILL STUFF.
We have coyote hunts here when they decimate the deer population too much. It is local men that hunt. They've got a stake in it. We don't import millionaires from NYC to do it.
You do not actually know why he is doing it.
He's not a rancher. He has no reason
Helping the rancher eradicate harmful rodents and honing his shooting skills is not a reason?
No. That's why God made target ranges. Skeet shooting. Put empty Pepsi cans on a fence.
Ok, but that's only half of my question, are you going to address that?
I already did, Mike. Prairie dogs aren't doing a damned thing to Donnie Jr. Nothing.
But you can't address that he may have been invited to a ranch in order to eliminate harmful pests?
You think he's doing it for free, or is the rancher charging for b&b and the permit?

And the left is going nuts over it.

If anyone here has been a rancher or farmer they know just how much little critters that make massive holes all over the place cause tremendous problems. I once had to struggle to get a tractor out of a hole we didn’t see ‘cause it was underground dug by gophers. Oh yeah. Would anyone have trouble is he was going on a gopher hunt?

The Associated Press reported

A prairie dog hunt is also on the agenda for the four-city tour for President Donald Trump's son and Gianforte, a technology entrepreneur up against Democrat Rob Quist in the May 25 election for the seat vacated by Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke.As good Montanans, we want to show good hospitality to people,” Gianforte said. “What can be more fun than to spend an afternoon shooting the little rodents?”Notice how all the complainers are NOT Montanans? Or those living in the prairie states?
Story @ Americans in Shock After Learning That Donald Trump Jr. Plans to Blow Off a Little Steam Shooting Prairie Dogs
Prairie Dogs are a pest to ranchers and farmers, not Donald Trump Jr. That's the difference.
They are a part of the prairie's ecosystem, breaking up rock hard ground and their abandoned holes giving shelter to various other critters. They're not bad creatures.
Donald Trump Jr. needs to "blow off steam" shooting little rodents? That's juvenile or sick, one or the other.

If he is helping kill the prairie dogs on a farm or a ranch, who really cares, he is helping take care of pests. I don't hunt nor do I care to but I know those that get permits, issued by states and kill rabbits, prairie dogs, coyotes, bear and on and on, the control the animal population.
I understand the reasoning for the permits. I also understand why prairie dogs are hated by ranchers. Donald Jr. is not a rancher and my original theory stands. "Blowing off steam" by killing things says a lot about him, imo.
--------------------------------------------- people that do prairie dog shooting are generally doing it for fun or just useful target shooting . Got nothing to do with 'blowing off steam' whatever that means OldLady !!
I understand the reasoning for the permits. I also understand why prairie dogs are hated by ranchers. Donald Jr. is not a rancher and my original theory stands. "Blowing off steam" by killing things says a lot about him, imo.
Where I grew up millions of crows plague the peanut and sunflower farmers. They fly to the fields in the mornings and devastate the crops.

People come from miles around with their shotguns and blast the nuisance crows as they fly towards the fields in the morning, or back to their nests in the late afternoon. There is no limit and it's year round shooting. A few people even travel from other states in campers and RV's, and spend several days helping to thin the congress of crows.

I always found it to be quite fun, sharpened my shoot skills, and the farmers were grateful. .... :cool:
Helping the rancher eradicate harmful rodents and honing his shooting skills is not a reason?
No. That's why God made target ranges. Skeet shooting. Put empty Pepsi cans on a fence.
Ok, but that's only half of my question, are you going to address that?
I already did, Mike. Prairie dogs aren't doing a damned thing to Donnie Jr. Nothing.
But you can't address that he may have been invited to a ranch in order to eliminate harmful pests?
You think he's doing it for free, or is the rancher charging for b&b and the permit?
----------------------------------------------------- in a free country private arrangements can be any legal deal that is mutually agreed to OldLady !!
Having fun killing animals that are doing you no harm indicates something else to me.
So are you against people using mouse and rat traps? .... :cool:

When are you guys gonna get it? DONALD JR. IS JUST DOING THIS TO KILL STUFF.
We have coyote hunts here when they decimate the deer population too much. It is local men that hunt. They've got a stake in it. We don't import millionaires from NYC to do it.
You do not actually know why he is doing it.
Well, the article says he is "blowing off steam." Forgive me if I took that at face value.
SOME people blow off steam by going out for some drinks and dancing. Or climb a mountain. Or go to ju-jitsu class, run a few miles. There are plenty of ways to blow off steam.

And the left is going nuts over it.

If anyone here has been a rancher or farmer they know just how much little critters that make massive holes all over the place cause tremendous problems. I once had to struggle to get a tractor out of a hole we didn’t see ‘cause it was underground dug by gophers. Oh yeah. Would anyone have trouble is he was going on a gopher hunt?

The Associated Press reported

A prairie dog hunt is also on the agenda for the four-city tour for President Donald Trump's son and Gianforte, a technology entrepreneur up against Democrat Rob Quist in the May 25 election for the seat vacated by Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke.As good Montanans, we want to show good hospitality to people,” Gianforte said. “What can be more fun than to spend an afternoon shooting the little rodents?”Notice how all the complainers are NOT Montanans? Or those living in the prairie states?
Story @ Americans in Shock After Learning That Donald Trump Jr. Plans to Blow Off a Little Steam Shooting Prairie Dogs

I heard them .17s are good for that.
they don't have the range. 22-250 or 220 Swift perfect.

Ooooo, I like dat 220 swift.

However, the guy that works with me says he's dropped hogs @ 400 yds with the .17

He don't bullshit much.

Unless you're female.
Perhaps you were talking about .17 centerfire then?

Yes, HMR, I should've been more specific.

And the left is going nuts over it.

If anyone here has been a rancher or farmer they know just how much little critters that make massive holes all over the place cause tremendous problems. I once had to struggle to get a tractor out of a hole we didn’t see ‘cause it was underground dug by gophers. Oh yeah. Would anyone have trouble is he was going on a gopher hunt?

The Associated Press reported

A prairie dog hunt is also on the agenda for the four-city tour for President Donald Trump's son and Gianforte, a technology entrepreneur up against Democrat Rob Quist in the May 25 election for the seat vacated by Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke.As good Montanans, we want to show good hospitality to people,” Gianforte said. “What can be more fun than to spend an afternoon shooting the little rodents?”Notice how all the complainers are NOT Montanans? Or those living in the prairie states?
Story @ Americans in Shock After Learning That Donald Trump Jr. Plans to Blow Off a Little Steam Shooting Prairie Dogs
Prairie Dogs are a pest to ranchers and farmers, not Donald Trump Jr. That's the difference.
They are a part of the prairie's ecosystem, breaking up rock hard ground and their abandoned holes giving shelter to various other critters. They're not bad creatures.
Donald Trump Jr. needs to "blow off steam" shooting little rodents? That's juvenile or sick, one or the other.

If he is helping kill the prairie dogs on a farm or a ranch, who really cares, he is helping take care of pests. I don't hunt nor do I care to but I know those that get permits, issued by states and kill rabbits, prairie dogs, coyotes, bear and on and on, the control the animal population.
I understand the reasoning for the permits. I also understand why prairie dogs are hated by ranchers. Donald Jr. is not a rancher and my original theory stands. "Blowing off steam" by killing things says a lot about him, imo.
--------------------------------------------- people that do prairie dog shooting are generally doing it for fun or just useful target shooting . Got nothing to do with 'blowing off steam' whatever that means OldLady !!
Why is it fun to kill stuff, pismoe?
No. That's why God made target ranges. Skeet shooting. Put empty Pepsi cans on a fence.
Ok, but that's only half of my question, are you going to address that?
I already did, Mike. Prairie dogs aren't doing a damned thing to Donnie Jr. Nothing.
But you can't address that he may have been invited to a ranch in order to eliminate harmful pests?
You think he's doing it for free, or is the rancher charging for b&b and the permit?
----------------------------------------------------- in a free country private arrangements can be any legal deal that is mutually agreed to OldLady !!
NOBODY said he was doing anything illegal, Pismoe. Reprehensible, yes. Illegal, no.
If I wanted to kill rodents, there's plenty of squirrels around.

I feel kind of sorry for them though, I know the coons eat their babies and the hawks get them, too.

I've never killed a coon, not since I was out in the woods shooting and this coon was about 10 feet up a tree 10 feet away from me, looking at me like he knew me.
hunters , varmint shooters do good work and have fun and its all legal OldLady . Those that don't like it don't have to do it .
Having fun killing animals that are doing you no harm indicates something else to me.
------------------------------------------- tough , you probably learned that in some kind of liberal training or brain washing or maybe your thinking is just 'feminine' thinking . As many posters have commented , prairie dog shoots are legal , fun and are a way to eradicate pests that cause damage to farm lands OldLady !!
Screw you, pismoe. Devaluing a poster because she's a woman is even worse than shooting prairie dogs that never did a thing to you.

And the left is going nuts over it.

If anyone here has been a rancher or farmer they know just how much little critters that make massive holes all over the place cause tremendous problems. I once had to struggle to get a tractor out of a hole we didn’t see ‘cause it was underground dug by gophers. Oh yeah. Would anyone have trouble is he was going on a gopher hunt?

The Associated Press reported

A prairie dog hunt is also on the agenda for the four-city tour for President Donald Trump's son and Gianforte, a technology entrepreneur up against Democrat Rob Quist in the May 25 election for the seat vacated by Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke.As good Montanans, we want to show good hospitality to people,” Gianforte said. “What can be more fun than to spend an afternoon shooting the little rodents?”Notice how all the complainers are NOT Montanans? Or those living in the prairie states?
Story @ Americans in Shock After Learning That Donald Trump Jr. Plans to Blow Off a Little Steam Shooting Prairie Dogs

I heard them .17s are good for that.
they don't have the range. 22-250 or 220 Swift perfect.

Ooooo, I like dat 220 swift.

However, the guy that works with me says he's dropped hogs @ 400 yds with the .17

He don't bullshit much.

Unless you're female.
Perhaps you were talking about .17 centerfire then?

Yes, HMR, I should've been more specific.
I would think that the .17 rimfire would not be capable of 400 yard shots in anyway.
Years ago when I used to visit friends in northern New Mexico, we'd barbeque, drink beer and shoot Chipmunks with .22's scurrying around behind their camp. We would lure them in by placing peanuts on a boulder. Their little bodies would basically explode if you hit them with a hollow point. Fun times!


You should be ashamed of yourself Steve... not a thing to be proud of.

What do you mean? They're damn good to eat and they make great wall mounts.


Grilled Chipmunk on a stick.... Yummy!

I understand the reasoning for the permits. I also understand why prairie dogs are hated by ranchers. Donald Jr. is not a rancher and my original theory stands. "Blowing off steam" by killing things says a lot about him, imo.
Where I grew up millions of crows plague the peanut and sunflower farmers. They fly to the fields in the mornings and devastate the crops.

People come from miles around with their shotguns and blast the nuisance crows as they fly towards the fields in the morning, or back to their nests in the late afternoon. There is no limit and it's year round shooting. A few people even travel from other states in campers and RV's, and spend several days helping to thin the congress of crows.

I always found it to be quite fun, sharpened my shoot skills, and the farmers were grateful. .... :cool:
I was living out in cow country for a few years, fields growing all kinds of stuff; corn was across from us. I saw a huge "congress" of crows once land on that field--scared the living shit out of me because all I could think of was the movie The Birds. It blackened the sky, so to speak. It wasn't common enough for people to shoot them, though. Besides there were houses around.
hunters , varmint shooters do good work and have fun and its all legal OldLady . Those that don't like it don't have to do it .
Having fun killing animals that are doing you no harm indicates something else to me.
------------------------------------------- tough , you probably learned that in some kind of liberal training or brain washing or maybe your thinking is just 'feminine' thinking . As many posters have commented , prairie dog shoots are legal , fun and are a way to eradicate pests that cause damage to farm lands OldLady !!
Screw you, pismoe. Devaluing a poster because she's a woman is even worse than shooting prairie dogs that never did a thing to you.
--------------------------------------------- you too OldLady , quite often feminine thinking is detrimental to a well ordered civil society . EXAMPLE , YOU probably voted for mrobama based on your feminine thinking , emotion and intuition eh . Anyway , prairie dog shooting is perfectly legal , is fun and serves a useful purpose OldLady ??

And the left is going nuts over it.

If anyone here has been a rancher or farmer they know just how much little critters that make massive holes all over the place cause tremendous problems. I once had to struggle to get a tractor out of a hole we didn’t see ‘cause it was underground dug by gophers. Oh yeah. Would anyone have trouble is he was going on a gopher hunt?

The Associated Press reported

A prairie dog hunt is also on the agenda for the four-city tour for President Donald Trump's son and Gianforte, a technology entrepreneur up against Democrat Rob Quist in the May 25 election for the seat vacated by Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke.As good Montanans, we want to show good hospitality to people,” Gianforte said. “What can be more fun than to spend an afternoon shooting the little rodents?”Notice how all the complainers are NOT Montanans? Or those living in the prairie states?
Story @ Americans in Shock After Learning That Donald Trump Jr. Plans to Blow Off a Little Steam Shooting Prairie Dogs
Prairie Dogs are a pest to ranchers and farmers, not Donald Trump Jr. That's the difference.
They are a part of the prairie's ecosystem, breaking up rock hard ground and their abandoned holes giving shelter to various other critters. They're not bad creatures.
Donald Trump Jr. needs to "blow off steam" shooting little rodents? That's juvenile or sick, one or the other.

If he is helping kill the prairie dogs on a farm or a ranch, who really cares, he is helping take care of pests. I don't hunt nor do I care to but I know those that get permits, issued by states and kill rabbits, prairie dogs, coyotes, bear and on and on, the control the animal population.
I understand the reasoning for the permits. I also understand why prairie dogs are hated by ranchers. Donald Jr. is not a rancher and my original theory stands. "Blowing off steam" by killing things says a lot about him, imo.
--------------------------------------------- people that do prairie dog shooting are generally doing it for fun or just useful target shooting . Got nothing to do with 'blowing off steam' whatever that means OldLady !!
Why is it fun to kill stuff, pismoe?
-------------------------------------------------------------- its simply the SHOOTING of varmints OR TARGETS . They are just moving targets legal to shoot is all they are OldLady .
I understand the reasoning for the permits. I also understand why prairie dogs are hated by ranchers. Donald Jr. is not a rancher and my original theory stands. "Blowing off steam" by killing things says a lot about him, imo.
Where I grew up millions of crows plague the peanut and sunflower farmers. They fly to the fields in the mornings and devastate the crops.

People come from miles around with their shotguns and blast the nuisance crows as they fly towards the fields in the morning, or back to their nests in the late afternoon. There is no limit and it's year round shooting. A few people even travel from other states in campers and RV's, and spend several days helping to thin the congress of crows.

I always found it to be quite fun, sharpened my shoot skills, and the farmers were grateful. .... :cool:
I was living out in cow country for a few years, fields growing all kinds of stuff; corn was across from us. I saw a huge "congress" of crows once land on that field--scared the living shit out of me because all I could think of was the movie The Birds. It blackened the sky, so to speak. It wasn't common enough for people to shoot them, though. Besides there were houses around.

That you, shorty?
I was living out in cow country for a few years, fields growing all kinds of stuff; corn was across from us. I saw a huge "congress" of crows once land on that field--scared the living shit out of me because all I could think of was the movie The Birds. It blackened the sky, so to speak. It wasn't common enough for people to shoot them, though. Besides there were houses around.
The area we went shooting at was estimated to contain 3 million crows.

You couldn't just shoot your gun in the air and expect to bring one down. You still had to pick an individual bird and aim accurately to bring it down. Crows are smart and tried to avoid flying near you.

In the evening at dusk, the mass of crows circling to land was an awesome sight to behold. ..... :cool:

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