Donald Trump Jr to go on Prairie Dog Hunt

Having fun killing animals that are doing you no harm indicates something else to me.
So are you against people using mouse and rat traps? .... :cool:

When are you guys gonna get it? DONALD JR. IS JUST DOING THIS TO KILL STUFF.
We have coyote hunts here when they decimate the deer population too much. It is local men that hunt. They've got a stake in it. We don't import millionaires from NYC to do it.
You do not actually know why he is doing it.
Well, the article says he is "blowing off steam." Forgive me if I took that at face value.
SOME people blow off steam by going out for some drinks and dancing. Or climb a mountain. Or go to ju-jitsu class, run a few miles. There are plenty of ways to blow off steam.
------------------------------------------ and Trump is just shooting prairie dogs , probably simply because he wants to OldLady .
Ok, but that's only half of my question, are you going to address that?
I already did, Mike. Prairie dogs aren't doing a damned thing to Donnie Jr. Nothing.
But you can't address that he may have been invited to a ranch in order to eliminate harmful pests?
You think he's doing it for free, or is the rancher charging for b&b and the permit?
----------------------------------------------------- in a free country private arrangements can be any legal deal that is mutually agreed to OldLady !!
NOBODY said he was doing anything illegal, Pismoe. Reprehensible, yes. Illegal, no.
--------------------------------------------------------- its not REPREHENSIBLE , its what the young Trump wants to do .
I understand the reasoning for the permits. I also understand why prairie dogs are hated by ranchers. Donald Jr. is not a rancher and my original theory stands. "Blowing off steam" by killing things says a lot about him, imo.
Where I grew up millions of crows plague the peanut and sunflower farmers. They fly to the fields in the mornings and devastate the crops.

People come from miles around with their shotguns and blast the nuisance crows as they fly towards the fields in the morning, or back to their nests in the late afternoon. There is no limit and it's year round shooting. A few people even travel from other states in campers and RV's, and spend several days helping to thin the congress of crows.

I always found it to be quite fun, sharpened my shoot skills, and the farmers were grateful. .... :cool:
I was living out in cow country for a few years, fields growing all kinds of stuff; corn was across from us. I saw a huge "congress" of crows once land on that field--scared the living shit out of me because all I could think of was the movie The Birds. It blackened the sky, so to speak. It wasn't common enough for people to shoot them, though. Besides there were houses around.

That you, shorty?
Yup. Wattsup, Marion.
I was living out in cow country for a few years, fields growing all kinds of stuff; corn was across from us. I saw a huge "congress" of crows once land on that field--scared the living shit out of me because all I could think of was the movie The Birds. It blackened the sky, so to speak. It wasn't common enough for people to shoot them, though. Besides there were houses around.
The area we went shooting at was estimated to contain 3 million crows.

You couldn't just shoot your gun in the air and expect to bring one down. You still had to pick an individual bird and aim accurately to bring it down. Crows are smart and tried to avoid flying near you.

In the evening at dusk, the mass of crows circling to land was an awesome sight to behold. ..... :cool:
Did you see the Nature show on PBS about crows? They studied them and discovered that crows actually remember individual faces and if that person had done something menacing to them in the past. It was friggin amazing. Crows ARE smart.
I understand the reasoning for the permits. I also understand why prairie dogs are hated by ranchers. Donald Jr. is not a rancher and my original theory stands. "Blowing off steam" by killing things says a lot about him, imo.
Where I grew up millions of crows plague the peanut and sunflower farmers. They fly to the fields in the mornings and devastate the crops.

People come from miles around with their shotguns and blast the nuisance crows as they fly towards the fields in the morning, or back to their nests in the late afternoon. There is no limit and it's year round shooting. A few people even travel from other states in campers and RV's, and spend several days helping to thin the congress of crows.

I always found it to be quite fun, sharpened my shoot skills, and the farmers were grateful. .... :cool:
I was living out in cow country for a few years, fields growing all kinds of stuff; corn was across from us. I saw a huge "congress" of crows once land on that field--scared the living shit out of me because all I could think of was the movie The Birds. It blackened the sky, so to speak. It wasn't common enough for people to shoot them, though. Besides there were houses around.

That you, shorty?
Yup. Wattsup, Marion.

Nuttin' How's Bori?
I understand the reasoning for the permits. I also understand why prairie dogs are hated by ranchers. Donald Jr. is not a rancher and my original theory stands. "Blowing off steam" by killing things says a lot about him, imo.
Where I grew up millions of crows plague the peanut and sunflower farmers. They fly to the fields in the mornings and devastate the crops.

People come from miles around with their shotguns and blast the nuisance crows as they fly towards the fields in the morning, or back to their nests in the late afternoon. There is no limit and it's year round shooting. A few people even travel from other states in campers and RV's, and spend several days helping to thin the congress of crows.

I always found it to be quite fun, sharpened my shoot skills, and the farmers were grateful. .... :cool:
I was living out in cow country for a few years, fields growing all kinds of stuff; corn was across from us. I saw a huge "congress" of crows once land on that field--scared the living shit out of me because all I could think of was the movie The Birds. It blackened the sky, so to speak. It wasn't common enough for people to shoot them, though. Besides there were houses around.

That you, shorty?
Yup. Wattsup, Marion.

Nuttin' How's Bori?
Who's Bori?
Did you see the Nature show on PBS about crows? They studied them and discovered that crows actually remember individual faces and if that person had done something menacing to them in the past. It was friggin amazing. Crows ARE smart.
I found out that crows will fly way around you if they see a shotgun in your hands.

But will fly closer if you hide the weapon behind your back or off to the side. .... :cool:
Did you see the Nature show on PBS about crows? They studied them and discovered that crows actually remember individual faces and if that person had done something menacing to them in the past. It was friggin amazing. Crows ARE smart.
I found out that crows will fly way around you if they see a shotgun in your hands.

But will fly closer if you hide the weapon behind your back or off to the side. .... :cool:

I read they're very smart.
You cannot openly rally for the right to kill your own children; then expect to be taken seriously on the topic of hunting. The prarie dog has a much more sporting chance of getting away...
I was living out in cow country for a few years, fields growing all kinds of stuff; corn was across from us. I saw a huge "congress" of crows once land on that field--scared the living shit out of me because all I could think of was the movie The Birds. It blackened the sky, so to speak. It wasn't common enough for people to shoot them, though. Besides there were houses around.
The area we went shooting at was estimated to contain 3 million crows.

You couldn't just shoot your gun in the air and expect to bring one down. You still had to pick an individual bird and aim accurately to bring it down. Crows are smart and tried to avoid flying near you.

In the evening at dusk, the mass of crows circling to land was an awesome sight to behold. ..... :cool:
Did you see the Nature show on PBS about crows? They studied them and discovered that crows actually remember individual faces and if that person had done something menacing to them in the past. It was friggin amazing. Crows ARE smart.
Because PBS tells you they are? Why do you believe that unprovalble hogwash?
I was living out in cow country for a few years, fields growing all kinds of stuff; corn was across from us. I saw a huge "congress" of crows once land on that field--scared the living shit out of me because all I could think of was the movie The Birds. It blackened the sky, so to speak. It wasn't common enough for people to shoot them, though. Besides there were houses around.
The area we went shooting at was estimated to contain 3 million crows.

You couldn't just shoot your gun in the air and expect to bring one down. You still had to pick an individual bird and aim accurately to bring it down. Crows are smart and tried to avoid flying near you.

In the evening at dusk, the mass of crows circling to land was an awesome sight to behold. ..... :cool:
Did you see the Nature show on PBS about crows? They studied them and discovered that crows actually remember individual faces and if that person had done something menacing to them in the past. It was friggin amazing. Crows ARE smart.
Because PBS tells you they are? Why do you believe that unprovalble hogwash?
They did studies Mike and showed how they determined what the crows were remembering. You should watch it, you might learn something.
Nevermind. Who's your favorite football team?
You cannot openly rally for the right to kill your own children; then expect to be taken seriously on the topic of hunting. The prarie dog has a much more sporting chance of getting away...
Stuff it in your ear, Vastator. If you can't keep to the subject, go open an abortion thread.
Nah... I'll point out leftist hypocrisy everywhere it rears its ugly head.
Nevermind. Who's your favorite football team?
You cannot openly rally for the right to kill your own children; then expect to be taken seriously on the topic of hunting. The prarie dog has a much more sporting chance of getting away...
Stuff it in your ear, Vastator. If you can't keep to the subject, go open an abortion thread.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- YOU might not like it but Vastator is correct in his reasoning OldLady .
and i hear that babies feel pain as they are twisted , cutup , yanked and pulled apart and then vacuumed out of the womb of the 'mudder' Vastator !!

And the left is going nuts over it.

If anyone here has been a rancher or farmer they know just how much little critters that make massive holes all over the place cause tremendous problems. I once had to struggle to get a tractor out of a hole we didn’t see ‘cause it was underground dug by gophers. Oh yeah. Would anyone have trouble is he was going on a gopher hunt?

The Associated Press reported

A prairie dog hunt is also on the agenda for the four-city tour for President Donald Trump's son and Gianforte, a technology entrepreneur up against Democrat Rob Quist in the May 25 election for the seat vacated by Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke.As good Montanans, we want to show good hospitality to people,” Gianforte said. “What can be more fun than to spend an afternoon shooting the little rodents?”Notice how all the complainers are NOT Montanans? Or those living in the prairie states?
Story @ Americans in Shock After Learning That Donald Trump Jr. Plans to Blow Off a Little Steam Shooting Prairie Dogs
Prairie Dogs are a pest to ranchers and farmers, not Donald Trump Jr. That's the difference.
They are a part of the prairie's ecosystem, breaking up rock hard ground and their abandoned holes giving shelter to various other critters. They're not bad creatures.
Donald Trump Jr. needs to "blow off steam" shooting little rodents? That's juvenile or sick, one or the other.

If he is helping kill the prairie dogs on a farm or a ranch, who really cares, he is helping take care of pests. I don't hunt nor do I care to but I know those that get permits, issued by states and kill rabbits, prairie dogs, coyotes, bear and on and on, the control the animal population.
I understand the reasoning for the permits. I also understand why prairie dogs are hated by ranchers. Donald Jr. is not a rancher and my original theory stands. "Blowing off steam" by killing things says a lot about him, imo.

Theory? It's an opinion more than anything. I don't hunt, so if you want to come on to my farm and kill coyotes, prairie dogs or anything else...more power to you.
There should not be any controversy over prairie dog hunts. I think they are damn cute. Will they make good pets?

I have the luxury of this opinion because I don't live where they do. They are pests that pose a danger to other animals. Hunt them for the same reason we kill rats and rats make very good pets.
I was living out in cow country for a few years, fields growing all kinds of stuff; corn was across from us. I saw a huge "congress" of crows once land on that field--scared the living shit out of me because all I could think of was the movie The Birds. It blackened the sky, so to speak. It wasn't common enough for people to shoot them, though. Besides there were houses around.
The area we went shooting at was estimated to contain 3 million crows.

You couldn't just shoot your gun in the air and expect to bring one down. You still had to pick an individual bird and aim accurately to bring it down. Crows are smart and tried to avoid flying near you.

In the evening at dusk, the mass of crows circling to land was an awesome sight to behold. ..... :cool:

a lot like spring goose out here

the idea is to eliminate as many as you can

if you get a hundred great

if you get 200 even better

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