Donald Trump lends support to embattled Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
Well ain't this just precious. Two left leaning Republicans buddying up together. If the GOP were to ever get a Republican president and a house speaker that's actually RIGHT of center, they're not going to know what to do with themselves.
The FISA 702 bill passed today. Even though it's unconstitutional. Even thought it emboldens the deep state and Mayorkas.
But that didn't stop these two from buddying up and trying to change the subject. Their press conference today mentioned nothing about FISA. Only the normal border talking points. (which both of them caved on when the chips were down)

Donald Trump lends support to embattled Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson

  • The ex-US president expressed disapproval of hardline congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene’s threat to oust Johnson in a rift over Ukraine aid
  • The appearance with Trump at Mar-a-Lago could give Johnson a boost as he struggles to quell rebellions from his own party lawmakers
Donald Trump threw his support behind embattled US House of Representatives Speaker Mike Johnson on Friday, seeking to demonstrate unity as Johnson struggles to quell dissent within his fractious Republican majority.

“He’s doing a really good job under very tough circumstances,” Trump said at a press conference with Johnson at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.
Well ain't this just precious. Two left leaning Republicans buddying up together. If the GOP were to ever get a Republican president and a house speaker that's actually RIGHT of center, they're not going to know what to do with themselves.
The FISA 702 bill passed today. Even though it's unconstitutional. Even thought it emboldens the deep state and Mayorkas.
But that didn't stop these two from buddying up and trying to change the subject. Their press conference today mentioned nothing about FISA. Only the normal border talking points. (which both of them caved on when the chips were down)

Donald Trump lends support to embattled Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson

  • The ex-US president expressed disapproval of hardline congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene’s threat to oust Johnson in a rift over Ukraine aid
  • The appearance with Trump at Mar-a-Lago could give Johnson a boost as he struggles to quell rebellions from his own party lawmakers
Donald Trump threw his support behind embattled US House of Representatives Speaker Mike Johnson on Friday, seeking to demonstrate unity as Johnson struggles to quell dissent within his fractious Republican majority.

“He’s doing a really good job under very tough circumstances,” Trump said at a press conference with Johnson at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.
I wouldnt be too quick to judge Mike Johnson. He might be trying to not rock the boat before the election in November. He was willing to sing a couple shitty bills in order to get us to the finish line. Thats the move that I think he is making, and it might actually be the smart one, even though i really hate the last couple bills.
I wouldnt be too quick to judge Mike Johnson. He might be trying to not rock the boat before the election in November. He was willing to sing a couple shitty bills in order to get us to the finish line. Thats the move that I think he is making, and it might actually be the smart one, even though i really hate the last couple bills.
Johnson is a wormy little jerk, cut from the same cloth as his predecessor.
I wouldnt be too quick to judge Mike Johnson. He might be trying to not rock the boat before the election in November. He was willing to sing a couple shitty bills in order to get us to the finish line. Thats the move that I think he is making, and it might actually be the smart one, even though i really hate the last couple bills.


We expect at least Republicans to be constitutional. FISA 702 is completely unconstitutional. Johnson has rammed CR's down our throats. And other spending bills. We expect them to be opposition to the left.

Johnson has done none of that, except on the POS immigration bill. Which was kind of retarded, because it would've set Trump up with more agents and immigration judges, once he takes office.

For 50 fucking years, the GOP has been easing more and more left of center. Now, with the exception of a few actual conservatives, 90% of then have snuggled up nice and cozy with the left.
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Step 1: Republican politician either pissing people off or not getting any traction in their political efforts.

Step 2: Go stuff you head up Trump's ass, and supplicate to him for support.

Step 3: Bask in the temporary glory that Trump's shine gave you.

Step 4: Stab Trump in the back at the first rough patch, and pretend that you've been your own man all along.

Johnson is now at #3.

I'd say it's tough to imagine the kind of monumental egomania it would take to keep falling for this shit, but there he is.
Well ain't this just precious. Two left leaning Republicans buddying up together. If the GOP were to ever get a Republican president and a house speaker that's actually RIGHT of center, they're not going to know what to do with themselves.
The FISA 702 bill passed today. Even though it's unconstitutional. Even thought it emboldens the deep state and Mayorkas.
But that didn't stop these two from buddying up and trying to change the subject. Their press conference today mentioned nothing about FISA. Only the normal border talking points. (which both of them caved on when the chips were down)

Donald Trump lends support to embattled Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson

  • The ex-US president expressed disapproval of hardline congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene’s threat to oust Johnson in a rift over Ukraine aid
  • The appearance with Trump at Mar-a-Lago could give Johnson a boost as he struggles to quell rebellions from his own party lawmakers
Donald Trump threw his support behind embattled US House of Representatives Speaker Mike Johnson on Friday, seeking to demonstrate unity as Johnson struggles to quell dissent within his fractious Republican majority.

“He’s doing a really good job under very tough circumstances,” Trump said at a press conference with Johnson at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.
Smirking Jerkoff Johnson is a slimy little prick who filed a lawsuit to overturn Biden's win after his favorite shit gibbon Trump had his ass handed back to him in the election by Biden.

That little weasel is taking order's & kissing the ass of that other prick from MAL because he's worried about his job. Shit gibbon Trump, The Jerkoff Johnson & rotten crotch Margie all deserve each other.
Smirking Jerkoff Johnson is a slimy little prick who filed a lawsuit to overturn Biden's win after his favorite shit gibbon Trump had his ass handed back to him in the election by Biden.

That little weasel is taking order's & kissing the ass of that other prick from MAL because he's worried about his job. Shit gibbon Trump, The Jerkoff Johnson & rotten crotch Margie all deserve each other.
Different context, but still apropos....

Smirking Jerkoff Johnson is a slimy little prick who filed a lawsuit to overturn Biden's win after his favorite shit gibbon Trump had his ass handed back to him in the election by Biden.

That little weasel is taking order's & kissing the ass of that other prick from MAL because he's worried about his job. Shit gibbon Trump, The Jerkoff Johnson & rotten crotch Margie all deserve each other.

Yeah, but how do you really feel? :D
Yeah, but how do you really feel? :D
Smirking Jerkoff Johnson, 2nd in line to the W.H. is taking orders from that lunatic Trump who got his ass bounced out of office because voter's were sick of him. Another plus to shit gibbon Trump's trial is that hopefully he'll be too preoccupied sitting on his ass at the defense table for the 6 weeks to do any more damage to this Country's security & well being. Traitor that he is.
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And Johnson broke the tie.

Rand Paul has said that he doesn't recognize this Mike Johnson...Someone has something on him.
And Johnson broke the tie.

Rand Paul has said that he doesn't recognize this Mike Johnson...Someone has something on him.

It would not surprise me.

Anyone that doesn't know, the entire ruling elite are under constant surveillance by the Deep State, either ours, or the GCHQ, are naive as hell.

The billionaires want to keep close tabs on what they are paying for these days. :heehee:

Feinstein Accuses C.I.A. of Spying on Congress | The New York Times​


Sen. Feinstein accuses CIA of spying on Congress​

Well ain't this just precious. Two left leaning Republicans buddying up together. If the GOP were to ever get a Republican president and a house speaker that's actually RIGHT of center, they're not going to know what to do with themselves.
The FISA 702 bill passed today. Even though it's unconstitutional. Even thought it emboldens the deep state and Mayorkas.
But that didn't stop these two from buddying up and trying to change the subject. Their press conference today mentioned nothing about FISA. Only the normal border talking points. (which both of them caved on when the chips were down)

Donald Trump lends support to embattled Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson

  • The ex-US president expressed disapproval of hardline congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene’s threat to oust Johnson in a rift over Ukraine aid
  • The appearance with Trump at Mar-a-Lago could give Johnson a boost as he struggles to quell rebellions from his own party lawmakers
Donald Trump threw his support behind embattled US House of Representatives Speaker Mike Johnson on Friday, seeking to demonstrate unity as Johnson struggles to quell dissent within his fractious Republican majority.

“He’s doing a really good job under very tough circumstances,” Trump said at a press conference with Johnson at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.
Thanks for a thread that is discussing a sign of this country's time of vitriol against two men who are trying to find a way to create friendships in Congress that get disputes lessened with Congresspersons who represent their state's people who are some right and some left. Trump and. Johnson have spent their time in the public eyes making deals with congresspersons in other state who are also trying to get good things for the American taxpayers some right, and some left in differing percentages but with co.mon goals.

The song, "You can't always get what you want" is so true in politics these days. Crucified representatives are not always getting to do when bartering with reps other states which may be experiencing greater numbers of people with Covid-19 than their low Covid stats, so they may be spending more money on beating the bug than a state experiencing no Covid at all. So out of human kindness, they.may vote more money for endangered states than their constituents would like to pay but fail to realize the same states rep voted to help build a hospital to benefit their cardiac riddled seniors just last year.

Seems that's exactly what the founders knew when they created two types of reps for the House and for the Senate. We can pray for them when others become annoyed when someone else gets helped with an issue that goes beyond their state's means.

It pays to be flexible which is why we are a. Caring nation for each other. With newspapers who care only for those who pay them extra to damage apolitical opponents, that worries me. Good night. I got tears that news is not always based on crucial validation but on bribes for misrepresenting an opposing political candidate..
Thanks for a thread that is discussing a sign of this country's time of vitriol against two men who are trying to find a way to create friendships in Congress that get disputes lessened with Congresspersons who represent their state's people who are some right and some left. Trump and. Johnson have spent their time in the public eyes making deals with congresspersons in other state who are also trying to get good things for the American taxpayers some right, and some left in differing percentages but with co.mon goals.

The song, "You can't always get what you want" is so true in politics these days. Crucified representatives are not always getting to do when bartering with reps other states which may be experiencing greater numbers of people with Covid-19 than their low Covid stats, so they may be spending more money on beating the bug than a state experiencing no Covid at all. So out of human kindness, they.may vote more money for endangered states than their constituents would like to pay but fail to realize the same states rep voted to help build a hospital to benefit their cardiac riddled seniors just last year.

Seems that's exactly what the founders knew when they created two types of reps for the House and for the Senate. We can pray for them when others become annoyed when someone else gets helped with an issue that goes beyond their state's means.

It pays to be flexible which is why we are a. Caring nation for each other. With newspapers who care only for those who pay them extra to damage apolitical opponents, that worries me. Good night. I got tears that news is not always based on crucial validation but on bribes for misrepresenting an opposing political candidate..

Republican politicians have plenty to agree on with the left, that doesn't including going against the constitution or spending more than they take in.
Getting a warrant is constitutional. The NSA and the rest of them can still catch bad guys. But getting a warrant creates a paper trail that'll keep them accountable for their spying on Americans. It's the very reason warrants were put into the constitution.
It would help keep the government from going rogue. It keeps them from spying on anyone they want. Including political opposition.

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