Donald Trump Makes the Tea Party wet their pants thinking about it

Donald Trump, the single payer guy, would work very well with the Dems on many issues, including immigration.
Trump hits a low with an endorsement of Sarah Palin's abilities, which the regular world knows is non-existent.

Donald Trump would “love” to have Sarah Palin as part of his White House administration.
The Republican presidential candidate and celebrity plutocrat appeared Monday on The Palin Update, an actual all-Sarah Palin radio show that exists on something called the Mama Grizzly Radio Network (we kid you not).

Host Kevin Scholla asked the controversial presidential candidate whether he could see himself “picking up the phone, giving the governor a call and picking her brain on some things, or perhaps having her along in some official capacity.”

Trump’s response: “I’d love that. Because she really is somebody who knows what’s happening and she’s a special person, she’s really a special person and I think people know that.”

He later claimed “Everybody loves her,” and added that despite her half-term as governor (due to early resignation), voters “like the Sarah Palin kind of strength, you just don’t see very much of it anymore.” Listen below, as clipped by RightWingWatch:

Read more: Trump Would Love Sarah Palin in His Cabinet She s a Special Person Mediaite

Holly hell, the ultimate bitch-slap.
You maniacal, rapture lusting tea bagger, you're out of your depth in a McDonald's parking lot puddle.

Well, we can't help but be impressed by your third grade education, and your ability to spew hate memes from the Soros sites.

What you CAN'T manage to do, is mention anything positive your filthy party can do for the nation.

Which is why slander and libel are the only tools in your belt.

Have a banana.
Damned nasty little git, isn't it?
'He later claimed “Everybody loves her,” and added that despite her half-term as governor (due to early resignation), voters “like the Sarah Palin kind of strength, you just don’t see very much of it anymore.”'

Further proof that Trump isn't a serious candidate.
Donald Trump Makes the Tea Party wet their pants thinking about it

Another liberal announces his hatred and fibs as fact (yawn)
I'm still waiting to hear of one of Hillary's accomplishements.. so far all I've seen is a lengthy list of shady business deals & coverups and four dead Americans. Hardly noteworthy, in a good way that is.
As the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton continued to raise her voice for women rights and human rights.
She prominently advocated U.S. military intervention in Libya and was at the forefront of US response to Arab Springs.
She was one of the most traveled secretaries of State.
She played a substantial role in arranging a cease-fire in a clash between Hamas and Israel in 2012, which many credit for averting all-out war.
She oversaw the negotiation of the new START nuclear arms accord with Russia, building an international consensus to remove Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi from power, and tightening sanctions on Iran to their highest level ever.
She assisted in the release of American civilians held as prisoner in North Korea and Iran.
She organized the trade embargo which pressured Iran into agreeing to participate in talks over its nuclear program.
She personally arranged for the release of a noted Chinese dissident and arranged for his immigration into the US.
She played a leading role in the establishment of ties between Armenia and Turkey.
Her personal intervention in the aftermath of a coup in Honduras led to free elections and the restoration of constitutional government there.
She used her position to elevate the issue of women’s rights to the status of human rights. She brought issues such as denying females access to education and the so-called “honor” killings in the Muslim world into open debate at the UN. Prior to her work it wasn’t even debated.
She pushed for equality in the US by granting spousal benefits to same sex partners of State Department employees.
She lobbied Congress for additional funding to enable the State Department to improve the safety and security of US embassies and consulates abroad, but Republicans blocked that.
Her leadership led to more women serving as ambassadors than ever before.
She opened u Myanmar by becoming the first SOS to make an official visit there.
She has been praised for helping the U.S. to resume "its leadership role in setting East Asia's security and economic agenda" while keeping the U.S.-China relationship "on a more solid and realistic footing."
I'm still waiting to hear of one of Hillary's accomplishements.. so far all I've seen is a lengthy list of shady business deals & coverups and four dead Americans. Hardly noteworthy, in a good way that is.
As the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton continued to raise her voice for women rights and human rights.
She prominently advocated U.S. military intervention in Libya and was at the forefront of US response to Arab Springs.
She was one of the most traveled secretaries of State.
She played a substantial role in arranging a cease-fire in a clash between Hamas and Israel in 2012, which many credit for averting all-out war.
She oversaw the negotiation of the new START nuclear arms accord with Russia, building an international consensus to remove Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi from power, and tightening sanctions on Iran to their highest level ever.
She assisted in the release of American civilians held as prisoner in North Korea and Iran.
She organized the trade embargo which pressured Iran into agreeing to participate in talks over its nuclear program.
She personally arranged for the release of a noted Chinese dissident and arranged for his immigration into the US.
She played a leading role in the establishment of ties between Armenia and Turkey.
Her personal intervention in the aftermath of a coup in Honduras led to free elections and the restoration of constitutional government there.
She used her position to elevate the issue of women’s rights to the status of human rights. She brought issues such as denying females access to education and the so-called “honor” killings in the Muslim world into open debate at the UN. Prior to her work it wasn’t even debated.
She pushed for equality in the US by granting spousal benefits to same sex partners of State Department employees.
She lobbied Congress for additional funding to enable the State Department to improve the safety and security of US embassies and consulates abroad, but Republicans blocked that.
Her leadership led to more women serving as ambassadors than ever before.
She opened u Myanmar by becoming the first SOS to make an official visit there.
She has been praised for helping the U.S. to resume "its leadership role in setting East Asia's security and economic agenda" while keeping the U.S.-China relationship "on a more solid and realistic footing."

They will hate that you actually posted facts. Watch the flailing of arms begin.
As an erectile-dysfunctional patrio-fascist, you are a sobering reminder that you can fool too may people too much of the time. Here, have a cookie and go play with your toes.

And the feral baboon flings even more shit.

It's all you have - literally.
As an erectile-dysfunctional patrio-fascist, you are a sobering reminder that you can fool too may people too much of the time. Here, have a cookie and go play with your toes.

And the feral baboon flings even more shit.

It's all you have - literally.

Does your family tree have branches, or is it just one long braid?
Hate-Group Watchdog: Trump Has 'White Nationalist Positions' Hate-Group Watchdog: Trump Has 'White Nationalist Positions'

A national hate-group watchdog said on Wednesday that the real estate mogul Donald Trump has "white nationalist positions" on Latino immigrants, whether he considers himself a white nationalist or not.

Mark Potok, a senior fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center, an Alabama-based organization that monitors hate groups, told The Huffington Post that former White House communications director and three-time presidential aspirant Pat Buchanan was the last presidential candidate to appeal to white supremacist groups in a similar way.

Trump, who is running for president as a Republican, has attracted the support of a number of prominent white supremacists, including David Duke, a former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.

And it is not just the anti-immigrant positions. Trump is a protectionist in the very same way. Virtually all white nationalists believe America needs to be walled off from the rest of the world.

In some ways Trump has taken an even more extreme position than many white nationalists. I have never heard of white nationalists call for the deportation of the U.S. citizens born to people who came here illegally.
you got to admire Progressives that will step over the dead bodies of young Black males killed in liberal inner city violence, one their way down to the Black Lives Matter demonstration/riot.

such single-mindedness!!
August 22, 2015
Twenty Thousand Considered Disappointing Turnout for Racist Event in Alabama The New Yorker
By Andy Borowitz

Racist event planners say that a crowd that size would rank the event as one of the smaller racist rallies in Alabama this year.

yes the left-wing racist rallies have much better turnouts; especially with all the broken window shopping events going on
What the fuck are you talking about?

pretty sure you know; hence the anger
In the big picture, this is pretty much the last gasps of breath of 'white america'. Even if Forrest Trump were to win and implement some of his Nazi crap the writing is still on the wall. In 30-40 years this will not be a 'white america'.

And people who's entire self-worth is wrapped up in their 'white ethnicity' find this situation just beyond what they can tolerate. So their last crazed feverish attempt to hold back the high tide is at a boiling point.

Watch these people, though, when trump loses. Some of them will get violent I'm guessing, because in their minds the whole world they've known will be setting sail into the sunset.
My wife's mother a die hard Democrat has went from backing Hitlary to backing Trump.

I was stunned, I didn't say a word to her about Trump, thinking she'd explode but it is quite the opposite.

Trump is the reason Hillary is going to win.

You go Trump.

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