Donald Trump Makes the Tea Party wet their pants thinking about it

In his cabinet?

Maybe he'll maker her Sec. of Education a few months before he axes the Dept. of Education to make the hard right happy. :lmao:

Then he just has have to get rid of her and all the government bloat for the kids.


I didn't have much regard for Palin until she showed the grace she has consistently shown over you knuckle draggers who dump on her for being female and not getting your dinner for you and telling you that you're the man, Mr. Be-all

Sorry, my sarcasm font wasn't on. The point is, neither of them know how the power elite work. They are both always being used by the cultural and media elites for pure entertainment only. I don't think Trump knows how deep he is getting in, a think she knows, but it is too late for her. She is the equivalent of a prostitute at this point. She is more concerned about the safety and reputation of her family then anything else. She has seen what the establishment can already and has already done.

As long as she was doing what she was told, she was allowed to be governor. After she became nationally popular, and garnered REAL power, she was forced out of office. She became dangerous. She will never again be allowed to hold any significant office. Neither will Trump. He is suffering for his challenge to the establishment. He will suffer more if he keeps it up.

Sure, I seriously applaud them, I do. OTH, I never think she should have stepped down. She was either paid off, or she succumbed to threats. But then again, she is a MOM for god's sake, who wouldn't do what she did in her shoes? Most folks really don't fathom how corrupt, criminal and dangerous the establishment really is. Well, except maybe Vince Foster. :lmao:

I agree. Reagan was the last one to challenge the Establishment and he took a bullet for it.

Neither Trump nor Palin take their cues from the Establishment, hence they dangerous and likely in peril should they go too far

And after Reagan took that bullet, his rhetoric CHANGED SUBSTANTIALLY. Gone were the days of criticizing big government. He expanded government after that. He went from trying to challenge central authority, to becoming a paid whore for the establishment. But, he looked into the belly of the beast and understood what it meant. You play ball, or you, and those you love, and everything you have worked for is destroyed. The lesson of the Kennedy's isn't hard to follow.
Trump hits a low with an endorsement of Sarah Palin's abilities, which the regular world knows is non-existent.

What have you done with your life? Not even close to what she has.
What has she done?
She has governed a fucking state, how about you?
Badly. And she quit in the middle. Anything else?
Regardless of what she did or din't do,she still is light years ahead of a person like yourself,who daily ,as in this thread acts like a 12 year old child.
If you say so.
... speak English...
That was then.

This is now.

Perhaps, if the Indians had insisted upon the White Man speaking their language, then their language would not be dead or dying.

There's a good lesson in there, about insisting upon present-day Realities and not pandering to the Barbarians at the Gate.
In his cabinet?

Maybe he'll maker her Sec. of Education a few months before he axes the Dept. of Education to make the hard right happy. :lmao:

Then he just has have to get rid of her and all the government bloat for the kids.


I didn't have much regard for Palin until she showed the grace she has consistently shown over you knuckle draggers who dump on her for being female and not getting your dinner for you and telling you that you're the man, Mr. Be-all

Sorry, my sarcasm font wasn't on. The point is, neither of them know how the power elite work. They are both always being used by the cultural and media elites for pure entertainment only. I don't think Trump knows how deep he is getting in, a think she knows, but it is too late for her. She is the equivalent of a prostitute at this point. She is more concerned about the safety and reputation of her family then anything else. She has seen what the establishment can already and has already done.

As long as she was doing what she was told, she was allowed to be governor. After she became nationally popular, and garnered REAL power, she was forced out of office. She became dangerous. She will never again be allowed to hold any significant office. Neither will Trump. He is suffering for his challenge to the establishment. He will suffer more if he keeps it up.

Sure, I seriously applaud them, I do. OTH, I never think she should have stepped down. She was either paid off, or she succumbed to threats. But then again, she is a MOM for god's sake, who wouldn't do what she did in her shoes? Most folks really don't fathom how corrupt, criminal and dangerous the establishment really is. Well, except maybe Vince Foster. :lmao:

I agree. Reagan was the last one to challenge the Establishment and he took a bullet for it.

Neither Trump nor Palin take their cues from the Establishment, hence they dangerous and likely in peril should they go too far

And after Reagan took that bullet, his rhetoric CHANGED SUBSTANTIALLY. Gone were the days of criticizing big government. He expanded government after that. He went from trying to challenge central authority, to becoming a paid whore for the establishment. But, he looked into the belly of the beast and understood what it meant. You play ball, or you, and those you love, and everything you have worked for is destroyed. The lesson of the Kennedy's isn't hard to follow.

Lol, So you're saying if you pave that road, building that bridge, improve our educational system or have the best science institutions on this planet = you're the problem.

Dude, extremist like you are the problem. Fuck you.
Trump hits a low with an endorsement of Sarah Palin's abilities, which the regular world knows is non-existent.

Donald Trump would “love” to have Sarah Palin as part of his White House administration.
The Republican presidential candidate and celebrity plutocrat appeared Monday on The Palin Update, an actual all-Sarah Palin radio show that exists on something called the Mama Grizzly Radio Network (we kid you not).

Host Kevin Scholla asked the controversial presidential candidate whether he could see himself “picking up the phone, giving the governor a call and picking her brain on some things, or perhaps having her along in some official capacity.”

Trump’s response: “I’d love that. Because she really is somebody who knows what’s happening and she’s a special person, she’s really a special person and I think people know that.”

He later claimed “Everybody loves her,” and added that despite her half-term as governor (due to early resignation), voters “like the Sarah Palin kind of strength, you just don’t see very much of it anymore.” Listen below, as clipped by RightWingWatch:

Read more: Trump Would Love Sarah Palin in His Cabinet She s a Special Person Mediaite

Another Soros Hate Drone shits in the forum..

I guarantee she's vastly smarter than you are, sploogy...
The only plan the tea party has for America is cut, slash and burn. These people work for the 1% and wish to destroy this country as a world power.
The only plan the tea party has for America is cut, slash and burn. These people work for the 1% and wish to destroy this country as a world power.

And all you want is for us to pay for maggots popping out welfare coupons. And illegals flooding our country.

You wanna generalize? Thats a game for 2 pull up a seat.
The only plan the tea party has for America is cut, slash and burn. These people work for the 1% and wish to destroy this country as a world power.

Yeah, the 1% - not like you Commies who work for George Soros, Tim Cook, Oprah, Andrew Grove, all poor as church mice...
Trump hits a low with an endorsement of Sarah Palin's abilities, which the regular world knows is non-existent.

Donald Trump would “love” to have Sarah Palin as part of his White House administration.
The Republican presidential candidate and celebrity plutocrat appeared Monday on The Palin Update, an actual all-Sarah Palin radio show that exists on something called the Mama Grizzly Radio Network (we kid you not).

Host Kevin Scholla asked the controversial presidential candidate whether he could see himself “picking up the phone, giving the governor a call and picking her brain on some things, or perhaps having her along in some official capacity.”

Trump’s response: “I’d love that. Because she really is somebody who knows what’s happening and she’s a special person, she’s really a special person and I think people know that.”

He later claimed “Everybody loves her,” and added that despite her half-term as governor (due to early resignation), voters “like the Sarah Palin kind of strength, you just don’t see very much of it anymore.” Listen below, as clipped by RightWingWatch:

Read more: Trump Would Love Sarah Palin in His Cabinet She s a Special Person Mediaite

Another Soros Hate Drone shits in the forum..

I guarantee she's vastly smarter than you are, sploogy...

Oh you couldn't possibly be more wrong

The only plan the tea party has for America is cut, slash and burn. These people work for the 1% and wish to destroy this country as a world power.
No, they don't work for the 1% .

They work for themselves, and for their vision for the country.

They merely seek to turn back the clock, with respect to trustworthiness and small-ness and simplicity of government.

Or, alternatively, to smash the clock, because it's beyond repair, and to fashion a new one, to look like the old one did back in its heyday.
Just LOVE how he pisses off the little communist, anti-American, Democratic scum! ...and their FECKLESS cohorts starting with Speaker "Boner"!

Donald Trump: Send Illegals Back Home!… You Either Have Laws Or You Don’t Have Laws!!!!!!

The Gateway Pundit ^ | 07/27/15 | Jim Hoft
Donald Trump laid out his immigration plan on Hannity Monday night. Trump called for “good illegals” to be sent back and let back in while keeping out the bad dudes. "Trump: You got to build a wall. It’s not an easy thing to do. And I’ll get it done. And believe me, I’ll do it for the right but I’m also going to have Mexico pay for it. Mexico is making a fortune off of us. They will pay for it. So, just mark my word. That’s called “negotiation.” …Before I even start a wall we’d get rid of the...
nothing hateful about it, just the clear unadulterated facts about the little clown of Methlehem.

All you have is hate. You are but a shit flinging feral baboon, trained by the Soros goons to puke up your filth.

Making hate videos is simply, as the one I posted on your little tin god demonstrates,

Why is it Herr Goebbels, that you evil little turds can't ever come up with anything positive that your filthy party is doing? That all you can do is slander and libel your betters?
nothing hateful about it, just the clear unadulterated facts about the little clown of Methlehem.

All you have is hate. You are but a shit flinging feral baboon, trained by the Soros goons to puke up your filth.

Making hate videos is simply, as the one I posted on your little tin god demonstrates,

Why is it Herr Goebbels, that you evil little turds can't ever come up with anything positive that your filthy party is doing? That all you can do is slander and libel your betters?
You maniacal, rapture lusting tea bagger, you're out of your depth in a McDonald's parking lot puddle.
You maniacal, rapture lusting tea bagger, you're out of your depth in a McDonald's parking lot puddle.

Well, we can't help but be impressed by your third grade education, and your ability to spew hate memes from the Soros sites.

What you CAN'T manage to do, is mention anything positive your filthy party can do for the nation.

Which is why slander and libel are the only tools in your belt.

Have a banana.
You maniacal, rapture lusting tea bagger, you're out of your depth in a McDonald's parking lot puddle.

Well, we can't help but be impressed by your third grade education, and your ability to spew hate memes from the Soros sites.

What you CAN'T manage to do, is mention anything positive your filthy party can do for the nation.

Which is why slander and libel are the only tools in your belt.

Have a banana.

As an erectile-dysfunctional patrio-fascist, you are a sobering reminder that you can fool too may people too much of the time. Here, have a cookie and go play with your toes.
Seems all the Communist, anti-American DemocRATs have is lies and slander.... typical 2 digit IQd' monkeys, that believe what they did to Herman Cain could work again on The Donald... They do entertain!

Ivana Trump rejects rape allegations, says she and Donald Trump are ‘the best of friends’!!!!! ^ | Adam Edelman
Just a day after allegations reemerged that Donald Trump raped his ex-wife, Ivana Trump, the bombastic billionaire’s former spouse played down the controversy, saying that the two are still “the best of friends.” *snip* “Donald and I are the best of friends and together have raised three children that we love and are very proud of. I have nothing but fondness for Donald and wish him the best of luck on his campaign,” she said. “Incidentally, I think he would make an incredible president,” Ivana Trump, who divorced her husband in 1992, added.

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