Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

Thank you, President Trump. The 21st century will never see a better president than you.

Great presidents don't get impeached twice. They win their re-election. They have approval ratings above 40%. They don't leave the White House with the country in a recession. They don't inspire their base to storm the Capitol to kill the VP and lawmakers. They don't live in a world of delusion where they claim they won an election they lost.

You're fucked in the head, Buttplug. Beyond all repair.

You people started a war, and now you whine that the other side fights back?

You are pathetic and weak.

That you hear whining is also a poor reflection on you. And there was no war started. You idiots are simply making up ridiculous excuses just to avoid taking responsibility for raging lunatics on your side.

Violence begets violence. ANd you people have been doing a lot of violence over the last two years.

Time will tell if it is a war or just a flurry of riots.

COnsidering how you people are talking so much shit about punishing your enemies, and seem to be ramping up to be even more oppressive moving forward....

I'm thinking this is more a beginning than an ending.

Do you want to punish all the Trump voters?

Do you even believe the stupid tripe you post?

Violence at the Capitol was not a response to other violence, it was a response to Trump convincing his idiots that an election was stolen from them.

Violence did not beget this violence, Trump's pathetic bullshit did and it just another reason he will go down as one of the worst, if not THE worst president this country has ever had.

Direct Response? No.

But you don't get to start a period of civil unrest, and then whine like a faggot because a little bit of it comes back onto you.

Get back to me, after republican mayors order the police to stand down so that right wing mobs can terrorize and kill you people for about two years, then we can talk about your feelings.

It's not direct, it's not indirect. It had nothing to do with anything except election lies. Stop trying to salvage a stupid argument.
Nothing about being impeache twice.
Probably because there weren’t grounds

Yep, thats why in the first impeachment at least 8 Senate Republicans agreed that Trump pressuring foreign countries to prosecute his political opponent is plain as day. Also why 10 House Republicans voted to impeach Trump in the second impeachment for his incitement of violence.

No basis. None. Just a bi-partisan conspiracy against Trump. Yep, thats how historians are going to view this according to your idiotic theory.

Thank you, President Trump. The 21st century will never see a better president than you.

Great presidents don't get impeached twice. They win their re-election. They have approval ratings above 40%. They don't leave the White House with the country in a recession. They don't inspire their base to storm the Capitol to kill the VP and lawmakers. They don't live in a world of delusion where they claim they won an election they lost.

You're fucked in the head, Buttplug. Beyond all repair.

You people started a war, and now you whine that the other side fights back?

You are pathetic and weak.

That you hear whining is also a poor reflection on you. And there was no war started. You idiots are simply making up ridiculous excuses just to avoid taking responsibility for raging lunatics on your side.

Violence begets violence. ANd you people have been doing a lot of violence over the last two years.

Time will tell if it is a war or just a flurry of riots.

COnsidering how you people are talking so much shit about punishing your enemies, and seem to be ramping up to be even more oppressive moving forward....

I'm thinking this is more a beginning than an ending.

Do you want to punish all the Trump voters?

Do you even believe the stupid tripe you post?

Violence at the Capitol was not a response to other violence, it was a response to Trump convincing his idiots that an election was stolen from them.

Violence did not beget this violence, Trump's pathetic bullshit did and it just another reason he will go down as one of the worst, if not THE worst president this country has ever had.

Direct Response? No.

But you don't get to start a period of civil unrest, and then whine like a faggot because a little bit of it comes back onto you.

Get back to me, after republican mayors order the police to stand down so that right wing mobs can terrorize and kill you people for about two years, then we can talk about your feelings.

It's not direct, it's not indirect. It had nothing to do with anything except election lies. Stop trying to salvage a stupid argument.
He can't stop. Whataboutism is the only defense he can think of.
Why would there be? That was caused by China, snowflake. And if you hadn’t dropped out of school in the 9th grade, you would have learned about the US Constitution in your 10th grade civics class. See, a pandemic isn’t the response of the federal government (which is why you saw governors across the nation holding daily briefings).

It’s never too late to get your GED, son :laugh:

Moron, Trump's leadership during the Covid pandemic is no one's responsibility but Trump's.

He has has failed to step up and lead like a respectable adult just when this country needed it the most. He constantly contradicted and failed to suppport his CDC, was constantly spreading lies, falsehoods and magical thinking about how the virus will vanish any second now and his administration had no cohesive national plan. On his watch infection and death outcomes in America became some of the worst in the developed world. Hell he couldn't even prevent himself and everyone around him getting Covid, never mind the rest of America.

No historian will ever view his handling of the Covid pandemic as anything but a giant fuckup and an opportunity at greatness missed.
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1. The "evidence" was me watching the CDC spokeswoman talk about their polices. I did not download and save the video that day, because I did not foresee that you libs would deny publicly stated government policy. See, even though, intellectually I know how dishonest you libs are, I can't REALLY, internalize it. No sane person can.

If it was stated government policy then you should be able to link to it. It should be on the CDC website, but it isn’t because you were mistaken by what you “saw“. I have provided you all of the data that says Covid deaths are being listed as Covid deaths. In fact, experts agree that the deaths are being under reported. What defies logic is why you would insist that the people dying aren’t dying. You’re as bad as 911 truthers.

2. The "mounds of evidence" are all based on false data. Lying a lot, is not a supporting argument. It is just a lot of work put into supporting the lie.

:lol: Based on nothing but your say so? Come on you’re not even trying to be serious. :lol:

3. You brought up Trump, not me. My opinion on the numbers have nothing to do with anything Trump has ever said. I have explained my reasoning, address it or admit I am right. Stop playing silly games.

Trump’s own team did an autopsy on his loss. He lost because he lied too much snd for his astoundingly horrible response to the pandemic.

4. I stand by my prediction. I predict that when we get good numbers on the excess deaths, that the excess deaths will be far lower than expected AND turn out to be far younger than the average covid person, indicating the death was caused by the lockdown.
We already have good numbers. The number of excess deaths match the Covid deaths. People are dying from Covid, not “lockdowns”.[/quote]
So he produces records the US has never seen before (good records like record low unemployment and record market highs) and all you can do is cry "approval ratings"?

Yeah, let's look at those "records"

400,000 dead
65 million jobs lost
26 TRILLION in debt

There's a reason why he had crappy approval ratings and 81 million people voted to get rid of him.
With Biden about to add at least 4 trillion.
So he produces records the US has never seen before (good records like record low unemployment and record market highs) and all you can do is cry "approval ratings"?

Yeah, let's look at those "records"

400,000 dead
65 million jobs lost
26 TRILLION in debt

There's a reason why he had crappy approval ratings and 81 million people voted to get rid of him.
With Biden about to add at least 4 trillion.
Possibly. That's what happens when a president inherits a recession. Just like when Bush handed Obama a recession.
Thank you, President Trump. The 21st century will never see a better president than you.

Great presidents don't get impeached twice. They win their re-election. They have approval ratings above 40%. They don't leave the White House with the country in a recession. They don't inspire their base to storm the Capitol to kill the VP and lawmakers. They don't live in a world of delusion where they claim they won an election they lost.

You're fucked in the head, Buttplug. Beyond all repair.

You people started a war, and now you whine that the other side fights back?

You are pathetic and weak.

That you hear whining is also a poor reflection on you. And there was no war started. You idiots are simply making up ridiculous excuses just to avoid taking responsibility for raging lunatics on your side.

Violence begets violence. ANd you people have been doing a lot of violence over the last two years.

Time will tell if it is a war or just a flurry of riots.

COnsidering how you people are talking so much shit about punishing your enemies, and seem to be ramping up to be even more oppressive moving forward....

I'm thinking this is more a beginning than an ending.

Do you want to punish all the Trump voters?

Do you even believe the stupid tripe you post?

Violence at the Capitol was not a response to other violence, it was a response to Trump convincing his idiots that an election was stolen from them.

Violence did not beget this violence, Trump's pathetic bullshit did and it just another reason he will go down as one of the worst, if not THE worst president this country has ever had.

Direct Response? No.

But you don't get to start a period of civil unrest, and then whine like a faggot because a little bit of it comes back onto you.

Get back to me, after republican mayors order the police to stand down so that right wing mobs can terrorize and kill you people for about two years, then we can talk about your feelings.

It's not direct, it's not indirect. It had nothing to do with anything except election lies. Stop trying to salvage a stupid argument.

You started a fight, and now you are whining like a faggot that the other side fought back, a little.

Your position is the stupid one. And the faggot one.
Thank you, President Trump. The 21st century will never see a better president than you.

Great presidents don't get impeached twice. They win their re-election. They have approval ratings above 40%. They don't leave the White House with the country in a recession. They don't inspire their base to storm the Capitol to kill the VP and lawmakers. They don't live in a world of delusion where they claim they won an election they lost.

You're fucked in the head, Buttplug. Beyond all repair.

You people started a war, and now you whine that the other side fights back?

You are pathetic and weak.

That you hear whining is also a poor reflection on you. And there was no war started. You idiots are simply making up ridiculous excuses just to avoid taking responsibility for raging lunatics on your side.

Violence begets violence. ANd you people have been doing a lot of violence over the last two years.

Time will tell if it is a war or just a flurry of riots.

COnsidering how you people are talking so much shit about punishing your enemies, and seem to be ramping up to be even more oppressive moving forward....

I'm thinking this is more a beginning than an ending.

Do you want to punish all the Trump voters?

Do you even believe the stupid tripe you post?

Violence at the Capitol was not a response to other violence, it was a response to Trump convincing his idiots that an election was stolen from them.

Violence did not beget this violence, Trump's pathetic bullshit did and it just another reason he will go down as one of the worst, if not THE worst president this country has ever had.

Direct Response? No.

But you don't get to start a period of civil unrest, and then whine like a faggot because a little bit of it comes back onto you.

Get back to me, after republican mayors order the police to stand down so that right wing mobs can terrorize and kill you people for about two years, then we can talk about your feelings.

It's not direct, it's not indirect. It had nothing to do with anything except election lies. Stop trying to salvage a stupid argument.
He can't stop. Whataboutism is the only defense he can think of.

Pointing out that your side started this fight, is not whataboutism.

It is correctly placing the blame.
Thank you, President Trump. The 21st century will never see a better president than you.

Great presidents don't get impeached twice. They win their re-election. They have approval ratings above 40%. They don't leave the White House with the country in a recession. They don't inspire their base to storm the Capitol to kill the VP and lawmakers. They don't live in a world of delusion where they claim they won an election they lost.

You're fucked in the head, Buttplug. Beyond all repair.

You people started a war, and now you whine that the other side fights back?

You are pathetic and weak.

That you hear whining is also a poor reflection on you. And there was no war started. You idiots are simply making up ridiculous excuses just to avoid taking responsibility for raging lunatics on your side.

Violence begets violence. ANd you people have been doing a lot of violence over the last two years.

Time will tell if it is a war or just a flurry of riots.

COnsidering how you people are talking so much shit about punishing your enemies, and seem to be ramping up to be even more oppressive moving forward....

I'm thinking this is more a beginning than an ending.

Do you want to punish all the Trump voters?

Do you even believe the stupid tripe you post?

Violence at the Capitol was not a response to other violence, it was a response to Trump convincing his idiots that an election was stolen from them.

Violence did not beget this violence, Trump's pathetic bullshit did and it just another reason he will go down as one of the worst, if not THE worst president this country has ever had.

Direct Response? No.

But you don't get to start a period of civil unrest, and then whine like a faggot because a little bit of it comes back onto you.

Get back to me, after republican mayors order the police to stand down so that right wing mobs can terrorize and kill you people for about two years, then we can talk about your feelings.

It's not direct, it's not indirect. It had nothing to do with anything except election lies. Stop trying to salvage a stupid argument.

You started a fight, and now you are whining like a faggot that the other side fought back, a little.
Your position is the stupid one. And the faggot one.

Are you done with your silly, mindless diarhea of the mouth?

Here, have a napkin, clean up and stop embarrassing yourself.
1. The "evidence" was me watching the CDC spokeswoman talk about their polices. I did not download and save the video that day, because I did not foresee that you libs would deny publicly stated government policy. See, even though, intellectually I know how dishonest you libs are, I can't REALLY, internalize it. No sane person can.

If it was stated government policy then you should be able to link to it. It should be on the CDC website, but it isn’t because you were mistaken by what you “saw“. I have provided you all of the data that says Covid deaths are being listed as Covid deaths. In fact, experts agree that the deaths are being under reported. What defies logic is why you would insist that the people dying aren’t dying. You’re as bad as 911 truthers.

2. The "mounds of evidence" are all based on false data. Lying a lot, is not a supporting argument. It is just a lot of work put into supporting the lie.

:lol: Based on nothing but your say so? Come on you’re not even trying to be serious. :lol:

3. You brought up Trump, not me. My opinion on the numbers have nothing to do with anything Trump has ever said. I have explained my reasoning, address it or admit I am right. Stop playing silly games.

Trump’s own team did an autopsy on his loss. He lost because he lied too much snd for his astoundingly horrible response to the pandemic.

4. I stand by my prediction. I predict that when we get good numbers on the excess deaths, that the excess deaths will be far lower than expected AND turn out to be far younger than the average covid person, indicating the death was caused by the lockdown.
We already have good numbers. The number of excess deaths match the Covid deaths. People are dying from Covid, not “lockdowns”.

Time will tell. I've heard some very disturbing reports on suicides among the young.

I stand by my prediction.
Thank you, President Trump. The 21st century will never see a better president than you.

Great presidents don't get impeached twice. They win their re-election. They have approval ratings above 40%. They don't leave the White House with the country in a recession. They don't inspire their base to storm the Capitol to kill the VP and lawmakers. They don't live in a world of delusion where they claim they won an election they lost.

You're fucked in the head, Buttplug. Beyond all repair.

You people started a war, and now you whine that the other side fights back?

You are pathetic and weak.

That you hear whining is also a poor reflection on you. And there was no war started. You idiots are simply making up ridiculous excuses just to avoid taking responsibility for raging lunatics on your side.

Violence begets violence. ANd you people have been doing a lot of violence over the last two years.

Time will tell if it is a war or just a flurry of riots.

COnsidering how you people are talking so much shit about punishing your enemies, and seem to be ramping up to be even more oppressive moving forward....

I'm thinking this is more a beginning than an ending.

Do you want to punish all the Trump voters?

Do you even believe the stupid tripe you post?

Violence at the Capitol was not a response to other violence, it was a response to Trump convincing his idiots that an election was stolen from them.

Violence did not beget this violence, Trump's pathetic bullshit did and it just another reason he will go down as one of the worst, if not THE worst president this country has ever had.

Direct Response? No.

But you don't get to start a period of civil unrest, and then whine like a faggot because a little bit of it comes back onto you.

Get back to me, after republican mayors order the police to stand down so that right wing mobs can terrorize and kill you people for about two years, then we can talk about your feelings.

It's not direct, it's not indirect. It had nothing to do with anything except election lies. Stop trying to salvage a stupid argument.
He can't stop. Whataboutism is the only defense he can think of.

Pointing out that your side started this fight, is not whataboutism.

It is correctly placing the blame.
It is whataboutism since the insurrection in the Capitol was over the election, not the BLM riots.
Thank you, President Trump. The 21st century will never see a better president than you.

Great presidents don't get impeached twice. They win their re-election. They have approval ratings above 40%. They don't leave the White House with the country in a recession. They don't inspire their base to storm the Capitol to kill the VP and lawmakers. They don't live in a world of delusion where they claim they won an election they lost.

You're fucked in the head, Buttplug. Beyond all repair.

You people started a war, and now you whine that the other side fights back?

You are pathetic and weak.

That you hear whining is also a poor reflection on you. And there was no war started. You idiots are simply making up ridiculous excuses just to avoid taking responsibility for raging lunatics on your side.

Violence begets violence. ANd you people have been doing a lot of violence over the last two years.

Time will tell if it is a war or just a flurry of riots.

COnsidering how you people are talking so much shit about punishing your enemies, and seem to be ramping up to be even more oppressive moving forward....

I'm thinking this is more a beginning than an ending.

Do you want to punish all the Trump voters?

Do you even believe the stupid tripe you post?

Violence at the Capitol was not a response to other violence, it was a response to Trump convincing his idiots that an election was stolen from them.

Violence did not beget this violence, Trump's pathetic bullshit did and it just another reason he will go down as one of the worst, if not THE worst president this country has ever had.

Direct Response? No.

But you don't get to start a period of civil unrest, and then whine like a faggot because a little bit of it comes back onto you.

Get back to me, after republican mayors order the police to stand down so that right wing mobs can terrorize and kill you people for about two years, then we can talk about your feelings.

It's not direct, it's not indirect. It had nothing to do with anything except election lies. Stop trying to salvage a stupid argument.
He can't stop. Whataboutism is the only defense he can think of.

Pointing out that your side started this fight, is not whataboutism.

It is correctly placing the blame.
It is whataboutism since the insurrection in the Capitol was over the election, not the BLM riots.

If it was not already a period of civil unrest, it is unlikely that middle class whites would have rioted.

You started this violent conflict, and now you are whining that the other side fought back a little bit.

Time will tell. I've heard some very disturbing reports on suicides among the young.

I stand by my prediction.
Time has already told. COVID has killed over 400,000 Americans.

We are in the midst of the crisis. Better numbers and clearer picture will emerge in time.

What part of that, don't you like?

Inquiring minds want to know.
There is nothing to like or dislike. You seem to think that everyone is lying about the numbers for some unknown reason. COVID is killing people at a rate of thousands a day and terrorists flew planes into the twin towers. Which one do you believe? (Both are true, COVID truther)
Thank you, President Trump. The 21st century will never see a better president than you.

Great presidents don't get impeached twice. They win their re-election. They have approval ratings above 40%. They don't leave the White House with the country in a recession. They don't inspire their base to storm the Capitol to kill the VP and lawmakers. They don't live in a world of delusion where they claim they won an election they lost.

You're fucked in the head, Buttplug. Beyond all repair.

You people started a war, and now you whine that the other side fights back?

You are pathetic and weak.

That you hear whining is also a poor reflection on you. And there was no war started. You idiots are simply making up ridiculous excuses just to avoid taking responsibility for raging lunatics on your side.

Violence begets violence. ANd you people have been doing a lot of violence over the last two years.

Time will tell if it is a war or just a flurry of riots.

COnsidering how you people are talking so much shit about punishing your enemies, and seem to be ramping up to be even more oppressive moving forward....

I'm thinking this is more a beginning than an ending.

Do you want to punish all the Trump voters?

Do you even believe the stupid tripe you post?

Violence at the Capitol was not a response to other violence, it was a response to Trump convincing his idiots that an election was stolen from them.

Violence did not beget this violence, Trump's pathetic bullshit did and it just another reason he will go down as one of the worst, if not THE worst president this country has ever had.

Direct Response? No.

But you don't get to start a period of civil unrest, and then whine like a faggot because a little bit of it comes back onto you.

Get back to me, after republican mayors order the police to stand down so that right wing mobs can terrorize and kill you people for about two years, then we can talk about your feelings.

It's not direct, it's not indirect. It had nothing to do with anything except election lies. Stop trying to salvage a stupid argument.
He can't stop. Whataboutism is the only defense he can think of.

Pointing out that your side started this fight, is not whataboutism.

It is correctly placing the blame.
It is whataboutism since the insurrection in the Capitol was over the election, not the BLM riots.

If it was not already a period of civil unrest, it is unlikely that middle class whites would have rioted.

You started this violent conflict, and now you are whining that the other side fought back a little bit.

You got one thing right, that is a very pathetic excuse you dreamed up.
Thank you, President Trump. The 21st century will never see a better president than you.

Great presidents don't get impeached twice. They win their re-election. They have approval ratings above 40%. They don't leave the White House with the country in a recession. They don't inspire their base to storm the Capitol to kill the VP and lawmakers. They don't live in a world of delusion where they claim they won an election they lost.

You're fucked in the head, Buttplug. Beyond all repair.

You people started a war, and now you whine that the other side fights back?

You are pathetic and weak.

That you hear whining is also a poor reflection on you. And there was no war started. You idiots are simply making up ridiculous excuses just to avoid taking responsibility for raging lunatics on your side.

Violence begets violence. ANd you people have been doing a lot of violence over the last two years.

Time will tell if it is a war or just a flurry of riots.

COnsidering how you people are talking so much shit about punishing your enemies, and seem to be ramping up to be even more oppressive moving forward....

I'm thinking this is more a beginning than an ending.

Do you want to punish all the Trump voters?

Do you even believe the stupid tripe you post?

Violence at the Capitol was not a response to other violence, it was a response to Trump convincing his idiots that an election was stolen from them.

Violence did not beget this violence, Trump's pathetic bullshit did and it just another reason he will go down as one of the worst, if not THE worst president this country has ever had.

Direct Response? No.

But you don't get to start a period of civil unrest, and then whine like a faggot because a little bit of it comes back onto you.

Get back to me, after republican mayors order the police to stand down so that right wing mobs can terrorize and kill you people for about two years, then we can talk about your feelings.

It's not direct, it's not indirect. It had nothing to do with anything except election lies. Stop trying to salvage a stupid argument.
He can't stop. Whataboutism is the only defense he can think of.

Pointing out that your side started this fight, is not whataboutism.

It is correctly placing the blame.
It is whataboutism since the insurrection in the Capitol was over the election, not the BLM riots.

If it was not already a period of civil unrest, it is unlikely that middle class whites would have rioted.

You started this violent conflict, and now you are whining that the other side fought back a little bit.

Bullshit. Now you're just making shit up to fit your square peg into a round hole so you can justify your idiocy that the summer riots had anything to do with 1/6. Again, the Insurgency had nothing to do with the summer riots and everything to do with the insane belief the election was stolen.

In his rally speech leading up to the seditious attack, Twice Impeached Trump said "stolen" or "steal" 7 times. Said "Pence" or "vice president" 8 times. Said "election" 53 times .... he said "BLM" zero times. Said Antifa zero times. That was about the election and Pence's refusal to violate the Constitution for Trump, not about the summer riots. All you're doing is making excuses for your fellow treasonous fucks.
Time will tell. I've heard some very disturbing reports on suicides among the young.

I stand by my prediction.
Time has already told. COVID has killed over 400,000 Americans.

We are in the midst of the crisis. Better numbers and clearer picture will emerge in time.

What part of that, don't you like?

Inquiring minds want to know.
There is nothing to like or dislike. You seem to think that everyone is lying about the numbers for some unknown reason. COVID is killing people at a rate of thousands a day and terrorists flew planes into the twin towers. Which one do you believe? (Both are true, COVID truther)

Unknown reason? LOL!!!!

Stop playing dumb.
Thank you, President Trump. The 21st century will never see a better president than you.

Great presidents don't get impeached twice. They win their re-election. They have approval ratings above 40%. They don't leave the White House with the country in a recession. They don't inspire their base to storm the Capitol to kill the VP and lawmakers. They don't live in a world of delusion where they claim they won an election they lost.

You're fucked in the head, Buttplug. Beyond all repair.

You people started a war, and now you whine that the other side fights back?

You are pathetic and weak.

That you hear whining is also a poor reflection on you. And there was no war started. You idiots are simply making up ridiculous excuses just to avoid taking responsibility for raging lunatics on your side.

Violence begets violence. ANd you people have been doing a lot of violence over the last two years.

Time will tell if it is a war or just a flurry of riots.

COnsidering how you people are talking so much shit about punishing your enemies, and seem to be ramping up to be even more oppressive moving forward....

I'm thinking this is more a beginning than an ending.

Do you want to punish all the Trump voters?

Do you even believe the stupid tripe you post?

Violence at the Capitol was not a response to other violence, it was a response to Trump convincing his idiots that an election was stolen from them.

Violence did not beget this violence, Trump's pathetic bullshit did and it just another reason he will go down as one of the worst, if not THE worst president this country has ever had.

Direct Response? No.

But you don't get to start a period of civil unrest, and then whine like a faggot because a little bit of it comes back onto you.

Get back to me, after republican mayors order the police to stand down so that right wing mobs can terrorize and kill you people for about two years, then we can talk about your feelings.

It's not direct, it's not indirect. It had nothing to do with anything except election lies. Stop trying to salvage a stupid argument.
He can't stop. Whataboutism is the only defense he can think of.

Pointing out that your side started this fight, is not whataboutism.

It is correctly placing the blame.
It is whataboutism since the insurrection in the Capitol was over the election, not the BLM riots.

If it was not already a period of civil unrest, it is unlikely that middle class whites would have rioted.

You started this violent conflict, and now you are whining that the other side fought back a little bit.

You got one thing right, that is a very pathetic excuse you dreamed up.

If it was not already a period of civil unrest, it is unlikely that middle class whites would have rioted.

You started this violent conflict, and now you are whining that the other side fought back a little bit.


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