Donald Trump might go down in history as the greatest president of all time

Well there's an OP that didn't stand the test of time...

As long as one is being intellectually honest...
What’s your take on all the video evidence, the hundreds of eyewitness who gave testimony under oath and the circumvention of state legislatures to revise voting guidelines in the 11th hour?
Most of it was bull$hit or irrelevant but let's say for a moment that there were, indeed, some things worth looking at...

You(r side) issued 60+ court challenges and they were all kicked to the curb... oftentimes by Republican and even Rump-appointed judges...

If you weren't able to convince GOP -centric courts ( your own people who took their Oaths seriously ) then you aren't going to convince anyone else...

You had your chance... more than sixty chances... and you screwed the pooch every time...

Truth is, your boy turned out to be The Biggest Loser...

Next election... do better.,.. and field better candidates...
Sort of reminds me of 1930's Nazi Germany when another charlatan had the masses grovel at his feet. How did that turn out?
Well... Adolf DID eliminate unemployment and get the economy growing again... :auiqs.jpg:

Today, I would modify the old 1992 campaign slogan to read... "It's not
JUST the economy, stupid !" ( it's also about killing Autocracy before it can entrench )
Americans know what the saw on election night. Trump was leading when everyone went to bed. Then after midnight ballots for Biden appeared out of nowhere. The election was stolen.
Thank you, Herr Doktor Joseph Goebbels...
81 million soulless fucks that rape the children who dodged the coathanger and eat the corn out of their stuttering fuck's steamers. Let's not pretend it didn't shit its pants at the Vatican... aka the global headquarters for pedophilia...

I say 81 million, but we all know it more like 30 million..... carry on, parasitic shit clown.
Next time around try not to elect a Bush League ex game show host who fucked up his first term so bad he got his ass beat for reelection.

And all your crying & pissing & moaning about it won't change the facts.
We are still paying for the stupid tax cuts and for the garbage that the trump regime put out there.
That doesn't even make any sense.

Of course, that is nothing unusual for your poists.
Next time around try not to elect a Bush League ex game show host who fucked up his first term so bad he got his ass beat for reelection.

And all your crying & pissing & moaning about it won't change the facts.
Wow.... I just changed my mind. The election wasn't stolen.... because some sniveling little shit that scrapes the bugs off my windshield at the carwash told me so.

You're persuasive, if nothing else.
Wow.... I just changed my mind. The election wasn't stolen.... because some sniveling little shit that scrapes the bugs off my windshield at the carwash told me so.

You're persuasive, if nothing else.
Believe what you want. It's a free Country & you can be a moron if that's what makes you happy.

Have fun.
Believe what you want. It's a free Country & you can be a moron if that's what makes you happy.

Have fun.
It WAS as free country. Forcing my kids to wear masks while playing basketball is fucking torture and illogical.
Wow.... I just changed my mind. The election wasn't stolen.... because some sniveling little shit that scrapes the bugs off my windshield at the carwash told me so.
Yep, liberals think they can convince us we didn't see what we actually did see on election night.
It WAS as free country. Forcing my kids to wear masks while playing basketball is fucking torture and illogical.
Do you allow your kids to ride in your vehicle without wearing a seat belt?

I bet you don't even though it's a free country but the law says to wear one.
Do you allow your kids to ride in your vehicle without wearing a seat belt?

I bet you don't even though it's a free country but the law says to wear one.
False conflation. They are literally sweating all over each other and touching each other. Nice try leftist scumbag.
50,000 sheeple willing to believe the Big Lie that an Orange-colored Piece-of-$hit Con-Man shoves down their throats, pretending to care about them.
Dumbocrats just can’t wrap their head around the fact that they are the only one’s dumb enough to think that politicians “care” about them. :laugh:

They assume everyone is as dumb as them. It never occurred to them that we don’t think anyone in Washington “cares” about us (nor should they).
Do you allow your kids to ride in your vehicle without wearing a seat belt?
I bet you don't even though it's a free country but the law says to wear one.
You libs want the nanny state to control everything. The libs here are trying to push nanny state legislation about texting in cars.
Trouble is, your Orange Baboon-God threw is all away on January 6, 2021... the traitorous phukk...
Well that doesn’t make any sense. By January 6, 2021 the election had been long over.

So if he “threw it all away”, it happened way before that day.

Sort of illustrates just how severe your Trump Derangement Syndrome is, doesn’t it? Aside from what I just said, Trump wasn’t even there. Secret Service would never permit a sitting President to hang out in a large crowd that wasn’t vetted and searched.

Seriously Kondor3, you truly are the poster child for Trump Derangement Syndrome. The man has been living rent-free inside your limited mind for 7 years now. He’s been out of office for more than a year and you’re still in a total tizzy about the man who’s greatest offenses is delivering more freedom and prosperity to you.

Amazing how much fascists hate those things :dunno:

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