Donald Trump moves to Florida. Buh Bye chumps!

President Then did a lot for NY. Brought a lot of jobs to NYC. Go back to sleep moron.

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the piece of shit screwed with our taxes may the mf die a horrible death
How did he screwed with your taxes?
Don't you read ?
A U.S. district judge today dismissed a lawsuit brought by Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey and New York against the big tax cut signed into law by President Trump in December 2017. Judge J. Paul Oetken has been a U.S. District Judge for the Southern District of New York since President Obama appointed him in 2011.

The case, State of New York, et al v. Steven T. Mnuchin, considered the constitutionality of the $10,000 limit per filing household on state and local tax (SALT) deductions in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. In bringing the suit, New York’s Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo complained that “The elimination of the SALT deduction (state and local tax) was an economic attack on Democratic states.”

Judge Oetken’s 37-page ruling makes is clear that the federal government can tax as it wishes, within the bounds of the Constitution.

And he notes that:

Today In: Business
Even absent an uncapped SALT deduction, though, states remain free to exercise their tax power however they wish. To be sure, the SALT cap, like any other feature of federal law, makes certain state and local policies more attractive than others as a practical matter. But the bare fact that an otherwise valid federal law necessarily affects the decisional landscape within which states must choose how to exercise their own sovereign authority hardly renders the law an unconstitutional infringement of state power."

What's wrong with limiting the SALT deduction, ed?

Homeless individuals and Illegal Aliens that live in places like New York don't get any benefits from an unlimited SALT.
The SALT limit punishes states that actually help the homeless and provide educational and medical aid to the poor

How do you know he doesn’t pay taxes. Do you live in NY. Your only repeating bullshit you here. They’re mad because he’s leaving and there going to lose those tax dollars. You a moron repeating what you hear from other morons.

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BAHAHAHAHA! Too bad New York, wave Bye Bye to all hose luscious tax dollars. And with any luck many more will follow Trump's sensible move.

Trump, Lifelong New Yorker, Declares Himself a Resident of Florida

Florida suits him. I think of Florida as flashy, cheap and not much substance. They're a perfect fit...

Cheap. His house in Florida will cost 20 times what your house cost. They’re beautiful areas of Florida that you could only dream of living there. Your just a whining bitch libtard.

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Tax free baby! How well democrats pay for all
Them social programs!?
the pos never paid taxes in ny anyway GOOD FN RIDDANCE
Do you have proof Trump didn't pay taxes in New York? Do you have links?

Otherwise, you are a liar.
you have proof he did??? He's afraid to show them ..1 point for me Zero for you,,,,use your brain fella why does some one hide something,,especially a swindler like trump?
The fact he hasn't been fined or charged with a crime tells me he paid all the taxes he owed.

if the mf shot some one on 5th ave you fn repub morons would still support him hope you all drown in the shit he's created

There goes the cry baby again. Hopefully if he does it’s you. The only people destroying this country is the Democrats but your to brainwashed and pathetic to see it. Keep hiding in your basement sissy boy

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Maybe Trump should consider building a wall around NYC. When the city collapses, as it surely will, we don't need those defective people fleeing and contaminating the neighboring regions.

He needs to build a wall around California and NY.

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Donald Trump moves permanent residence to Florida - TODAY

Well, if you kick someone in the head long enough they say goodbye. The President, wife and young son are changing their residence to Florida (no income tax state) permanently. Even though the wealthy continue to fee the over taxed state, Gov Cuomo said “good riddance.”
Trump is illustrating what happens in Blue states that raise taxes. The rich leave the state and pay taxes elsewhere.
New York is a shithole....and so is California.
Democrats want to turn Texas into the same kind of liberal shithole.

The way Democrats spread their filth all over the country is they destroy their cities and states with their lax laws and their high taxes....causing people to flee the city or state....and they bring their liberal BS ideas with them to other states.....and the cycle repeats.

Texas needs to exterminate the Democratic presence.

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STOP IT! You KNOW the IRS is auditing him like crazy and would kill him in a New York minute if something was wrong. He just wants the Democrats and others to sound like whining babies, which is working. Find something worthwhile to complain about, like the environment.

Its not going to stop (the suit) and yes according to him he has been audited forever and will be forever and ever!!
what's not going to stop is when this fails, you'll make up some other reason to be mad. you don't care about WHY you attack trump, just that you have SOMETHING you THINK you can attack him for.

pretty pathetic in the overall circle of life.

to go this route you have to assume the IRS has failed miserably at their job and missed all this CHEATING you feel trump has done. truth be told, you just want to see them so you can FIND / INVENT shit to be "mad" about.

it's all the left does. when reason #1 fails to get anywhere, move to reason #2. when that fails, reason #3. and so on and so on.

The IRS doesn't have the time or manpower to audit tramp. They mainly audit the middle class and poor people. I'm not mad, I just know tramp is a scumbag.

How long have you worked as an IRS agent that you would know that? Or maybe you read a story that said the IRS doesn't have the ability to audit every rich guy and believe that means they can't audit President Trump because it makes you feel like you can claim they're not doing it. It's so hard to know what the true believers actually know these days.

I really doubt they will lose anything as far as taxes when he moves to Florida. Mayor Peter said something yesterday,

" the president does not exist for self glorification"

At least I'm not a flip flopper, so many Republicans held their noses when voting for tramp, I have the same opinion of him then and now.

And we care what you and the idiot said. Just more sour grapes from losers like you and the rest of the Democrats

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Cheap. His house in Florida will cost 20 times what your house cost. They’re beautiful areas of Florida that you could only dream of living there. Your just a whining bitch libtard.

I could give you the prices of many an expensive house in a shit town or place. And?
STOP IT! You KNOW the IRS is auditing him like crazy and would kill him in a New York minute if something was wrong. He just wants the Democrats and others to sound like whining babies, which is working. Find something worthwhile to complain about, like the environment.

Its not going to stop (the suit) and yes according to him he has been audited forever and will be forever and ever!!
what's not going to stop is when this fails, you'll make up some other reason to be mad. you don't care about WHY you attack trump, just that you have SOMETHING you THINK you can attack him for.

pretty pathetic in the overall circle of life.

to go this route you have to assume the IRS has failed miserably at their job and missed all this CHEATING you feel trump has done. truth be told, you just want to see them so you can FIND / INVENT shit to be "mad" about.

it's all the left does. when reason #1 fails to get anywhere, move to reason #2. when that fails, reason #3. and so on and so on.

The IRS doesn't have the time or manpower to audit tramp. They mainly audit the middle class and poor people. I'm not mad, I just know tramp is a scumbag.
Millionaires face 1 in 10 chance of being audited

A new report from the tax collection agency shows that nearly 1 in 10, or 9.55 percent, of returns filed with a reported income of $1 million or more were audited or examined in 2015.
That’s up from 7.5 percent in 2014 and nearly double the rate of 2008. The following year, in 2009, the agency created a special group targeting the ultra-wealthy.

According to the IRS data, millionaire earners were more than 12 times as likely to be audited than the rest of America. People earning $200,000 or less — in other words, 95 percent of tax filers — faced a 0.76 percent chance of being audited. Overall, less than 1 percent of tax filers, 0.84 percent, were audited...

...In 2009, the IRS created a special group targeting the super-rich, called the Global High Wealth Industry Group, staffed by experts in closely held companies, trust and estates law, and overseas accounts.

Do you ever get tired of making stuff up?

Just like I said, and I doubt they even attempted to audit tramp.

In 2010, the IRS as a whole audited over 32,000 millionaires. By 2018, that number had fallen to just over 16,000, according to data compiled by Syracuse University. Audits of the wealthiest Americans have collapsed 52 percent since 2011, falling more substantially than audits of the middle class and the poor.Apr 5, 2019
The Top 0.5% Underpay $50 Billion a Year In Taxes and ... › article › ultrawealthy-taxes-irs-internal-revenue...

You doubt but have no proof. That is the bases of the Democrats campaign. You’re all a bunch of lying sacks of shit.

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Donald Trump moves permanent residence to Florida - TODAY

Well, if you kick someone in the head long enough they say goodbye. The President, wife and young son are changing their residence to Florida (no income tax state) permanently. Even though the wealthy continue to fee the over taxed state, Gov Cuomo said “good riddance.”
He doesn’t pay taxes you brain dead twat

President Trump doesn’t pay taxes. Your a stupid twat.

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Donald Trump moves permanent residence to Florida - TODAY

Well, if you kick someone in the head long enough they say goodbye. The President, wife and young son are changing their residence to Florida (no income tax state) permanently. Even though the wealthy continue to fee the over taxed state, Gov Cuomo said “good riddance.”
"Loses millions in tax revenue"

Haha...I seriously doubt that. The fake billionaire is mortgaged to the eyeballs.
/——/ Apparently you never had a mortgage and filed a tax return otherwise you’d know how stupid your post is.

Know you sound like a typical NY dipshit. Go play with the rats

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Cheap. His house in Florida will cost 20 times what your house cost. They’re beautiful areas of Florida that you could only dream of living there. Your just a whining bitch libtard.

I could give you the prices of many an expensive house in a shit town or place. And?

Yeah. Sell that to the other brain dead liberals. I’m sure expensive to you is $300,000. That’s chump change. The hole area where he is moving too and the surrounding area is more then you could ever afford. There are more shitholes in NY then there is in Florida.

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Yeah. Sell that to the other brain dead liberals. I’m sure expensive to you is $300,000. That’s chump change. The hole area where he is moving too and the surrounding area is more then you could ever afford. There are more shitholes in NY then there is in Florida.
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You can't even buy a 1 bed apartment for $300k where I live and I own a 3-bed house...
Cheap. His house in Florida will cost 20 times what your house cost. They’re beautiful areas of Florida that you could only dream of living there. Your just a whining bitch libtard.

I could give you the prices of many an expensive house in a shit town or place. And?

Yeah. Sell that to the other brain dead liberals. I’m sure expensive to you is $300,000. That’s chump change. The hole area where he is moving too and the surrounding area is more then you could ever afford. There are more shitholes in NY then there is in Florida.

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What's this 'hole area' Trump's moving to? An area where they have holes maybe? Expensive holes it sounds like. They must be the best holes!
And he joins the long line of millions who came before him ...its a proud ongoing tradition amongst my former home state homies ...especially amongst us patriotic right leaning types
NY, CA are for the tough...Florida is for those that have few years left in the tank.

Pretty sure you meant for the stupid...
But hey! Be sure and convince your friends of your hypothesis.
We dont want you down south anyway.
And here's a question...if it sucks so bad why the fuck do you keep moving here?
Down south? Last time I checked California is in the south...dumb as your president.

Again....why do you keep moving here?
Why would leave the best state California to live in a worse state ?
And he joins the long line of millions who came before him ...its a proud ongoing tradition amongst my former home state homies ...especially amongst us patriotic right leaning types
NY, CA are for the tough...Florida is for those that have few years left in the tank.

Pretty sure you meant for the stupid...
But hey! Be sure and convince your friends of your hypothesis.
We dont want you down south anyway.
And here's a question...if it sucks so bad why the fuck do you keep moving here?
Down south? Last time I checked California is in the south...dumb as your president.

Again....why do you keep moving here?

NY and California are for pussy’s. That’s where all the mutants live. Not tough at all. Tough is Chicago and Baltimore

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Didn't mean thugs.
And he joins the long line of millions who came before him ...its a proud ongoing tradition amongst my former home state homies ...especially amongst us patriotic right leaning types
NY, CA are for the tough...Florida is for those that have few years left in the tank.

Mexifornia and Loon York is for wetbacks, ragheads, pole puffers, rug munchers, chicks with dicks, white guilt whackos, feminazis, lowlife degenerates, criminals, elitists and general pieces of shits. That’s it.
And you still live here. You must like it.
Yeah. Sell that to the other brain dead liberals. I’m sure expensive to you is $300,000. That’s chump change. The hole area where he is moving too and the surrounding area is more then you could ever afford. There are more shitholes in NY then there is in Florida.
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You can't even buy a 1 bed apartment for $300k where I live and I own a 3-bed house...

Wow. I’m proud of you. I live in the most expensive county in the country and it’s not in Cally. I’m in NJ which is rated 1st for the highest property taxes in the country and highest property value. I’m not bragging as NJ sucks dick because like NY it’s a bunch of liberal scum that live here. I will be moving to a gun friendly state not that it matters because as a retired police officer I can carry in any state in the US. That means NY, and Cally and any other liberal shithole.

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NY, CA are for the tough...Florida is for those that have few years left in the tank.

Pretty sure you meant for the stupid...
But hey! Be sure and convince your friends of your hypothesis.
We dont want you down south anyway.
And here's a question...if it sucks so bad why the fuck do you keep moving here?
Down south? Last time I checked California is in the south...dumb as your president.

Again....why do you keep moving here?

NY and California are for pussy’s. That’s where all the mutants live. Not tough at all. Tough is Chicago and Baltimore

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Didn't mean thugs.

You said tough. That’s tough.

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Donald Trump moves permanent residence to Florida - TODAY

Well, if you kick someone in the head long enough they say goodbye. The President, wife and young son are changing their residence to Florida (no income tax state) permanently. Even though the wealthy continue to fee the over taxed state, Gov Cuomo said “good riddance.”
"Loses millions in tax revenue"

Haha...I seriously doubt that. The fake billionaire is mortgaged to the eyeballs.
/——/ Apparently you never had a mortgage and filed a tax return otherwise you’d know how stupid your post is.

Know you sound like a typical NY dipshit. Go play with the rats

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/——-/ Explain how having mortgages means you don’t pay income tax. You need income to make the payments. And then you only deduct the interest. Well? BTW, if I was a Typical NY dipshit, I’d be a Trump hater like you.

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