Donald Trump: Narcissist in Chief

Fear? LOL On the contrary, I want you pecks to make sure you nominate this dumber than palin superscar.

Please, don't listen to anyone in the Republican party telling you you can't vote for Trump. VOTE for him, he's your guy!! Trump all the way.

He's the most luxurious, richest, biggest, deal-making-Mexican-hating-china-bashing-wallbuilderwiththempayingforit-isis-head-spinning-jobs-out-of-his-ass candidate you could ever see. Trust him.

Trump, trump, trump!

What is funny is Democrats are beginning to identify with him. I prefer other candidates but what do I know, I thought Obama wouldn't damage the nation as badly as he has.

LOL Uh no, Democrats know Trump can't win a national election. Go Trump!

In this day and age you never know. Many blacks are anti-illegal immigration. He may win on that alone.

Quite right. Blacks rushing to the GOP big tent with Trump at the lead sounds like a dead lock. Many Latinos are anti-illegal immigrant too. He may get the Latino vote too.

You should definitely run that guy.
They are free to run whoever they want, just as you are free to run a compulsive liar who is in Wall St.'s back pocket.
Trump will end up like the Black Knight.

Trump certainly acts and sounds like a racial bigot. But whether he really is or not, there is a much deeper issue here -- Donald Trump is a salesman who sees that racial bigotry still works with a core base of the Republican Party.

Donald Trump is a real estate mogul for whom the word "egomaniac" is an understatement. But when America's narcissist in chief says he also wants to become commander in chief, the country pays attention. And that's what Trump wanted to have happen. Here is what Trump said in his announcement that he is running to add the presidency to his list of successes:

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. ...They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

When challenged on the inaccuracy, outrageousness and viciousness of his remarks, "The Donald" characteristically doubled down and claimed to be the nation's only truth-teller, then attacked everyone who dared to challenge him.

Nice of Trump to assume, I thought, that some of the 11 million undocumented immigrants who live such vulnerable lives in this country might be good people. But obviously Trump doesn't know any of them.

Much More: Donald Trump: Narcissist in Chief - Jim Wallis

I applaud Trump for shaking things up in the GOP. Every circus needs a good ringmaster. Trump is trying to ride racial bigotry to the White House. Are you buying his shtick? He also seems very thin-skinned - so how will he weather the scrutiny that presidential candidates must endure? He hasn't seen anything yet from the media compared to what's coming.
The Right thinks Trump's narcissism is a sign of strength.
Does the angry left really want to get into an argument about narcissism when we see the entire left wing Hollywood tribe contributing inane political opinions every day? What the hell is it about the left that they presume to obey only the laws that they like? Try entering any country in the world including Mexico, Central America and South America not to mention Europe and Asia without freaking documentation and see how much time you spend in a jail with conditions a hundred years behind the standards set by the greatest Country on earth. Try driving on to Native American "reservations" or casinos and doing something as benign as snapping photos or playing offensive and loud music and find out how fast your ass will be calling for bail money. Yet the radical left can't seem to call criminal illegal aliens ....criminals.
Fear? LOL On the contrary, I want you pecks to make sure you nominate this dumber than palin superscar.

Please, don't listen to anyone in the Republican party telling you you can't vote for Trump. VOTE for him, he's your guy!! Trump all the way.

He's the most luxurious, richest, biggest, deal-making-Mexican-hating-china-bashing-wallbuilderwiththempayingforit-isis-head-spinning-jobs-out-of-his-ass candidate you could ever see. Trust him.

Trump, trump, trump!

What is funny is Democrats are beginning to identify with him. I prefer other candidates but what do I know, I thought Obama wouldn't damage the nation as badly as he has.

LOL Uh no, Democrats know Trump can't win a national election. Go Trump!

They said the same thing about Reagan.

And Palin, and Romney, and McCain, and Gingrich...

But yes please you kooks stick with trump, don't let priebus tell you otherwise!

Palin wasn't heading the ticket. McCain was trying to lose, he's such a spineless moron. The same goes for Romney. The Repubs have already followed the Democrat advice in two elections by nominating a "moderate" and what did it get them? Anyone who continues to follow that advice is a fool.
Unlike your man Obama who had accomplished nothing in his pathetic nothing of a career, Trump has the career accomplishments to back up his bravdo, eat it!
Say what you want. The demand for tickets in Phoenix is so high, they've already moved the venue once. They need a bigger venue than even that, but too late to move it again. Cackle on, Fake Injun.........

Now that's what I'm talking about. I expect Trump's popularity among conservatives to surge now that he's turning on both Mexicans and Rubio.

Bashing brown people and support in the GOP goes together like peas and carrots.

No....bashing a corrupt Mexican government and stupid immigration enforcement here in the states is not racism.....that is the core of the democrat party.....notice...he said guys want to ignore that but Americans are tired of politicians ignoring violent illegals who come here and commit crimes.
Trump has stolen the anti-immigrant issue from every other Republican in the race who might have planned to make that an important feature of their campaigns. All they can say now is 'me too!'.
Fear? LOL On the contrary, I want you pecks to make sure you nominate this dumber than palin superscar.

Please, don't listen to anyone in the Republican party telling you you can't vote for Trump. VOTE for him, he's your guy!! Trump all the way.

He's the most luxurious, richest, biggest, deal-making-Mexican-hating-china-bashing-wallbuilderwiththempayingforit-isis-head-spinning-jobs-out-of-his-ass candidate you could ever see. Trust him.

Trump, trump, trump!

What is funny is Democrats are beginning to identify with him. I prefer other candidates but what do I know, I thought Obama wouldn't damage the nation as badly as he has.

LOL Uh no, Democrats know Trump can't win a national election. Go Trump!

They said the same thing about Reagan.

And Palin, and Romney, and McCain, and Gingrich...

But yes please you kooks stick with trump, don't let priebus tell you otherwise!

Palin wasn't heading the ticket. McCain was trying to lose, he's such a spineless moron. The same goes for Romney. The Repubs have already followed the Democrat advice in two elections by nominating a "moderate" and what did it get them? Anyone who continues to follow that advice is a fool.

At the least....Trump is showing republicans how to deal with a press filled with hilary supporters. Cruz and Walker already know how to do this.....let's see if the other guys doesn't look like it though.....

.Dole, McCain, Romney all the great Republicans who became President by being moderate and nice to democrats......errrrrr...wait......
Donald Trump: Narcissist in Chief

Just as Dubya was. And also Obama is showing signs of. The last thing on earth this country needs is another pathological malignant narcissist at the helm. They make terrible leaders because they always believe everything they do and think is right and will not take into account any other position; only if it grooms their exaggerated sense of self-worth. This makes them extremely susceptible to flattery and nefarious influences who work an agenda by manipulating the narcissists any which way they like. Dick Cheney was Dubya's manipulator. We DO NOT need that scenario again.

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