Donald Trump: Narcissist in Chief

Trump certainly acts and sounds like a racial bigot. But whether he really is or not, there is a much deeper issue here -- Donald Trump is a salesman who sees that racial bigotry still works with a core base of the Republican Party.

Donald Trump is a real estate mogul for whom the word "egomaniac" is an understatement. But when America's narcissist in chief says he also wants to become commander in chief, the country pays attention. And that's what Trump wanted to have happen. Here is what Trump said in his announcement that he is running to add the presidency to his list of successes:

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. ...They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

When challenged on the inaccuracy, outrageousness and viciousness of his remarks, "The Donald" characteristically doubled down and claimed to be the nation's only truth-teller, then attacked everyone who dared to challenge him.

Nice of Trump to assume, I thought, that some of the 11 million undocumented immigrants who live such vulnerable lives in this country might be good people. But obviously Trump doesn't know any of them.

Much More: Donald Trump: Narcissist in Chief - Jim Wallis

I applaud Trump for shaking things up in the GOP. Every circus needs a good ringmaster. Trump is trying to ride racial bigotry to the White House. Are you buying his shtick? He also seems very thin-skinned - so how will he weather the scrutiny that presidential candidates must endure? He hasn't seen anything yet from the media compared to what's coming.

Sorry, that title is already taken by the current occupier of the WH.
This is where America should be deeply concerned. Trump has a mental illness that could very well interfere with important decision making. I have no doubt his ego will come before the good of the American people.
I bet you feel better. After years of your lord, lord obama, being called a narcicist for taking more selfies than any other president in the United States you see an opportunity to get even by calling Trump a narcissist. Do you feel better? It is OK to let that anger out.
This is where America should be deeply concerned. Trump has a mental illness that could very well interfere with important decision making. I have no doubt his ego will come before the good of the American people.

Trump certainly acts and sounds like a racial bigot. But whether he really is or not, there is a much deeper issue here -- Donald Trump is a salesman who sees that racial bigotry still works with a core base of the Republican Party.

Donald Trump is a real estate mogul for whom the word "egomaniac" is an understatement. But when America's narcissist in chief says he also wants to become commander in chief, the country pays attention. And that's what Trump wanted to have happen. Here is what Trump said in his announcement that he is running to add the presidency to his list of successes:

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. ...They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

When challenged on the inaccuracy, outrageousness and viciousness of his remarks, "The Donald" characteristically doubled down and claimed to be the nation's only truth-teller, then attacked everyone who dared to challenge him.

Nice of Trump to assume, I thought, that some of the 11 million undocumented immigrants who live such vulnerable lives in this country might be good people. But obviously Trump doesn't know any of them.

Much More: Donald Trump: Narcissist in Chief - Jim Wallis

I applaud Trump for shaking things up in the GOP. Every circus needs a good ringmaster. Trump is trying to ride racial bigotry to the White House. Are you buying his shtick? He also seems very thin-skinned - so how will he weather the scrutiny that presidential candidates must endure? He hasn't seen anything yet from the media compared to what's coming.

Trump is nothing more than a major drama queen stuck in the wrong body. The Trumpet's think they have a John Wayne figure, but what they really have is a female version of Colonel Custer and they're part of the 7th Calvary.

Trump's tweeter fingers went crazy ivan yesterday, (something a woman with serious PMS would do.) Now if this guy isn't a drama queen, someone needs to put a straight jacket on him and take him to the nearest nut house.

He's emotionally unstable. 6 out of 10 Americans don't want him anywhere near the button, and the other 4 don't want him anywhere near the U.S. Treasury.
Trump Goes on All-Out Twitter Tirade Against Cruz, Romney, Erick Erickson, Megyn Kelly and Others


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