Donald Trump National Security Issue: Not Mentally Fit For Commander In Chief

If a person can't qualify for basic training, must we legally ban them from any higher rank?

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It's funny how when the stark honest truth is revealed: that Donald Trump's psychological profile would exclude him from basic recruit status, that the discussion reverts to another. What may or may not be true about Hillary Clinton does not erase the fact that Trump is not fit to be in the military. And, therefore, not fit to be its CIC.
Sorry Mr. Trump, the military has denied your application for entry.
Who are you kidding? He tore up your pussy in your dreams, you'll never be the same, he'll always own your feeble mind.

Actually, if you look back in my posting history, I'd not mentioned him at all until long after he was deep into the primary races. And, I will forget him the second he loses next week. I've got bigger fish to fry.

Lovely analogy BTW. Describes the rapist mentality of Trump and his acolytes perfectly..
(numbers mine)

Narcissism and
Toxic Leaders
Lieutenant Colonel Joe Doty, Ph.D., U.S. Army, Retired,
and Master Sergeant Jeff Fenlason, U.S. Army
1. Narcissistic individuals also tend to be egotistical, manipulative, self-seeking and exploitative. 2. Narcissists do not accept suggestions from others. Doing so might make them appear weak, which conflicts with their need for self-enhancement. 3.Some narcissists have such an inflated self-confidence that they do not believe that others have anything useful to say to them. 4. They also take more credit than they deserve..., 5. they avoid taking responsibility for shortcomings and failures. 6. Narcissistic individuals often are influential in group settings because they have such conviction in the worth of their ideas that others tend to believe them and follow.

Remember, armchair Donnie knows more than the generals do BUH-LEEVE ME!

1. Trump's Hollywood "grab 'em by the pussy" tape.
2. Trump's constant going off script and biffing his campaign to the chagrin of his advisors.
3. Trump's believing he knows more than the generals do...ground generals in the heat of battle even..
4. Saying he built his fortune from nothing when daddy and multiple others have propped him up through bankruptcy after bankruptcy.
5. Always blames Hillary for shortcomings pointed out (and demonstrated almost daily) of his own.
6. The Trumpees sticking fast to Trump even if he were to shoot someone in the head on 5th Avenue, and I quote. He even brags about how he is as untouchable as a true cult leader: like Jim Jones.
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Here's one for the voters to consider, after they become thoroughly familiar with who narcissists are: (same link last post)

This leads us to a few thought-provoking questions: Do narcissistic leaders know they are narcissistic? If so, do they care? Do they want to be toxic leaders? Are we continually encouraging toxic and narcissistic leadership models by limiting the metric we use to judge successful leaders and commands

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