Donald Trump now LEADS Among GOP Hispanics. Told you So.

the right has not yet figured out that the republican latino is NOT going to give them any election.

they hate you for good reasons and are not republicans unless they are insane and full of self hate.

You are a racist piece of shit. Most Hispanics don't vote on their race, no matter how much you libtards lie to them about it.
Hispanics don't vote on their race

Hispanic is a race now? well maybe to a dumb southern cracker like you they are
Poll only for Nevada, taken by a Republican Polling firm with a bad reputation for miscalls in Presidential Election cycles (and I can prove it, btw :D )

So, of the 1,276 in the survey group, 623 are Republicans, and the Latinos quoted in the poll would be a sub-group from those 623. Here:

Trump Leads Nevada Poll with Overwhelming Hispanic Support -- WASHINGTON July 16 2015 PRNewswire --

In 2012, Latinos were 19% of the vote in Nevada, and Obama won the Latino vote in that state by +45 points (70 to 25). So, the Republican latino vote in 2012 was 25% of 19% = 4.75 percentage points. Here:

Latino Voters in the 2012 Election Pew Research Center

Of those 4.75, Trump is winning 31% = 1.47 points.

So, when you consider how poorly the GOP has done with the Latino vote in Nevada, a GOP candidate is going to have to do far better than 31% to convince anyone of anything.

But it is interesting to see how a Right-Wing polling group is trying to prop him up.

The OP has a lot to learn.

No, you have a lot to learn, but you wont because you are an ideologically blinded nit wit.

Trump is a professional businessman and he has done his homework and he knows that Americans are sick to death of these gutless cowards posing as our political leaders when all they really are is whores.

John McCain is a traitor who talk tot he Viet Cong so much and so freely they nicknamed him the 'Song Bird' and the disgraceful piece of shyte obstructed every attempt to investigate cases of American POWs still being held in captivity. But you wont hear of that through the corporate owned media, like FOX the 24/7 soft porn channel.

The establishment is scared to death of Trump and whether he wins or loses he is entertaining the hell out of me!

Unfortunately Trump doesn't have to be tortured to talk. His talk is the torture.
Poll only for Nevada, taken by a Republican Polling firm with a bad reputation for miscalls in Presidential Election cycles (and I can prove it, btw :D )

So, of the 1,276 in the survey group, 623 are Republicans, and the Latinos quoted in the poll would be a sub-group from those 623. Here:

Trump Leads Nevada Poll with Overwhelming Hispanic Support -- WASHINGTON July 16 2015 PRNewswire --

In 2012, Latinos were 19% of the vote in Nevada, and Obama won the Latino vote in that state by +45 points (70 to 25). So, the Republican latino vote in 2012 was 25% of 19% = 4.75 percentage points. Here:

Latino Voters in the 2012 Election Pew Research Center

Of those 4.75, Trump is winning 31% = 1.47 points.

So, when you consider how poorly the GOP has done with the Latino vote in Nevada, a GOP candidate is going to have to do far better than 31% to convince anyone of anything.

But it is interesting to see how a Right-Wing polling group is trying to prop him up.

The OP has a lot to learn.

No, you have a lot to learn, but you wont because you are an ideologically blinded nit wit.

Trump is a professional businessman and he has done his homework and he knows that Americans are sick to death of these gutless cowards posing as our political leaders when all they really are is whores.

John McCain is a traitor who talk tot he Viet Cong so much and so freely they nicknamed him the 'Song Bird' and the disgraceful piece of shyte obstructed every attempt to investigate cases of American POWs still being held in captivity. But you wont hear of that through the corporate owned media, like FOX the 24/7 soft porn channel.

The establishment is scared to death of Trump and whether he wins or loses he is entertaining the hell out of me!
You don't know what you are talking about. You are just mimicking talking points. You think McCain talked to the Viet Cong. That just shows what a dunce you are on the subject your are commenting about.
Poll only for Nevada, taken by a Republican Polling firm with a bad reputation for miscalls in Presidential Election cycles (and I can prove it, btw :D )

So, of the 1,276 in the survey group, 623 are Republicans, and the Latinos quoted in the poll would be a sub-group from those 623. Here:

Trump Leads Nevada Poll with Overwhelming Hispanic Support -- WASHINGTON July 16 2015 PRNewswire --

In 2012, Latinos were 19% of the vote in Nevada, and Obama won the Latino vote in that state by +45 points (70 to 25). So, the Republican latino vote in 2012 was 25% of 19% = 4.75 percentage points. Here:

Latino Voters in the 2012 Election Pew Research Center

Of those 4.75, Trump is winning 31% = 1.47 points.

So, when you consider how poorly the GOP has done with the Latino vote in Nevada, a GOP candidate is going to have to do far better than 31% to convince anyone of anything.

But it is interesting to see how a Right-Wing polling group is trying to prop him up.

The OP has a lot to learn.

No, you have a lot to learn, but you wont because you are an ideologically blinded nit wit.

Trump is a professional businessman and he has done his homework and he knows that Americans are sick to death of these gutless cowards posing as our political leaders when all they really are is whores.

John McCain is a traitor who talk tot he Viet Cong so much and so freely they nicknamed him the 'Song Bird' and the disgraceful piece of shyte obstructed every attempt to investigate cases of American POWs still being held in captivity. But you wont hear of that through the corporate owned media, like FOX the 24/7 soft porn channel.

The establishment is scared to death of Trump and whether he wins or loses he is entertaining the hell out of me!

Yeah, you go with that, l'ol slugger!

I don't have to go with anything, shit for brains.

Trump is kicking your ass from coast to coast and all I am hearing from you fagots is 'ow, my but hurts!'

What an idiot!!! Hillary Clinton continues to lead ALL GOP candidates in head-to-head general election match-ups.
Poll only for Nevada, taken by a Republican Polling firm with a bad reputation for miscalls in Presidential Election cycles (and I can prove it, btw :D )

So, of the 1,276 in the survey group, 623 are Republicans, and the Latinos quoted in the poll would be a sub-group from those 623. Here:

Trump Leads Nevada Poll with Overwhelming Hispanic Support -- WASHINGTON July 16 2015 PRNewswire --

In 2012, Latinos were 19% of the vote in Nevada, and Obama won the Latino vote in that state by +45 points (70 to 25). So, the Republican latino vote in 2012 was 25% of 19% = 4.75 percentage points. Here:

Latino Voters in the 2012 Election Pew Research Center

Of those 4.75, Trump is winning 31% = 1.47 points.

So, when you consider how poorly the GOP has done with the Latino vote in Nevada, a GOP candidate is going to have to do far better than 31% to convince anyone of anything.

But it is interesting to see how a Right-Wing polling group is trying to prop him up.

The OP has a lot to learn.

No, you have a lot to learn, but you wont because you are an ideologically blinded nit wit.

Trump is a professional businessman and he has done his homework and he knows that Americans are sick to death of these gutless cowards posing as our political leaders when all they really are is whores.

John McCain is a traitor who talk tot he Viet Cong so much and so freely they nicknamed him the 'Song Bird' and the disgraceful piece of shyte obstructed every attempt to investigate cases of American POWs still being held in captivity. But you wont hear of that through the corporate owned media, like FOX the 24/7 soft porn channel.

The establishment is scared to death of Trump and whether he wins or loses he is entertaining the hell out of me!
You don't know what you are talking about. You are just mimicking talking points. You think McCain talked to the Viet Cong. That just shows what a dunce you are on the subject your are commenting about.
I'll bet the author of this thread would crack under interrogation in about two minutes.
becuase the right is a racists pack of haters

why would people of color vote WITH racists idiot
Impossible! Minorities ONLY vote in lockstep! Like Blacks do!

you would think that by the way the Democrats speak about them, as if they OWN them. I think them wishing for this "whites will be a minority soon" is going to come back and BITE them in the ass. serves them right
LOL! The OP is an idiot.

Donald Trump would lose the Latino vote by a long shot in a presidential election, according to a national poll of Hispanic voters conducted by Bendixen & Amandi and the Tarrance Group on behalf of Univision.

Only 16 percent of those surveyed said they would vote for Trump if the presidential election were held today and he faced Hillary Clinton as a Democratic challenger. That result is well below the 27 percent figure GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney walked away with after the 2016 presidential election. Romney’s performance was the worst among Latino voters by a presidential candidate since Bob Dole’s unsuccessful run in 1996.

Trump’s poor performance likely owes to a recent spate of insulting comments toward Mexican migrants, whom he baselessly portrayed in broad strokes as “rapists” who are “bringing drugs” and “bringing crime,” though he also said “some are good people.” The poll showed that 90 percent of respondents had heard about Trump’s comments.

Latino Voters Dislike Donald Trump Even More Than Mitt Romney Poll Shows
Trump's willingness to speak the unvarnished TRUTH scares the holy shit out of the political establishments of BOTH parties. He is uncontrollable and that scares them to death.

GOP 2016 Trump Takes Massive Lead Among Hispanics Downtrend

Among Republicans, Donald Trump is leading the pack.

  • Trump 28%
  • Walker 15%
  • Carson 8%
  • Jeb 7%
  • Rubio 5%
  • Undecided 20%
Worth mentioning: Trump is the only candidate to beat “undecided”.

Among Hispanics, his lead is even more impressive.

  • Trump 31%
  • Walker 11%
Trump and Walker were the only two candidates to reach double digits. Neither Marco Rubio nor Ted CruzConservatives base their votes on the issues — not race — so this news does not surprise us.

But what does surprise me is the lack of coverage this poll has received. Who is reporting it? Nobody? If not for Trump bringing it up in his interview with Frank Luntz on the 17th, we may have never have heard about it.

Good to see what the GOP considers a great leader
I posted a poll the other day that shows Hispanics/legal Immigrants are NOT in favor of Obamas immigration reform and that is why they (The left/dems) have been trying so hard to SHUT Trump up.

this is just icing on the cake. vote out these Progressives out of our live come 2016
Trump is one of the biggest proponents of illegal immigration. If he were against it he would want to fine and imprison illegal employers.
Trump's willingness to speak the unvarnished TRUTH scares the holy shit out of the political establishments of BOTH parties. He is uncontrollable and that scares them to death.

GOP 2016 Trump Takes Massive Lead Among Hispanics Downtrend

Among Republicans, Donald Trump is leading the pack.

  • Trump 28%
  • Walker 15%
  • Carson 8%
  • Jeb 7%
  • Rubio 5%
  • Undecided 20%
Worth mentioning: Trump is the only candidate to beat “undecided”.

Among Hispanics, his lead is even more impressive.

  • Trump 31%
  • Walker 11%
Trump and Walker were the only two candidates to reach double digits. Neither Marco Rubio nor Ted CruzConservatives base their votes on the issues — not race — so this news does not surprise us.

But what does surprise me is the lack of coverage this poll has received. Who is reporting it? Nobody? If not for Trump bringing it up in his interview with Frank Luntz on the 17th, we may have never have heard about it.

Good to see what the GOP considers a great leader

as if the Democrats HAS any at all. three OLD White fogies. one about 100years old, the old woman Clinton has so much baggage she needs a dolly to haul her around on. and then there is some guy, called O'malley
So go vote for one of them. nobody forcing you to vote Republican.

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