Donald Trump: Nukes on the table to stop ISIL. Your thoughts?

And you are niether informed enough nor rational enough to debate the topic with, commie.
If responsibility and reluctance to throw nuclear weapons around is the mark of a Communist, call me comrade.

Please don't imply that Capitalists want to use nuclear weapons.

Kennedy had the nuclear option on the table when he was President. Knucklehead.
Kennedy also had the doctrine of mutual assured destruction. ISIS cannot retaliate with nuclear weapons the way the U.S.S.R. could. The use of nuclear weapons is something to be considered in the gravest terms possible.

Still on the table, still a last resort. What the hell does "last resort" mean?
To a less impulsive person, last resort would mean retaliation after a nuclear attack. For Days bald Trump I fear last resort would mean climbing out of a quagmire brought about of his own inexperience.

But then again, for libtards like what you fear is usually just pulling your head out of your ass.

Being a libtard means having no fear of terrorist organizations, but pissing your pants every time you think a Republican might win the White House.

Lol, one of the biggest lies and slanders ever launched on a person who was against getting into foreign wars even as LBJ plotted to get us deeper into Vietnam.

Standard lies and bullshit from the libtard left though.
Baron 13843893
. Either we destroy IS or IS will destroy us.

ISIS cannot destroy Iraq or Syria or defend territorial gains they made in 2014. Where are you that ISIS could possibly destroy you?

If a few of them got close to you would you want them to be nuked?

Nothing dumber than a Drumpf Supporter.
JimBowie1958 13854801
Being a libtard means having no fear of terrorist organizations, but pissing your pants every time you think a Republican might win the White House.

Generating widespread fear of terrorist organizations is exactly what their acts of terror are designed to do. Congratulations you have meekly acquiesced to terrorists will. Nothing dumber than a Drumpf supporter.
ABC News just reported that Donald Trump said that if he were President nuclear weapons would be a last resort against ISIL. What do you think about using nukes on them?

Everything has to be on the table. Trump isn't going to nuke innocent people that might be near ISIS, but they have to believe he will. This is why Trump holds the advantage over Hillary when fighting ISIS. ISIS has to believe the new Commander In Chief would do it.

Using a nuclear bomb against ISIS is a moronic and idiotic idea. Just imagine the collateral damage, millions killed, isolation of America from the rest of the world, damage to our economy, forget your stock, most hated country in the world..... So what that takes us?
Trump should not and never be the POTUS.

Threat Analysts Label Donald Trump More Dangerous Than Global Islamist Terrorism
What is imposing about a nuke?

ISIS would love it if we used nukes against them. It would confirm their claims about what tyrants we are

Will they send thank you notes?

So, the threat is made with the statement..........

Give up the members of ISIS, their leaders, or rise up and kill them yourselves, or our retaliation will be swift and complete.

I'm thinking that would be motivational.

Using nukes against ISIS shows just how ill suited Trump is to lead our foreign policy

He never said he would.

So there's that

Lets check Trumps foreign policy acumen.....He "wouldn't rule it out". We need to be "unpredictable"

How can the rest of the world take us seriously if we would even consider a moron like Trump to be President?

We are considering the moron Hillary, that isn't very good for our image.

The world view of Trump is damaging our country.

Is Trump tarnishing the American brand? | Simon Anholt
What exactly does "last resort" refer to? It's not like we are ever going to see an ISIS Toyota parade down Pennsylvania Avenue.

We are 19 trillion in debt. Boarders like Swiss cheese.

Hope you're right, but........

What did we do with the money? Did we give it to et? Did we give it to our masters the real rulers??? What?

We didn't really spend it on our own country for our own betterment.

At least 5 trillion of it of course can be accounted by your parties stupid war.
What exactly does "last resort" refer to? It's not like we are ever going to see an ISIS Toyota parade down Pennsylvania Avenue.

We are 19 trillion in debt. Boarders like Swiss cheese.

Hope you're right, but........

What did we do with the money? Did we give it to et? Did we give it to our masters the real rulers??? What?

We didn't really spend it on our own country for our own betterment.

At least 5 trillion of it of course can be accounted by your parties stupid war.

Independents don't have a party Dude.
I had this cockroach problem in an apartment I rented 30 years ago. After trying to get rid of them for a month my first thought was, a 1000lb bomb would work. And, of course, it would.

Trump is a child. An impulsive ignorant child who has been shielded from real life his entire life and he does not understand the complexities of it. And his followers are just like him.

Ignorance isn't a virtue.
If it took you a fucking month to figure out how to get rid of cockroaches you're the fucking "ignorant" one.
What exactly does "last resort" refer to? It's not like we are ever going to see an ISIS Toyota parade down Pennsylvania Avenue.

We are 19 trillion in debt. Boarders like Swiss cheese.

Hope you're right, but........

What did we do with the money? Did we give it to et? Did we give it to our masters the real rulers??? What?

We didn't really spend it on our own country for our own betterment.

At least 5 trillion of it of course can be accounted by your parties stupid war.

And the cost are climbing up for taking care 100Ks of injured and disabled veterans. Plus suicides.
ABC News just reported that Donald Trump said that if he were President nuclear weapons would be a last resort against ISIL. What do you think about using nukes on them?
How would you do it without killing innocent people?

Like the ones riding trains and boarding airliners?
It is not like attacking a country. These terrorists are in other people's countries.
But they occupy territory in those countries. Tactical nukes would provide a more tailored response. I know Leftists think the only nukes that exist are the big ones, but we have nukes in many sizes, even one that can be fired from a howitzer.

US and the coalition plus Putin and Assad are bombing ISIS.............
Why do you think they were not able to stop ISIS in those occupied territories? Why do you think ISIS continue producing oil by the million of gallons? Since you are very smart can you please answer these very simple questions?

Do you think Trump will do any better?
As if there was a doubt that Trump is nuts.
Trump said that global warming was more dangerous than terrorism?

That is not nuts in libtard speak, as that is a Talkling Point that they all parot, no matter how absurd, because that is in the new sloganeered set of lies.

It's exactly like their sloganeering with Hitler. PRior to the German-Soviet nonaggression pact, the left swore Hitler was the AntiChrist, then after Hitler was a good guy and we should live in peace, then when Hitler invaded the Soviet Union, poof! it was back to Hitler the Devil again.

These Marxist blow hards have no conscience, no intellect and no sense of shame. They will repeat the party lies no matter how obviously it is all bullshit, no matter if it is destroying their own communities.

They have no moral framework to the world view; everything is measured in the context of installing the Dictatorship iof the Proletariate. NOTHING else matters.
What exactly does "last resort" refer to? It's not like we are ever going to see an ISIS Toyota parade down Pennsylvania Avenue.

We are 19 trillion in debt. Boarders like Swiss cheese.

Hope you're right, but........

What did we do with the money? Did we give it to et? Did we give it to our masters the real rulers??? What?

We didn't really spend it on our own country for our own betterment.

At least 5 trillion of it of course can be accounted by your parties stupid war.

And another $4 trillion was GIVEN by the Federal Reserve to Wall Street banks, though not technically counted as part of the NAtional Debt, it is still a dilution of US dollars and a gift to the banksters by Uncle Sugar and the US tax payers.
ABC News just reported that Donald Trump said that if he were President nuclear weapons would be a last resort against ISIL. What do you think about using nukes on them?
How would you do it without killing innocent people?

Like the ones riding trains and boarding airliners?
It is not like attacking a country. These terrorists are in other people's countries.
But they occupy territory in those countries. Tactical nukes would provide a more tailored response. I know Leftists think the only nukes that exist are the big ones, but we have nukes in many sizes, even one that can be fired from a howitzer.

US and the coalition plus Putin and Assad are bombing ISIS.............
Why do you think they were not able to stop ISIS in those occupied territories? Why do you think ISIS continue producing oil by the million of gallons? Since you are very smart can you please answer these very simple questions?

Do you think Trump will do any better?
mr trump needs to read the Geneva Convention treaties before he opens his mouth again....

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