Donald Trump: Nukes on the table to stop ISIL. Your thoughts?

why do you call them ISIL ?

I looked into this when BHO started calling the ISIL. L is for Levant. This gives them a map that includes Israel. At the time I thought is slap in face of Israel and it made me angry.
Still waiting for a liberal to explain how Kennedy saying he'd use nukes as a last resort is different than Trump say he'd use nukes as a last resort.

Also, what does last resort mean to some nut jobs.

Still waiting?
It has been explained to you

JFK was dealing with a power who could nuke back. Trump is threatening to nuke a bunch of terrorists in the desert
No he isn't.

Stop lying, Leftists!
WTF are you babbling about?
It's about goddamn time. One of Pisslam's achilles heels: you can permanently cripple and marginalize this demonic hate religion by nuking Meeca and Medina. I've studied this death cult for years and assure you that mud-slimes have a hundredfold more psychological & emotional attachment to Mecca than Catholics have for the Vatican. Vaporize Mecca and this detestable religion of woman-beating child-fuckers will become rudderless.

What about all of those people in Mecca that went to colleges in Saudi Arabia, Europe and the United States.....That have 4 year college degrees, or even more advanced education. Such as Chemistry, Psychology, Engineering, Math, Business......and other studies.

You see Arabs as "Sand Puppets" whom are ignorant.

You need to open your eyes.

Shadow 355
Still waiting for a liberal to explain how Kennedy saying he'd use nukes as a last resort is different than Trump say he'd use nukes as a last resort.

Also, what does last resort mean to some nut jobs.

Still waiting?
It has been explained to you

JFK was dealing with a power who could nuke back. Trump is threatening to nuke a bunch of terrorists in the desert
Not in THEIR OWN country, which is a huge difference. Are these people really this stupid that these things have to be explained to them?
He never said he would.

So there's that

Lets check Trumps foreign policy acumen.....He "wouldn't rule it out". We need to be "unpredictable"

How can the rest of the world take us seriously if we would even consider a moron like Trump to be President?

We are considering the moron Hillary, that isn't very good for our image.

The world view of Trump is damaging our country.

Is Trump tarnishing the American brand? | Simon Anholt

One op-Ed, it supports your belief and so you it now the gospel. The lunacy! You are as nutty as the Trump supporters.

Sorry Papa g......... I will never support Trump......... I'm just posting what's already been published in the media.

I don't support Trump, you still are using an op-Ed not a hard news piece.
Still waiting for a liberal to explain how Kennedy saying he'd use nukes as a last resort is different than Trump say he'd use nukes as a last resort.

Also, what does last resort mean to some nut jobs.

Still waiting?
It has been explained to you

JFK was dealing with a power who could nuke back. Trump is threatening to nuke a bunch of terrorists in the desert

So, he didn't threaten, he said it was a LAST resort. Since Roosevelt every President has had the option to use a nuclear weapon. It seems they all have thought of it as a last resort.
ABC News just reported that Donald Trump said that if he were President nuclear weapons would be a last resort against ISIL. What do you think about using nukes on them?
He said last resort....which is basically the same thing everyone would say.

So this is a stupid attempt to make him appear like a warmonger.

At the same time, Hillary and Obama have been killing people with drone-strikes, you folks are worried about Trump not wanting to use nukes.

A drone strike is an appropriate response
A nuke would label the U.S. as war criminals

And Trump said he wouldn't use it. What part of last don't you get?
It's about goddamn time. One of Pisslam's achilles heels: you can permanently cripple and marginalize this demonic hate religion by nuking Meeca and Medina. I've studied this death cult for years and assure you that mud-slimes have a hundredfold more psychological & emotional attachment to Mecca than Catholics have for the Vatican. Vaporize Mecca and this detestable religion of woman-beating child-fuckers will become rudderless.

What about all of those people in Mecca that went to colleges in Saudi Arabia, Europe and the United States.....That have 4 year college degrees, or even more advanced education. Such as Chemistry, Psychology, Engineering, Math, Business......and other studies.

You see Arabs as "Sand Puppets" whom are ignorant.

You need to open your eyes.

Shadow 355
Saudi Arabia is a rigid caste society with zero upward mobility. The people you're describing have built a system that keeps their class rich while everyone else is dirt poor. And these are your heroes?
Still waiting for a liberal to explain how Kennedy saying he'd use nukes as a last resort is different than Trump say he'd use nukes as a last resort.

Also, what does last resort mean to some nut jobs.

Still waiting?
It has been explained to you

JFK was dealing with a power who could nuke back. Trump is threatening to nuke a bunch of terrorists in the desert
Not in THEIR OWN country, which is a huge difference. Are these people really this stupid that these things have to be explained to them?

Do you realize that what the hell "last resort" means? Does it really have to be explained to you? Ever President has had nuke available as a last resort.

It doesn't mean any of them would, it just means the option is there. You nut jobs take simple statements and over dramatize and read into it what you want. Then you idiots get all pissed off if nutters from the other side of the spectrum do the same.

Hopefully nutters on both sides will grow up and quit being little drama queens.
ABC News just reported that Donald Trump said that if he were President nuclear weapons would be a last resort against ISIL. What do you think about using nukes on them?
He said last resort....which is basically the same thing everyone would say.

So this is a stupid attempt to make him appear like a warmonger.

At the same time, Hillary and Obama have been killing people with drone-strikes, you folks are worried about Trump not wanting to use nukes.

A drone strike is an appropriate response
A nuke would label the U.S. as war criminals

And Trump said he wouldn't use it. What part of last don't you get?
The key to the Democrat attack is put a negative spin on everything Republicans say or do.....and conversely, put a positive spin on everything that the Democrats fuck up royally.
mr trump needs to read the Geneva Convention treaties before he opens his mouth again....
The Genevea Convention does not apply to bands of brigands who represent or fight for a state that is not recognized by any nation on the planet.

ISIS is no more than a giant gangland that is run by the most ruthless gang on the planet, and you liberals DEFY REASON AND ALL CONCEPTS OF CIVILIZED BEHAVIOR AND SANITY ITSELF BY DEFENDING AND ADVOCATING FOR THESE BASTARDS.

Anyone fighting for ISIS that is caught should be shot immediately after all intel can be gathered from them. THAT is how you are supposed to treat these brigands as they are not recognized foreign troops.
Well, for god reason. The last time we had a Republican in the White House he started two disastrous wars, squandered a budget surplus and left us with massive debt, hired Blackwater mercenaries who managed to screw up an already bad situation, cost us thousands of American lives and never ever thought he made a mistake.

You demonstrate what idiots you liberals are. You think all these things are ivory tower debate topics, but real people are seeing their lives ruined because liberalism is an amoral system of values that represent anarchy in all its forms. ISIS is not a recognized state. Hussein broke the cease fire repeatedly, so we had all the justification we needed, even without a UN resolution. Afghanistan was harboring a terrorist organization that had just slaughtered thousands of Americans, so we had every right to invade that country.

But all these things are mental games to lying frauds like you. So go fuck yourself.

And you conflate Liberal with retard. How does that thinking apply to Conservatism?

I only compare liberals to retards because there is no word in English that means 'asinine, ignorant, self-destructive, murderous, lying amoral cowards'.
Years have passed dealing with ISIS. When they in a town or territory (wide open desert) there is few roads in/out. Why have they not destroyed out every road and wait them out? They need supplies? anyone going in/out in off-road vehicle............take them out. Take out water and power? It seems too easy? I realize BHO does not want to make civilians suffer? that must be the reason.

Because the Obama regime is not trying to destroy ISIS, they are play fighting them and they probably twisted Turkey's arm to let them resupply ISIS covertly.
ABC News just reported that Donald Trump said that if he were President nuclear weapons would be a last resort against ISIL. What do you think about using nukes on them?

I think he's daft, and if not he's throwing red meat to the daft who support him.

What I would like to see done, is to drop leaflets on the home town/village or city where the two brothers who committed murder in Belgium this week grew up. or where their family resides, advising the citizens that they have 72 hours before NATO aircraft will flatten and burn their city/town/village and homes with conventional weapons. With a warning that future acts of terror will result in the same response, with no warning.
I think he's daft, and if not he's throwing red meat to the daft who support him.

Another liberal assuming that those whose thinking they cannot understand must be daft.


What I would like to see done, is to drop leaflets on the home town/village or city where the two brothers who committed murder in Belgium this week grew up. or where their family resides, advising the citizens that they have 72 hours before NATO aircraft will flatten and burn their city/town/village and homes with conventional weapons. With a warning that future acts of terror will result in the same response, with no warning.

Thats the spirit, but we could do it more precisely with spec ops squeezing a trigger that takes out only one person. Why not?
Well, for god reason. The last time we had a Republican in the White House he started two disastrous wars, squandered a budget surplus and left us with massive debt, hired Blackwater mercenaries who managed to screw up an already bad situation, cost us thousands of American lives and never ever thought he made a mistake.

You demonstrate what idiots you liberals are. You think all these things are ivory tower debate topics, but real people are seeing their lives ruined because liberalism is an amoral system of values that represent anarchy in all its forms. ISIS is not a recognized state. Hussein broke the cease fire repeatedly, so we had all the justification we needed, even without a UN resolution. Afghanistan was harboring a terrorist organization that had just slaughtered thousands of Americans, so we had every right to invade that country.

But all these things are mental games to lying frauds like you. So go fuck yourself.

And you conflate Liberal with retard. How does that thinking apply to Conservatism?

I only compare liberals to retards because there is no word in English that means 'asinine, ignorant, self-destructive, murderous, lying amoral cowards'.

Bowie takes liberty with the truth, as with many conservatives his vision of history - which many of us experienced as a series of current events - is a made up version suited to support his fantasies.
I think he's daft, and if not he's throwing red meat to the daft who support him.

Another liberal assuming that those whose thinking they cannot understand must be daft.


What I would like to see done, is to drop leaflets on the home town/village or city where the two brothers who committed murder in Belgium this week grew up. or where their family resides, advising the citizens that they have 72 hours before NATO aircraft will flatten and burn their city/town/village and homes with conventional weapons. With a warning that future acts of terror will result in the same response, with no warning.

Thats the spirit, but we could do it more precisely with spec ops squeezing a trigger that takes out only one person. Why not?

I understand very well the consequences - intended and otherwise - of using nuclear weapons.

My comment on conventional weapons and yours on a single execution are not proportional. Terror requires much more than a single murder, the destruction of one's home and community will impact many of the silent majority of Muslims who abhor the actions of the few. If millions of practicing Muslims have skin in the game, maybe they can join the fight against the common criminals who act against mankind.
Still waiting for a liberal to explain how Kennedy saying he'd use nukes as a last resort is different than Trump say he'd use nukes as a last resort.

Also, what does last resort mean to some nut jobs.

Still waiting?
It has been explained to you

JFK was dealing with a power who could nuke back. Trump is threatening to nuke a bunch of terrorists in the desert

So, he didn't threaten, he said it was a LAST resort. Since Roosevelt every President has had the option to use a nuclear weapon. It seems they all have thought of it as a last resort.

You don't understand do you?
We maintain the option to use nuclear weapons against another country that has them

What possible way are you going to nuke ISIS?

<FDR never had nukes. He died three months before the first one was tested>
Well, for god reason. The last time we had a Republican in the White House he started two disastrous wars, squandered a budget surplus and left us with massive debt, hired Blackwater mercenaries who managed to screw up an already bad situation, cost us thousands of American lives and never ever thought he made a mistake.

You demonstrate what idiots you liberals are. You think all these things are ivory tower debate topics, but real people are seeing their lives ruined because liberalism is an amoral system of values that represent anarchy in all its forms. ISIS is not a recognized state. Hussein broke the cease fire repeatedly, so we had all the justification we needed, even without a UN resolution. Afghanistan was harboring a terrorist organization that had just slaughtered thousands of Americans, so we had every right to invade that country.

But all these things are mental games to lying frauds like you. So go fuck yourself.

And you conflate Liberal with retard. How does that thinking apply to Conservatism?

I only compare liberals to retards because there is no word in English that means 'asinine, ignorant, self-destructive, murderous, lying amoral cowards'.
It is a shame that you display the same shallow thinking I see in so many other angry and disaffected people. You seem to think that progressive politics is a personal character flaw. I see the narrow minded and short sighted politics coming from you and others as just that; narrow minded and short sighted, but not essentially the evidence of a flawed character.

You argue with simplistic bumper sticker slogans and thinking. What a pity. I believe that, with a little introspection, you would clearly see that fighting ISIS is really fighting an idea and a tactic. It's not at all like fighting a nation. So our strategy and tactics must evolve to n order to be truly effective.

Call me a "Libtard" if it makes it easier for you. I will keep citing facts, history and my own views, but I won't ask you to desist throwing around ad hominems nor will I stoop to such a juvenile and senseless position.

Good luck!
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