Donald Trump Only Candidate to Address 1400 Indianapolis Workers Whose Jobs Are Being Sent to Mexico

Breitbart ^ | 2/13/2016 | JULIA HAHN
During tonight's CBS Republican presidential debate, Donald Trump was the only candidate to address the news that Carrier will be sending hundreds of American jobs to Mexico. The GOP frontrunner said that under a President Trump, Carrier would stay and "build in the United States because we are killing ourselves with trade pacts that are no good for us and no good for our workers." Video footage emerged yesterday, which went viral, capturing the anger and heartache of 1,400 Indianapolis workers who were informed that they soon would be out of work, as their company will be sending their jobs...

Rubio is happy anytime he can import illegals to replace americans so his donors can get richer.
Breitbart ^ | 2/13/2016 | JULIA HAHN
During tonight's CBS Republican presidential debate, Donald Trump was the only candidate to address the news that Carrier will be sending hundreds of American jobs to Mexico. The GOP frontrunner said that under a President Trump, Carrier would stay and "build in the United States because we are killing ourselves with trade pacts that are no good for us and no good for our workers." Video footage emerged yesterday, which went viral, capturing the anger and heartache of 1,400 Indianapolis workers who were informed that they soon would be out of work, as their company will be sending their jobs...

Rubio is happy anytime he can import illegals to replace americans so his donors can get richer.
This is where I disagree with Trump; Cruz is not the biggest liar, nor Jeb. It is Rubio by a mile.
Breitbart ^ | 2/13/2016 | JULIA HAHN
During tonight's CBS Republican presidential debate, Donald Trump was the only candidate to address the news that Carrier will be sending hundreds of American jobs to Mexico. The GOP frontrunner said that under a President Trump, Carrier would stay and "build in the United States because we are killing ourselves with trade pacts that are no good for us and no good for our workers." Video footage emerged yesterday, which went viral, capturing the anger and heartache of 1,400 Indianapolis workers who were informed that they soon would be out of work, as their company will be sending their jobs...

Oh look, now the Trump supporting Cinos are anti-business.
Breitbart ^ | 2/13/2016 | JULIA HAHN
During tonight's CBS Republican presidential debate, Donald Trump was the only candidate to address the news that Carrier will be sending hundreds of American jobs to Mexico. The GOP frontrunner said that under a President Trump, Carrier would stay and "build in the United States because we are killing ourselves with trade pacts that are no good for us and no good for our workers." Video footage emerged yesterday, which went viral, capturing the anger and heartache of 1,400 Indianapolis workers who were informed that they soon would be out of work, as their company will be sending their jobs...
Capitalism, babe, love it or embrace Socialism...
That is corporatism that caused this. NOT capitalism.
If Trump keeps hammering away on trade he'll be unbeatable in November. Nobody can come close to him on his expertise regarding trade and business.
And your educated,quality Workforce will be PAID A carerful what you wish for
Because the work force is the biggest part of the consumer market. If you contract their wages you contract the consumer market and thus the economy.
Why would they be paid a pittance?
Why you ask !!!! because as you fill your country with cheap overseas goods......your Workforce lose their jobs.......then the Boss will tell you(if you still have a job,that is).... "No Pay rise Guys" we are competing with cheap overseas comparisons...........but this has been going on for years 40 years SJ............Do you honestly think Trump builds his buildings with All American Product ???????Check him out and do due Diligence on what the man does and has done.just sayin..steve
How do you fill the country with cheap overseas goods if the goods are being produced HERE? I think you're confused about Trump's policies. He wants the companies to build their factories HERE, not overseas.
Well good on him,I apologies for my error....SJ we manufacture here and export around the world,mostly everything BUT we do get some components from America because they are by far "world best" we can get from China but it is so much cheaper but totally crap.......................Americans are an educated workforce and world best in so many things,yet as a % you do by a lot of cheap rubbish.steve

This is why we are angry at both parties.
They each have passed policies that does us harm, but they refuse to fix them or repeal them or introduce new ones that work.
Not too long ago both parties in the House introduced new bills stolen from Trumps ideas.
They don't even have new ideas themselves I guess.
Excellent Peach...the trouble with most Politicians is,that they only serve themselves(and cronies) but not the American people...I will make a small point though......It is easy to spout what you think but if elected often hard to implement such lofty thoughts.........steven

I think pretty much of the majority already knows that.
This is why they are voting for non politician.
If the politician don't learn from the lesson they will find themselves in the unemployment line.
The real problem you have Peach IS.....that you only have a two party system...and really always have Australia we have 3 major parties plus a lot of independents which gives us real choice.......we have a compulsory voting system,which works well....(if you want to be part of society,then you should at least vote,you get fined $2000 if you don't vote) in America you do not have compulsory voting,the problem with this is that on average only 54% of the American voters actually vote for their President !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No wonder you all moan a lot,and no wonder you get average politicians in the main.

To me you have a very strange system of one party or the other going through this elimination process to get your final candidate to contest the Presidency,and along, during this process,you amazingly have candidates on the same side of politics,SLAGGING EACH OTHER OFF,calling each other lairs etc,.We have a Preferential System,where every candidate is numbered 1 to 4 in this case,according to the voters preference

Every vote counts here for example and example for you all to Seat/District A (all candidates must be numbered in preference)........First Round Joe Republican 100 votes
Sam Democrate 95 votes
Tiny Dancer Sweetie 85 votes
Pheoall Dummy 75 votes
after the votes have been counted,Pheoall's votes as he came last(and drops out of the contest) are distributed as the voter wished,therefore :- the voters 2nd choices were of the 75 votes as follows.......Tiny Dancer......40 votes,......Sam Democrate...19 votes.....Joe Republican 16 votes
Making the vote......................................................Tiny Sw=125 votes
Joe Rep=116 votes
Sam Dem=114 votes

As Sam the Democrate got the lowest votes after distribution,they drop out and their votes are dispersed as follows by the voters......64 to Tiny Dancer,Sweetie Party and 50 votes to Joe the Republican.........the final Result........for the Seat/District A is Tiny Dancer,Sweetie Party..189 Votes to Joe Republican...166 Votes.....Tiny Dancer declared the Winner of the Seat,

we have circa 600 seats in Parliament,the leader of each party has already been decided ....the Party who wins the most Seats takes Government..steve

You may think this system takes hours to decide,which if it is close could do,BUT we do not have 1st pass the post voting like in the which some candidates are voted for and get into Parliament on only 22% of the our eyes this is not Democratic at all,and how could it be....steve
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How do you fill the country with cheap overseas goods if the goods are being produced HERE? I think you're confused about Trump's policies. He wants the companies to build their factories HERE, not overseas.
Well good on him,I apologies for my error....SJ we manufacture here and export around the world,mostly everything BUT we do get some components from America because they are by far "world best" we can get from China but it is so much cheaper but totally crap.......................Americans are an educated workforce and world best in so many things,yet as a % you do by a lot of cheap rubbish.steve

This is why we are angry at both parties.
They each have passed policies that does us harm, but they refuse to fix them or repeal them or introduce new ones that work.
Not too long ago both parties in the House introduced new bills stolen from Trumps ideas.
They don't even have new ideas themselves I guess.
Excellent Peach...the trouble with most Politicians is,that they only serve themselves(and cronies) but not the American people...I will make a small point though......It is easy to spout what you think but if elected often hard to implement such lofty thoughts.........steven

I think pretty much of the majority already knows that.
This is why they are voting for non politician.
If the politician don't learn from the lesson they will find themselves in the unemployment line.
The real problem you have Peach IS.....that you only have a two party system...and really always have Australia we have 3 major parties plus a lot of independents which gives us real choice.......we have a compulsory voting system,which works well....(if you want to be part of society,then you should at least vote,you get fined $2000 if you don't vote) in America you do not have compulsory voting,the problem with this is that on average only 54% of the American voters actually vote for their President !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No wonder you all moan a lot,and no wonder you get average politicians in the main.

To me you have a very strange system of one party or the other going through this elimination process to get your final candidate to contest the Presidency,and along, during this process,you amazingly have candidates on the same side of politics,SLAGGING EACH OTHER OFF,calling each other lairs etc,.We have a Preferential System,where every candidate is numbered 1 to 4 in this case,according to the voters preference

Every vote counts here for example and example for you all to Seat/District A (all candidates must be numbered in preference)........First Round Joe Republican 100 votes
Sam Democrate 95 votes
Tiny Dancer Sweetie 85 votes
Pheoall Dummy 75 votes
after the votes have been counted,Pheoall's votes as he came last(and drops out of the contest) are distributed as the voter wished,therefore :- the voters 2nd choices were of the 75 votes as follows.......Tiny Dancer......40 votes,......Sam Democrate...19 votes.....Joe Republican 16 votes
Making the vote......................................................Tiny Sw=125 votes
Joe Rep=116 votes
Sam Dem=114 votes

As Sam the Democrate got the lowest votes after distribution,they drop out and their votes are dispersed as follows by the voters......64 to Tiny Dancer,Sweetie Party and 50 votes to Joe the Republican.........the final Result........for the Seat/District A is Tiny Dancer,Sweetie Party..189 Votes to Joe Republican...166 Votes.....Tiny Dancer declared the Winner of the Seat,

we have circa 600 seats in Parliament,the leader of each party has already been decided ....the Party who wins the most Seats takes Government..steve

You may think this system takes hours to decide,which if it is close could do,BUT we do not have 1st pass the post voting like in the which some candidates are voted for and get into Parliament on only 22% of the our eyes this is not Democratic at all,and how could it be....steve

The problem is the 2 party system has it set up so that it's nearly impossible to get any other 3rd party system.
We have been a 2 party system since after the Civil War, so that is also the problem as to why they have gotten to the way it is right now.
Put the many issues added into it and it becomes very complicated.
We have more Independents now than Dems or Repubs but they still can't get any really good independent representation because of way both parties have it structured.
The rules congress has set up for themselves needs to change.
Trump Dominates in Bloomberg Poll Before South Carolina Primary
Read the questions and methodology here.

If Trump was serious about bringing these jobs back then why hasn't he started with his clothing line that is manufactured in Mexico and China? Words are wind.
If Trump was serious about bringing these jobs back then why hasn't he started with his clothing line that is manufactured in Mexico and China? Words are wind.
As CEO he does what is best for his company. As president he'll figure out ways to convince CEO's that what is best is made in America.
If Trump was serious about bringing these jobs back then why hasn't he started with his clothing line that is manufactured in Mexico and China? Words are wind.
As CEO he does what is best for his company. As president he'll figure out ways to convince CEO's that what is best is made in America.

Isn't that a bit like Beelzebub chiding the Devil? :lol:
If Trump was serious about bringing these jobs back then why hasn't he started with his clothing line that is manufactured in Mexico and China? Words are wind.
As CEO he does what is best for his company. As president he'll figure out ways to convince CEO's that what is best is made in America.

Trump is the sole owner of his company. He's doing what's best for himself.

Bernie Sanders has his hats made in America.
Protectionism as a way to protect U.S. industry has been tried and failed. After the collapse of Wall Street in 1929, Congress passed a law imposing high tariffs on imported goods, which sparked a tariff war and sunk us even further into Depression.

Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is in the interests of the United States that third-world countries participate in a global free trade so they can raise the standard of living for their population. American workers are the most productive in the world, and there's no reason they can't compete in an economy based on open trade and open markets.

Jeb Bush is that you? I marvel at these people who say we just have to bend over and take it from China and Mexico.
Well good on him,I apologies for my error....SJ we manufacture here and export around the world,mostly everything BUT we do get some components from America because they are by far "world best" we can get from China but it is so much cheaper but totally crap.......................Americans are an educated workforce and world best in so many things,yet as a % you do by a lot of cheap rubbish.steve

This is why we are angry at both parties.
They each have passed policies that does us harm, but they refuse to fix them or repeal them or introduce new ones that work.
Not too long ago both parties in the House introduced new bills stolen from Trumps ideas.
They don't even have new ideas themselves I guess.
Excellent Peach...the trouble with most Politicians is,that they only serve themselves(and cronies) but not the American people...I will make a small point though......It is easy to spout what you think but if elected often hard to implement such lofty thoughts.........steven

I think pretty much of the majority already knows that.
This is why they are voting for non politician.
If the politician don't learn from the lesson they will find themselves in the unemployment line.
The real problem you have Peach IS.....that you only have a two party system...and really always have Australia we have 3 major parties plus a lot of independents which gives us real choice.......we have a compulsory voting system,which works well....(if you want to be part of society,then you should at least vote,you get fined $2000 if you don't vote) in America you do not have compulsory voting,the problem with this is that on average only 54% of the American voters actually vote for their President !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No wonder you all moan a lot,and no wonder you get average politicians in the main.

To me you have a very strange system of one party or the other going through this elimination process to get your final candidate to contest the Presidency,and along, during this process,you amazingly have candidates on the same side of politics,SLAGGING EACH OTHER OFF,calling each other lairs etc,.We have a Preferential System,where every candidate is numbered 1 to 4 in this case,according to the voters preference

Every vote counts here for example and example for you all to Seat/District A (all candidates must be numbered in preference)........First Round Joe Republican 100 votes
Sam Democrate 95 votes
Tiny Dancer Sweetie 85 votes
Pheoall Dummy 75 votes
after the votes have been counted,Pheoall's votes as he came last(and drops out of the contest) are distributed as the voter wished,therefore :- the voters 2nd choices were of the 75 votes as follows.......Tiny Dancer......40 votes,......Sam Democrate...19 votes.....Joe Republican 16 votes
Making the vote......................................................Tiny Sw=125 votes
Joe Rep=116 votes
Sam Dem=114 votes

As Sam the Democrate got the lowest votes after distribution,they drop out and their votes are dispersed as follows by the voters......64 to Tiny Dancer,Sweetie Party and 50 votes to Joe the Republican.........the final Result........for the Seat/District A is Tiny Dancer,Sweetie Party..189 Votes to Joe Republican...166 Votes.....Tiny Dancer declared the Winner of the Seat,

we have circa 600 seats in Parliament,the leader of each party has already been decided ....the Party who wins the most Seats takes Government..steve

You may think this system takes hours to decide,which if it is close could do,BUT we do not have 1st pass the post voting like in the which some candidates are voted for and get into Parliament on only 22% of the our eyes this is not Democratic at all,and how could it be....steve

The problem is the 2 party system has it set up so that it's nearly impossible to get any other 3rd party system.
We have been a 2 party system since after the Civil War, so that is also the problem as to why they have gotten to the way it is right now.
Put the many issues added into it and it becomes very complicated.
We have more Independents now than Dems or Repubs but they still can't get any really good independent representation because of way both parties have it structured.
The rules congress has set up for themselves needs to change.
Well it could be worse Peach...just one party,like many parts of the world...saying that,a two party system is unhealthy and has become self serving for the Politicians and their LOBBY GROUPS and MONEY BACKERS...........your Politicians .....just do not represent you at all properly.steve
If Trump was serious about bringing these jobs back then why hasn't he started with his clothing line that is manufactured in Mexico and China? Words are wind.
As CEO he does what is best for his company. As president he'll figure out ways to convince CEO's that what is best is made in America.
Don't hold your breath................I suggest you read up on how Trump(the spoilt little rich boy) actually made his will be surprised,steve

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