Donald Trump Plots Purging Administrative State Employees if Reelected

Isn’t that exactly what he is doing in tbe OP?
when the other people understand nothing but - time to use their rules.

you justified 'em for your "feelz" so here we go.

im good with this. if you've been "weaponized" - you're outta here.

if you did the weaponizing, get an island off the Aleutians and let them finish their lives their under whatever gov they wish to live under.
Trumpers spent four years watching their man roll out longstanding CIA/neocon agendas like jailing Assange, arming Ukraine, killing the Iran deal, sanctioning Venezuela, invading Syria and vetoing attempts to end the Yemen war, and they still think he's fighting the deep state.
Trumpers spent four years watching their man roll out longstanding CIA/neocon agendas like jailing Assange, arming Ukraine, killing the Iran deal, sanctioning Venezuela, invading Syria and vetoing attempts to end the Yemen war, and they still think he's fighting the deep state.
and yet his popularity has never been higher.

don't mistake me talking about what he's doing as supporting him. progressives and other extremists are the binary that pavlog dog shit up when they hear something that gets them emotional.

which is about everything.

bark, dog.
It doesn't take much to get the left hysterical. Maybe Breitbart used an awkward term to describe the parasitic drones that inhabit federal government but the word "state" didn't translate to States unless you are afflicted with TDS.

im good with this. if you've been "weaponized" - you're outta here.

if you did the weaponizing, get an island off the Aleutians and let them finish their lives their under whatever gov they wish to live under.
He should have summarily fired every goddamn one of them immediately, and called for a hiring freeze.
Our hatred of Dems grows daily. We'll fund red states, just not blue states. Tissue?
And when a natural disaster strikes like say a Florida hurricane, who fits the bill for you when blue state thru federal taxes paid, can't?

Please get this irrefutable evidence to Rudy, the Kraken Lady, Mike Pillow and the rightwing nutters nuz pronto. They are in immediate need of it.
Oh boy when democrats get flush out of the house and Senate Trump might be the speaker of the house in 2023 with an impeached Biden and Harris guess whose next in line as president? 😆

im good with this. if you've been "weaponized" - you're outta here.

if you did the weaponizing, get an island off the Aleutians and let them finish their lives their under whatever gov they wish to live under.
He has no power to do that from prison.
Well you Trump Party rubes sure as hell aren't.
Would you approve of freezing the budget or a small increase? For a couple of years with the ability to move some resources from different programs.
Again tru.p shows us he doesn't know how our system.of government work at all.

He is ignorant to american civics. And it on display right here.

He knows nothing once again.

A third grader knows more than Donald Trump

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