Donald Trump Plots Purging Administrative State Employees if Reelected

Trump didn't know the depths that Democrats would go to. Now that he's had years to plan.....he knows what to do.....and if Trump is re-elected....there will be alot of heads rolling.

Which means that Democrats will stop at nothing to keep that from happening.
Trump probably didn't plan on losing control of the House. He figured his lackeys in there would continue to let him do whatever he damned well pleased.

That's why the bastard hates Democracy like all fascist pigs do.
Gutting the bureaucracy and installing all partisan hack squads would be like running an engine without oil.
If he puts constitutionalists from both sides who fight for platform over preference, it's great.

If he just empowers 1 side we are still falling.
If he puts constitutionalists from both sides who fight for platform over preference, it's great.

If he just empowers 1 side we are still falling.
Trump & The Constitution? Don't make me laugh.

im good with this. if you've been "weaponized" - you're outta here.

if you did the weaponizing, get an island off the Aleutians and let them finish their lives their under whatever gov they wish to live under.

Of course he is. It's the first thing any dictator does. Get rid of all of the guardrails and honest civil servants. He did it the first time too. That's what made January 6th possible. He got rid of anyone who would stop him from doing it.

im good with this. if you've been "weaponized" - you're outta here.

if you did the weaponizing, get an island off the Aleutians and let them finish their lives their under whatever gov they wish to live under.

Good. The government should be at least 50% of the size it is now.
Of course he is. It's the first thing any dictator does. Get rid of all of the guardrails and honest civil servants. He did it the first time too. That's what made January 6th possible. He got rid of anyone who would stop him from doing it.
OK, gomette.
Admittedly, I have not read the article. I'll check it out later. But I have said many many times that Trump's biggest mistake in his first term was not doing exactly that. He knew about the Deep state but I guess he didn't realize how deep the Deep State really went.

For example, when he rightfully fired Fame w**** James Comey, he probably thought well I guess I better replace him with somebody experienced and not political, or I will be criticized. Bad strategy, because the critics of Donald Trump don't particularly focus on what he does, they just love to constantly criticize him. Also because of course it turned out that Christopher Wray is just as deep into the deep state as Robert Mueller and Rob Eisenstein who took over the various Obams/Clinton initiated anti-trump investigations when the old southern guy recused himself. Pardon my senior moment and not remembering these names.

Lieutenant colonel Vindman should be the poster boy for the arrogant anti-trumpers in the executive branch who thought they were in charge and became enraged when Trump did not follow their instructions. He was asked in a hearing quote who is responsible for policy in Ukraine unquote and his answer was words to the effect of why me of course. When I was trained as an army officer many years ago, who is responsible for blah blah blah was a frequently used trick question. The answer was always the commander. On that poster, he should have a whistle in his mouth.
Of course he is. It's the first thing any dictator does. Get rid of all of the guardrails and honest civil servants. He did it the first time too. That's what made January 6th possible. He got rid of anyone who would stop him from doing it.
So Trump was a dictator? If so, why did he allow elections? Since when are dictators voted out of office? Are you stupid?
So Congress needs to protect the Federal Bureaucracy from the Fascist Dreams of the Wannabe Dictator Trumpybear?

Vote the Neo-GOP out ladies, while you still have that choice at least.
And vote for the anti woman's right to self-defense party
Yep. If he just flips sides we keep going downhill. The "party" needs to be constitutionalists and not those who hide behind it screaming NAZI.

Anything short of going in that direction is the wrong direction.
Trump probably didn't plan on losing control of the House. He figured his lackeys in there would continue to let him do whatever he damned well pleased.

That's why the bastard hates Democracy like all fascist pigs do.
Fuck democracy I'll take a REPUBLIC any day only fascist support a democracy.
Trump is good at a lot of things. Recognizing and getting rid of deep-staters is not one of them. He'll probably bring back Bill Barr to head up the task force.

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