Donald Trump Really Shouldn't Have Pursued Becoming President!

Donald Trump really shouldn't have pursued becoming President of the United States! First off, because he is out of his league;

Yeah, he has done nothing but WIN since he got in the WH, currently touting the strongest economy in DECADES....

"Donald Trump Really Shouldn't Have Pursued Becoming President!

....says every butt-hurt, hate-driven Hillary supporter....and Hillary Clinton. :p
we should all start singing that wonderful kids song .....

"if you're triggered and you know it, bash on trump!"
Donald Trump really shouldn't have pursued becoming President of the United States! First off, because he is out of his league; people that pursue the Presidency should be high quality people not ordinary quality. Donald Trump became successful because he is a tough businessman but the most neanderthal person can be tough person. Donald Trump is not sophisticated he often doesn't fully see the ramifications of what he is doing and even if he does he often doesn't consider the effects of what he will do in the calculus of whether or not he should do it. Secondly, he is not good at this type of relationship. Donald Trump is great at the executive-staff type of relationships where the staff person is always in fear of losing his or her job but Presidents have to be good at relationships where your manager doesn't care about losing his or her job because it is only a temporary job anyway and the manager thinks your an idiot and/or you don't have the background to do the job. Presidents have to be responsible enough to work with managers they don't have chemistry with in order to serve the interests of the American people otherwise the President is going to surround him or herself with managers that are just yesmen and definitely bad with the possibility of really worse things will befall the country if this situation comes about! Thirdly, he is fundamentally a different person than what is needed. A person that is an appropriate fit for President at their core is a champion or a person that looks out for a major block of American society O the block could be America's aristocracy (America's wealthy) or it could be labor (unions, etc.). Donald Trump at his core is a person that looks out for three persons that is me, myself and I; Donald Trump does not care about the far right and Christian conservatives and their priorities if truth be told he probably at the deepest levels of his heart is against their priorities but these constituencies are the only collective group offering Mr. Trump a ticket to the Presidency so he tries to hold on to that ticket for dear life! Mr. Trump in pursuing the Presidency violated the baseline, fundamental tenet of wisdom for a good life that people who try to always live their life with wisdom are fanatical about they never ever ever violate which is in major areas of your life stay within your limitations don't go way over your head because if you do you're going to find your ass drowned! I am not a pollster but I would bet that most Americans think President Trump is flailing in the waters of the Presidency right now!
/----/ Breaking News:
Job Openings Started Outstripping Job Seekers in March
Job Openings Started Outstripping Job Seekers in March | National Review

The U.S. economy reached a record 6.7 million job openings in April, the Department of Labor stated Tuesday, hundreds of thousands more than the number of unemployed workers.

March and April both saw the number of job openings outstrip the number of unemployed workers.

There were 6.7 million job openings in April and only 6.35 million job seekers. The previous month saw 6.63 million job openings, more than the 6.59 million unemployed workers.

The number of openings has never been higher than the number of job seekers since the government started counting employment opportunities in 2000.

May saw 223,000 jobs added to the U.S. economy.

“Never before have we had an economy where the number of open jobs exceeds the number of job seekers,” remarked Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta. “This administration is committed to ensuring that all Americans have the necessary skills to access good, family-sustaining jobs.”

Save us from good news.jpg
Donald Trump really shouldn't have pursued becoming President of the United States! First off, because he is out of his league; people that pursue the Presidency should be high quality people not ordinary quality. Donald Trump became successful because he is a tough businessman but the most neanderthal person can be tough person. Donald Trump is not sophisticated he often doesn't fully see the ramifications of what he is doing and even if he does he often doesn't consider the effects of what he will do in the calculus of whether or not he should do it. Secondly, he is not good at this type of relationship. Donald Trump is great at the executive-staff type of relationships where the staff person is always in fear of losing his or her job but Presidents have to be good at relationships where your manager doesn't care about losing his or her job because it is only a temporary job anyway and the manager thinks your an idiot and/or you don't have the background to do the job. Presidents have to be responsible enough to work with managers they don't have chemistry with in order to serve the interests of the American people otherwise the President is going to surround him or herself with managers that are just yesmen and definitely bad with the possibility of really worse things will befall the country if this situation comes about! Thirdly, he is fundamentally a different person than what is needed. A person that is an appropriate fit for President at their core is a champion or a person that looks out for a major block of American society O the block could be America's aristocracy (America's wealthy) or it could be labor (unions, etc.). Donald Trump at his core is a person that looks out for three persons that is me, myself and I; Donald Trump does not care about the far right and Christian conservatives and their priorities if truth be told he probably at the deepest levels of his heart is against their priorities but these constituencies are the only collective group offering Mr. Trump a ticket to the Presidency so he tries to hold on to that ticket for dear life! Mr. Trump in pursuing the Presidency violated the baseline, fundamental tenet of wisdom for a good life that people who try to always live their life with wisdom are fanatical about they never ever ever violate which is in major areas of your life stay within your limitations don't go way over your head because if you do you're going to find your ass drowned! I am not a pollster but I would bet that most Americans think President Trump is flailing in the waters of the Presidency right now!

Is there a point in our future?
Translation the OP is mad Trump won.
ya think so, huh?

so, it has nothing to do with how he has acted as president? :rolleyes:

sure! :lol:
No doubt in my mind the OP like most of the left is in year two of their four year butthurt over their chosen one losing. Those who haven’t spent their whole life in politics understand sometimes you have to be rough and mean to get things done.
Trump was never a serious candidate to begin with.

Now he's failing as president the consequence of his arrogance and incompetence.
Donald Trump really shouldn't have pursued becoming President of the United States! First off, because he is out of his league; people that pursue the Presidency should be high quality people not ordinary quality. Donald Trump became successful because he is a tough businessman but the most neanderthal person can be tough person. Donald Trump is not sophisticated he often doesn't fully see the ramifications of what he is doing and even if he does he often doesn't consider the effects of what he will do in the calculus of whether or not he should do it. Secondly, he is not good at this type of relationship. Donald Trump is great at the executive-staff type of relationships where the staff person is always in fear of losing his or her job but Presidents have to be good at relationships where your manager doesn't care about losing his or her job because it is only a temporary job anyway and the manager thinks your an idiot and/or you don't have the background to do the job. Presidents have to be responsible enough to work with managers they don't have chemistry with in order to serve the interests of the American people otherwise the President is going to surround him or herself with managers that are just yesmen and definitely bad with the possibility of really worse things will befall the country if this situation comes about! Thirdly, he is fundamentally a different person than what is needed. A person that is an appropriate fit for President at their core is a champion or a person that looks out for a major block of American society O the block could be America's aristocracy (America's wealthy) or it could be labor (unions, etc.). Donald Trump at his core is a person that looks out for three persons that is me, myself and I; Donald Trump does not care about the far right and Christian conservatives and their priorities if truth be told he probably at the deepest levels of his heart is against their priorities but these constituencies are the only collective group offering Mr. Trump a ticket to the Presidency so he tries to hold on to that ticket for dear life! Mr. Trump in pursuing the Presidency violated the baseline, fundamental tenet of wisdom for a good life that people who try to always live their life with wisdom are fanatical about they never ever ever violate which is in major areas of your life stay within your limitations don't go way over your head because if you do you're going to find your ass drowned! I am not a pollster but I would bet that most Americans think President Trump is flailing in the waters of the Presidency right now!

And yet, despite the assessment of the Op, President Trump is doing a decent job. Much better than his predecessor

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