Donald Trump rolled the dice on Biden and Burism and lost ... Biden is surging

None yet, but there is plenty of probable cause for an investigation for selling access to the WH. What is he afraid of, and what are YOU afraid of?

Hahaha, the only probable cause is cause he's probably going to win the nomination. It's a purely partisan exercise, overtly, like a Banana Republic.
like schumer showed us what the left represent yesterday.

I think all Trumpublicans should be scared of Chucks very scary words. The Dems are coming to get'um and they wont know what hit'um.
yeah cause trump's demonstrated that huh? He's taken on every mthr fking loser in DC and ate them up and spit them out. they fear him. They said so, they use words like existential threat. That means he means business and they simply cannot allow it. LOL. hey fk you and your mthr fking losing party fkwad. I'm right here, get out from behind your computer internet tough guy and get me.

You're a funny human. Fuck you you fucking fuck, or, Fuck the fucking fuckers.
exactly, mthr fker. LOL
So again I ask: Why not clear it all up with an investigation? If there's nothing to hide,

What crime is either Biden accused of?
None yet, but there is plenty of probable cause for an investigation for selling access to the WH. What is he afraid of, and what are YOU afraid of?

Hahaha, the only probable cause is cause he's probably going to win the nomination. It's a purely partisan exercise, overtly, like a Banana Republic.
Like the impeachment? Except in Biden's case he bragged about a quid pro quo on television. You're not very smart, are you?

Yes despite evidence of Trumpybear using public funds in his shake down scheme the Banana Republicans willingly embraced his corruption and obstuction.

Biden bragged about how he carried out The Presidents' bipartisan foreign policy, he said so right their in that very same clip you guys keep posting. The Russians propaganda is just stupid on it's face. They must think you guys are morons.
what evidence you got sinbad?
Really? You're "fine" with the worst president in history who doubled our debt, killed millions, ruined healthcare, spied on people, cheated to steal an election and was the most scandal-laden lying president ever?

I think you need psychological help. Killed millions? When did this happen?

Yup, pretty much. All opposition to Obama was racism.

For a guy who claims to be so smart you sure got that wrong

obama and his consort were white haters with a giant chip on their shoulder

Thanks for proving my point.
Your point is that ANY opposition to obama is racism in the mind of liberals

you put him on a pedestal

The bald faced reality is that MUCH of the opposition to Obama by Republicans, IS racism. The entire "birth movement", which is 30% of Republicans, is HIGHLY racist. The Republican Party bases much of their platform on the idea that social spending is giving "free shit" to lazy inner city minorities who are lawless, lazy and undeserving.

Since Ronald Reagan, the party has railed against "welfare queens", and the "war on poverty", which saw the poverty rate fall from 35% to 20% during the years race has been a focal point. Republicans created the rural/urban divide as well as the white/minority divide, because it is in their best interests to keep low income Americans from joining forces and voting for the best interests of ALL low income Americans, regardless of race or zip code.

White Americans have lapped up that message with a fork and spoon, witness the rise of a flagrant white supremacist such at Donald Trump. The Republican Party has now lost so many members that there are now more registered independents than there are registered Republicans.

Republicans are bending themselves into pretzels attempting to rationize voting for Trump's economic policies while decrying his less savoury behaviour but Trump's inherent racism is at the root of his fiscal policies, and preserving white privilege is a HUGE part of it. For Trump, the world is divided in winners and losers, and he's always been on the side of the big guy bullying the little guy out of his lunch, because he can.

The bald-faced reality is that you have no clue what Republicans do or don't actually think, because you've never actually listened to one. You're far too busy preaching at them about what your leaders have told you to "know" about them to learn anything about them.
Really? You're "fine" with the worst president in history who doubled our debt, killed millions, ruined healthcare, spied on people, cheated to steal an election and was the most scandal-laden lying president ever?

I think you need psychological help. Killed millions? When did this happen?

Yup, pretty much. All opposition to Obama was racism.

For a guy who claims to be so smart you sure got that wrong

obama and his consort were white haters with a giant chip on their shoulder

Thanks for proving my point.
Your point is that ANY opposition to obama is racism in the mind of liberals

you put him on a pedestal

The bald faced reality is that MUCH of the opposition to Obama by Republicans, IS racism. The entire "birth movement", which is 30% of Republicans, is HIGHLY racist. The Republican Party bases much of their platform on the idea that social spending is giving "free shit" to lazy inner city minorities who are lawless, lazy and undeserving.

Since Ronald Reagan, the party has railed against "welfare queens", and the "war on poverty", which saw the poverty rate fall from 35% to 20% during the years race has been a focal point. Republicans created the rural/urban divide as well as the white/minority divide, because it is in their best interests to keep low income Americans from joining forces and voting for the best interests of ALL low income Americans, regardless of race or zip code.

White Americans have lapped up that message with a fork and spoon, witness the rise of a flagrant white supremacist such at Donald Trump. The Republican Party has now lost so many members that there are now more registered independents than there are registered Republicans.

Republicans are bending themselves into pretzels attempting to rationize voting for Trump's economic policies while decrying his less savoury behaviour but Trump's inherent racism is at the root of his fiscal policies, and preserving white privilege is a HUGE part of it. For Trump, the world is divided in winners and losers, and he's always been on the side of the big guy bullying the little guy out of his lunch, because he can.
I disagree

but hey, if a canadian wants to hate the republican party it makes no difference to me

Here's a clue for you. Expressly an opinion that you disagree with a party or its policies, is not "hating on" anyone or anything. This ridiculous notion that partisans on this board have that a criticism of an idea stems from hatred shows an ignorance of political discourse.

Republicans have no reasonable policies to run on. Their policies have transferred the wealth of the nation to the top 10%, leaving working Americans, increasingly poor and desperate. All they are promising is more financial instability for the poor and working class. All they have to run on is lies about Democrats, and pitting one faction of voters against the other.

Running on fiscal incompetence or crashing the economy won't work.

Wow, you should DEFINITELY not vote for any of those "eeeevil" Republicans . . . oh, wait, you CAN'T, because it's not your fucking country!
So again I ask: Why not clear it all up with an investigation? If there's nothing to hide,

What crime is either Biden accused of?
None yet, but there is plenty of probable cause for an investigation for selling access to the WH. What is he afraid of, and what are YOU afraid of?

Hahaha, the only probable cause is cause he's probably going to win the nomination. It's a purely partisan exercise, overtly, like a Banana Republic.
like schumer showed us what the left represent yesterday.

I think all Trumpublicans should be scared of Chucks very scary words. The Dems are coming to get'um and they wont know what hit'um.

I think all Dumbocrats should shut the fuck up about "civil discourse" for-fucking-ever on the basis of their constant defense/deflection on behalf of remarks like Schumer's and even worse. Oh, and how smug and sanctimonious shitwads like you are while doing it.
I think you need psychological help. Killed millions? When did this happen?

Thanks for proving my point.
Your point is that ANY opposition to obama is racism in the mind of liberals

you put him on a pedestal

The bald faced reality is that MUCH of the opposition to Obama by Republicans, IS racism. The entire "birth movement", which is 30% of Republicans, is HIGHLY racist. The Republican Party bases much of their platform on the idea that social spending is giving "free shit" to lazy inner city minorities who are lawless, lazy and undeserving.

Since Ronald Reagan, the party has railed against "welfare queens", and the "war on poverty", which saw the poverty rate fall from 35% to 20% during the years race has been a focal point. Republicans created the rural/urban divide as well as the white/minority divide, because it is in their best interests to keep low income Americans from joining forces and voting for the best interests of ALL low income Americans, regardless of race or zip code.

White Americans have lapped up that message with a fork and spoon, witness the rise of a flagrant white supremacist such at Donald Trump. The Republican Party has now lost so many members that there are now more registered independents than there are registered Republicans.

Republicans are bending themselves into pretzels attempting to rationize voting for Trump's economic policies while decrying his less savoury behaviour but Trump's inherent racism is at the root of his fiscal policies, and preserving white privilege is a HUGE part of it. For Trump, the world is divided in winners and losers, and he's always been on the side of the big guy bullying the little guy out of his lunch, because he can.
I disagree

but hey, if a canadian wants to hate the republican party it makes no difference to me

Here's a clue for you. Expressly an opinion that you disagree with a party or its policies, is not "hating on" anyone or anything. This ridiculous notion that partisans on this board have that a criticism of an idea stems from hatred shows an ignorance of political discourse.

Republicans have no reasonable policies to run on. Their policies have transferred the wealth of the nation to the top 10%, leaving working Americans, increasingly poor and desperate. All they are promising is more financial instability for the poor and working class. All they have to run on is lies about Democrats, and pitting one faction of voters against the other.

Running on fiscal incompetence or crashing the economy won't work.

Wow, you should DEFINITELY not vote for any of those "eeeevil" Republicans . . . oh, wait, you CAN'T, because it's not your fucking country!
Which means if we listen to clueless canadian libs and get screwed its no skin off their nose
What crime is either Biden accused of?
None yet, but there is plenty of probable cause for an investigation for selling access to the WH. What is he afraid of, and what are YOU afraid of?

Hahaha, the only probable cause is cause he's probably going to win the nomination. It's a purely partisan exercise, overtly, like a Banana Republic.
like schumer showed us what the left represent yesterday.

I think all Trumpublicans should be scared of Chucks very scary words. The Dems are coming to get'um and they wont know what hit'um.

I think all Dumbocrats should shut the fuck up about "civil discourse" for-fucking-ever on the basis of their constant defense/deflection on behalf of remarks like Schumer's and even worse. Oh, and how smug and sanctimonious shitwads like you are while doing it.

I'll take that as you can't name a crime either Biden is accused of, or that you can't name Chuckies specific threat against the 2 SCJ's. But you do get an A+ for lashing out.
They were loyal to the party of the north. That's now Democrat. The racist conservative Democrat south from back then is now mostly Republican. Blacks are not aligned to a political party. They're aligned to those who helped gain their freedom. And that certainly isn't the south who seceded from the nation in their failed attempt to keep slavery legal. That's now become the Republican party.

So, no, they didn't.
You have it backwards

blacks left republicans, repubs didnt leave them
Again, blacks stayed with the party of the north. You know, the side of the country which was mostly against slavery. That was Republican in the 1860's. Today, it's mostly Democrat.
You are full of it

democrats were a national party with strong roots in the south

and still does thanks to overwhelming black support
Nope, with few exceptions, Republicans have won most elections in the south since the 60's.

The biggest noticable split was the 1964 vote on civil rights, where the vast majority of both parties in the north voted for it; while both parties in the south, mostly dominated by Democrats, voted against it. Since then, the South has become more Republican and blacks stayed with the north, which became more Democrat.


I wish the south were not infested with democrats

but trust me, it is
There are Democrats and Republicans in every part of the nation. The Bible belt, a bastion of racist conservatives, is mostly Republican now despite being solidly Democrat many decades ago. Thd northeast is the opposite of that.

Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. And he released his short form while still running for president, not "after several years." You freaks are truly fucking nuts. :cuckoo:
No he didnt

at first obama argued that the state of hawaii would not let him release the document but that the sec of state had seen them and confirmed he was born in hawaii

eventually pressure built he he was forced to produce a digital image that he claims was authentic

but who knows?

I cant say he was born in kenya

but neither do we know he was born in hawaii either
Sadly, you're fucked in the head, con. Yes, Obama first released his short form in 2008 while running for office, despite your hollow denials...

Obama's Birth Certificate

... duly certified by Hawaii's state registrar and authenticated by their Director of Health.

All you idiots on the right have to counter that is "nuh-uh!"
My position is that a digital copy released on the internet is not trustworthy

what is needed is to allow forgery experts to examine the original documents

otherwise there is no conclusive proof

but since that did not happen while obama was in office the best I can be is an obama agnostic

I cant say he was or wasnt
He let factchecker examine it and post photographs of it. And you'll be happy to note that it was investigated by forgery experts and deemed authentic....

Democrat sues Sen. Obama over 'fraudulent candidacy'

However, says it obtained Obama's actual certification of live birth and that the document was indeed real. The site discredited some of the claims of Internet bloggers, such as that the certificate as viewed in a scanned copy released by Obama's campaign lacked a raised seal. also established that many of the alleged flaws in the document noted by bloggers were caused by the scanning of the document.

A separate WND investigation into Obama's certification of live birth utilizing forgery experts also found the document to be authentic. The investigation also revealed methods used by some of the bloggers to determine the document was fake involved forgeries, in that a few bloggers added text and images to the certificate scan that weren't originally there.
Fact checker is a pro obama cabal
Regardless of your bias, all factchecker did, other than examine it, was to publish photos of it. There is absolutely nothing fake about it.

Not to mention, but I will anyway... the link I posted was to WND, a far rightwing website. They too had a forgery expert state it is authentic.

You conspiracy nuts are ... nuts. :cuckoo:
You have it backwards

blacks left republicans, repubs didnt leave them
Again, blacks stayed with the party of the north. You know, the side of the country which was mostly against slavery. That was Republican in the 1860's. Today, it's mostly Democrat.
You are full of it

democrats were a national party with strong roots in the south

and still does thanks to overwhelming black support
Nope, with few exceptions, Republicans have won most elections in the south since the 60's.

The biggest noticable split was the 1964 vote on civil rights, where the vast majority of both parties in the north voted for it; while both parties in the south, mostly dominated by Democrats, voted against it. Since then, the South has become more Republican and blacks stayed with the north, which became more Democrat.


I wish the south were not infested with democrats

but trust me, it is
There are Democrats and Republicans in every part of the nation. The Bible belt, a bastion of racist conservatives, is mostly Republican now despite being solidly Democrat many decades ago. Thd northeast is the opposite of that.
Guilt-ridden white liberals practice the bigotry of low expectations

you think blacks cant make it without you and Big Brother
No he didnt

at first obama argued that the state of hawaii would not let him release the document but that the sec of state had seen them and confirmed he was born in hawaii

eventually pressure built he he was forced to produce a digital image that he claims was authentic

but who knows?

I cant say he was born in kenya

but neither do we know he was born in hawaii either
Sadly, you're fucked in the head, con. Yes, Obama first released his short form in 2008 while running for office, despite your hollow denials...

Obama's Birth Certificate

... duly certified by Hawaii's state registrar and authenticated by their Director of Health.

All you idiots on the right have to counter that is "nuh-uh!"
My position is that a digital copy released on the internet is not trustworthy

what is needed is to allow forgery experts to examine the original documents

otherwise there is no conclusive proof

but since that did not happen while obama was in office the best I can be is an obama agnostic

I cant say he was or wasnt
He let factchecker examine it and post photographs of it. And you'll be happy to note that it was investigated by forgery experts and deemed authentic....

Democrat sues Sen. Obama over 'fraudulent candidacy'

However, says it obtained Obama's actual certification of live birth and that the document was indeed real. The site discredited some of the claims of Internet bloggers, such as that the certificate as viewed in a scanned copy released by Obama's campaign lacked a raised seal. also established that many of the alleged flaws in the document noted by bloggers were caused by the scanning of the document.

A separate WND investigation into Obama's certification of live birth utilizing forgery experts also found the document to be authentic. The investigation also revealed methods used by some of the bloggers to determine the document was fake involved forgeries, in that a few bloggers added text and images to the certificate scan that weren't originally there.
Fact checker is a pro obama cabal
Regardless of your bias, all factchecker did, other than examine it, was to publish photos of it. There is absolutely nothing fake about it.

Not to mention, but I will anyway... the link I posted was to WND, a far rightwing website. They too had a forgery expert state it is authentic.

You conspiracy nuts are ... nuts. :cuckoo:
Its just a digital image

Which is meaningless
Really? You're "fine" with the worst president in history who doubled our debt, killed millions, ruined healthcare, spied on people, cheated to steal an election and was the most scandal-laden lying president ever?

I think you need psychological help. Killed millions? When did this happen?

Yup, pretty much. All opposition to Obama was racism.

For a guy who claims to be so smart you sure got that wrong

obama and his consort were white haters with a giant chip on their shoulder

Thanks for proving my point.
Your point is that ANY opposition to obama is racism in the mind of liberals

you put him on a pedestal

The bald faced reality is that MUCH of the opposition to Obama by Republicans, IS racism. The entire "birth movement", which is 30% of Republicans, is HIGHLY racist. The Republican Party bases much of their platform on the idea that social spending is giving "free shit" to lazy inner city minorities who are lawless, lazy and undeserving.

Since Ronald Reagan, the party has railed against "welfare queens", and the "war on poverty", which saw the poverty rate fall from 35% to 20% during the years race has been a focal point. Republicans created the rural/urban divide as well as the white/minority divide, because it is in their best interests to keep low income Americans from joining forces and voting for the best interests of ALL low income Americans, regardless of race or zip code.

White Americans have lapped up that message with a fork and spoon, witness the rise of a flagrant white supremacist such at Donald Trump. The Republican Party has now lost so many members that there are now more registered independents than there are registered Republicans.

Republicans are bending themselves into pretzels attempting to rationize voting for Trump's economic policies while decrying his less savoury behaviour but Trump's inherent racism is at the root of his fiscal policies, and preserving white privilege is a HUGE part of it. For Trump, the world is divided in winners and losers, and he's always been on the side of the big guy bullying the little guy out of his lunch, because he can.

The bald-faced reality is that you have no clue what Republicans do or don't actually think, because you've never actually listened to one. You're far too busy preaching at them about what your leaders have told you to "know" about them to learn anything about them.
All we know is what they say. And what they say is hateful and generally nonsensical
None yet, but there is plenty of probable cause for an investigation for selling access to the WH. What is he afraid of, and what are YOU afraid of?

Hahaha, the only probable cause is cause he's probably going to win the nomination. It's a purely partisan exercise, overtly, like a Banana Republic.
like schumer showed us what the left represent yesterday.

I think all Trumpublicans should be scared of Chucks very scary words. The Dems are coming to get'um and they wont know what hit'um.

I think all Dumbocrats should shut the fuck up about "civil discourse" for-fucking-ever on the basis of their constant defense/deflection on behalf of remarks like Schumer's and even worse. Oh, and how smug and sanctimonious shitwads like you are while doing it.

I'll take that as you can't name a crime either Biden is accused of, or that you can't name Chuckies specific threat against the 2 SCJ's. But you do get an A+ for lashing out.
they both need to be investigated. it's the normal process. extorting money is a crime and biden did that. We know it. there's evidence.
Really? You're "fine" with the worst president in history who doubled our debt, killed millions, ruined healthcare, spied on people, cheated to steal an election and was the most scandal-laden lying president ever?

I think you need psychological help. Killed millions? When did this happen?

Yup, pretty much. All opposition to Obama was racism.

For a guy who claims to be so smart you sure got that wrong

obama and his consort were white haters with a giant chip on their shoulder

Thanks for proving my point.
Your point is that ANY opposition to obama is racism in the mind of liberals

you put him on a pedestal

The bald faced reality is that MUCH of the opposition to Obama by Republicans, IS racism. The entire "birth movement", which is 30% of Republicans, is HIGHLY racist. The Republican Party bases much of their platform on the idea that social spending is giving "free shit" to lazy inner city minorities who are lawless, lazy and undeserving.

Since Ronald Reagan, the party has railed against "welfare queens", and the "war on poverty", which saw the poverty rate fall from 35% to 20% during the years race has been a focal point. Republicans created the rural/urban divide as well as the white/minority divide, because it is in their best interests to keep low income Americans from joining forces and voting for the best interests of ALL low income Americans, regardless of race or zip code.

White Americans have lapped up that message with a fork and spoon, witness the rise of a flagrant white supremacist such at Donald Trump. The Republican Party has now lost so many members that there are now more registered independents than there are registered Republicans.

Republicans are bending themselves into pretzels attempting to rationize voting for Trump's economic policies while decrying his less savoury behaviour but Trump's inherent racism is at the root of his fiscal policies, and preserving white privilege is a HUGE part of it. For Trump, the world is divided in winners and losers, and he's always been on the side of the big guy bullying the little guy out of his lunch, because he can.

The bald-faced reality is that you have no clue what Republicans do or don't actually think, because you've never actually listened to one. You're far too busy preaching at them about what your leaders have told you to "know" about them to learn anything about them.
All we know is what they say. And what they say is hateful and generally nonsensical

So, Lush, your point is that Democrats are peaceful, loving and sensible in comparison?

When was that, while:
  • They were gunning down congressmen just for his party affiliation?
  • Spitting on people for wearing a red ballcap?
  • Threatening, chasing and harassing restaurant goers out into the street?
  • Calling the president the greatest danger on the planet?
  • Or threatening Supreme Court Justices if they don't vote your way on a bill?
Really? You're "fine" with the worst president in history who doubled our debt, killed millions, ruined healthcare, spied on people, cheated to steal an election and was the most scandal-laden lying president ever?

I think you need psychological help. Killed millions? When did this happen?

Yup, pretty much. All opposition to Obama was racism.

For a guy who claims to be so smart you sure got that wrong

obama and his consort were white haters with a giant chip on their shoulder

Thanks for proving my point.
Your point is that ANY opposition to obama is racism in the mind of liberals

you put him on a pedestal

The bald faced reality is that MUCH of the opposition to Obama by Republicans, IS racism. The entire "birth movement", which is 30% of Republicans, is HIGHLY racist. The Republican Party bases much of their platform on the idea that social spending is giving "free shit" to lazy inner city minorities who are lawless, lazy and undeserving.

Since Ronald Reagan, the party has railed against "welfare queens", and the "war on poverty", which saw the poverty rate fall from 35% to 20% during the years race has been a focal point. Republicans created the rural/urban divide as well as the white/minority divide, because it is in their best interests to keep low income Americans from joining forces and voting for the best interests of ALL low income Americans, regardless of race or zip code.

White Americans have lapped up that message with a fork and spoon, witness the rise of a flagrant white supremacist such at Donald Trump. The Republican Party has now lost so many members that there are now more registered independents than there are registered Republicans.

Republicans are bending themselves into pretzels attempting to rationize voting for Trump's economic policies while decrying his less savoury behaviour but Trump's inherent racism is at the root of his fiscal policies, and preserving white privilege is a HUGE part of it. For Trump, the world is divided in winners and losers, and he's always been on the side of the big guy bullying the little guy out of his lunch, because he can.

The bald-faced reality is that you have no clue what Republicans do or don't actually think, because you've never actually listened to one. You're far too busy preaching at them about what your leaders have told you to "know" about them to learn anything about them.
All we know is what they say. And what they say is hateful and generally nonsensical
We are not far away for people in D.C. having bodyguards with tommy guns. It will be like the Chicago gangsters of the 1920's. Spats Schumer wearing his striped suit with the hat.
like i told you once b4 -

try a little matthew 6: 5-11

the stfu.
When I see a poster who is Unjust, and Promotes Lies and Propaganda every day, every time they post, and what they say is all plotted along a monolithic path that leads towards a monolithic agenda, I and any reasonable person would say, that such a man or woman is not a person who's life is built upon a foundation of truth and therefore, they are not walking in truth; they are walking upon another path. They love lies, and their agenda more than they love truth, and being trustworthy and being upright, and being just.

Such a person has given themselves over to darkness and deception. So if the shoe fits princess, wear it, but don't lie about the shoe being yours, as that is just one more lie added to your piles of lies that you must some day be made accountable for.


Those who live by The Lie, Die by The Lie, and you will die in your sins unless you repent of them and turn to God.

you first.
I have, and have thrown you a life line to pull you out of the pit. I cannot make you grasp it. That is a decision you have to make on your own. No political office, wealth or power is worth selling your soul for and adding offenses to your account for.

you are no christian that follows jesus. not with posts of yours that i've read from time to time.
Yes they did

blacks were loyal republicans from 1865 till 1964

then they became democrats
They were loyal to the party of the north. That's now Democrat. The racist conservative Democrat south from back then is now mostly Republican. Blacks are not aligned to a political party. They're aligned to those who helped gain their freedom. And that certainly isn't the south who seceded from the nation in their failed attempt to keep slavery legal. That's now become the Republican party.

So, no, they didn't.
You have it backwards

blacks left republicans, repubs didnt leave them
Again, blacks stayed with the party of the north. You know, the side of the country which was mostly against slavery. That was Republican in the 1860's. Today, it's mostly Democrat.
Democrats are not “the party of the north”

they are a national party
You have to always be aware of this, wicked people take credit for other's work, and if possible will offer themselves up as an impostor, every chance they get, so they can deflect their shame on to others, and take credit for the good works that others do.

^^^ irony alert. look at your siggy. the ones that are proud to have a swastika anywhere near them support your president, the chosen one.
"Why we voted for Donald Trump": David Duke explains the white supremacist Charlottesville protests
By Libby Nelson@libbyanelson Updated Aug 12, 2017, 3:16pm EDT

David Duke, the former KKK grand wizard, is unambiguous about what Saturday’s alt-right and neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, means to him: It’s the fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s vision for America.

“We are determined to take our country back,” Duke said from the rally, calling it a “turning point.” “We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That’s what we believed in. That’s why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he’s going to take our country back.”

David Duke now here in #charlottesville for #altright #unitetheright rally @USATODAY @RbtKing

— Mykal McEldowney (@mykalmphoto) August 12, 2017
The Charlottesville rally is nominally about the removal of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee rather than anything in the Trump administration. But Duke was an enthusiastic supporter of Trump as far back as the Republican primary in 2016, and Trump’s reluctance to disavow that support was, briefly, a big issue.

Duke has remained a faithful Trump supporter since then, insisting that the president-elect’s policies line up with the former KKK leader’s vision for America.

He was less happy with Trump’s vague tweet condemning the violence later Saturday afternoon:

I would recommend you take a good look in the mirror & remember it was White Americans who put you in the presidency, not radical leftists. Donald J. Trump on Twitter

— David Duke (@DrDavidDuke) August 12, 2017
"Why we voted for Donald Trump": David Duke explains the white supremacist Charlottesville protests

David duke is a demofk. He’s allowed in the USA to vote for whoever he wants. Here,

David Duke - Wikipedia
Nationality American
Political party American Nazi(before 1975)[1]
Populist (1988–1989)
Republican(1989–1999; 2016–present)[2]
Reform (1999–2001)

lol................ & bloomberg is really a (D) too ..... right?
Bloomberg was included in the democrat debates

so he’s a democrat till the next time he sheds his skin

he bought his way in.

hell, i bet you think donny is a (R) too.
And democrats accepted the money

& so did (R)s. i am all in favor of taking cash outa politics & campaigning. citizen's united should be struck down. it won't happen - not from either side gunning for it to be.
Hahaha, the only probable cause is cause he's probably going to win the nomination. It's a purely partisan exercise, overtly, like a Banana Republic.
like schumer showed us what the left represent yesterday.

I think all Trumpublicans should be scared of Chucks very scary words. The Dems are coming to get'um and they wont know what hit'um.

I think all Dumbocrats should shut the fuck up about "civil discourse" for-fucking-ever on the basis of their constant defense/deflection on behalf of remarks like Schumer's and even worse. Oh, and how smug and sanctimonious shitwads like you are while doing it.

I'll take that as you can't name a crime either Biden is accused of, or that you can't name Chuckies specific threat against the 2 SCJ's. But you do get an A+ for lashing out.
they both need to be investigated. it's the normal process. extorting money is a crime and biden did that. We know it. there's evidence.

Biden extorted no money. That clip you guys keep passing around is not evidence of extortion.
When I see a poster who is Unjust, and Promotes Lies and Propaganda every day, every time they post, and what they say is all plotted along a monolithic path that leads towards a monolithic agenda, I and any reasonable person would say, that such a man or woman is not a person who's life is built upon a foundation of truth and therefore, they are not walking in truth; they are walking upon another path. They love lies, and their agenda more than they love truth, and being trustworthy and being upright, and being just.

Such a person has given themselves over to darkness and deception. So if the shoe fits princess, wear it, but don't lie about the shoe being yours, as that is just one more lie added to your piles of lies that you must some day be made accountable for.


Those who live by The Lie, Die by The Lie, and you will die in your sins unless you repent of them and turn to God.

you first.
I have, and have thrown you a life line to pull you out of the pit. I cannot make you grasp it. That is a decision you have to make on your own. No political office, wealth or power is worth selling your soul for and adding offenses to your account for.

you are no christian that follows jesus. not with posts of yours that i've read from time to time.
So says Satan, The Accuser of The Brethren who accuses the saints night and day before THE Throne of GOD.

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