Donald Trump says he is a genius. Is he?

Is Donald Trump a genius?

  • Yes

    Votes: 25 53.2%
  • No

    Votes: 22 46.8%

  • Total voters
I say he's a genius

cuz he's conned millions of people in to believing he is genius and a their Savior....!!!
I've long thought Trump was a narcissistic whackadoodle.

But a VERY smart one.
Though, I actually think he is somewhat insecure. Something tells me he could never please a family member growing up. Don’t know if it was mom or dad. I do suspect it was dad, though.
i think it was probably both....that's why they shipped him off to boarding school...
For one thing, he's President and they ain't.

That PROVES he is a dummy. No rich smart white man would want to be president.

All presidents have been smart, rich and white, except Obama who was black and dumb.
Dumb presidents don't get elected twice and none were counted among the richest Americans. Obama was one of the brightest. His intelligence has been lauded worldwide regardless of your jealous put downs.
He might be a regular Einstein, but he was a weak and ineffectual president who left no lasting legacy. Even black people refer to him as a half-breed.

As the first African-American elected President of the United States, Barack Obama became a pivotal figure in American history even before his inauguration. But after winning a second term in 2012, his achievements in office have made him one of the most transformative presidents of the past hundred years. He took office with a country in peril and led it through the Great Recession, two wars, civil unrest, a rash of mass shootings, and changing cultural demographics. In the 2008 campaign he called for change and eight years later we are living in a more prosperous country because of it.

Here are 28 of President Obama’s biggest accomplishments as President of the United States.

1 – Rescued the country from the Great Recession, cutting the unemployment rate from 10% to 4.7% over six years

2 – Signed the Affordable Care Act which provided health insurance to over 20 million uninsured Americans

3 – Ended the war in Iraq

4 – Ordered for the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden

5 – Passed the $787 billion America Recovery and Reinvestment Act to spur economic growth during the Great Recession

6 – Supported the LGBT community’s fight for marriage equality

7 – Commuted the sentences of nearly 1200 drug offenders to reverse “unjust and outdated prison sentences”

8 – Saved the U.S. auto industry

9 – Helped put the U.S. ontrack for energy independence by 2020

10 – Began the drawdown of troops in Afghanistan

11 – Signed the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals allowing as many as 5 million people living in the U.S. illegally to avoid deportation and receive work permits

12 –Signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act to re-regulate the financial sector

13 – Dropped the veteran homeless rate by 50 percent

14 – Reversed Bush-era torture policies

15 – Began the process of normalizing relations with Cuba

16 – Increased Department of Veteran Affairs funding

17 – Signed the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act

18 – Boosted fuel efficiency standards for cars

19 – Improved school nutrition with the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act

20 – Repealed the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy

21 – Signed the Hate Crimes Prevention Act, making it a federal crime to assault anyone based on sexual or gender identification

22 – Helped negotiate the landmark Iran Nuclear Deal

23 – He signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to combat pay discrimination against women

24 – Nominated Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, making her the first Hispanic ever to serve as a justice

25 – Supported veterans through a $78 billion tuition assistance GI bill

26 – Won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples”

27 – Launched My Brother’s Keeper, a White House initiative designed to help young minorities achieve their full potential

28 – Expanded embryonic stem cell research leading to groundbreaking work in areas including spinal injury treatment and cancer.

28 Reasons Obama May Go Down As One Of The Greatest Presidents Of All Time
Most all of his grand achievements have been undone. His party became unglued under his leadership, losing over 1,000 seats nationwide. Obama represents all Democrats, inferior and trite thinkers who used their power to try and force grown men into women's restrooms.
That PROVES he is a dummy. No rich smart white man would want to be president.

All presidents have been smart, rich and white, except Obama who was black and dumb.
Dumb presidents don't get elected twice and none were counted among the richest Americans. Obama was one of the brightest. His intelligence has been lauded worldwide regardless of your jealous put downs.
He might be a regular Einstein, but he was a weak and ineffectual president who left no lasting legacy. Even black people refer to him as a half-breed.

As the first African-American elected President of the United States, Barack Obama became a pivotal figure in American history even before his inauguration. But after winning a second term in 2012, his achievements in office have made him one of the most transformative presidents of the past hundred years. He took office with a country in peril and led it through the Great Recession, two wars, civil unrest, a rash of mass shootings, and changing cultural demographics. In the 2008 campaign he called for change and eight years later we are living in a more prosperous country because of it.

Here are 28 of President Obama’s biggest accomplishments as President of the United States.

1 – Rescued the country from the Great Recession, cutting the unemployment rate from 10% to 4.7% over six years

2 – Signed the Affordable Care Act which provided health insurance to over 20 million uninsured Americans

3 – Ended the war in Iraq

4 – Ordered for the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden

5 – Passed the $787 billion America Recovery and Reinvestment Act to spur economic growth during the Great Recession

6 – Supported the LGBT community’s fight for marriage equality

7 – Commuted the sentences of nearly 1200 drug offenders to reverse “unjust and outdated prison sentences”

8 – Saved the U.S. auto industry

9 – Helped put the U.S. ontrack for energy independence by 2020

10 – Began the drawdown of troops in Afghanistan

11 – Signed the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals allowing as many as 5 million people living in the U.S. illegally to avoid deportation and receive work permits

12 –Signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act to re-regulate the financial sector

13 – Dropped the veteran homeless rate by 50 percent

14 – Reversed Bush-era torture policies

15 – Began the process of normalizing relations with Cuba

16 – Increased Department of Veteran Affairs funding

17 – Signed the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act

18 – Boosted fuel efficiency standards for cars

19 – Improved school nutrition with the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act

20 – Repealed the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy

21 – Signed the Hate Crimes Prevention Act, making it a federal crime to assault anyone based on sexual or gender identification

22 – Helped negotiate the landmark Iran Nuclear Deal

23 – He signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to combat pay discrimination against women

24 – Nominated Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, making her the first Hispanic ever to serve as a justice

25 – Supported veterans through a $78 billion tuition assistance GI bill

26 – Won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples”

27 – Launched My Brother’s Keeper, a White House initiative designed to help young minorities achieve their full potential

28 – Expanded embryonic stem cell research leading to groundbreaking work in areas including spinal injury treatment and cancer.

28 Reasons Obama May Go Down As One Of The Greatest Presidents Of All Time
Most all of his grand achievements have been undone. His party became unglued under his leadership, losing over 1,000 seats nationwide. Obama represents all Democrats, inferior and trite thinkers who used their power to try and force grown men into women's restrooms.
I haven't seen any evidence that most of Obama's achievements have been undone. Trump has been on a mission to destroy every good thing Obama did but he is starting to meet resistance even from RW kool aid drinkers.

Obama does not and never did represent all Democrats. People who register for either party do so for a variety of reasons...some times those reasons conflict. But with only 2 major parties to choose from, you pick one that you think will serve your best interests.
And that choice doesn't lock most of us into
some blind loyalty to one party or the other.
If that were the case, Democrats would always be in power.

I'm an Independent but I don't believe most Democrats ever got behind the push for transgender males to access women's restrooms. Most Democrats have the same Christian values your side claims to have but special interest groups within the party
often don't share those values. However, they know their rights and know the best way to exercise those rights is via the democratic creed of Universal Constitutional tolerance.
Forrest Trump isn't a genus, he's just a white conservative......who somehow in this country, seems to get away with just about every gotdamned thing, that's all.....and and and and, he has the backing of gun carrying neo nuts, who run over innocent people at rally's, who own more guns than our US military and people on the right are scared of these mindless mf's, that's why they support the nut...his base is, he's not a genus, just a white man in AmeriKKKa.
That PROVES he is a dummy. No rich smart white man would want to be president.

All presidents have been smart, rich and white, except Obama who was black and dumb.
Dumb presidents don't get elected twice and none were counted among the richest Americans. Obama was one of the brightest. His intelligence has been lauded worldwide regardless of your jealous put downs.
He might be a regular Einstein, but he was a weak and ineffectual president who left no lasting legacy. Even black people refer to him as a half-breed.

As the first African-American elected President of the United States, Barack Obama became a pivotal figure in American history even before his inauguration. But after winning a second term in 2012, his achievements in office have made him one of the most transformative presidents of the past hundred years. He took office with a country in peril and led it through the Great Recession, two wars, civil unrest, a rash of mass shootings, and changing cultural demographics. In the 2008 campaign he called for change and eight years later we are living in a more prosperous country because of it.

Here are 28 of President Obama’s biggest accomplishments as President of the United States.

1 – Rescued the country from the Great Recession, cutting the unemployment rate from 10% to 4.7% over six years

2 – Signed the Affordable Care Act which provided health insurance to over 20 million uninsured Americans

3 – Ended the war in Iraq

4 – Ordered for the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden

5 – Passed the $787 billion America Recovery and Reinvestment Act to spur economic growth during the Great Recession

6 – Supported the LGBT community’s fight for marriage equality

7 – Commuted the sentences of nearly 1200 drug offenders to reverse “unjust and outdated prison sentences”

8 – Saved the U.S. auto industry

9 – Helped put the U.S. ontrack for energy independence by 2020

10 – Began the drawdown of troops in Afghanistan

11 – Signed the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals allowing as many as 5 million people living in the U.S. illegally to avoid deportation and receive work permits

12 –Signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act to re-regulate the financial sector

13 – Dropped the veteran homeless rate by 50 percent

14 – Reversed Bush-era torture policies

15 – Began the process of normalizing relations with Cuba

16 – Increased Department of Veteran Affairs funding

17 – Signed the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act

18 – Boosted fuel efficiency standards for cars

19 – Improved school nutrition with the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act

20 – Repealed the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy

21 – Signed the Hate Crimes Prevention Act, making it a federal crime to assault anyone based on sexual or gender identification

22 – Helped negotiate the landmark Iran Nuclear Deal

23 – He signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to combat pay discrimination against women

24 – Nominated Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, making her the first Hispanic ever to serve as a justice

25 – Supported veterans through a $78 billion tuition assistance GI bill

26 – Won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples”

27 – Launched My Brother’s Keeper, a White House initiative designed to help young minorities achieve their full potential

28 – Expanded embryonic stem cell research leading to groundbreaking work in areas including spinal injury treatment and cancer.

28 Reasons Obama May Go Down As One Of The Greatest Presidents Of All Time
Most all of his grand achievements have been undone. His party became unglued under his leadership, losing over 1,000 seats nationwide. Obama represents all Democrats, inferior and trite thinkers who used their power to try and force grown men into women's restrooms.
What, you don't like the idea of grown men his women's restrooms, where to you pee, girlfriend faggot?
All presidents have been smart, rich and white, except Obama who was black and dumb.
Dumb presidents don't get elected twice and none were counted among the richest Americans. Obama was one of the brightest. His intelligence has been lauded worldwide regardless of your jealous put downs.
He might be a regular Einstein, but he was a weak and ineffectual president who left no lasting legacy. Even black people refer to him as a half-breed.

As the first African-American elected President of the United States, Barack Obama became a pivotal figure in American history even before his inauguration. But after winning a second term in 2012, his achievements in office have made him one of the most transformative presidents of the past hundred years. He took office with a country in peril and led it through the Great Recession, two wars, civil unrest, a rash of mass shootings, and changing cultural demographics. In the 2008 campaign he called for change and eight years later we are living in a more prosperous country because of it.

Here are 28 of President Obama’s biggest accomplishments as President of the United States.

1 – Rescued the country from the Great Recession, cutting the unemployment rate from 10% to 4.7% over six years

2 – Signed the Affordable Care Act which provided health insurance to over 20 million uninsured Americans

3 – Ended the war in Iraq

4 – Ordered for the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden

5 – Passed the $787 billion America Recovery and Reinvestment Act to spur economic growth during the Great Recession

6 – Supported the LGBT community’s fight for marriage equality

7 – Commuted the sentences of nearly 1200 drug offenders to reverse “unjust and outdated prison sentences”

8 – Saved the U.S. auto industry

9 – Helped put the U.S. ontrack for energy independence by 2020

10 – Began the drawdown of troops in Afghanistan

11 – Signed the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals allowing as many as 5 million people living in the U.S. illegally to avoid deportation and receive work permits

12 –Signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act to re-regulate the financial sector

13 – Dropped the veteran homeless rate by 50 percent

14 – Reversed Bush-era torture policies

15 – Began the process of normalizing relations with Cuba

16 – Increased Department of Veteran Affairs funding

17 – Signed the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act

18 – Boosted fuel efficiency standards for cars

19 – Improved school nutrition with the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act

20 – Repealed the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy

21 – Signed the Hate Crimes Prevention Act, making it a federal crime to assault anyone based on sexual or gender identification

22 – Helped negotiate the landmark Iran Nuclear Deal

23 – He signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to combat pay discrimination against women

24 – Nominated Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, making her the first Hispanic ever to serve as a justice

25 – Supported veterans through a $78 billion tuition assistance GI bill

26 – Won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples”

27 – Launched My Brother’s Keeper, a White House initiative designed to help young minorities achieve their full potential

28 – Expanded embryonic stem cell research leading to groundbreaking work in areas including spinal injury treatment and cancer.

28 Reasons Obama May Go Down As One Of The Greatest Presidents Of All Time
Most all of his grand achievements have been undone. His party became unglued under his leadership, losing over 1,000 seats nationwide. Obama represents all Democrats, inferior and trite thinkers who used their power to try and force grown men into women's restrooms.
I haven't seen any evidence that most of Obama's achievements have been undone. Trump has been on a mission to destroy every good thing Obama did but he is starting to meet resistance even from RW kool aid drinkers.

Obama does not and never did represent all Democrats. People who register for either party do so for a variety of reasons...some times those reasons conflict. But with only 2 major parties to choose from, you pick one that you think will serve your best interests.
And that choice doesn't lock most of us into
some blind loyalty to one party or the other.
If that were the case, Democrats would always be in power.

I'm an Independent but I don't believe most Democrats ever got behind the push for transgender males to access women's restrooms. Most Democrats have the same Christian values your side claims to have but special interest groups within the party
often don't share those values. However, they know their rights and know the best way to exercise those rights is via the democratic creed of Universal Constitutional tolerance.
No one remembers his name. They won't even call his vaunted and failed healthcare plan after him anymore, but refer to it as the ACA. Blacks call him the first mulatto president. He's persona non grata. Uninvited.
All presidents have been smart, rich and white, except Obama who was black and dumb.
Dumb presidents don't get elected twice and none were counted among the richest Americans. Obama was one of the brightest. His intelligence has been lauded worldwide regardless of your jealous put downs.
He might be a regular Einstein, but he was a weak and ineffectual president who left no lasting legacy. Even black people refer to him as a half-breed.

As the first African-American elected President of the United States, Barack Obama became a pivotal figure in American history even before his inauguration. But after winning a second term in 2012, his achievements in office have made him one of the most transformative presidents of the past hundred years. He took office with a country in peril and led it through the Great Recession, two wars, civil unrest, a rash of mass shootings, and changing cultural demographics. In the 2008 campaign he called for change and eight years later we are living in a more prosperous country because of it.

Here are 28 of President Obama’s biggest accomplishments as President of the United States.

1 – Rescued the country from the Great Recession, cutting the unemployment rate from 10% to 4.7% over six years

2 – Signed the Affordable Care Act which provided health insurance to over 20 million uninsured Americans

3 – Ended the war in Iraq

4 – Ordered for the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden

5 – Passed the $787 billion America Recovery and Reinvestment Act to spur economic growth during the Great Recession

6 – Supported the LGBT community’s fight for marriage equality

7 – Commuted the sentences of nearly 1200 drug offenders to reverse “unjust and outdated prison sentences”

8 – Saved the U.S. auto industry

9 – Helped put the U.S. ontrack for energy independence by 2020

10 – Began the drawdown of troops in Afghanistan

11 – Signed the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals allowing as many as 5 million people living in the U.S. illegally to avoid deportation and receive work permits

12 –Signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act to re-regulate the financial sector

13 – Dropped the veteran homeless rate by 50 percent

14 – Reversed Bush-era torture policies

15 – Began the process of normalizing relations with Cuba

16 – Increased Department of Veteran Affairs funding

17 – Signed the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act

18 – Boosted fuel efficiency standards for cars

19 – Improved school nutrition with the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act

20 – Repealed the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy

21 – Signed the Hate Crimes Prevention Act, making it a federal crime to assault anyone based on sexual or gender identification

22 – Helped negotiate the landmark Iran Nuclear Deal

23 – He signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to combat pay discrimination against women

24 – Nominated Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, making her the first Hispanic ever to serve as a justice

25 – Supported veterans through a $78 billion tuition assistance GI bill

26 – Won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples”

27 – Launched My Brother’s Keeper, a White House initiative designed to help young minorities achieve their full potential

28 – Expanded embryonic stem cell research leading to groundbreaking work in areas including spinal injury treatment and cancer.

28 Reasons Obama May Go Down As One Of The Greatest Presidents Of All Time
Most all of his grand achievements have been undone. His party became unglued under his leadership, losing over 1,000 seats nationwide. Obama represents all Democrats, inferior and trite thinkers who used their power to try and force grown men into women's restrooms.
What, you don't like the idea of grown men his women's restrooms, where to you pee, girlfriend faggot?
I don't think I've read a single post of yours without a typo yet.
The sad part is that negro is too stupid to realize how every post makes them look so stupid you wonder why the "stupid" filter doesn't catch it.
Dumb presidents don't get elected twice and none were counted among the richest Americans. Obama was one of the brightest. His intelligence has been lauded worldwide regardless of your jealous put downs.
He might be a regular Einstein, but he was a weak and ineffectual president who left no lasting legacy. Even black people refer to him as a half-breed.

As the first African-American elected President of the United States, Barack Obama became a pivotal figure in American history even before his inauguration. But after winning a second term in 2012, his achievements in office have made him one of the most transformative presidents of the past hundred years. He took office with a country in peril and led it through the Great Recession, two wars, civil unrest, a rash of mass shootings, and changing cultural demographics. In the 2008 campaign he called for change and eight years later we are living in a more prosperous country because of it.

Here are 28 of President Obama’s biggest accomplishments as President of the United States.

1 – Rescued the country from the Great Recession, cutting the unemployment rate from 10% to 4.7% over six years

2 – Signed the Affordable Care Act which provided health insurance to over 20 million uninsured Americans

3 – Ended the war in Iraq

4 – Ordered for the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden

5 – Passed the $787 billion America Recovery and Reinvestment Act to spur economic growth during the Great Recession

6 – Supported the LGBT community’s fight for marriage equality

7 – Commuted the sentences of nearly 1200 drug offenders to reverse “unjust and outdated prison sentences”

8 – Saved the U.S. auto industry

9 – Helped put the U.S. ontrack for energy independence by 2020

10 – Began the drawdown of troops in Afghanistan

11 – Signed the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals allowing as many as 5 million people living in the U.S. illegally to avoid deportation and receive work permits

12 –Signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act to re-regulate the financial sector

13 – Dropped the veteran homeless rate by 50 percent

14 – Reversed Bush-era torture policies

15 – Began the process of normalizing relations with Cuba

16 – Increased Department of Veteran Affairs funding

17 – Signed the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act

18 – Boosted fuel efficiency standards for cars

19 – Improved school nutrition with the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act

20 – Repealed the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy

21 – Signed the Hate Crimes Prevention Act, making it a federal crime to assault anyone based on sexual or gender identification

22 – Helped negotiate the landmark Iran Nuclear Deal

23 – He signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to combat pay discrimination against women

24 – Nominated Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, making her the first Hispanic ever to serve as a justice

25 – Supported veterans through a $78 billion tuition assistance GI bill

26 – Won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples”

27 – Launched My Brother’s Keeper, a White House initiative designed to help young minorities achieve their full potential

28 – Expanded embryonic stem cell research leading to groundbreaking work in areas including spinal injury treatment and cancer.

28 Reasons Obama May Go Down As One Of The Greatest Presidents Of All Time
Most all of his grand achievements have been undone. His party became unglued under his leadership, losing over 1,000 seats nationwide. Obama represents all Democrats, inferior and trite thinkers who used their power to try and force grown men into women's restrooms.
I haven't seen any evidence that most of Obama's achievements have been undone. Trump has been on a mission to destroy every good thing Obama did but he is starting to meet resistance even from RW kool aid drinkers.

Obama does not and never did represent all Democrats. People who register for either party do so for a variety of reasons...some times those reasons conflict. But with only 2 major parties to choose from, you pick one that you think will serve your best interests.
And that choice doesn't lock most of us into
some blind loyalty to one party or the other.
If that were the case, Democrats would always be in power.

I'm an Independent but I don't believe most Democrats ever got behind the push for transgender males to access women's restrooms. Most Democrats have the same Christian values your side claims to have but special interest groups within the party
often don't share those values. However, they know their rights and know the best way to exercise those rights is via the democratic creed of Universal Constitutional tolerance.
No one remembers his name. They won't even call his vaunted and failed healthcare plan after him anymore, but refer to it as the ACA. Blacks call him the first mulatto president. He's persona non grata. Uninvited.
Obama will be immortalized in our history books. Being the first Black president is certainly an achievement this nation is not likely to forget. You, OTOH, will be forgotten as soon as soon as this thread ends.

I'm curious. What gives you the self imposed privilege of deciding and declaring what Blacks think?

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