Donald Trump: The American Caligula

You watch too much TV brother...Caligula I in the 90's was even worse and still survivable, in this the sequel, it is making the world laugh while that one made them grimace and recoil...btw, did you know hillary has had a starring role in the first she played the role of the evil misogynistic "first enabler" covering the tracks of a dubious "serial sexual harasser" known as "Slick Willie" while turning the screws on all the shrews who dared to speak out....and now she has been cast as the rightful heir to the throne of the men who have paved the way for her ascendancy to that throne only to have failure snatched from the jaws of success at the last moment by a bunch of "deplorables" known as Americans who she despised so much you'd have thought they dropped a house on her sister and then they elected, of all things, A MAN, who ended her political dream by throwing a bucket of "electoral take that" water on her as everyone watched her publicly meltdown....
Sessions lied to Congress, but you'd rather impeach Clinton over a sex act.
You claim to be an engineer but don't understand what illegal alien means or perjury? LOL
He pretends not to understand
In the Presidency of Donald Trump, we are watching the total destruction of this country. From American values, to our rule of law, common decency and honesty, truth, our democratic principles, all are being dismantled in front of our very eyes.

There are parallels between what Trump is doing to our republic and what Caligula did to Rome.

Caligula wanted to rule as an autocrat and he was contemptuous of the pretense that the senate had any power at all.
“What he did was to trample the dignity of the senatorial elite into the dirt and what he discovered in doing that was that the mass of the Roman people really enjoyed it.”
What Trump has done to the Republican establishment.
“Trump has said and done things that are utterly shocking by the standards of traditional political morality, but far from making him unpopular with the masses there is a sense in which he has become the toast of the people.”
From Tweets about bogus wiretapping to business ventures with Iran's Republican Guard, Donald Trump is destroying this country from within.

We are the laughing stock of the world!
This began with Clinton, way back before the internet. Really it did, I voted Clinton AND Trump, wrap your minds around that. One in 90's the other October 2016.

It actually BEGAN under Reagan,it just got accelerated much worse under Clinton because thats when americans losing their jobs really started becoming noticeable much more so under Clinton than Reagan because the information age was far more advanced when clinton was in office than it was when Reagan was in and again,Clinton expanded what Reagan started much worse so how Reagan betrayed americans was not near as much noticeable as it was with Clinton.Plus the fact the LAMESTREAM media has spread lie after lie about what a great president the Gipper was all these decades.
This began with Clinton, way back before the internet. Really it did, I voted Clinton AND Trump, wrap your minds around that. One in 90's the other October 2016.
And I voted for Reagan (twice). The fact of the matter is, we had boon times under Clinton, so far in the past month, we are going down the tubes under Trump.

Like many sheep back then,you obviously got taken in by the ACTORS charm.:D Boon? how was NAFTA a boon with americans losing jobs overseas because of him?:rofl:
As for Hussein, we're not Kings of the World. We have no right telling sovereign nations who they can have (or cannot have) as their leaders.
Want to bet? Clearly we are "Kings of the World" as Saddam Hussein is gone. He was a global threat. We took care of the problem as we always do.

Our government is the REAL global threat. Yes Saddam was a bad guy but we supported him.

Exclusive: CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran

To what extent did Saddam Hussein receive aid and support from the United States? - US - Iraq War -

The government is always creating bogeymen so they can go over and start wars with other countries. we have literally thousands of military bases across the globe in countries they have no business being in. can you imagine walking down the street here in america everywhere you go and seeing military personal from lets say Iraq with guns on the opposite side watching you everyday?

thats what these other countries around the world have got to deal with everyday.we got the most corrupt government in the world its unreal and that is because BOTH parties are corrupt,one in the same.till this corrupt one party system of demopublicans and reprocrats is abolished, the destruction of america and the world will always continue.
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Exchange of the Day
March 10, 2017

From today’s White House press briefing:

REPORTER: President Trump has refered to jobs reports in the past as “phony” and “fiction.” What does he think now?

SEAN SPICER: “They may have been phony in the past, but it’s very real now.”
no, YOU are the laughing stock of the world, bubba.

Ad hominems are not valid rebuttals.
Professors Mind-Raping the Debaters

Those who think ad hominems are not evidence are trying to cover up their own ulterior motives. People are not disembodied minds; we need to know their backgrounds. Fallacies are not falsities anyway; they are just not absolute proof. That is hard to uncover; realistically, the best we can expect is a preponderance of evidence, which includes ad hominem evidence of self-interest.
And if Hussein was such a bad guy, why didn't we take him out 20 years before? He was the same guy then?
Because unlike you, we don't think like your average 6 year old. We had a purpose for him. Our #1 enemy at the time was the U.S.S.R. And we were really busy with them. Our #2 enemy at the time was Iran. Saddam hated Iran. So we let him tie up Iran in a long and costly war while we dealt with the U.S.S.R.

Shortly after the collapse of the U.S.S.R., Saddam thought it would be a good idea to invade Kuwait. That's the moment he ceased to be useful to us.
Our Saudi-Occupied Government

Kuwait had no right to exist. It had been part of Iraq (Mesopotamia) for thousands of years. Even with trillions of dollars of oil money looted from Dhimmiland, it was too cheap to even buy an army. Getting back Kuwait would have made Saddam even stronger in his war against Iran.
In the Presidency of Donald Trump, we are watching the total destruction of this country. From American values, to our rule of law, common decency and honesty, truth, our democratic principles, all are being dismantled in front of our very eyes.

There are parallels between what Trump is doing to our republic and what Caligula did to Rome.

Caligula wanted to rule as an autocrat and he was contemptuous of the pretense that the senate had any power at all.
“What he did was to trample the dignity of the senatorial elite into the dirt and what he discovered in doing that was that the mass of the Roman people really enjoyed it.”
What Trump has done to the Republican establishment.
“Trump has said and done things that are utterly shocking by the standards of traditional political morality, but far from making him unpopular with the masses there is a sense in which he has become the toast of the people.”
From Tweets about bogus wiretapping to business ventures with Iran's Republican Guard, Donald Trump is destroying this country from within.

We are the laughing stock of the world!
These libs and their babbling bullshit is running rampant. I got tired of doing my own search on their claims during the first 30 days. Now I just ignore them. They are fucking liars.

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What did I lie about?

All of it. It's all lib bullshit. Trump is not worse than Clinton, Bush, and Obama. At worse, he is the same.

Clinton was the modern Caligula. His self absorbed ass was more interested in getting in bed with big business at the expense of small businesses and the Middle class. He thought he was God's gift to women and has a real known history of abusing women. His war on drugs ramped up the prison industry and militarized our police forces. His deregulation of banks led to the housing market crash.

Bush got in bed with the banks, created a surveillance state for us to live in, and lied to start a war with Iraq in the hopes that our actions would create a puppet government we could control to protect our access to energy and our ally Saudi Arabia. The same country who spreads terrorism around the world and has a dismal human rights history.

Obama lied his ass off to get elected and did everything he could to hid his past from us. He grew government to unprecedented levels, caused civil unrest by backing race-baiting false narratives, used the power of government to go after his political enemies, grew the surveillance state, doubled our debt, funded and trained Isis after releasing its leader from our custody, tried regime change in at least 4 countries, and lied his ass off to America to advance his political legacy.

So while Trump is no angel, compared to the last 3 assholes, he's at least exposing government for what it is. A broken pile of shit that needs to shrink in size and scope.

Caligula he is not, not even close.

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Dave OWNED your ass here in post# 52 Bill.:rofl:
Why are you afraid to answer the question?!? Oh that's right - because it proves you are wrong as usual. Nobody said anything about "caring". Answer the question.
I didn't say "caring", I said you don't give a shit. So why are you acting like you do?

If they are waterboarded, then yes, we torture our troops.

So how does that prove I"m wrong?
Because unlike you, we don't think like your average 6 year old. We had a purpose for him. Our #1 enemy at the time was the U.S.S.R. And we were really busy with them. Our #2 enemy at the time was Iran. Saddam hated Iran. So we let him tie up Iran in a long and costly war while we dealt with the U.S.S.R.

Shortly after the collapse of the U.S.S.R., Saddam thought it would be a good idea to invade Kuwait. That's the moment he ceased to be useful to us.
That still doesn't change the fact that regime change is illegal.
Want to bet? Clearly we are "Kings of the World" as Saddam Hussein is gone. He was a global threat. We took care of the problem as we always do.
Americans believe in the rule of law. Something you apparently do not believe in.

Tell you what tough guy, why don't you come over to my house and try to tell me what to do under my own roof and see what happens next! I guarantee you will see how wrong that is.

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