Donald Trump: The American Caligula

The left always massages the truth with language. He who controls the language controls the country. "undocumented immigrants" are illegal aliens. The left doesn't like the words because it means they do not belong here. Lefties don't like borders and it's a global phenomenon.
Hey dude, there's no such thing as an illegal person. And what's the "global phenomenon" of borders? You don't give a shit about borders, as we will soon see in your comments below.

Water boarding was not classified as torture, we train some of our own men with it, so we torture our own troops? It's against the UCMJ.
If it wasn't torture, then why did the Reagan DOJ send 4 Texas sheriff's to prison for waterboarding inmates? Hey, I know, why don't you volunteer to have you lying republican ass waterboarded, then come back and tell us if you still think its not torture.

Afghanistan isn't even debatable but both Dems and Repubs voted for Iraq.
We attacked two country's that did not attack us first? I guess the BORDERS of sovereign nations don't mean shit to you?

You see everything through political filters.
Hows this for a political filter? Everytime I see one of you horrible fuckers talking about the new healthcare bill that is fucking this nation, hearing the fucked up bullshit lies coming out of your representatives mouths, I want to take a fucking hammer to my TV!

You people are really fucked human beings and you are fucking this nation in the most un-American way.
Oh hatriots refuse to trust even CNBC. I guess they've gotten to the point that if they don't hear Obama say it, they don't believe it.

Service-Sector jobs are jobs like housekeeping, tours, etc. That's vastly different from business and professional services (such as consultants).
Cut the foreplay, address the point I made. Why did your link contradict itself?
The left always massages the truth with language. He who controls the language controls the country. "undocumented immigrants" are illegal aliens. The left doesn't like the words because it means they do not belong here. Lefties don't like borders and it's a global phenomenon.
Hey dude, there's no such thing as an illegal person. And what's the "global phenomenon" of borders? You don't give a shit about borders, as we will soon see in your comments below.

Water boarding was not classified as torture, we train some of our own men with it, so we torture our own troops? It's against the UCMJ.
If it wasn't torture, then why did the Reagan DOJ send 4 Texas sheriff's to prison for waterboarding inmates? Hey, I know, why don't you volunteer to have you lying republican ass waterboarded, then come back and tell us if you still think its not torture.

Afghanistan isn't even debatable but both Dems and Repubs voted for Iraq.
We attacked two country's that did not attack us first? I guess the BORDERS of sovereign nations don't mean shit to you?

You see everything through political filters.
Hows this for a political filter? Everytime I see one of you horrible fuckers talking about the new healthcare bill that is fucking this nation, hearing the fucked up bullshit lies coming out of your representatives mouths, I want to take a fucking hammer to my TV!

You people are really fucked human beings and you are fucking this nation in the most un-American way.

Hey dude, there's no such thing as an illegal person.

Illegal aliens are people.
Nobody is rounding up Muslims and sending them to concentration camps for a death sentence.
I wasn't referring to the Holocaust. I was referring to the 10 years leading up to it.

The BLM however does have its leaders calling for the murder of whites and cops.
They wouldn't be the cops in Ferguson or Baltimore, would they be?

The KKK has almost no membership and hasn't lynched anyone in over 40 years. Drug Gangs from south of the border kill more people each year than the KKK can even muster for a march.
So now you're defending the KKK?

Corretta said something 40 years ago and today might have a different opinion like her cousin does. Sessions has won awards from the black community since that time. A lot has changed in 40 years, welcome to the modern times. Martin Luther King had a great outlook on how to bridge the racial divide but he was no angel. We choose to remember him for his great contributions to our countries unity and not for his promiscuous behavior with underaged women including women in his own family. Sessions deserves the same treatment as he has lived long enough to change his ways.

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Sessions lies under oath to a Congressional committee, yet you impeach Clinton over a sex act.

There's something seriously wrong with your moral picture.
You watch too much TV brother...Caligula I in the 90's was even worse and still survivable, in this the sequel, it is making the world laugh while that one made them grimace and recoil...btw, did you know hillary has had a starring role in the first she played the role of the evil misogynistic "first enabler" covering the tracks of a dubious "serial sexual harasser" known as "Slick Willie" while turning the screws on all the shrews who dared to speak out....and now she has been cast as the rightful heir to the throne of the men who have paved the way for her ascendancy to that throne only to have failure snatched from the jaws of success at the last moment by a bunch of "deplorables" known as Americans who she despised so much you'd have thought they dropped a house on her sister and then they elected, of all things, A MAN, who ended her political dream by throwing a bucket of "electoral take that" water on her as everyone watched her publicly meltdown....
Sessions lied to Congress, but you'd rather impeach Clinton over a sex act.
You watch too much TV brother...Caligula I in the 90's was even worse and still survivable, in this the sequel, it is making the world laugh while that one made them grimace and recoil...btw, did you know hillary has had a starring role in the first she played the role of the evil misogynistic "first enabler" covering the tracks of a dubious "serial sexual harasser" known as "Slick Willie" while turning the screws on all the shrews who dared to speak out....and now she has been cast as the rightful heir to the throne of the men who have paved the way for her ascendancy to that throne only to have failure snatched from the jaws of success at the last moment by a bunch of "deplorables" known as Americans who she despised so much you'd have thought they dropped a house on her sister and then they elected, of all things, A MAN, who ended her political dream by throwing a bucket of "electoral take that" water on her as everyone watched her publicly meltdown....
Sessions lied to Congress, but you'd rather impeach Clinton over a sex act.

Clinton wasn't impeached and disbarred for a sex act.
Oh hatriots refuse to trust even CNBC. I guess they've gotten to the point that if they don't hear Obama say it, they don't believe it.

Service-Sector jobs are jobs like housekeeping, tours, etc. That's vastly different from business and professional services (such as consultants).
Cut the foreplay, address the point I made. Why did your link contradict itself?
It didn't, stupid. I literally just explained it to you and you're still confused?!?
]Hey dude, there's no such thing as an illegal person. And what's the "global phenomenon" of borders? You don't give a shit about borders, as we will soon see in your comments below.
If you're here illegally you are an illegal person. You don't give a shit about English.

If it wasn't torture, then why did the Reagan DOJ send 4 Texas sheriff's to prison for waterboarding inmates? Hey, I know, why don't you volunteer to have you lying republican ass waterboarded, then come back and tell us if you still think its not torture.
You can't spit on prisoners, that's illegal too. But we train troops with it and it was not classified as torture. You can pee your diapers over it but it doesn't change facts.

We attacked two country's that did not attack us first? I guess the BORDERS of sovereign nations don't mean shit to you?
I'm not Hillary Clinton and didn't authorize the wars but I can only about our own borders. Pee some more, it changes nothing.

Hows this for a political filter? Everytime I see one of you horrible fuckers talking about the new healthcare bill that is fucking this nation, hearing the fucked up bullshit lies coming out of your representatives mouths, I want to take a fucking hammer to my TV!

You people are really fucked human beings and you are fucking this nation in the most un-American way.
Good. Let the butthurt flow through you. I enjoy your suffering and want much much more of it. It proves something good happened. Take your leftist filth and stuff it nice and tight.
You watch too much TV brother...Caligula I in the 90's was even worse and still survivable, in this the sequel, it is making the world laugh while that one made them grimace and recoil...btw, did you know hillary has had a starring role in the first she played the role of the evil misogynistic "first enabler" covering the tracks of a dubious "serial sexual harasser" known as "Slick Willie" while turning the screws on all the shrews who dared to speak out....and now she has been cast as the rightful heir to the throne of the men who have paved the way for her ascendancy to that throne only to have failure snatched from the jaws of success at the last moment by a bunch of "deplorables" known as Americans who she despised so much you'd have thought they dropped a house on her sister and then they elected, of all things, A MAN, who ended her political dream by throwing a bucket of "electoral take that" water on her as everyone watched her publicly meltdown....
Sessions lied to Congress, but you'd rather impeach Clinton over a sex act.
You claim to be an engineer but don't understand what illegal alien means or perjury? LOL
Hey dude, there's no such thing as an illegal person.
There is a such thing as an illegal alien - and that's exactly what these people are. And we are sending their ass home where they belong. Hopefully we will take the trillions of dollars they have cost us out of Mexico's ass too while we're at it.
If it wasn't torture, then why did the Reagan DOJ send 4 Texas sheriff's to prison for waterboarding inmates?
If it is "torture" - then why do we use it on our own military personnel during training? Are you saying that the United States government tortures its own troops?
We attacked two country's that did not attack us first?
Is that a question? Why did you end that bizarre comment with a question mark? To answer your question - no - we did not "attack two countries that did not attack us first". The Taliban was harboring Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. We gave them the opportunity to turn over Bin Laden and others. They flat out refused. That was their mistake.

Likewise, we gave Saddam Hussein the opportunity to step down. He too flat out refused. That was his mistake.

Any other stupid false narratives you would like to try?

Your hero the shrilary was bought by every big business elitist out there. Every thing that she has ever done was about profit for her and her family. Why else would the clinton foundation close up shop? If it was merely a charitable group it makes zero sense to stop donating. On the other hand, if it was merely a pay to play cash cow for the family, well then it makes sense to stop when they can't give you anything anymore.

More Fake News. Absolutely no evidence of her being bought. Also, the Clinton Foundation is a still going.

Poor, poor grump. Passing through life deaf, dumb, and blind, is no way to live a life dude. I bolded the important parts of the news story.

Clinton Global Initiative to shut down, lays off 22 as donations dry up
‘You see foreign governments who had pledged tens-of-millions of dollars pulling their donations’

The Clinton Global Initiative has terminated 22 employees and will soon become another casualty of the 2016 election season.

CGI, which opened in 2005, will officially close April 15, 2017. Paperwork filed with the New York Department of Labor Jan. 12 confirmed the “discontinuation,” along with the termination of 22 employees. The Jan. 12 filing makes permanent plans issued Aug. 22 by former President Bill Clinton as the family attempted to extricate itself from any conflicts of interest.

Clinton Global Initiative lays off 22 as donations dry up, will shut down in April

Clinton Global Initiative Ends With Some of Shine Worn Off

Clinton Global Initiative Ends With Some of Shine Worn Off

Post Politics
Bill Clinton forcefully defends his foundation at the final Clinton Global Initiative meeting

Bill Clinton forcefully defends his foundation at the final Clinton Global Initiative meeting

LOL...I'm deaf, dumb and blind. Just so you know both in your initial post and my subsequent answer we were talking about the Clinton Foundation NOT the CGI. You do know they are not the same thing, right? The CGI is but a small part of the CF

It's the part that got all of the foreign donations.
In the Presidency of Donald Trump, we are watching the total destruction of this country. From American values, to our rule of law, common decency and honesty, truth, our democratic principles, all are being dismantled in front of our very eyes.

There are parallels between what Trump is doing to our republic and what Caligula did to Rome.

Caligula wanted to rule as an autocrat and he was contemptuous of the pretense that the senate had any power at all.
“What he did was to trample the dignity of the senatorial elite into the dirt and what he discovered in doing that was that the mass of the Roman people really enjoyed it.”
What Trump has done to the Republican establishment.
“Trump has said and done things that are utterly shocking by the standards of traditional political morality, but far from making him unpopular with the masses there is a sense in which he has become the toast of the people.”
From Tweets about bogus wiretapping to business ventures with Iran's Republican Guard, Donald Trump is destroying this country from within.

We are the laughing stock of the world!
This began with Clinton, way back before the internet. Really it did, I voted Clinton AND Trump, wrap your minds around that. One in 90's the other October 2016.

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