Donald Trump: The American Caligula

It didn't, stupid. I literally just explained it to you and you're still confused?!?
No you didn't explain why your article started off saying service sector jobs were not leading the way, then said the opposite just 2 paragraphs later.

All you did was throw out some bullshit metaphor.
If you're here illegally you are an illegal person. You don't give a shit about English.
How you can bridge those two gaps is amazing?

You can't spit on prisoners, that's illegal too. But we train troops with it and it was not classified as torture. You can pee your diapers over it but it doesn't change facts.
The people we waterboarded we're prisoners.

I'm not Hillary Clinton and didn't authorize the wars but I can only about our own borders. Pee some more, it changes nothing.
You "...can only about our own borders."

What kind of English is that?

Good. Let the butthurt flow through you. I enjoy your suffering and want much much more of it. It proves something good happened. Take your leftist filth and stuff it nice and tight.
You enjoy the suffering of others? That explains why you like torture so much.
If it is "torture" - then why do we use it on our own military personnel during training? Are you saying that the United States government tortures its own troops?
You don't give a shit about our troops. Because if you did, you wouldn't be so cavalier about putting them in harms way.
This began with Clinton, way back before the internet. Really it did, I voted Clinton AND Trump, wrap your minds around that. One in 90's the other October 2016.
And I voted for Reagan (twice). The fact of the matter is, we had boon times under Clinton, so far in the past month, we are going down the tubes under Trump.
How you can bridge those two gaps is amazing?

You love to chop up posts, makes it difficult to respond so since you act like a little kunt you'll be treated as such. Your comments are in pink, mine in bold blue.

The gap is between your ears. Illegal and alien has meaning in English. Therefore 'illegal alien' is accurate and understandable unless something is wrong. People always understood it before but it's out of your reach. That explains your personality.

The people we waterboarded we're prisoners.

But it was authorized at the highest levels of government. That made it legal.

If not, where are the verdicts? You can't add 2 and 2.

What kind of English is that?

You avoided the point, being the little kunt you are.

That explains why you like torture so much.

Never said I did. You lie like a little kunt. I said it was legal. There are lots of legal things I don't like. But if it serves a valuable purpose I will agree with it. But it has nothing to do with seeing liberals foam over in outrage. The baby libtards didn't get their way and can't handle it. So now all of America gets to see what you're made of. I've known for decades.
Is that a question? Why did you end that bizarre comment with a question mark? To answer your question - no - we did not "attack two countries that did not attack us first". The Taliban was harboring Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. We gave them the opportunity to turn over Bin Laden and others. They flat out refused. That was their mistake.

Likewise, we gave Saddam Hussein the opportunity to step down. He too flat out refused. That was his mistake.

Any other stupid false narratives you would like to try?
Harboring someone is not an attack on a sovereign nation. If that was the case, then it would be okay for Cuba to attack the US for harboring Luis Posada Carriles, who is a terrorist that bombed a jet liner that killed 73 Cubans.

BTW, the Taliban did offer to turn over UBL and Bush said no.

As for Hussein, we're not Kings of the World. We have no right telling sovereign nations who they can have (or cannot have) as their leaders.
And if Hussein was such a bad guy, why didn't we take him out 20 years before? He was the same guy then?

Anyway, we're off topic, lets get back to CaTrumpula.
You love to chop up posts, makes it difficult to respond so since you act like a little kunt you'll be treated as such. Your comments are in pink, mine in bold blue.

The gap is between your ears. Illegal and alien has meaning in English. Therefore 'illegal alien' is accurate and understandable unless something is wrong. People always understood it before but it's out of your reach. That explains your personality.

The people we waterboarded we're prisoners.

But it was authorized at the highest levels of government. That made it legal.

If not, where are the verdicts? You can't add 2 and 2.

What kind of English is that?

You avoided the point, being the little kunt you are.

That explains why you like torture so much.

Never said I did. You lie like a little kunt. I said it was legal. There are lots of legal things I don't like. But if it serves a valuable purpose I will agree with it. But it has nothing to do with seeing liberals foam over in outrage. The baby libtards didn't get their way and can't handle it. So now all of America gets to see what you're made of. I've known for decades.

You're acting like a 10 year old.
It didn't, stupid. I literally just explained it to you and you're still confused?!?
No you didn't explain why your article started off saying service sector jobs were not leading the way, then said the opposite just 2 paragraphs later. All you did was throw out some bullshit metaphor.
From post #116:
Service-Sector jobs are jobs like housekeeping, tours, etc. That's vastly different from business and professional services (such as consultants).
You're reading comprehension is atrocious. It explains a lot. Please have an adult read the article to you again and explain it to you.
If it is "torture" - then why do we use it on our own military personnel during training? Are you saying that the United States government tortures its own troops?
You don't give a shit about our troops. Because if you did, you wouldn't be so cavalier about putting them in harms way.
Why are you afraid to answer the question?!? Oh that's right - because it proves you are wrong as usual. Nobody said anything about "caring". Answer the question.
As for Hussein, we're not Kings of the World. We have no right telling sovereign nations who they can have (or cannot have) as their leaders.
Want to bet? Clearly we are "Kings of the World" as Saddam Hussein is gone. He was a global threat. We took care of the problem as we always do.
And if Hussein was such a bad guy, why didn't we take him out 20 years before? He was the same guy then?
Because unlike you, we don't think like your average 6 year old. We had a purpose for him. Our #1 enemy at the time was the U.S.S.R. And we were really busy with them. Our #2 enemy at the time was Iran. Saddam hated Iran. So we let him tie up Iran in a long and costly war while we dealt with the U.S.S.R.

Shortly after the collapse of the U.S.S.R., Saddam thought it would be a good idea to invade Kuwait. That's the moment he ceased to be useful to us.
It's the part that got all of the foreign donations.

Link? I can't find anything stating such...

Clinton Global Initiative To Close, Foreign Donations Plummet After Election Loss

DAYS Before Trump Inauguration, Something Brutal Happens To Bill And Hillary Clinton

And yet the Clinton Foundation carries on. Unlike your initial post. Go figure..

Yeah, but what exactly does it do? Other than pay for all of the clintons travel, living, and "political" expenses of course. I see the foundation takes care of them quite well, but does little else.
You watch too much TV brother...Caligula I in the 90's was even worse and still survivable, in this the sequel, it is making the world laugh while that one made them grimace and recoil...btw, did you know hillary has had a starring role in the first she played the role of the evil misogynistic "first enabler" covering the tracks of a dubious "serial sexual harasser" known as "Slick Willie" while turning the screws on all the shrews who dared to speak out....and now she has been cast as the rightful heir to the throne of the men who have paved the way for her ascendancy to that throne only to have failure snatched from the jaws of success at the last moment by a bunch of "deplorables" known as Americans who she despised so much you'd have thought they dropped a house on her sister and then they elected, of all things, A MAN, who ended her political dream by throwing a bucket of "electoral take that" water on her as everyone watched her publicly meltdown....
Sessions lied to Congress, but you'd rather impeach Clinton over a sex act.
feel free to show me where I said that. Once again the left retreating into its default position of answering what they wish was said instead of what was actually said.
These libs and their babbling bullshit is running rampant. I got tired of doing my own search on their claims during the first 30 days. Now I just ignore them. They are fucking liars.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What did I lie about?

where you said Obama carried the office of the presidency with more dignity than

meant to say here -where you said Obama carried the office of the presidency with more dignity than Bush did.forgot the Bush part.THAT was an outright lie by you,get the facts straight charlie.

the FACTS are every president starting with Reagan has disgraced the oval office with less dignity than the previous one. Every president that had got in starting with reagan,has been worse than the previous one.Reagan got the ball rolling for the destruction of america,thats why he is idolized by the mainstream media since he was the godfather of it all. the sheep of course have fallen for the lies hook,line and sinker he was one of the best presidents ever.

I hope trump is different but I am not holding my breath,so far he doesnt even come close to those mass murdering criminals Obama,Bush or Clinton as being evil.
You watch too much TV brother...Caligula I in the 90's was even worse and still survivable, in this the sequel, it is making the world laugh while that one made them grimace and recoil...btw, did you know hillary has had a starring role in the first she played the role of the evil misogynistic "first enabler" covering the tracks of a dubious "serial sexual harasser" known as "Slick Willie" while turning the screws on all the shrews who dared to speak out....and now she has been cast as the rightful heir to the throne of the men who have paved the way for her ascendancy to that throne only to have failure snatched from the jaws of success at the last moment by a bunch of "deplorables" known as Americans who she despised so much you'd have thought they dropped a house on her sister and then they elected, of all things, A MAN, who ended her political dream by throwing a bucket of "electoral take that" water on her as everyone watched her publicly meltdown....
Sessions lied to Congress, but you'd rather impeach Clinton over a sex act.
btw, no one should ever lose there job or even be called to answer for what Clinton did or even just accused of one

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