Donald Trump: The American Caligula

You just proved yourself a duped dunce. No one on the right, thinks what you think they think.

Stop buying the lies of the radical elite left. You have much more in common with average Americans on the right, than you do with the ruling class that lies and inflames you.
Prove I'm wrong. You don't see the left calling people "illegal aliens". Bush started two wars of aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan. The BA was the one that started indefinite detention, tried to redefine torture and it took the Supreme Court to force the BA to honor habeous corpus.

If the shoe fits, stop trying to take it off!
The left always massages the truth with language. He who controls the language controls the country. "undocumented immigrants" are illegal aliens. The left doesn't like the words because it means they do not belong here. Lefties don't like borders and it's a global phenomenon.

Water boarding was not classified as torture, we train some of our own men with it, so we torture our own troops? It's against the UCMJ.

Afghanistan isn't even debatable but both Dems and Repubs voted for Iraq. You see everything through political filters.
Obama spied on Americans, stole billions from the Treasury, caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in the Middle-East with his proxy wars in Libya and Syria, attacked and harassed and extorted millions from businesses using lawsuits through the DoJ, harassed conservatives with the IRS, gave billions to terrorists and anarchists groups here and abroad, tried to influence elections in foreign countries, and caused the deaths of dozens of police officers.......but he's a nice guy.
Trump talked about grabbing pussy once over a decade ago on tape and he's Caligula.

The left really needs to take a close look at themselves.
All of it. It's all lib bullshit. Trump is not worse than Clinton, Bush, and Obama. At worse, he is the same.

Clinton was the modern Caligula. His self absorbed ass was more interested in getting in bed with big business at the expense of small businesses and the Middle class. He thought he was God's gift to women and has a real known history of abusing women. His war on drugs ramped up the prison industry and militarized our police forces. His deregulation of banks led to the housing market crash.

Bush got in bed with the banks, created a surveillance state for us to live in, and lied to start a war with Iraq in the hopes that our actions would create a puppet government we could control to protect our access to energy and our ally Saudi Arabia. The same country who spreads terrorism around the world and has a dismal human rights history.

Obama lied his ass off to get elected and did everything he could to hid his past from us. He grew government to unprecedented levels, caused civil unrest by backing race-baiting false narratives, used the power of government to go after his political enemies, grew the surveillance state, doubled our debt, funded and trained Isis after releasing its leader from our custody, tried regime change in at least 4 countries, and lied his ass off to America to advance his political legacy.

So while Trump is no angel, compared to the last 3 assholes, he's at least exposing government for what it is. A broken pile of shit that needs to shrink in size and scope.

Caligula he is not, not even close.

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But Trump's not a broken pile of shit. That would be the people who voted for him.


What about the Dhimmicrats' basket of deplorables? Gangbangers, welfare queens, Unabombers, Muzziphiles, pedophiles, and penis-envy piranhas?
Hey Billy are you really April Ryan?

Here is your typical kooky LWNJ MSM reporter...and sadly too many Americans are dupes like Billy.

April Ryan Accuses Trump of Saying White People Made America. What Is She Talking About?
by Alex Griswold | 4:42 pm, February 21st, 2017

American Urban Radio Networks reporter April Ryan asked a particularly odd question of White House press secretary Sean Spicer following President Donald Trump‘s visit to the African-American History Museum Tuesday that I wanted to flag: [Emphasis added]

RYAN: What did the president gain from his tour today? You talked about where he visited, the exhibits that he visited. Did he also visit [the slavery exhibit]? And the reason why I’m asking this is because when he was candidate Trump, he said things like, you know, ‘We made this country,’ meaning white America, not necessarily black.

SPICER: I don’t know why you would say that. What do you mean–?

RYAN: No, no, no. He said that. I heard him say that.
What are these American values leftists are fighting for?
We're not racists, like the right... we believe in justice for all, not just white people; want me to go on?

Go on, Goon

The race card is a Joker. Losers play it to make themselves feel like winners. Inferior in everything else, they desperately need to tell themselves that they are at least morally superior.
You support assassination of leaders of foreign nations because of what the lying AP says and it's what the globalists want and what Hillary and W. did.

"Regime Change" something that has not worked not once.

Cling to that and own it, baby.

Tell me more about "wars of aggression" How's Libya doing? Leaning towards wanting ISIS rule you say? Thanks, Hillary!

Syria, o my.

Iraq, O my.

Yeah, douchebags need not be in charge.
Let me know when you get back to planet earth.

I've been against all these wars, all of them, from the beginning, starting with Vietnam Nam and I've never looked back.

If you don't know lefties are anti-war, then you must be living on the moon.

Leftists are sheltered HeirHead snobs. Despite the misleading presentations of their fathers' media, the spoiled pushy brats have never been anti-war; their sole motivation is to shame and discredit the working-class GIs their fathers sent off to die.

Here's all they were saying, "Daddy, you always told us that working-class people were stupid, lazy, greedy, and deplorable. Well, we've got one better: their sons are baby-killers. Will you finally pay attention to us now, Daddy, and quit thinking only about making money?"

Your hero the shrilary was bought by every big business elitist out there. Every thing that she has ever done was about profit for her and her family. Why else would the clinton foundation close up shop? If it was merely a charitable group it makes zero sense to stop donating. On the other hand, if it was merely a pay to play cash cow for the family, well then it makes sense to stop when they can't give you anything anymore.

More Fake News. Absolutely no evidence of her being bought. Also, the Clinton Foundation is a still going.

Poor, poor grump. Passing through life deaf, dumb, and blind, is no way to live a life dude. I bolded the important parts of the news story.

Clinton Global Initiative to shut down, lays off 22 as donations dry up
‘You see foreign governments who had pledged tens-of-millions of dollars pulling their donations’

The Clinton Global Initiative has terminated 22 employees and will soon become another casualty of the 2016 election season.

CGI, which opened in 2005, will officially close April 15, 2017. Paperwork filed with the New York Department of Labor Jan. 12 confirmed the “discontinuation,” along with the termination of 22 employees. The Jan. 12 filing makes permanent plans issued Aug. 22 by former President Bill Clinton as the family attempted to extricate itself from any conflicts of interest.

Clinton Global Initiative lays off 22 as donations dry up, will shut down in April

Clinton Global Initiative Ends With Some of Shine Worn Off

Clinton Global Initiative Ends With Some of Shine Worn Off

Post Politics
Bill Clinton forcefully defends his foundation at the final Clinton Global Initiative meeting

Bill Clinton forcefully defends his foundation at the final Clinton Global Initiative meeting

In the Presidency of Donald Trump, we are watching the total destruction of this country. From American values, to our rule of law, common decency and honesty, truth, our democratic principles, all are being dismantled in front of our very eyes.

There are parallels between what Trump is doing to our republic and what Caligula did to Rome.

Caligula wanted to rule as an autocrat and he was contemptuous of the pretense that the senate had any power at all.
“What he did was to trample the dignity of the senatorial elite into the dirt and what he discovered in doing that was that the mass of the Roman people really enjoyed it.”
What Trump has done to the Republican establishment.
“Trump has said and done things that are utterly shocking by the standards of traditional political morality, but far from making him unpopular with the masses there is a sense in which he has become the toast of the people.”
From Tweets about bogus wiretapping to business ventures with Iran's Republican Guard, Donald Trump is destroying this country from within.

We are the laughing stock of the world!
:clap:good one.
So you don't mind the destruction of this country?

which began by our government on nov 22nd 1963and thanks to each president since then,it has contiuned and esculated will under Trump as well.

The fact that Pence visited Israel lately and praised them is proof Trump is no different than all the other puppet presidents we have had since LBJ who all served the bankers and Israel instead of the people and america.

I was hoping and really believed that we were going to finally have a president who would serve the people instead of Israel and the bankers since the last one we had that did which ended on nov 22nd 1963 but Trump has been exposed as a fraud and no different than any of them since then here in my thread here.

Trump - I am afraid us Trump supporters have all been duped.
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In the Presidency of Donald Trump, we are watching the total destruction of this country. From American values, to our rule of law, common decency and honesty, truth, our democratic principles, all are being dismantled in front of our very eyes.

There are parallels between what Trump is doing to our republic and what Caligula did to Rome.

Caligula wanted to rule as an autocrat and he was contemptuous of the pretense that the senate had any power at all.
“What he did was to trample the dignity of the senatorial elite into the dirt and what he discovered in doing that was that the mass of the Roman people really enjoyed it.”
What Trump has done to the Republican establishment.
“Trump has said and done things that are utterly shocking by the standards of traditional political morality, but far from making him unpopular with the masses there is a sense in which he has become the toast of the people.”
From Tweets about bogus wiretapping to business ventures with Iran's Republican Guard, Donald Trump is destroying this country from within.

We are the laughing stock of the world!
You watch too much TV brother...Caligula I in the 90's was even worse and still survivable, in this the sequel, it is making the world laugh while that one made them grimace and recoil...btw, did you know hillary has had a starring role in the first she played the role of the evil misogynistic "first enabler" covering the tracks of a dubious "serial sexual harasser" known as "Slick Willie" while turning the screws on all the shrews who dared to speak out....and now she has been cast as the rightful heir to the throne of the men who have paved the way for her ascendancy to that throne only to have failure snatched from the jaws of success at the last moment by a bunch of "deplorables" known as Americans who she despised so much you'd have thought they dropped a house on her sister and then they elected, of all things, A MAN, who ended her political dream by throwing a bucket of "electoral take that" water on her as everyone watched her publicly meltdown....
And yet it seems it was your hero obummer who has not just violated the COTUS, but made a mockery of it. Me thinks you need to pull your head out of your clearly ample ass and wake up.
Obama had his problems and I withdrew my support for his policies 18 months into his first term. But I will say, he carried the Office of the President with a lot more dignity than either his predecessor, or his successor. But that's getting a little off topic. The thread isn't about Obama, it's about CaTrumpula.

a lot more dignity?
Okay I could not understand at first I could not understand why people were attacking you here but NOW i understand completely brought it on yourself by telling outright lies. :rolleyes:

Lets see,that asshole Obomination lied about everything he said he would do.He said he would reverse Bushs patriot act.what does he do,he reinstates it.

He not only continues Bushs phony war on terrorism but he EXPANDED it as well.Like Bush,he invaded other countries that had done NOTHING to us and went around hugging and hanging out with that bastard having a jolly old good time together and he topped bastard Bush as well.

Bush at least got permission from our corrupt congress before he invaded Iraq where Obama bypassed congress when he invaded Syria.

Thats what makes me sick about these hypocrite Obama worshippers who love him so much but hate Bush the fact he did contiuned everything Bush got started and expanded it even more so.

yes it is off topic but when you go and say Obomination had more dignity than his predecessor Bushwacker did,then you should expect the well deserved flaming you have brought down on yourself charlie.:rolleyes:

saying that BS statement,then you lose your credibility with this thread here.
They both believed and believe they are living Gods, and yes Trump is deregulating everything for big business, which will create a greater class divide, and he is pro the elites. He is in with the Freedom Caucus, who want limited government and are even worst than him, then you have the ultra right wing republicans like Ryan who needs the votes of the Freedom Caucus (congressmen in the GOP party) and which is why they say that repealing the healthcare plan didn't go far enough, they all want to dismantle everything from SS , Medicare, and are working on Medicaid, they do not care if you rot in the street. They have reelection to think about, and Trump wants his 2nd 4 years, but I foresee self destruction and Dem control in 2018 and Trump will be a lame duck if he is not in jail or impeached. They have pretty much taken over, redistricting everything, think of N.C. and even MI and WI. The only Fed gov they want is the war machine.
This is a dangerous time for our country. We are in a slide towards fascism and soon after, totalitarianism. The worst thing we could think right now is, "it won't happen here". Because its happening.

Muslims are the new Jews.

Alternative facts = post truth = pre-fascism.

okay now THAT you are correct on.You got everything right there in this post.:clap:

as I said,we have been in dangerous times since nov 22nd 1963 because that was when our freedom to elect our own leaders was taken away from us.That was when we became a banana republic.It has only accelerated and gotten worse and worse since then with each president and the Donald will be no different.

Muslims are the new Jews.

And it doesn't matter who is in the WH, this country is run by a corporate oligarchy.

yes and the last president,our last real one we had who challenged the corporate oligarchy,paid the price for it on nov 22nd 1963 with each president since who gets in being more corrupt than the previous one before him.
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But I will say, he carried the Office of the President with a lot more dignity than either his predecessor, or his successor.
I don't disagree with that...I liked Obama and would have voted for him for a third term, he was a good man, person, human being...of course I feel the same way about Reagan...and both Bush's carried the office better than Clinton did and both their wives held the position of first lady with more dignity than Hillary.
Muslims are the new Jews.

And it doesn't matter who is in the WH, this country is run by a corporate oligarchy.

I do not recall jews beheading American journalists, blowing places up, running trucks into crowds.... unless you know something we don't. If you do, would you be kind to share?

then you been on a deserted island the last several decades.:lmao::rofl:you might bone up the attack of the USS Liberty.:lmao:

oh and time to get taken to school here in this video as well.:D

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These libs and their babbling bullshit is running rampant. I got tired of doing my own search on their claims during the first 30 days. Now I just ignore them. They are fucking liars.

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What did I lie about?

where you said Obama carried the office of the presidency with more dignity than
These libs and their babbling bullshit is running rampant. I got tired of doing my own search on their claims during the first 30 days. Now I just ignore them. They are fucking liars.

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What did I lie about?

All of it. It's all lib bullshit. Trump is not worse than Clinton, Bush, and Obama. At worse, he is the same.

Clinton was the modern Caligula. His self absorbed ass was more interested in getting in bed with big business at the expense of small businesses and the Middle class. He thought he was God's gift to women and has a real known history of abusing women. His war on drugs ramped up the prison industry and militarized our police forces. His deregulation of banks led to the housing market crash.

Bush got in bed with the banks, created a surveillance state for us to live in, and lied to start a war with Iraq in the hopes that our actions would create a puppet government we could control to protect our access to energy and our ally Saudi Arabia. The same country who spreads terrorism around the world and has a dismal human rights history.

Obama lied his ass off to get elected and did everything he could to hid his past from us. He grew government to unprecedented levels, caused civil unrest by backing race-baiting false narratives, used the power of government to go after his political enemies, grew the surveillance state, doubled our debt, funded and trained Isis after releasing its leader from our custody, tried regime change in at least 4 countries, and lied his ass off to America to advance his political legacy.

So while Trump is no angel, compared to the last 3 assholes, he's at least exposing government for what it is. A broken pile of shit that needs to shrink in size and scope.

Caligula he is not, not even close.

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All of it. It's all lib bullshit. Trump is not worse than Clinton, Bush, and Obama. At worse, he is the same.

Clinton was the modern Caligula. His self absorbed ass was more interested in getting in bed with big business at the expense of small businesses and the Middle class. He thought he was God's gift to women and has a real known history of abusing women. His war on drugs ramped up the prison industry and militarized our police forces. His deregulation of banks led to the housing market crash.

Bush got in bed with the banks, created a surveillance state for us to live in, and lied to start a war with Iraq in the hopes that our actions would create a puppet government we could control to protect our access to energy and our ally Saudi Arabia. The same country who spreads terrorism around the world and has a dismal human rights history.

Obama lied his ass off to get elected and did everything he could to hid his past from us. He grew government to unprecedented levels, caused civil unrest by backing race-baiting false narratives, used the power of government to go after his political enemies, grew the surveillance state, doubled our debt, funded and trained Isis after releasing its leader from our custody, tried regime change in at least 4 countries, and lied his ass off to America to advance his political legacy.

So while Trump is no angel, compared to the last 3 assholes, he's at least exposing government for what it is. A broken pile of shit that needs to shrink in size and scope.

Caligula he is not, not even close.

Those departments and many others need to be limited in their scope.
By 37%?

Each department is different. Some need to be eliminated, others need to be trimmed in scope and personnel.

Our country pays way too much for social services because the system is being abused.
So throw out the baby with the bath water?

Sure because the only solution is all or nothing. Get the fuck outta here.

There should be no cradle to grave welfare.
Does that include corporate welfare?

The left loves to throw that term out but they spent more on corporate welfare under Obama than at any other time in our country's history. You can't throw the normal expenses that are deductible by all companies into your corporate welfare equation.

Our military was gutted in that we have a smaller military today than at any time since WWII.
We spend almost a fucking trillion dollars a year on our military! Increasing their budget by $54 billion is bullshit!

$54 billion is a small increase. Less than 1/2 of one percent based on your numbers. It doesn't even keep up with inflation.

The problem is that both Bush and Obama stirred up a lot of shit. Now we have a choice to make about how much help we give to our allies.
Like Australia and Mexico?

All of our Allies. We've been paying their freight since WWII. None of these other countries are carrying the debt load that US citizens are.

What leftist never discuss is that Europe gets to play with these social programs while the USA is paying for 1/2 of their protection in NATO.
Fuck NATO! We need to withdraw from NATO.

I would say slowly transitioning to a lower commitment level. Russia is still a threat to Eastern Europe.

Sound like socialism is a failed system if you can't defend your country.
How does our military protect this country, when they're not physically in the country they're

As for your accusations of racism, I think that it is bullshit. Complete and utter bullshit. I want an end to illegal immigration and I want all legal immigrants completely vetted prior to entry. If you consider that racist, I consider you to be a jackass.

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You're treating Muslims like the Nazis treated the Jews. You confirmed an Attorney General who thinks the worst thing about the KKK, is their marijuana use. Would you argue with Neil Armstrong over moon dust? Well, if Corretta Scott King says Sessions is a racist, then Sessions is a racist.

Nobody is rounding up Muslims and sending them to concentration camps for a death sentence. The BLM however does have its leaders calling for the murder of whites and cops.

The KKK has almost no membership and hasn't lynched anyone in over 40 years. Drug Gangs from south of the border kill more people each year than the KKK can even muster for a march.

Corretta said something 40 years ago and today might have a different opinion like her cousin does. Sessions has won awards from the black community since that time. A lot has changed in 40 years, welcome to the modern times. Martin Luther King had a great outlook on how to bridge the racial divide but he was no angel. We choose to remember him for his great contributions to our countries unity and not for his promiscuous behavior with underaged women including women in his own family. Sessions deserves the same treatment as he has lived long enough to change his ways.

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Your hero the shrilary was bought by every big business elitist out there. Every thing that she has ever done was about profit for her and her family. Why else would the clinton foundation close up shop? If it was merely a charitable group it makes zero sense to stop donating. On the other hand, if it was merely a pay to play cash cow for the family, well then it makes sense to stop when they can't give you anything anymore.

More Fake News. Absolutely no evidence of her being bought. Also, the Clinton Foundation is a still going.

Poor, poor grump. Passing through life deaf, dumb, and blind, is no way to live a life dude. I bolded the important parts of the news story.

Clinton Global Initiative to shut down, lays off 22 as donations dry up
‘You see foreign governments who had pledged tens-of-millions of dollars pulling their donations’

The Clinton Global Initiative has terminated 22 employees and will soon become another casualty of the 2016 election season.

CGI, which opened in 2005, will officially close April 15, 2017. Paperwork filed with the New York Department of Labor Jan. 12 confirmed the “discontinuation,” along with the termination of 22 employees. The Jan. 12 filing makes permanent plans issued Aug. 22 by former President Bill Clinton as the family attempted to extricate itself from any conflicts of interest.

Clinton Global Initiative lays off 22 as donations dry up, will shut down in April

Clinton Global Initiative Ends With Some of Shine Worn Off

Clinton Global Initiative Ends With Some of Shine Worn Off

Post Politics
Bill Clinton forcefully defends his foundation at the final Clinton Global Initiative meeting

Bill Clinton forcefully defends his foundation at the final Clinton Global Initiative meeting

LOL...I'm deaf, dumb and blind. Just so you know both in your initial post and my subsequent answer we were talking about the Clinton Foundation NOT the CGI. You do know they are not the same thing, right? The CGI is but a small part of the CF
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In the Presidency of Donald Trump, we are watching the total destruction of this country. From American values, to our rule of law, common decency and honesty, truth, our democratic principles, all are being dismantled in front of our very eyes.

There are parallels between what Trump is doing to our republic and what Caligula did to Rome.

Caligula wanted to rule as an autocrat and he was contemptuous of the pretense that the senate had any power at all.
“What he did was to trample the dignity of the senatorial elite into the dirt and what he discovered in doing that was that the mass of the Roman people really enjoyed it.”
What Trump has done to the Republican establishment.
“Trump has said and done things that are utterly shocking by the standards of traditional political morality, but far from making him unpopular with the masses there is a sense in which he has become the toast of the people.”
From Tweets about bogus wiretapping to business ventures with Iran's Republican Guard, Donald Trump is destroying this country from within.

We are the laughing stock of the world!

no, YOU are the laughing stock of the world, bubba.


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