Donald Trump: The American Caligula

.Jews do pretty damn good here. And yes, the election was about establishment vs anti-establishment governing and the big money was not on Trump's side.

Yeah, because Trump is really anti-establishment and against big money <rolls eyes>
...the restoration of the United States

President Trump is flat out getting the job done...
  • Employment in the private sector surged by 298,000 for the month, with goods producers adding 106,000, ADP and Moody's Analytics said. Construction jobs swelled by 66,000 and manufacturing added 32,000.
  • In addition to the construction and manufacturing positions, mining and natural resources also contributed 8,000 to the total. Trump has promised to restore mining jobs as well.
  • The most construction jobs created in 11 years
Job creation posts blowout month in February
As an electrical engineer, we like construction jobs. However, there's something that doesn't look right from your link. It starts off saying service-sector jobs were not being added...

"Companies added jobs at a blistering pace in February, with a notable shift away from the service-sector positions that have dominated hiring for years, according to a report Wednesday."

Then later in your article, it says the opposite...

"Services led the way with 193,000 new jobs, with 66,000 coming from professional and business services."
I hope jobs were added, but your link is a little suspect.
So let's get this straight - Barack Obama gets off on forcing little girls to get naked with mentally disturbed, sexually deviant predators but in your mind it is President Trump who is "destroying" American values?!? :uhh:
Are you referring to Chelsea Manning?
And politicians have sold this country to the highest bidder. You tell me a program that the politicians have worked on that hasn't been fucked up, or gone way over budget and taken far longer than it should have. Politicians are not the smartest people in the room. They are actually average intellect. Many are outright stupid as in the case of the congressman who thinks an island can tip over. The war on poverty has cost the middle class of America 6 trillion dollars. Six trillion. The net result is more people are living in poverty than when the "war" began. That is what a politician does for you. It's high time you started looking at what they do....not what they say they do.
I agree with everything except the last sentence, which was bullshit. I don't just look at what they say.
Those departments and many others need to be limited in their scope.
By 37%?

Our country pays way too much for social services because the system is being abused.
So throw out the baby with the bath water?

There should be no cradle to grave welfare.
Does that include corporate welfare?

Our military was gutted in that we have a smaller military today than at any time since WWII.
We spend almost a fucking trillion dollars a year on our military! Increasing their budget by $54 billion is bullshit!

The problem is that both Bush and Obama stirred up a lot of shit. Now we have a choice to make about how much help we give to our allies.
Like Australia and Mexico?

What leftist never discuss is that Europe gets to play with these social programs while the USA is paying for 1/2 of their protection in NATO.
Fuck NATO! We need to withdraw from NATO.

Sound like socialism is a failed system if you can't defend your country.
How does our military protect this country, when they're not physically in the country they're defending?

As for your accusations of racism, I think that it is bullshit. Complete and utter bullshit. I want an end to illegal immigration and I want all legal immigrants completely vetted prior to entry. If you consider that racist, I consider you to be a jackass.

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You're treating Muslims like the Nazis treated the Jews. You confirmed an Attorney General who thinks the worst thing about the KKK, is their marijuana use. Would you argue with Neil Armstrong over moon dust? Well, if Corretta Scott King says Sessions is a racist, then Sessions is a racist.
.Jews do pretty damn good here. And yes, the election was about establishment vs anti-establishment governing and the big money was not on Trump's side.

Yeah, because Trump is really anti-establishment and against big money <rolls eyes>

Your hero the shrilary was bought by every big business elitist out there. Every thing that she has ever done was about profit for her and her family. Why else would the clinton foundation close up shop? If it was merely a charitable group it makes zero sense to stop donating. On the other hand, if it was merely a pay to play cash cow for the family, well then it makes sense to stop when they can't give you anything anymore.

Your hero the shrilary was bought by every big business elitist out there. Every thing that she has ever done was about profit for her and her family. Why else would the clinton foundation close up shop? If it was merely a charitable group it makes zero sense to stop donating. On the other hand, if it was merely a pay to play cash cow for the family, well then it makes sense to stop when they can't give you anything anymore.

More Fake News. Absolutely no evidence of her being bought. Also, the Clinton Foundation is a still going.
What are these American values leftists are fighting for?
We're not racists, like the right; we believe in due process of law, not indefinite detention; we believe in justice for all, not just white people; we don't believe in starting wars of aggression, like the right did (twice)... want me to go on?
You just proved yourself a duped dunce. No one on the right, thinks what you think they think.

Stop buying the lies of the radical elite left. You have much more in common with average Americans on the right, than you do with the ruling class that lies and inflames you.
You just proved yourself a duped dunce. No one on the right, thinks what you think they think.

Stop buying the lies of the radical elite left. You have much more in common with average Americans on the right, than you do with the ruling class that lies and inflames you.
Prove I'm wrong. You don't see the left calling people "illegal aliens". Bush started two wars of aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan. The BA was the one that started indefinite detention, tried to redefine torture and it took the Supreme Court to force the BA to honor habeous corpus.

If the shoe fits, stop trying to take it off!
You just proved yourself a duped dunce. No one on the right, thinks what you think they think.

Stop buying the lies of the radical elite left. You have much more in common with average Americans on the right, than you do with the ruling class that lies and inflames you.
Prove I'm wrong. You don't see the left calling people "illegal aliens". Bush started two wars of aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan. The BA was the one that started indefinite detention, tried to redefine torture and it took the Supreme Court to force the BA to honor habeous corpus.

If the shoe fits, stop trying to take it off!
It is very difficult debating a radical LWNJ.

Everything you know is wrong.

You are likely unaware of the many wars Big Ears started?
It is very difficult debating a radical LWNJ.

Everything you know is wrong.

You are likely unaware of the many wars Big Ears started?
And you're "debate-challenged" or "word-deficient", because all you got, is ad hominems and conjecture.
It is very difficult debating a radical LWNJ.

Everything you know is wrong.

You are likely unaware of the many wars Big Ears started?
And you're "debate-challenged" or "word-deficient", because all you got, is ad hominems and conjecture.
Sorry...but I learned LONG AGO, that debating a LWNJ is a total and complete waste of time.

It is akin to talking to an INSANE person.
...the restoration of the United States

President Trump is flat out getting the job done...
  • Employment in the private sector surged by 298,000 for the month, with goods producers adding 106,000, ADP and Moody's Analytics said. Construction jobs swelled by 66,000 and manufacturing added 32,000.
  • In addition to the construction and manufacturing positions, mining and natural resources also contributed 8,000 to the total. Trump has promised to restore mining jobs as well.
  • The most construction jobs created in 11 years
Job creation posts blowout month in February
As an electrical engineer, we like construction jobs. However, there's something that doesn't look right from your link. It starts off saying service-sector jobs were not being added...

"Companies added jobs at a blistering pace in February, with a notable shift away from the service-sector positions that have dominated hiring for years, according to a report Wednesday."

Then later in your article, it says the opposite...

"Services led the way with 193,000 new jobs, with 66,000 coming from professional and business services."
I hope jobs were added, but your link is a little suspect.
Oh hatriots refuse to trust even CNBC. I guess they've gotten to the point that if they don't hear Obama say it, they don't believe it.

Service-Sector jobs are jobs like housekeeping, tours, etc. That's vastly different from business and professional services (such as consultants).
In the Presidency of Donald Trump, we are watching the total destruction of this country. From American values, to our rule of law, common decency and honesty, truth, our democratic principles, all are being dismantled in front of our very eyes.

There are parallels between what Trump is doing to our republic and what Caligula did to Rome.

Caligula wanted to rule as an autocrat and he was contemptuous of the pretense that the senate had any power at all.
“What he did was to trample the dignity of the senatorial elite into the dirt and what he discovered in doing that was that the mass of the Roman people really enjoyed it.”
What Trump has done to the Republican establishment.
“Trump has said and done things that are utterly shocking by the standards of traditional political morality, but far from making him unpopular with the masses there is a sense in which he has become the toast of the people.”
From Tweets about bogus wiretapping to business ventures with Iran's Republican Guard, Donald Trump is destroying this country from within.

We are the laughing stock of the world!
I think Trump is more like Attilla the Hun, because he likes driving his enemies into a killing circle and slaughtering them over a period of days. Caligula was just a Buttpirate who liked cornholing his subjects wives in front of them.


I think we should have an award on which asshole liberal made the most ridiculous hyperbolic comparison to Trump every month.


Your hero the shrilary was bought by every big business elitist out there. Every thing that she has ever done was about profit for her and her family. Why else would the clinton foundation close up shop? If it was merely a charitable group it makes zero sense to stop donating. On the other hand, if it was merely a pay to play cash cow for the family, well then it makes sense to stop when they can't give you anything anymore.

More Fake News. Absolutely no evidence of her being bought. Also, the Clinton Foundation is a still going.

Is your brain getting enough oxygen? :cuckoo:
You just proved yourself a duped dunce. No one on the right, thinks what you think they think.

Stop buying the lies of the radical elite left. You have much more in common with average Americans on the right, than you do with the ruling class that lies and inflames you.
Prove I'm wrong. You don't see the left calling people "illegal aliens". Bush started two wars of aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan. The BA was the one that started indefinite detention, tried to redefine torture and it took the Supreme Court to force the BA to honor habeous corpus.

If the shoe fits, stop trying to take it off!
The left always massages the truth with language. He who controls the language controls the country. "undocumented immigrants" are illegal aliens. The left doesn't like the words because it means they do not belong here. Lefties don't like borders and it's a global phenomenon.

Water boarding was not classified as torture, we train some of our own men with it, so we torture our own troops? It's against the UCMJ.

Afghanistan isn't even debatable but both Dems and Repubs voted for Iraq. You see everything through political filters.

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