Donald Trump threatens to make attacks about Bill Clinton’s personal life next debate

Trump took the bait, just like with the Kahns, and he is treating the situation just like he did with the Kahns and with Judge Curiel....and you all know what happened when he did both of those things, when he went out there trying to justify his comments and actions for the next week just to prove he is right, in his own mind....

His numbers went way down and Hillary's skyrocketed.

I heard he did not mention it today at one of his rallies, so maybe one of his advisors got through his thick skull on this...

I'm sorry, this man can be baited so easily and go nutszoid.... he can not ever be President and have the nuclear codes!!! NEVER NEVER NEVER!

I really thought Trump would go off when Hillary pushed his "He is not as rich as he says he is" button
but he just ignored it

The "Trump does not pay any Federal Taxes" button was highly effective as was the "Miss Piggy" button

I wonder which buttons Hillary will push in the next debate

Who knows. When it comes to Trump, there is a virtual keyboard available.
source: Donald Trump threatens to make attacks about Bill Clinton's personal life next debate

"Despite declaring victory in the first presidential debate, Donald Trump has said he might need to "go harder" in future debates by bringing up Bill Clinton's history of infidelity.

The Republican nominee also claimed that the microphone on his podium was defective, and raised the possibility that it had been sabotaged."
He was withing his rights to do it when Hillary slithered through the mud and made it personal. He didn't big plus for him but if she continues he should hit back. She was a woman abusing enabler. Cares more about Rosie O'Donuts than national security and more about how much tax Trump payed than obeying laws that would get anyone else in prison. She acted with immunity because ...well she had immunity.

There was nothing wrong with his microphone. I heard every disjointed scrambled word salad that spewed from his orange face. Hillary didn't even have to get mud on her pumps. She just dangled bait and Trump rose up and grabbed everything she dangled in front of him. It was beautiful to watch him reduced to a sniffling, whining low-life that he is. While she just smiled and opened up another can of Trump worms for her hooks.

You may think stiffing small contractors and paying no taxes admirable, but I call it selfish, self-centred, and immoral. So is refusing to rent to blacks. I think that most working Americans would think so too.
When did I say something about his microphone? Do you read the actual posts? He says the only ones he didn't pay didn't perform up to standards. Contracting isn't like government work. I don't have the details and have never seen them posted so until I see an good job unpaid for I'll reserve judgement.

I've never said I stiffing people and not paying taxes is admirable, you're a lying piece of shit. I've never heard Trump say he never pays taxes either.

And you never answered why you are so concerned about US politics.
source: Donald Trump threatens to make attacks about Bill Clinton's personal life next debate

"Despite declaring victory in the first presidential debate, Donald Trump has said he might need to "go harder" in future debates by bringing up Bill Clinton's history of infidelity.

The Republican nominee also claimed that the microphone on his podium was defective, and raised the possibility that it had been sabotaged."
He might as well. He doesn't stand a chance of beating her if he sticks to the issues.
I disagree. She wants him to go personal. She baited him, and he want for it like a bloated carp. If this campaign is about who can fix: trade, immigration, deficits, taxes .... she loses.
Liar. He held back from going personal. He never got into their corrupt family lives.
source: Donald Trump threatens to make attacks about Bill Clinton's personal life next debate

"Despite declaring victory in the first presidential debate, Donald Trump has said he might need to "go harder" in future debates by bringing up Bill Clinton's history of infidelity.

The Republican nominee also claimed that the microphone on his podium was defective, and raised the possibility that it had been sabotaged."
He might as well. He doesn't stand a chance of beating her if he sticks to the issues.
I disagree. She wants him to go personal. She baited him, and he want for it like a bloated carp. If this campaign is about who can fix: trade, immigration, deficits, taxes .... she loses.
Liar. He held back from going personal. He never got into their corrupt family lives.
I guess she just bitch slapped the fat fock then.
When did I say something about his microphone? Do you read the actual posts? He says the only ones he didn't pay didn't perform up to standards. Contracting isn't like government work. I don't have the details and have never seen them posted so until I see an good job unpaid for I'll reserve judgement.

I've never said I stiffing people and not paying taxes is admirable, you're a lying piece of shit. I've never heard Trump say he never pays taxes either.

And you never answered why you are so concerned about US politics.

I'm just covering the litany of excuses for his poor performance. I've seen and worked with assholes like Donald Trump throughout my working career. If the work wasn't up to standards, how did it pass inspection, allowing the facility to open?

How is it that the architect who didn't get paid, saw his design, selected, and constructed, oversaw the construction and certified it to the bankers, the municipality, and everyone involved to the point where the building was completed and opened, and suddenly, the work is so unsatisfactory, the Donald refuses to pay for it. Bullshit.

I worked in real estate and construction law for 30 years. I know bullshit when I hear it, especially when it comes to crooked contractors looking to ooze their way out of paying small subtrades they can bully around. I was hired by the Province of Ontario to look into a huge mess on Ontario Realty Corporation involving unpaid subtrades, and I've heard jerks like Trump pull this shit on smaller subs just because they can.

It bully tactics. And these asshat contractors then pocket the amount they shortchanged the little guys, because they've already been paid for this work by the client. Sometimes they tell them they'll make it up to them on the next job, but the next job never happens. Lien periods pass and they're screwed. The sub has already paid his workers and his material charges, because he's an honest guy, and because he has to sign an Affidavit that he paid for the materials and labour provided in order to be paid.

Yes, I've seen contractors like Trump. Sleezy assholes who screw over their subs, every chance they get.
source: Donald Trump threatens to make attacks about Bill Clinton's personal life next debate

"Despite declaring victory in the first presidential debate, Donald Trump has said he might need to "go harder" in future debates by bringing up Bill Clinton's history of infidelity.

The Republican nominee also claimed that the microphone on his podium was defective, and raised the possibility that it had been sabotaged."
He might as well. He doesn't stand a chance of beating her if he sticks to the issues.
I disagree. She wants him to go personal. She baited him, and he want for it like a bloated carp. If this campaign is about who can fix: trade, immigration, deficits, taxes .... she loses.
Liar. He held back from going personal. He never got into their corrupt family lives.

Glass houses houses
Trump took the bait, just like with the Kahns, and he is treating the situation just like he did with the Kahns and with Judge Curiel....and you all know what happened when he did both of those things, when he went out there trying to justify his comments and actions for the next week just to prove he is right, in his own mind....

His numbers went way down and Hillary's skyrocketed.

I heard he did not mention it today at one of his rallies, so maybe one of his advisors got through his thick skull on this...

I'm sorry, this man can be baited so easily and go nutszoid.... he can not ever be President and have the nuclear codes!!! NEVER NEVER NEVER!

I really thought Trump would go off when Hillary pushed his "He is not as rich as he says he is" button
but he just ignored it

The "Trump does not pay any Federal Taxes" button was highly effective as was the "Miss Piggy" button

I wonder which buttons Hillary will push in the next debate

Who knows. When it comes to Trump, there is a virtual keyboard available.

Indeed, no real buttons at all, just the virtual ones imagined by the liberlols.
He knows what he's doing. He let her hang her self. She used ALL her ammo....he didn't use her emails,benhazi,clinton foundation,her defending a child rapist,pay for play etc..
You don't seem to understand the difference between "conspiracies" and "scandals". Benghazi is a conspiracy that Colin Powell and Condi Rice called a "witch hunt". The emails thing is a conspiracy Powell called "stupid". The Clinton Foundation is innocent of all GOP conspiracies. She was a public defender. They defend people in court. There was no pay for play.

But Trump on the other hand:

Win or lose, he is going to court on NOV 28th for Fraud and Racketeering.

He is being investigated for bribing the Attorney General of Florida. They have the check and he has already been fined. Classic pay for play and we have him on tape saying he does it all the time.

The Trump Foundation is being investigated for OPM, Other People's Money. He has been funneling money into the foundation so he could use it's tax exempt status to avoid paying taxes. He already said not paying taxes makes him smart. There is an extensive list of him using the money. The $20,000.00 portrait of himself. It's been found illegally hanging in his golf course in a restaurant.

And that's the difference between "conspiracy" and "scandal". I'm sure Mrs. Clinton is thinking "bring it on". You know how upset Trump gets when his scandals and stiffs and wrongdoing becomes public. Republicans have worked overtime to make Mrs. Clinton into a sleaze and have failed.
Trump is a sleaze in every sense of the word.
When did I say something about his microphone? Do you read the actual posts? He says the only ones he didn't pay didn't perform up to standards. Contracting isn't like government work. I don't have the details and have never seen them posted so until I see an good job unpaid for I'll reserve judgement.

I've never said I stiffing people and not paying taxes is admirable, you're a lying piece of shit. I've never heard Trump say he never pays taxes either.

And you never answered why you are so concerned about US politics.

I'm just covering the litany of excuses for his poor performance. I've seen and worked with assholes like Donald Trump throughout my working career. If the work wasn't up to standards, how did it pass inspection, allowing the facility to open?

How is it that the architect who didn't get paid, saw his design, selected, and constructed, oversaw the construction and certified it to the bankers, the municipality, and everyone involved to the point where the building was completed and opened, and suddenly, the work is so unsatisfactory, the Donald refuses to pay for it. Bullshit.

I worked in real estate and construction law for 30 years. I know bullshit when I hear it, especially when it comes to crooked contractors looking to ooze their way out of paying small subtrades they can bully around. I was hired by the Province of Ontario to look into a huge mess on Ontario Realty Corporation involving unpaid subtrades, and I've heard jerks like Trump pull this shit on smaller subs just because they can.

It bully tactics. And these asshat contractors then pocket the amount they shortchanged the little guys, because they've already been paid for this work by the client. Sometimes they tell them they'll make it up to them on the next job, but the next job never happens. Lien periods pass and they're screwed. The sub has already paid his workers and his material charges, because he's an honest guy, and because he has to sign an Affidavit that he paid for the materials and labour provided in order to be paid.

Yes, I've seen contractors like Trump. Sleezy assholes who screw over their subs, every chance they get.
You said: Yes, I've seen contractors like Trump. Sleezy assholes who screw over their subs, every chance they get.


The problem is those are the kinds of people the Republicans admire most.
source: Donald Trump threatens to make attacks about Bill Clinton's personal life next debate

"Despite declaring victory in the first presidential debate, Donald Trump has said he might need to "go harder" in future debates by bringing up Bill Clinton's history of infidelity.

The Republican nominee also claimed that the microphone on his podium was defective, and raised the possibility that it had been sabotaged."
He should go right ahead. I'm sure his Drumpfettes will love it. Will the average American voter?
source: Donald Trump threatens to make attacks about Bill Clinton's personal life next debate

"Despite declaring victory in the first presidential debate, Donald Trump has said he might need to "go harder" in future debates by bringing up Bill Clinton's history of infidelity.

The Republican nominee also claimed that the microphone on his podium was defective, and raised the possibility that it had been sabotaged."
Well Hillary does think she can ride on BJ Bill's shirt tail from what she was trying to say last night.
That's right......a woman can only "ride on" her husband's "shirt tail"......that's a winning argument right there!
Trump used the first debate as a mock debate and kept campaigning. He didn't prepare at all, why would he? He's debating a failure.

hiLIARy hid in a bunker and prepped for a week. Then she fired all of her bullets at once, like the fool.she is.... .

He fired none of his and still beat the pantsuit off of her!

Advantage Trump.
Nice reset. :lol:
source: Donald Trump threatens to make attacks about Bill Clinton's personal life next debate

"Despite declaring victory in the first presidential debate, Donald Trump has said he might need to "go harder" in future debates by bringing up Bill Clinton's history of infidelity.

The Republican nominee also claimed that the microphone on his podium was defective, and raised the possibility that it had been sabotaged."

Bill Clinton's personal life and choices are not relevant. Hillary and the majority of the American people were fine with his infidelity.

However, if anyone uses the bogus "war on women" card with him, then he can retort about the numerous women coming forth on rape charges, groping, etc. as well as Hillary's record on having a staff where men were paid more than women
Correction, ONE WOMAN claimed rape, after 10-20 years of claiming he did not rape her, and two times under oath she claimed he did not rape her....but now, she says he did. It's a she said she said, which one of her characters does one believe?
Trump is planning a $140 million dollar advertising's why he has not spent much of his campaign funds so Hillary supporters better flood her with money or she could get crushed by his advertising plans.
source: Donald Trump threatens to make attacks about Bill Clinton's personal life next debate

"Despite declaring victory in the first presidential debate, Donald Trump has said he might need to "go harder" in future debates by bringing up Bill Clinton's history of infidelity.

The Republican nominee also claimed that the microphone on his podium was defective, and raised the possibility that it had been sabotaged."
Well Hillary does think she can ride on BJ Bill's shirt tail from what she was trying to say last night.
That's right......a woman can only "ride on" her husband's "shirt tail"......that's a winning argument right there!
Hillary is the one that made the claim that when 'they' were in the WH "we" did great things.

Hillary let the world know herself that is all she has to offer. She is the one who made the claim so she is riding on Bill's WH experience. It is the route she took her conversation in.

*btw he was tossed out of office for his lies also*

You have shown your myopic thinking that people regardless of male or female needs ride on another person's shirt tail to get anywhere in a free society. It is that limited type thinking and mindset that creates fascist and marxist society snaffu's.

If Trump wins it will be the first time a former "escort" is First Lady.
Where is Melania, anyway? I thought Trump said she would be out on the stump. There's still a bunch of speech material that she could steal from Michelle Obama if she still can't think of anything to 5 languages.
source: Donald Trump threatens to make attacks about Bill Clinton's personal life next debate

"Despite declaring victory in the first presidential debate, Donald Trump has said he might need to "go harder" in future debates by bringing up Bill Clinton's history of infidelity.

The Republican nominee also claimed that the microphone on his podium was defective, and raised the possibility that it had been sabotaged."

There wasn't nothing defective about the microphone.

If he's stupid enough to insult Hillary over bill's cheating she can say she loved her husband, decided to forgive him and that was between them and then ask what his excuse was for cheating on his wives and getting a woman not his wife pregnant and then using that other woman to humiliate his wife

I'm pretty sure that along with body shaming a miss universe that isn't going to get him women's votes
That's where she wants to go.

Unfortunately, Trump and Maples' daughter may be collateral damage. The story of the time was Donald left his wife and mother of 3 kiddies for "a piece of ass," and a very nice one. Tiffany was born 2 mos before her parents' wedding. Donald and Maples split when she as 3 or 4.\

His three kinds with Ivana are not buds. From what I've heard she isn't a terrible person. I hope he doesn't take it there. The Clintons can be vicious. Say what one will, Hillary and Slick have only had one spouse.

the Clintons aren't nearly as vicious as Donald. I doubt Hillary Clinton wants to go "there".... but if Donald starts, I'm pretty sure she needs to put a lid on it.
source: Donald Trump threatens to make attacks about Bill Clinton's personal life next debate

"Despite declaring victory in the first presidential debate, Donald Trump has said he might need to "go harder" in future debates by bringing up Bill Clinton's history of infidelity.

The Republican nominee also claimed that the microphone on his podium was defective, and raised the possibility that it had been sabotaged."
Well Hillary does think she can ride on BJ Bill's shirt tail from what she was trying to say last night.
That's right......a woman can only "ride on" her husband's "shirt tail"......that's a winning argument right there!
Hillary is the one that made the claim that when 'they' were in the WH "we" did great things.

Hillary let the world know herself that is all she has to offer. She is the one who made the claim so she is riding on Bill's WH experience. It is the route she took her conversation in.

*btw he was tossed out of office for his lies also*

You have shown your myopic thinking that people regardless of male or female needs ride on another person's shirt tail to get anywhere in a free society. It is that limited type thinking and mindset that creates fascist and marxist society snaffu's.


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