Donald Trump threatens to make attacks about Bill Clinton’s personal life next debate

You could see at the end of Mondays debate that Trump was chomping at the bit to attack Hillary's husband cheating on her.....he was obviously warned not to

But Trump, being Trump will not be able to contain himself

He will launch his personal attack against Hillary which will:

1. Make Hillary a victim
2. Make Trump look like a dick
3. Open up Trumps three wives and public cheating for discussion

Donny......People who live in glass houses

Look it up

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You could see at the end of Mondays debate that Trump was chomping at the bit to attack Hillary's husband cheating on her.....he was obviously warned not to

But Trump, being Trump will not be able to contain himself

He will launch his personal attack against Hillary which will:

1. Make Hillary a victim
2. Make Trump look like a dick
3. Open up Trumps three wives and public cheating for discussion

Donny......People who live in glass houses

Look it up
Hillary stands by her man ... and father of her only child .

Doesn't matter Melania's titties are already all over the internet.
got this from the internet
source: Donald Trump threatens to make attacks about Bill Clinton's personal life next debate

"Despite declaring victory in the first presidential debate, Donald Trump has said he might need to "go harder" in future debates by bringing up Bill Clinton's history of infidelity.

The Republican nominee also claimed that the microphone on his podium was defective, and raised the possibility that it had been sabotaged."

Bill Clinton's personal life and choices are not relevant. Hillary and the majority of the American people were fine with his infidelity.

However, if anyone uses the bogus "war on women" card with him, then he can retort about the numerous women coming forth on rape charges, groping, etc. as well as Hillary's record on having a staff where men were paid more than women
The difference between Hillary and Trump is Hillary prepares for the debate. Hillary will go through endless practice debates to try out....If Trump says this, you should say that

Trump on the other hand does everything off the cuff

He will attack Hillary on Bills infidelity (he is chomping at the bit) but will be unprepared for Hillary's response

No matter what Trump does....he will look like a Dick
source: Donald Trump threatens to make attacks about Bill Clinton's personal life next debate

"Despite declaring victory in the first presidential debate, Donald Trump has said he might need to "go harder" in future debates by bringing up Bill Clinton's history of infidelity.

The Republican nominee also claimed that the microphone on his podium was defective, and raised the possibility that it had been sabotaged."

I hope he does it.

He'd lose the election for sure.
source: Donald Trump threatens to make attacks about Bill Clinton's personal life next debate

"Despite declaring victory in the first presidential debate, Donald Trump has said he might need to "go harder" in future debates by bringing up Bill Clinton's history of infidelity.

The Republican nominee also claimed that the microphone on his podium was defective, and raised the possibility that it had been sabotaged."

I hope he does it.

He'd lose the election for sure.

I don't understand under what possible scenario Trump thinks he would come out ahead on this
How about trump, simply preparing himself for the next debate and studying up on the US GOVT and the issues....he says he wants to get the job of President, then he better darn well prove to Americans he really wants it, by learning some more about the job and the USA and our constitution.

Too hard.

Better to play to the low rent crowd.
source: Donald Trump threatens to make attacks about Bill Clinton's personal life next debate

"Despite declaring victory in the first presidential debate, Donald Trump has said he might need to "go harder" in future debates by bringing up Bill Clinton's history of infidelity.

The Republican nominee also claimed that the microphone on his podium was defective, and raised the possibility that it had been sabotaged."

I hope he does it.

He'd lose the election for sure.

I don't understand under what possible scenario Trump thinks he would come out ahead on this
That may not be part of his "calculation." The wiser voices in his campaign told him to not to have Flowers at the debate. To take "the high road."

And then Hillary surprised him with a long ago "Miss Housekeeping." It had to be calculated. The Donald can never be wrong, and he probably doesn't see anything wrong with his racist sexist remarks. But probably for Donald that isn't in the calculation. He has to get even.
source: Donald Trump threatens to make attacks about Bill Clinton's personal life next debate

"Despite declaring victory in the first presidential debate, Donald Trump has said he might need to "go harder" in future debates by bringing up Bill Clinton's history of infidelity.

The Republican nominee also claimed that the microphone on his podium was defective, and raised the possibility that it had been sabotaged."
I figure that's only fair, because cankles brought up personal stuff about him.

I say cut the fat bitch off at the knees. Maybe she'll have a seizure.
source: Donald Trump threatens to make attacks about Bill Clinton's personal life next debate

"Despite declaring victory in the first presidential debate, Donald Trump has said he might need to "go harder" in future debates by bringing up Bill Clinton's history of infidelity.

The Republican nominee also claimed that the microphone on his podium was defective, and raised the possibility that it had been sabotaged."

I hope he does it.

He'd lose the election for sure.

I don't understand under what possible scenario Trump thinks he would come out ahead on this
That may not be part of his "calculation." The wiser voices in his campaign told him to not to have Flowers at the debate. To take "the high road."

And then Hillary surprised him with a long ago "Miss Housekeeping." It had to be calculated. The Donald can never be wrong, and he probably doesn't see anything wrong with his racist sexist remarks. But probably for Donald that isn't in the calculation. He has to get even.

I think Hillary saved her "Miss Housekeeping" card for the very end of the debate. She wanted to leave Trump seething

It seemed to work. Now Trump must plot his revenge which will undoubtedly make him look petty and cruel
Trump took the bait, just like with the Kahns, and he is treating the situation just like he did with the Kahns and with Judge Curiel....and you all know what happened when he did both of those things, when he went out there trying to justify his comments and actions for the next week just to prove he is right, in his own mind....

His numbers went way down and Hillary's skyrocketed.

I heard he did not mention it today at one of his rallies, so maybe one of his advisors got through his thick skull on this...

I'm sorry, this man can be baited so easily and go nutszoid.... he can not ever be President and have the nuclear codes!!! NEVER NEVER NEVER!
Trump would do better if he just locked himself in Trump Tower until Nov 9.
Revenge my rear....TRUMP STARTED it early and pulled out the Bill and his affair cards early on....this was Hillary simply doing what Trump ALWAYS does, getting back at him, only in a more classy way...without calling out his wife as a gold digger and how donald trades in his wives every decade for the new trophy wife....and cheats more than Bill Clinton ever did on his wives, then plants news stories about his mistresses so he can hurt his soon to be ex-wives....
He should. And it would be perfectly acceptable. If she didn't have the ability to ride his coattails, she would still be in the ER hooked up to IVs cause she cant fucking move.

Doesn't matter Melania's titties are already all over the internet.
got this from the internet

If that's the way you swing, then good for you. I don't go that way.

Doesn't matter Melania's titties are already all over the internet.
got this from the internet

If that's the way you swing, then good for you. I don't go that way.
Doesn't matter. Its still tits. Or do you lefties now want to try to pretend you give a fuck about gender?
Trump took the bait, just like with the Kahns, and he is treating the situation just like he did with the Kahns and with Judge Curiel....and you all know what happened when he did both of those things, when he went out there trying to justify his comments and actions for the next week just to prove he is right, in his own mind....

His numbers went way down and Hillary's skyrocketed.

I heard he did not mention it today at one of his rallies, so maybe one of his advisors got through his thick skull on this...

I'm sorry, this man can be baited so easily and go nutszoid.... he can not ever be President and have the nuclear codes!!! NEVER NEVER NEVER!

I really thought Trump would go off when Hillary pushed his "He is not as rich as he says he is" button
but he just ignored it

The "Trump does not pay any Federal Taxes" button was highly effective as was the "Miss Piggy" button

I wonder which buttons Hillary will push in the next debate
source: Donald Trump threatens to make attacks about Bill Clinton's personal life next debate

"Despite declaring victory in the first presidential debate, Donald Trump has said he might need to "go harder" in future debates by bringing up Bill Clinton's history of infidelity.

The Republican nominee also claimed that the microphone on his podium was defective, and raised the possibility that it had been sabotaged."
He was withing his rights to do it when Hillary slithered through the mud and made it personal. He didn't big plus for him but if she continues he should hit back. She was a woman abusing enabler. Cares more about Rosie O'Donuts than national security and more about how much tax Trump payed than obeying laws that would get anyone else in prison. She acted with immunity because ...well she had immunity.

There was nothing wrong with his microphone. I heard every disjointed scrambled word salad that spewed from his orange face. Hillary didn't even have to get mud on her pumps. She just dangled bait and Trump rose up and grabbed everything she dangled in front of him. It was beautiful to watch him reduced to a sniffling, whining low-life that he is. While she just smiled and opened up another can of Trump worms for her hooks.

You may think stiffing small contractors and paying no taxes admirable, but I call it selfish, self-centred, and immoral. So is refusing to rent to blacks. I think that most working Americans would think so too.
So you own an 'income property' which represents your life's savings investment. Would you rent it to a negro single mother on welfare with four kids all under six years old?

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