Donald Trump to Give Remarks At Mar-A-Lago Soon

Want an example?
I can't wait. :happy-1:

You believe the shit you consume will be cheaper if he's elected, correct?
WRONG. Toob 1 Weed 0

And you are completely unaware as to how monumentally stupid that is.
I know. You are a complete idiot for believing it, but, that is you.

Because CULT.
Cults stick together. Conservatives are independent thinkers. No one sticks together like glue in total lockstep like the Biden Cult of 46 Marxists.
Tell me another time when an American Sitting President went after his political opponent in an election season, with his DoJ, and whatever useful idiots in blue states at the local level? STFU
Which indictment is he innocent of?
Which indictment is he innocent of?

I don't know about over there is Moscow, Yevgeny, but here in the USA, people are INNOCENT of ALL charges until PROVEN guilty.

And to date, Trump hasn't been found guilty of anything, at least in any sort of legitimate court where defendants are permitted right of due process, right to a defense and a right to an unprejudiced jury of their peers.

We don't yank our political opponents off the street then POISON them like you Ruskies like to do.
I don't know about over there is Moscow, Yevgeny, but here in the USA, people are INNOCENT of ALL charges until PROVEN guilty.

And to date, Trump hasn't been found guilty of anything, at least in any sort of legitimate court where defendants are permitted right of due process, right to a defense and a right to a jury of their peers.

We don't yank our political opponents off the street then POISON them like you Ruskies like to do.
Answer the question. The docs were at his place. He did try to hide them.

He did use his attorney to bribe his hooker, which violates election laws.

He did try to find votes and half the defendants have already rolled about fraudulent electors.

So which of these are you disputing?
BULLSHIT. It is a last ditch attempt to stop Trump from being reelected to insure Biden gets reelected. Name one other person who has ever been charged with this "crime?"

How do you get ill-gotten gains when the BANK had the final say in appraising all these properties themself first then APPROVED the loans, then the loans were repaid ON TIME and in FULL?

What TUMOR in your commie head sees "ill-gotten gains" here?

All I can say is I can't wait for the courts when they start picking through every minute detail of Joe Biden, James Biden, Jill Biden, and Hunter Biden's lives too to find every last semen stain in their jock straps!!! :21:

It's coming, bub!
Again, this is not a federal case.

This is a New York State case and New York civil laws, that he broke.

This case began before Trump declared he was running in 2024, and is not to stop his political run that was not known.
Answer the question. The docs were at his place. He did try to hide them.
You are SUPPOSED to do that, Dmitri. They were locked in a secure location approved by NARA, then guarded, not left in his garage or a chinese office!

He did use his attorney to bribe his hooker, which violates election laws.
No, he settled out of court to avoid a lengthy lawsuit against her errant charges then she took the money and reneged.

He did try to find votes
EVERYONE tries to FIND votes, fool, such as when Gore took 300 lawyers to Florida to double check every last chad for a Gore vote!
In 2020, democrats spent 413 million dollars trying to FIND votes (but just for Biden), as documented in Time Magazine.

about fraudulent electors.
They are historically called alternate electors which has been legally used before. No such thing as a "fraudulent" elector.
You are SUPPOSED to do that, Dmitri. They were locked in a secure location approved by NARA, then guarded, not left in his garage or a chinese office!

No, he settled out of court to avoid a lengthy lawsuit against her errant charges then she took the money and reneged.

EVERYONE tries to FIND votes, fool, such as when Gore took 300 lawyers to Florida to double check every last chad for a Gore vote!
In 2020, democrats spent 413 million dollars trying to FIND votes (but just for Biden), as documented in Time Magazine.

They are historically called alternate electors which has been legally used before. No such thing as a "fraudulent" elector.
You have an interesting and unique opinion unfettered by facts. 👍
Cults stick together. Conservatives are independent thinkers.
:auiqs.jpg:Maybe some are, you binary, broad brushing magaturd, but not you.
No one sticks together like glue in total lockstep like the Biden Cult of 46 Marxists.
'They call us a cult, so we call them a cult' :rolleyes:

Fucking please. You're exactly like the people you cosplay your imaginary 'culture wars' with.

It's a football game to you magaturds. :dunno:

Populism sucks, and you won't convince me otherwise. :dunno:

I suppose that's the end of the conversation.
Again, this is not a federal case.

This is a New York State case and New York civil laws, that he broke.

This case began before Trump declared he was running in 2024, and is not to stop his political run that was not known.
As I said. Maybe a Meteor could hit New York. We will not miss it.

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