Donald Trump to Give Remarks At Mar-A-Lago Soon

You should get out of your make believe world and back into reality.
You are the Looney Tune! :cuckoo:

Comparing Nalvany treatment by the Russian govt and court system to the 1/6 insurrectionists, trespassers or rioters treatment in the USA is so so so bizarre, it can be nothing but laughed at, and leave people wondering how you became so messed up and a Russian propaganda pawn.

Have the J6ers been poisoned with NOVACEK twice, sent to Siberia solitary confinement, given 1 loaf of bread for his MONTHLY food, killed while in prison, etc etc etc etc?
You are the Looney Tune! :cuckoo:

Comparing Nalvany treatment by the Russian govt and court system to the 1/6 insurrectionists, trespassers or rioters treatment in the USA is so so so bizarre, it can be nothing but laughed at, and leave people wondering how you became so messed up and a Russian propaganda pawn.

Have the J6ers been poisoned with NOVACEK twice, sent to Siberia solitary confinement, given 1 liar of bread for his MONTHLY food, killed while in prison, etc etc etc etc?
Navalny did committ insurrection but the 1/6 protestors did not.
Screw you and your Nazi tactics.
Poor eagle is having a hissy.

"The White House is colluding with every single one of these dirtbag DA’s…
.....these corrupt DA's in collusion with the Biden administration"
There is no doubt about it.
My avatar has no intention to put poor posters 'j-mac' and 'Blaster' on the spot or to embarrass them, but.......but will either one of them, or better yet, both of them....provide this forum a link to a credible informed source that will validate what they seemingly think they know?
So posters, think of it as a responsibility of yours to back up your word, to support your allegations. This is Adult Swim you know. There are adult expectations that posters here will be responsible adults.
Thanx, in advance.


They want Donald Trump out of the way.
Well, Duh!!! Of course the opposition it most Dems, many Independents, a growing number of Republicans, and Lord know who else.

There is the perception amongst a significant segment of American adults who sincerely believe Don Trump is an existential threat to America. That's sort of a Captain Obvious revelation now, ain't it? Shouldn't be such a surprise to poster Blaster.


She'll be retired before she see's one penny....
That's OK. No matter. So be it. Whoever her assigns are will see those pennies, and more. Be it a new DA, a new political regime, the State of New York, etc.
That is, at least in the case of yesterday's $350,000,000+ judgment.

Now, if poor poster j-mac is referring to EJean Carroll, well that's OK too, if she doesn't see a penny. Her heirs will.

Or, it is possible ----and I think legal, tho I ain't a lawyer --- but I think she may be able to take that $80+ million dollar judgement and sell it to an individual
(George Soros? ;) Nancy Pelosi's husband? 🖖) or a consortium of investors who buy it at, say, 40-cents on the dollar*....with the investment goal that they will collect the remaining 60-cents on the dollar when it is disgorged by Trump's estate or assets

(ps....that would give EJean about $30,000,000. Which, I would speculate, can provide a fairly comfortable living to EJean, and/or her heirs. No?)

Democrats have the media, judges and DA's to do their dirty work for them.
Lordy, lordy, lordy! Look good poster Blaster is that all you can do on this adult discussion venue is whine and complain and bitch? The variety of contributors here, and lurkers.....ain't really all that interested (I think) in your personal unhappiness, disgruntlements, and grievances.
Bring something pro-active, and the forum. Your whinyness is unbecoming to your avatar. You coming across as just some bitter and failed ne-er-do-well.
It ain't a good look. Trust me.

Navalny is no different than the folks that were imprisoned in our country for entering the capitol building.
I'll be gobsmacked!!
I didn't know that Navalny had beaten a Capitol Officer with a steel rod, or sprayed him in the face with MACE, or threw a steel fire-extinguisher at his head, or stomped on him when he was dragged down by a crowd of angered jackasses.
Can you link us to those actions by Navalny, poster Blaster?
Poor eagle is having a hissy.

My avatar has no intention to put poor posters 'j-mac' and 'Blaster' on the spot or to embarrass them, but.......but will either one of them, or better yet, both of them....provide this forum a link to a credible informed source that will validate what they seemingly think they know?
So posters, think of it as a responsibility of yours to back up your word, to support your allegations. This is Adult Swim you know. There are adult expectations that posters here will be responsible adults.
Thanx, in advance.


Well, Duh!!! Of course the opposition it most Dems, many Independents, a growing number of Republicans, and Lord know who else.

There is the perception amongst a significant segment of American adults who sincerely believe Don Trump is an existential threat to America. That's sort of a Captain Obvious revelation now, ain't it? Shouldn't be such a surprise to poster Blaster.


That's OK. No matter. So be it. Whoever her assigns are will see those pennies, and more. Be it a new DA, a new political regime, the State of New York, etc.
That is, at least in the case of yesterday's $350,000,000+ judgment.

Now, if poor poster j-mac is referring to EJean Carroll, well that's OK too, if she doesn't see a penny. Her heirs will.

Or, it is possible ----and I think legal, tho I ain't a lawyer --- but I think she may be able to take that $80+ million dollar judgement and sell it to an individual
(George Soros? ;) Nancy Pelosi's husband? 🖖) or a consortium of investors who buy it at, say, 40-cents on the dollar*....with the investment goal that they will collect the remaining 60-cents on the dollar when it is disgorged by Trump's estate or assets

(ps....that would give EJean about $30,000,000. Which, I would speculate, can provide a fairly comfortable living to EJean, and/or her heirs. No?)

Lordy, lordy, lordy! Look good poster Blaster is that all you can do on this adult discussion venue is whine and complain and bitch? The variety of contributors here, and lurkers.....ain't really all that interested (I think) in your personal unhappiness, disgruntlements, and grievances.
Bring something pro-active, and the forum. Your whinyness is unbecoming to your avatar. You coming across as just some bitter and failed ne-er-do-well.
It ain't a good look. Trust me.

I'll be gobsmacked!!
I didn't know that Navalny had beaten a Capitol Officer with a steel rod, or sprayed him in the face with MACE, or threw a steel fire-extinguisher at his head, or stomped on him when he was dragged down by a crowd of angered jackasses.
Can you link us to those actions by Navalny, poster Blaster?
Wow, spoken like Chilli believes 1. That HE tells others what to do in here, and 2. That the appeals process should not be allowed to Trump…

i for one, don’t give two shits what he believes…
We shall see after Jan 2024 won’t we…
It's Feb 2024 now. What should we have seen?

This one is nearly as addled as Trump. Which raises a question, will Trump plead diminished capacity?

As far as elections go, Democrats keep winning big, especially after polls say they'll lose, so Democrats aren't worried.
"believes 1. That HE tells others what to do in here..."

Ummm, no. Not at all.
Rather, my avatar is quite comfortable in expressing reasoned skepticism about pronouncements, allegations, assertions, accusations, etc. posted on here that have insufficient or totally absent vetting or sourcing.

In my opinion, there are several posters here who view the forum as solely an outlet for their keyboard enemas. They are upset. They are annoyed. They have a grievance. And they want to share their emotions with the forum. And do so without explanation ....or at any rate, reasoned, credible, explanation.

And for that, it is right and fitting to ask those posters to prove their emotions have validity within a real reality.

Now, poster j-mac if you have happened to fall in that category of irresponsible postings and have been asked to back yourself up with credible sourcing...well, amigo, it ain't personal.

It is the way adult discussion works. That's as true here on USMB as it is at the 'regular's corner' of the Dew Drop Inn. If a bloke says something that is new, controversial, or seems is right and proper for others to ask "how do you know that?"...... "where did you get that"? ....."Explain what you mean?"

That's the way it works. Out there in the adult world. Trust me.
It's Feb 2024 now. What should we have seen?

This one is nearly as addled as Trump. Which raises a question, will Trump plead diminished capacity?

As far as elections go, Democrats keep winning big, especially after polls say they'll lose, so Democrats aren't worried.
lol, you’re right…but I’m pretty sure you knew I was talking about 2025

Ummm, no. Not at all.
Rather, my avatar is quite comfortable in expressing reasoned skepticism about pronouncements, allegations, assertions, accusations, etc. posted on here that have insufficient or totally absent vetting or sourcing.

In my opinion, there are several posters here who view the forum as solely an outlet for their keyboard enemas. They are upset. They are annoyed. They have a grievance. And they want to share their emotions with the forum. And do so without explanation ....or at any rate, reasoned, credible, explanation.

And for that, it is right and fitting to ask those posters to prove their emotions have validity within a real reality.

Now, poster j-mac if you have happened to fall in that category of irresponsible postings and have been asked to back yourself up with credible sourcing...well, amigo, it ain't personal.

It is the way adult discussion works. That's as true here on USMB as it is at the 'regular's corner' of the Dew Drop Inn. If a bloke says something that is new, controversial, or seems is right and proper for others to ask "how do you know that?"...... "where did you get that"? ....."Explain what you mean?"

That's the way it works. Out there in the adult world. Trust me.
When might you start?

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