Donald Trump Tweets A Wildly Inaccurate Graphic To Portray Black People As Murderers

In other words, you will not answer the implicit question:

Although almost half the murders are committed by Blacks, why is it important that the vast majority of those murders are Black on Black?

I guess you did not read the Statistic the Trump campaign twittered. I think you may need to re-read the op to understand the question.
I have idea why I should have to defend black on black murder. Black murder rates are clearly absurd and whatever I might have to do with them is superfluous.

I cannot make any. My son is in Strasbourg today. I am far more worried about ISIS with guns or bombs than with a 'furniture' attack on the European Parliament. Somehow, I don't think European gun control laws will help him much. Go at all.
In other words, you will not answer the implicit question:

Although almost half the murders are committed by Blacks, why is it important that the vast majority of those murders are Black on Black?

I guess you did not read the Statistic the Trump campaign twittered. I think you may need to re-read the op to understand the question.
I have idea why I should have to defend black on black murder. Black murder rates are clearly absurd and whatever I might have to do with them is superfluous.

I cannot make any My son is in Strasbourg today. I am far more worried about ISIS with guns or bombs than with a 'furniture' attack on the European Parliament. Somehow, I don't think European gun control laws will help him much. Go at all.

I did not ask you to defend Black on Black murders.

I am basically asking you why is it important that the vast majority of Black murders are Black on Black.

It seems you are trying to avoid the point that if this is the case, then the most of the remaining murders are by Whites. Making the Statistic Trump posted false.

But, that is not important to you.
Trump said only 16 percent of murdered whites were killed by other whites.

Trump said 81 percent of murdered whites were killed by blacks.

This is lying on the scale of Hitler right here. This is Big Lie territory. This is racist fearmongering of the worst kind.
And the dupes wonder why minorities don't vote Republican.

They tell themselves another Big Lie: "Because gifts".

Nope. It's because of shit like this Trump shit right here.
93% of all statistics relate to race quoted by Donald Trump are false, and skewed against the blacks. How can this be acceptable to the white Trump supporting community? Is it because you are racist? Or just stupid?

Dog whistle politics . It's textbook!

First blame the immigrants , then blend that into blaming minorities .
"The statistics, purported to be gathered by a Crime Statistics Bureau in San Francisco this year, appear to be fabricated. The Crime Statistics Bureau cited in Trump's tweet does not exist. The FBI, which does gather official crime statistics for the U.S., has not yet released them for this year.

Likely because this year hasn't ended yet.

Trump the idiot liar.
I'm not surprised at anything Trump says, anything his follows want to hear he says it. .

In his latest fairly tail, he accused "large Arab populations" — cheering after the attacks brought down the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan. "There were people that were cheering on the other side of New Jersey, where you have large Arab populations," Trump said Sunday. "They were cheering as the World Trade Center came down.

Yet, there were no pictures, no tweets, nothing in the news media. Don't you think if thousand of people in the US celebrated the 911 attack, many people beyond Trump would remember it. This is probably the most absurd statement Trump has ever made. I think he's totally lost all touch with reality. Does he really believe there are that many fools out there?
You really want to start speculating? How about we just say some left wing regressivecrat sent the image to the campaign to create some propaganda? Would that work for ya?

Nah, that does not work for me.

More like there is a plant trying to derail his campaign from the inside is a better theory.
Occam's razor cuts that explanation to ribbons. As its based on no evidence and needlessly complicated. Its far more likely that its from the Trump campaign.

After all, its Trump's twitter account.
The pattern is clear;

Trump Says When Twin Towers Fell on 9/11, He Saw ‘Thousands and Thousands’ Celebrating in Jersey City. But the Mayor Says Something Else.

What pattern? Your conspiracy is already burdened by the weight of needless elaboration. You'll definitely need some serious evidence to back that up.
It's no conspiracy.
It's a simple strategy.
He's prepared to set groups of people against each other to gain power.

Why not, it worked so well for your dear leader, still is.

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