Donald Trump visit to London called off amid fears of mass protests

Norway said, thanks, but no thanks.

Protesters with banners march during an anti-WEF and anti-U.S. President Donald Trump demonstration, ahead of Trump's visit to the World Economic Forum (WEF), in Bern, Switzerland, January 13, 2018
England is our oldest and staunchest Allie
We saved their asses in WWII

And yet they will boo our President and protest his presence

Takes a lot to piss off England

England circa 1940 and England today are two very different places! Their immigration policies have so screwed up Great Britain it may never recover!
England is our oldest and staunchest Allie
We saved their asses in WWII

And yet they will boo our President and protest his presence

Takes a lot to piss off England

England circa 1940 and England today are two very different places! Their immigration policies have so screwed up Great Britain it may never recover!
Yet, the American President is no longer welcome

The Great Obama was beloved in the country.....still is
England is our oldest and staunchest Allie
We saved their asses in WWII

And yet they will boo our President and protest his presence

Takes a lot to piss off England

England circa 1940 and England today are two very different places! Their immigration policies have so screwed up Great Britain it may never recover!
Yet, the American President is no longer welcome

The Great Obama was beloved in the country.....still is

The question you should be asking yourself is whether Obama would have been "beloved" by Great Britain if he had been President back in the 1940's? Given Barry's foreign policy shortcomings would we have even come to the aid of Great Britain back then? Or would he have drawn a "red line" in the sand for Hitler as he did with Assad and then done nothing?
The treasonous fat senile old orange clown does not want to go anywhere that he will not receive adulation from some kissass like you
Funny coming from someone that still has Obama's ass juice all over his face...
All them pure white folk in Britian? the moron would love to go there, the only problem with these white people....even they have levels of racist taste they can tolerate and Trump ain't their much shit in the mouth
London is full of Muslims in dirty night shirts....
Cons still think Trump is popular?

Donald Trump visit to London called off amid fears of mass protests


Donald Trump has backed off the idea of visiting Britain next month to open the new US embassy in London amid fears of mass protests.

Government sources suggested that Washington had signalled that secretary of state Rex Tillerson would instead open the multimillion-pound embassy.

Theresa May invited Trump for a state visit when she became the first world leader to visit the president in the White House a year ago.

With activists pledging to stage mass protests and MPs determined not to give the president the opportunity to address parliament, no date for a state visit has been set.
Sorry, but no, more fake news... this is straight from president Trump himself, and I know how much you little leftards HATE he can go around your FAKE NEWS like this...

And once more the treasonous fat senile old orange clown lies. That was done under Bush. But when does not President Pussy Grabber lie? He is a pathological liar, and a stupid one to boot.
You poor little triggered snowflake. Do you get your meals brought to you inside your pathetic little bubble of fake news?
England is our oldest and staunchest Allie
We saved their asses in WWII

And yet they will boo our President and protest his presence

Takes a lot to piss off England

England circa 1940 and England today are two very different places! Their immigration policies have so screwed up Great Britain it may never recover!
Yet, the American President is no longer welcome

The Great Obama was beloved in the country.....still is

The question you should be asking yourself is whether Obama would have been "beloved" by Great Britain if he had been President back in the 1940's? Given Barry's foreign policy shortcomings would we have even come to the aid of Great Britain back then? Or would he have drawn a "red line" in the sand for Hitler as he did with Assad and then done nothing?
You must have been in a coma the last ten years. The rightwing mantra that Obama was soft on defense is ridiculous
It was The Great Obama who picked up the war on terror after Bush abandoned it, Ramped up drone attacks, killed bin Laden, built a coalition in Egypt, Libya and Syria. Trump even used the Great Obamas plan to attack ISIS
Cons still think Trump is popular?

Donald Trump visit to London called off amid fears of mass protests


Donald Trump has backed off the idea of visiting Britain next month to open the new US embassy in London amid fears of mass protests.

Government sources suggested that Washington had signalled that secretary of state Rex Tillerson would instead open the multimillion-pound embassy.

Theresa May invited Trump for a state visit when she became the first world leader to visit the president in the White House a year ago.

With activists pledging to stage mass protests and MPs determined not to give the president the opportunity to address parliament, no date for a state visit has been set.

Well, look what Trump did at the US Embassy in France.. stealing artwork while the ambassador attended a memorial service for fallen US soldiers.

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