Donald Trump visit to London called off amid fears of mass protests

Dear me. I thought that we didnt have free speech,being subjects and all that.
When you get a proper President she will be very welcome.

Y’all are used to being ruled by women...

Made me feel ill that pic.

The only honest person to enter Parliament since Guy Fawkes.
Dear me. I thought that we didnt have free speech,being subjects and all that.
When you get a proper President she will be very welcome.

Y’all are used to being ruled by women...

Made me feel ill that pic.

The only honest person to enter Parliament since Guy Fawkes.
Hardly. She ran the sleaziest government we have ever had.

I wouldn’t go that far ...

Dear me. I thought that we didnt have free speech,being subjects and all that.
When you get a proper President she will be very welcome.

Y’all are used to being ruled by women...


So you have some sort of problem with Mr. Tainant using the female pronoun instead of the male one? As a female American, I was not too thrilled by the way that the male Reagan and the female Thatcher sucked up to each other, but they were two peas in a pod, and, from what I hear, I'm not too impressed by Teresa May. But remember, we Americans have never had a female leader, although we came close and the female candidate probably should have won, and the assortment of male leaders we have had have ranged all the way from the good to the childish, completely vulgar imbecile who currently occupies the Oval Office. In the end, what does gender have anything to do with it?
we Americans have never had a female leader,

Carry Nation was never POTUS. Remember that female Americans were denied the franchise until 1920. The history of women in the political life of the United States and the fight to admit one-half of the country's population into this political life has largely gone ignored and untaught to our children. Please look into the history of the likes of Abigail Adams and Victoria Woodhull, and the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848.

The Declaration of Sentiments issued by the convention:

Internet History Sourcebooks

From the link above:
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott, two American activists in the movement to abolish slavery called together the first conference to address Women's rights and issues in Seneca Falls, New York, in 1848. Part of the reason for doing so had been that Mott had been refused permission to speak at the world anti-slavery convention in London, even though she had been an official delegate. Applying the analysis of human freedom developed in the Abolitionist movement, Stanton and others began the public career of modern feminist analysis

London is majority Muslim, or getting close to it.

I wouldn't want an American President to be popular there.
Pure American ignorance. You are a disgrace.

Hey Muhammad....why don't you go blow off some stream by throwing some homosexuals off a roof; or maybe mutilating a virgin's genitalia; or, if you are a Shia by blowing yourself up to take some Sunnis with you...or vice versa.
Cons still think Trump is popular?

Donald Trump visit to London called off amid fears of mass protests


Donald Trump has backed off the idea of visiting Britain next month to open the new US embassy in London amid fears of mass protests.

Government sources suggested that Washington had signalled that secretary of state Rex Tillerson would instead open the multimillion-pound embassy.

Theresa May invited Trump for a state visit when she became the first world leader to visit the president in the White House a year ago.

With activists pledging to stage mass protests and MPs determined not to give the president the opportunity to address parliament, no date for a state visit has been set.
The only nation that will welcome this nut is Russia, his home town and the Saudi's. Everybody, but rednecks and Putin hates this guys fuckin guts....and he's completely okay with it...that's what mental illness does to the deranged!!
Good. The Brits should not allow this little bitch to disrupt their country. It's bad enough that we have to deal with him here in the U.S.
I don't think there's a nation on the planet as bad as the US....because we have a hand full of white people calling the shots on how much of Trump 300 million of us must endure....unfuckinbelievable this congress...who put Obama the black man and Hillary through 8 years of sheer hell....may this congress go down in history as the most morally corrupt congress EVER IN OUR HISTORY!!
Cons still think Trump is popular?

Donald Trump visit to London called off amid fears of mass protests


Donald Trump has backed off the idea of visiting Britain next month to open the new US embassy in London amid fears of mass protests.

Government sources suggested that Washington had signalled that secretary of state Rex Tillerson would instead open the multimillion-pound embassy.

Theresa May invited Trump for a state visit when she became the first world leader to visit the president in the White House a year ago.

With activists pledging to stage mass protests and MPs determined not to give the president the opportunity to address parliament, no date for a state visit has been set.
Sorry, but no, more fake news... this is straight from president Trump himself, and I know how much you little leftards HATE he can go around your FAKE NEWS like this...

Hey, Trump if that bullshit makes your sorry white ass feel better, than bitch flow with it!! LOLOLO
So some Brits that are out of work and on the dole will protest with the Muslims who don't work and are on the dole because the president of a country with low and lowering unemployment and a growing economy is going to visit. You can't make this stuff up folks.
Yeah, even a sorry as muslim is better than dealing with a racist, ignorant stupid pussy grabbing tweeting white bastard, like your fuckin president....the Brits got TASTE!!
Donald Trump saving the taxpayer even more money by not wasting it on a trip to Londonstan. Winning!
Really? You mean to tell me, all the money he's saving you by staying at his own hotels, bilking tax payers out of millions, all the money he's saving you by keeping his jobs overseas, all the money he's saving you by having everybody in his family but the family dog on tax payer dimes, all the money he's saving you by giving all the tax breaks to the rich and on and on, makes your dumb stupid white ass think your winning?? You people are too gotdamn stupid for fuckin words.....get the fuck outta here sucker!!
There's that trumpanzee "sour grapes" we've learned to expect since the election.
You are too stupid for words!!
Ex-Union Boss Calls Trump A ‘Con Man’ And ‘Liar’ As Carrier Lays Off 215 More Workers
He “sold us a bag of s**t” we’re stuck with, former Steelworkers leader Chuck Jones says at an Indianapolis town hall.

There's that trumpanzee "sour grapes" we've learned to expect since the election.
You are too stupid for words!!
Ex-Union Boss Calls Trump A ‘Con Man’ And ‘Liar’ As Carrier Lays Off 215 More Workers
He “sold us a bag of s**t” we’re stuck with, former Steelworkers leader Chuck Jones says at an Indianapolis town hall.

You need to check yourself into mental institution.
There's that trumpanzee "sour grapes" we've learned to expect since the election.
You are too stupid for words!!
Ex-Union Boss Calls Trump A ‘Con Man’ And ‘Liar’ As Carrier Lays Off 215 More Workers
He “sold us a bag of s**t” we’re stuck with, former Steelworkers leader Chuck Jones says at an Indianapolis town hall.

You need to check yourself into mental institution.
Once they get an opening with so many redneck Trump supporters there, lets you and me go together, eh?

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