Donald Trump visit to London called off amid fears of mass protests

Good. The Brits should not allow this little bitch to disrupt their country. It's bad enough that we have to deal with him here in the U.S.
Trump didn't want to go in the first place.........bitch....
Once they get an opening with so many redneck Trump supporters there, lets you and me go together, eh?
I don't know snowflake don't think a red blooded patriot would want to be seen with you at a Trump rally...
Once they get an opening with so many redneck Trump supporters there, lets you and me go together, eh?
I don't know snowflake don't think a red blooded patriot would want to be seen with you at a Trump rally...
Dude, the only people showing up at fuckin Trump rallies are white guys who lost their prized mops to negro's and old white people in depend diapers.......I'll pass. Face it, the man's a idiots are a
Dude, the only people showing up at fuckin Trump rallies are white guys who lost their prized mops to negro's and old white people in depend diapers.......I'll pass. Face it, the man's a idiots are a
A joke? Well I don't know about you but finally millions of Americans for the first time in 8 years have a savings account...that is not going to change and it will continue to rise Trump's approval numbers because's the economy stupid. By the way did you have a dad? a grandpa a nana? Old white people handed you a really nice country to live in some respect...
As the United States switches to an America first economic and immigration policy for the first time in 40 years we will see organized protests around the's a good thing...not a bad thing...Finally we are looking out for ourselves first...if that makes people fucking what!
Hmmmm Donnie went to Saudi Arabia and danced with those who Sent the 9/11 hijackers...and incase you missed he honored Obama's deal with Iran :). And part-time I Checked we import uranium from Africa, oil and gas from over seas and so many other goods.
Cons still think Trump is popular?

Donald Trump visit to London called off amid fears of mass protests


Donald Trump has backed off the idea of visiting Britain next month to open the new US embassy in London amid fears of mass protests.

Government sources suggested that Washington had signalled that secretary of state Rex Tillerson would instead open the multimillion-pound embassy.

Theresa May invited Trump for a state visit when she became the first world leader to visit the president in the White House a year ago.

With activists pledging to stage mass protests and MPs determined not to give the president the opportunity to address parliament, no date for a state visit has been set.

So we have a President who cares more about us...than he does about them...and you're shocked they don't love him?
Good. The Brits should not allow this little bitch to disrupt their country. It's bad enough that we have to deal with him here in the U.S.
Trump didn't want to go in the first place.........bitch....
All them pure white folk in Britian? the moron would love to go there, the only problem with these white people....even they have levels of racist taste they can tolerate and Trump ain't their much shit in the mouth.
London is majority Muslim, or getting close to it.

I wouldn't want an American President to be popular there.
Pure American ignorance. You are a disgrace.

Hey Muhammad....why don't you go blow off some stream by throwing some homosexuals off a roof; or maybe mutilating a virgin's genitalia; or, if you are a Shia by blowing yourself up to take some Sunnis with you...or vice versa.
Man, are you ignorant!!!!
England is our oldest and staunchest Allie
We saved their asses in WWII

And yet they will boo our President and protest his presence

Takes a lot to piss off England
Cons still think Trump is popular?

Donald Trump visit to London called off amid fears of mass protests


Donald Trump has backed off the idea of visiting Britain next month to open the new US embassy in London amid fears of mass protests.

Government sources suggested that Washington had signalled that secretary of state Rex Tillerson would instead open the multimillion-pound embassy.

Theresa May invited Trump for a state visit when she became the first world leader to visit the president in the White House a year ago.

With activists pledging to stage mass protests and MPs determined not to give the president the opportunity to address parliament, no date for a state visit has been set.
Sorry, but no, more fake news... this is straight from president Trump himself, and I know how much you little leftards HATE he can go around your FAKE NEWS like this...

And once more the treasonous fat senile old orange clown lies. That was done under Bush. But when does not President Pussy Grabber lie? He is a pathological liar, and a stupid one to boot.
Good. The Brits should not allow this little bitch to disrupt their country. It's bad enough that we have to deal with him here in the U.S.
Trump didn't want to go in the first place.........bitch....
The treasonous fat senile old orange clown does not want to go anywhere that he will not receive adulation from some kissass like you.
Once they get an opening with so many redneck Trump supporters there, lets you and me go together, eh?
I don't know snowflake don't think a red blooded patriot would want to be seen with you at a Trump rally...
Only asskissing ignoramuses go to the rallies of President Pussy Grabber. Who wants to listen to disjointed rants rated by lies per minute?
Cons still think Trump is popular?

Donald Trump visit to London called off amid fears of mass protests


Donald Trump has backed off the idea of visiting Britain next month to open the new US embassy in London amid fears of mass protests.

Government sources suggested that Washington had signalled that secretary of state Rex Tillerson would instead open the multimillion-pound embassy.

Theresa May invited Trump for a state visit when she became the first world leader to visit the president in the White House a year ago.

With activists pledging to stage mass protests and MPs determined not to give the president the opportunity to address parliament, no date for a state visit has been set.

So we have a President who cares more about us...than he does about them...and you're shocked they don't love him?
The only person in the world that Trump cares about or loves is Trump. He gives not a shit about you or the United States of America.
Trump Is An 'Asteroid of Awfulness,' U.K. Labour Party Says
Source: Bloomberg

Donald Trump is an “asteroid of awfulness,” said the U.K. Labour Party’s spokeswoman on foreign affairs, Emily Thornberry, deepening the rift between Britain’s main opposition and the U.S. president.

“He is an asteroid of awfulness that has fallen on this world,” Thornberry said in an interview on BBC television’s "Andrew Marr Show” on Sunday. “I think that he is a danger and I think that he is a racist.”

Thornberry’s remarks came after a week in which Trump called off a planned London visit next month to open the new U.S. Embassy, saying he didn’t like the deal to move the mission. He also was reported to have described Haiti and African nations as “shithole countries,” a comment that may have spurred Thornberry’s “racist” accusation. Trump has denied using the language.

The comments may have greater significance because Thornberry would be foreign secretary if Labour wins the next general election. While no vote is due until 2022, Prime Minister Theresa May runs a minority administration that’s vulnerable to defeats and the possibility of an early election. While May herself hasn’t had the easiest relationship with Trump, she’s relying on the U.S. as a partner for a future trade deal once Britain leaves the EU.


Read more: Trump Is An ‘Asteroid of Awfulness,’ U.K. Labour Party Says

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