Donald Trump vows to protect Christianity and protect their heritage

You ever notice the people who whine about Obama never saying "Muslim terrorist" are the same people you will never hear refer to the KKK as "Christian terrorists"?

Go ahead. Search back on their posts and see for yourselves. They never do it.

They call them "Democrats" frequently, even though quite a few Klansmen were Republicans. The New York Klans, for example. Republican outfits through and through. You couldn't get elected to office in parts of New York unless you were a GOP Klansmen.

So "Democrat" is nowhere near as accurate as "Christian terrorist" is.

Not once. Ever. Do they say "Christian terrorists."

Very interesting, these hypocrites.

When was the last time a Christian Terrorist walked into a public setting, yelled, "Praise the Lord", and killed non-Christians?

That question you won't get an answer for
Wrong, tard. See posts 176 and 177.

Go ahead. Show me where anyone in the examples I provided called the Klan "Christian terrorists".

You want to see the KKK praising the Lord, do ya?

I asked you to date that picture. Is English your first language?
You ever notice the people who whine about Obama never saying "Muslim terrorist" are the same people you will never hear refer to the KKK as "Christian terrorists"?

Go ahead. Search back on their posts and see for yourselves. They never do it.

They call them "Democrats" frequently, even though quite a few Klansmen were Republicans. The New York Klans, for example. Republican outfits through and through. You couldn't get elected to office in parts of New York unless you were a GOP Klansmen.

So "Democrat" is nowhere near as accurate as "Christian terrorist" is.

Not once. Ever. Do they say "Christian terrorists."

Very interesting, these hypocrites.

When was the last time a Christian Terrorist walked into a public setting, yelled, "Praise the Lord", and killed non-Christians?

That question you won't get an answer for
Wrong, tard. See posts 176 and 177.

Go ahead. Show me where anyone in the examples I provided called the Klan "Christian terrorists".

You want to see the KKK praising the Lord, do ya?

I asked you to date that picture. Is English your first language?
Does that somehow magically alter the fact they are, were, and always will be Christian terrorists?


I don't see you whining about dates whenever someone posts about those exact same old timey Klansmen being Democrats.

Which is a lie, by the way. In some parts of the country, they were Republicans.

Which is precisely why "Christian terrorists" is a far more accurate term they should be using.

So ya'll be sure and point that out the very next time, mm-kay?
You ever notice the people who whine about Obama never saying "Muslim terrorist" are the same people you will never hear refer to the KKK as "Christian terrorists"?

Go ahead. Search back on their posts and see for yourselves. They never do it.

They call them "Democrats" frequently, even though quite a few Klansmen were Republicans. The New York Klans, for example. Republican outfits through and through. You couldn't get elected to office in parts of New York unless you were a GOP Klansmen.

So "Democrat" is nowhere near as accurate as "Christian terrorist" is.

Not once. Ever. Do they say "Christian terrorists."

Very interesting, these hypocrites.

When was the last time a Christian Terrorist walked into a public setting, yelled, "Praise the Lord", and killed non-Christians?

That question you won't get an answer for
Wrong, tard. See posts 176 and 177.

Go ahead. Show me where anyone in the examples I provided called the Klan "Christian terrorists".

You want to see the KKK praising the Lord, do ya?

I asked you to date that picture. Is English your first language?
Does that somehow magically alter the fact they are, were, and always will be Christian terrorists?


I don't see you whining about dates whenever someone posts about those exact same old timey Klansmen being Democrats.

Why? If you won't debate, why post? The date is important. Would you like the date of the last Islamic terrorist attack? Here are some.
Islam: The Politically Incorrect Truth
Just a few samples:

Democrats who were in the Klan.

Flashback: Hillary Clinton Praises Exalted Cyclops of Ku Klux Klan (VIDEO)

Hillary Clinton mentor: West Virginia Sen. Robert Byrd organized a 150-member chapter of the Klan

Democrats Offer Blacks NOTHING

Never mind quite a lot of Republicans were in the Klan .

Go ahead. Take a look. Show me where they call the Klan "Christian terrorists", which is a far, far more accurate term than "Democrats".

Show me.


What were the numbers of GOP in the Klan? Better yet, what was the ratio of Democrats to Republicans in the Klan? Factually speaking, it was the GOP the ended slavery, it is doubtful GOP was noticeable among the Klan ranks.

Now, move into the 21st Century, 2016. The closest you can get to Christian Terrorists are the ones who bomb abortion clinics and terrorize doctors that perform abortions. Compare the frequency of these events and
You ever notice the people who whine about Obama never saying "Muslim terrorist" are the same people you will never hear refer to the KKK as "Christian terrorists"?

Go ahead. Search back on their posts and see for yourselves. They never do it.

They call them "Democrats" frequently, even though quite a few Klansmen were Republicans. The New York Klans, for example. Republican outfits through and through. You couldn't get elected to office in parts of New York unless you were a GOP Klansmen.

So "Democrat" is nowhere near as accurate as "Christian terrorist" is.

Not once. Ever. Do they say "Christian terrorists."

Very interesting, these hypocrites.

When was the last time a Christian Terrorist walked into a public setting, yelled, "Praise the Lord", and killed non-Christians?

That question you won't get an answer for
Wrong, tard. See posts 176 and 177.

Go ahead. Show me where anyone in the examples I provided called the Klan "Christian terrorists".

You want to see the KKK praising the Lord, do ya?

I asked you to date that picture. Is English your first language?
Does that somehow magically alter the fact they are, were, and always will be Christian terrorists?


I don't see you whining about dates whenever someone posts about those exact same old timey Klansmen being Democrats.

Which is a lie, by the way. In some parts of the country, they were Republicans.

Which is precisely why "Christian terrorists" is a far more accurate term they should be using.

So ya'll be sure and point that out the very next time, mm-kay?

You are living in the past. In the present, name three (3) Christian-terrorist related acts here in America?
Factually speaking, it was the GOP the ended slavery, it is doubtful GOP was noticeable among the Klan ranks.

Your doubt is misplaced. The GOP dominated the Klan in New York state, for example, and in much of the North.

This is a well known historical fact.
So, as I was saying, calling the Klan "Democrats" is inaccurate. Whereas, calling the Klan "Christian terrorists" is spot on. That is the term which should be used whenever someone talks about them. And there are a lot of people who talk about them frequently on this forum.
New York. Ohio. Maine. Missouri. Colorado. Kansas. Oklahoma. Dominated by Klan Republicans.

The Klan dominated the Republican party across the entire nation. The Klan so infected the GOP that some Republicans wanted to start an independent party.

Kind of like those of us who are sick of Trump and his Chumps who have infected the modern GOP.

I guess I should not be surprised Trump's Chumps are so profoundly ignorant of American history. Trump depends on them forgetting shit from five minutes ago, after all. And they happily oblige.
Last edited:
So...once again. It is not accurate to use the terms "Democrat" and "KKK" synonymously.

The correct term for the Klan is "Christian terrorists", by the standards used by the willfully ignorant psuedocons of today.
Just a few samples:

Democrats who were in the Klan.

Flashback: Hillary Clinton Praises Exalted Cyclops of Ku Klux Klan (VIDEO)

Hillary Clinton mentor: West Virginia Sen. Robert Byrd organized a 150-member chapter of the Klan

Democrats Offer Blacks NOTHING

Never mind quite a lot of Republicans were in the Klan .

Go ahead. Take a look. Show me where they call the Klan "Christian terrorists", which is a far, far more accurate term than "Democrats".

Show me.


What were the numbers of GOP in the Klan? Better yet, what was the ratio of Democrats to Republicans in the Klan? Factually speaking, it was the GOP the ended slavery, it is doubtful GOP was noticeable among the Klan ranks.

Now, move into the 21st Century, 2016. The closest you can get to Christian Terrorists are the ones who bomb abortion clinics and terrorize doctors that perform abortions. Compare the frequency of these events and
When was the last time a Christian Terrorist walked into a public setting, yelled, "Praise the Lord", and killed non-Christians?

That question you won't get an answer for
Wrong, tard. See posts 176 and 177.

Go ahead. Show me where anyone in the examples I provided called the Klan "Christian terrorists".

You want to see the KKK praising the Lord, do ya?

I asked you to date that picture. Is English your first language?
Does that somehow magically alter the fact they are, were, and always will be Christian terrorists?


I don't see you whining about dates whenever someone posts about those exact same old timey Klansmen being Democrats.

Which is a lie, by the way. In some parts of the country, they were Republicans.

Which is precisely why "Christian terrorists" is a far more accurate term they should be using.

So ya'll be sure and point that out the very next time, mm-kay?

You are living in the past. In the present, name three (3) Christian-terrorist related acts here in America?
Why don't you ask that same question whenever one of your fellow travelers starts a topic or makes a post to point out the Klan was Democratic? They do it VERY frequently on this forum. It doesn't seem to matter to them they are talking about a period over 50 years ago. They work VERY hard to associate the modern Democratic Party of today to the Klan of 50+ years ago.

So why don't you ask them about that when they do that?


Then, when I address THEIR bullshit about the Klan, you are suddenly all like, "Why you talking about old stuff?"

The Klan is still around, by the way. And they are still Christian terrorists. And they are still Republicans.

And they are endorsing Trump.

You can thank LIBERALS they aren't killing anyone any more.

They would LOVE a chance to start up again. They haven't taken up arts and crafts.

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