Donald Trump vows to protect Christianity and protect their heritage

So you quoted parts talking about paying taxes, which I agree. And you covered the parts talking about human concerns verses G-dly concerns. I agree.

Now where does it say that in a democracy Christians shouldn't vote, or make their voices heard?

You do realize that most of the old testament involves politics, Kings, Queens, serving in the government, and even changing the laws of the land?

You people take a passage, pull a few quotes out of context, and then just make it all up. Nothing you claim, is what was in the passage. Bonkers. You people are bonkers.
I'll let Saint Paul explain it to you.

Romans 13:

Submit to Government
13 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. 4 For he is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. 5 Therefore you must be subject, not only because of wrath but also for conscience’ sake. 6 For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are God’s ministers attending continually to this very thing. 7 Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor.

Now, these Christians, fighting against the government, using politics to get their way, are they obeying the teachings of Paul? The teachings f Jesus being focused on 'human concerns"?

And I never, ever, quote out of context.

And this is the lib that denied wanting to shut Christians out of politics...
Whether they are shut out or not doesn't matter a damn. Like seeking wealth Jesus taught them to do no such thing. He did not seek wealth, he did not engage in politics so, what should a faithful Christian do, emulate Jesus and obey his teachings or be like Trump and seek wealth and political power?

Wanting economic policy that protects your ability to provide for you family is hardly, "seeking wealth" and voting for or even organizing for political programs that you think are best for the nation based on your world view is not "seeking political power".

Try to be less of a dishonest person.

This is about you not wanting Christians resisting your lefties agenda.
Trump has spent his entire life seeking earthly wealth, power, and glory, and now he wants political power. And Christian, just by voting for him, are supporting that and it is exactly those kinds of things that directly contradict the teachings of the Christ.

If you are worried about money or politics then you are in complete contradiction to the teachings of Jesus. Try reading the fucking Gospels.

And what this is about is people who call themselves followers of Jesus actually obeying his fucking teachings!!!

Your conclusion that voting for a candidate means supporting the candidates personal life is wrong.

Trump's support based on Trade and Immigration policies. That is what won him the Primaries.

Wanting better jobs and wages is hardly "contradictory to the teachings of the Christ".

Doesn't it seem odd to you that you have to be so dishonest about what you really feel to make a point against your enemies?

Consider this logic.

If you can't make the case for your agenda honestly based on it' merits, then that means your agenda is wrong.

You need to be asking yourself why you are committed to an agenda that you know you cannot honestly claim is for the best for your fellow Citizens.
"A Trump administration, our Christian heritage will be cherished, protected, defended like you've never seen before. Believe me," he said.
Trump tailored his message to the audience, though he carefully avoided mentioning a number of areas — such as the legality of gay marriage — where his New York tolerance conflicts with the Christian right's agenda."

What are your thoughts?

A great reason to vote Trump. We need a return to faith.
Trump fucks everything in a skirt and would like to fuck his own daughters. What religion is that? Oh wait, that is religion after all. Never mind.

Lucky for you, lying isn't against your religion, because you have none.

Please continue.
Lying doesn't seem to be an important thing to Christers either.
To win the Election, Hillary needs Christians despite locking up the Jewish, Muslim, and Atheist Vote. Further, Blacks and Latinos are Christian.....much to the chagrin of Democrats and Liberals. Obama says we are not a Christian nation and Trump simply says he wants to preserve and protect Christians. DO you people hate Christians that much??
Christians do not kill you when you criticize them, so it is always open season. It makes you wonder why Islam gets respect from the same people who tear Christianity apart.
All religion is garbage. At least the Muslims actually obey, at times, the teachings their holy book. Good luck finding a Christian you can say that about and certainly not those here.

Yes, Muslims definitely obey the teachings of their holy book; especially the parts on how to handle women(honor killings), gays (kill), and non-believers (force to submit or be killed).
Jesus is not telling you to vote for a serial adulterer who made his living by building temples to greed which encourage people to gamble away their livelihoods and by bilking the elderly out of their retirement.

Trump is a snake and a deceiver.


Sorry about that...
To win the Election, Hillary needs Christians despite locking up the Jewish, Muslim, and Atheist Vote. Further, Blacks and Latinos are Christian.....much to the chagrin of Democrats and Liberals. Obama says we are not a Christian nation and Trump simply says he wants to preserve and protect Christians. DO you people hate Christians that much??
Christians do not kill you when you criticize them, so it is always open season. It makes you wonder why Islam gets respect from the same people who tear Christianity apart.
All religion is garbage. At least the Muslims actually obey, at times, the teachings their holy book. Good luck finding a Christian you can say that about and certainly not those here.

Yes, Muslims definitely obey the teachings of their holy book; especially the parts on how to handle women(honor killings), gays (kill), and non-believers (force to submit or be killed).


And we obey the teachings of the Bible; especially the parts on how to handle negroes, gays, and non-believers.
You ever notice the people who whine about Obama never saying "Muslim terrorist" are the same people you will never hear refer to the KKK as "Christian terrorists"?

Go ahead. Search back on their posts and see for yourselves. They never do it.

They call them "Democrats" frequently, even though quite a few Klansmen were Republicans. The New York Klans, for example. Republican outfits through and through. You couldn't get elected to office in parts of New York unless you were a GOP Klansmen.

So "Democrat" is nowhere near as accurate as "Christian terrorist" is.

Not once. Ever. Do they say "Christian terrorists."

Very interesting, these hypocrites.
To win the Election, Hillary needs Christians despite locking up the Jewish, Muslim, and Atheist Vote. Further, Blacks and Latinos are Christian.....much to the chagrin of Democrats and Liberals. Obama says we are not a Christian nation and Trump simply says he wants to preserve and protect Christians. DO you people hate Christians that much??
Christians do not kill you when you criticize them, so it is always open season. It makes you wonder why Islam gets respect from the same people who tear Christianity apart.
All religion is garbage. At least the Muslims actually obey, at times, the teachings their holy book. Good luck finding a Christian you can say that about and certainly not those here.

Yes, Muslims definitely obey the teachings of their holy book; especially the parts on how to handle women(honor killings), gays (kill), and non-believers (force to submit or be killed).


And we obey the teachings of the Bible; especially the parts on how to handle negroes, gays, and non-believers.

Would you like to put a date with that picture. This country has gone through drastic changes in the last 60 years.

How many gays are killed for just being gay in America? Where are the for white only signs?
And how are non-believers forced into submission by Christians?

Your post is hyperbole and old news and should be ignored.
Jesus is not telling you to vote for a serial adulterer who made his living by building temples to greed which encourage people to gamble away their livelihoods and by bilking the elderly out of their retirement.

Trump is a snake and a deceiver.


Sorry about that...
Ever notice how Hillary fits just as well as Trump in a statement like that? I have.
Jesus is not telling you to vote for a serial adulterer who made his living by building temples to greed which encourage people to gamble away their livelihoods and by bilking the elderly out of their retirement.

Trump is a snake and a deceiver.


Sorry about that...

It's true that Trump's personal life and businesses are not encouraging from a religious Christian's perspective.

Still, vastly better than Hillary's.

And lets not even talk about policy positions.
To win the Election, Hillary needs Christians despite locking up the Jewish, Muslim, and Atheist Vote. Further, Blacks and Latinos are Christian.....much to the chagrin of Democrats and Liberals. Obama says we are not a Christian nation and Trump simply says he wants to preserve and protect Christians. DO you people hate Christians that much??
Christians do not kill you when you criticize them, so it is always open season. It makes you wonder why Islam gets respect from the same people who tear Christianity apart.
All religion is garbage. At least the Muslims actually obey, at times, the teachings their holy book. Good luck finding a Christian you can say that about and certainly not those here.

Yes, Muslims definitely obey the teachings of their holy book; especially the parts on how to handle women(honor killings), gays (kill), and non-believers (force to submit or be killed).


And we obey the teachings of the Bible; especially the parts on how to handle negroes, gays, and non-believers.

"A Trump administration, our Christian heritage will be cherished, protected, defended like you've never seen before. Believe me," he said.
Trump tailored his message to the audience, though he carefully avoided mentioning a number of areas — such as the legality of gay marriage — where his New York tolerance conflicts with the Christian right's agenda."

What are your thoughts?

Trump is a dumb asshole who has failed upwards in life.
"A Trump administration, our Christian heritage will be cherished, protected, defended like you've never seen before. Believe me," he said.
Trump tailored his message to the audience, though he carefully avoided mentioning a number of areas — such as the legality of gay marriage — where his New York tolerance conflicts with the Christian right's agenda."

What are your thoughts?

Trump is a dumb asshole who has failed upwards in life.

Trump is an Ivy League Graduate who has succeeded in THREE competitive fields.

Only a partisan fool would claim that he is dumb.

As to "asshole" he has only attacked those who have given him cause.

Unlike Hillary who likes to vilify large percentages of the nation's population.

Exactly how is she going to claim to be President for all the nation, when it is plain that she has nothing but contempt for a quarter of US?
To win the Election, Hillary needs Christians despite locking up the Jewish, Muslim, and Atheist Vote. Further, Blacks and Latinos are Christian.....much to the chagrin of Democrats and Liberals. Obama says we are not a Christian nation and Trump simply says he wants to preserve and protect Christians. DO you people hate Christians that much??
Christians do not kill you when you criticize them, so it is always open season. It makes you wonder why Islam gets respect from the same people who tear Christianity apart.
All religion is garbage. At least the Muslims actually obey, at times, the teachings their holy book. Good luck finding a Christian you can say that about and certainly not those here.

Yes, Muslims definitely obey the teachings of their holy book; especially the parts on how to handle women(honor killings), gays (kill), and non-believers (force to submit or be killed).


And we obey the teachings of the Bible; especially the parts on how to handle negroes, gays, and non-believers.

The Ku Klux Klan is a joke. You think Americans today fear them? When was the last time they went into a gay night club and shot it up? When was the last time a member of the KKK beheaded a co-worker for not being Christian? When was the last time they did anything to Blacks? Point being, they are a joke, no longer a threat. You people like to conjure up historic images like this one as a tool of fear.

Since you are so fond of this tactic, looking at your image, are their more Democrats or Republicans under those hoods and sheets?
You ever notice the people who whine about Obama never saying "Muslim terrorist" are the same people you will never hear refer to the KKK as "Christian terrorists"?

Go ahead. Search back on their posts and see for yourselves. They never do it.

They call them "Democrats" frequently, even though quite a few Klansmen were Republicans. The New York Klans, for example. Republican outfits through and through. You couldn't get elected to office in parts of New York unless you were a GOP Klansmen.

So "Democrat" is nowhere near as accurate as "Christian terrorist" is.

Not once. Ever. Do they say "Christian terrorists."

Very interesting, these hypocrites.

When was the last time a Christian Terrorist walked into a public setting, yelled, "Praise the Lord", and killed non-Christians?
You ever notice the people who whine about Obama never saying "Muslim terrorist" are the same people you will never hear refer to the KKK as "Christian terrorists"?

Go ahead. Search back on their posts and see for yourselves. They never do it.

They call them "Democrats" frequently, even though quite a few Klansmen were Republicans. The New York Klans, for example. Republican outfits through and through. You couldn't get elected to office in parts of New York unless you were a GOP Klansmen.

So "Democrat" is nowhere near as accurate as "Christian terrorist" is.

Not once. Ever. Do they say "Christian terrorists."

Very interesting, these hypocrites.

When was the last time a Christian Terrorist walked into a public setting, yelled, "Praise the Lord", and killed non-Christians?
Oh, so that means they never were Christian Terrorists, is that it?

Hey, at least once a week, some retard starts a topic on this forum, or makes a post, about the Klan to inaccurately point out they were all Democrats.

So I ask again. You ever notice these tards never once refer to the Klan as Christian terrorists?
You ever notice the people who whine about Obama never saying "Muslim terrorist" are the same people you will never hear refer to the KKK as "Christian terrorists"?

Go ahead. Search back on their posts and see for yourselves. They never do it.

They call them "Democrats" frequently, even though quite a few Klansmen were Republicans. The New York Klans, for example. Republican outfits through and through. You couldn't get elected to office in parts of New York unless you were a GOP Klansmen.

So "Democrat" is nowhere near as accurate as "Christian terrorist" is.

Not once. Ever. Do they say "Christian terrorists."

Very interesting, these hypocrites.

When was the last time a Christian Terrorist walked into a public setting, yelled, "Praise the Lord", and killed non-Christians?

That question you won't get an answer for. It is ignored as if it means nothing. The same way terror attacks are ignored like they mean nothing. The only thing that matters is the control the narrative that is based on anything but fact.

This is done by intimidation, name calling, and experts in digression deflecting spinning events in our MSM.
You ever notice the people who whine about Obama never saying "Muslim terrorist" are the same people you will never hear refer to the KKK as "Christian terrorists"?

Go ahead. Search back on their posts and see for yourselves. They never do it.

They call them "Democrats" frequently, even though quite a few Klansmen were Republicans. The New York Klans, for example. Republican outfits through and through. You couldn't get elected to office in parts of New York unless you were a GOP Klansmen.

So "Democrat" is nowhere near as accurate as "Christian terrorist" is.

Not once. Ever. Do they say "Christian terrorists."

Very interesting, these hypocrites.

When was the last time a Christian Terrorist walked into a public setting, yelled, "Praise the Lord", and killed non-Christians?

That question you won't get an answer for
Wrong, tard. See posts 176 and 177.

Go ahead. Show me where anyone in the examples I provided called the Klan "Christian terrorists".

You want to see the KKK praising the Lord, do ya?

Still waiting.

The KKK has been the subject of many a post and topic on this forum. Almost every week. For years. So it is a current subject often discussed.

So show me. Show me where ANY of the rubes called the Klan "Christian terrorists".

They won't do it. They will choke on those words before they have the courage to admit that is what the Klan is, was, and always will be.


You retards amuse me in your attempts to imply the Klan never killed anyone in the name of Christ. You really do.

What do you think, they sat around the burning CROSS making arts and crafts?

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