Donald Trump vs. CNN: How The President is Trolling The Media Into Oblivion


Gold Member
Jun 25, 2016
The president of the United States of America is a “shitposter.”

It’s not an elegant turn of phrase. But it is, I think, the correct terminology to capture a political moment so monstrously stupid that even Jerry Springer finds it embarrassing. To shitpost, according to the scholarly journal Urban Dictionary, is to “make utterly worthless and inane posts on an internet message board,” particularly those involving memes or low-quality visuals.

And the president’s latest act of shitposting—tweeting out a video edited to show Trump wrestling, and beating up, the CNN logo—has flung the 24-hour news network into a week-long controversy involving death threats, claims of blackmail and a Reddit user who calls himself “HanAssholeSolo.” It’s very hard to imagine having to explain that sentence to a person from 2007. But frankly, it’s also pretty hard to explain that sentence to a normal person from 2017 who doesn’t spend every waking moment following incremental developments in Trump’s blustery war with the media. (Which, probably, is healthy.)

Now, a week after Trump’s tweet, CNN is accused of blackmailing the Reddit user behind the wrestling clip, and the network’s journalists (and even some of their families) are being subjected to threats and harassing phone calls from pro-Trump trolls and Redditors. Curiously, the line from the CNN story that was interpreted as blackmail (a stretch) wasn’t written even by the reporter. According to Gizmodo, it was added by a CNN executive as a legal safeguard, but the threatening tone proved disastrous. But as the #CNNBlackMail hashtag spread through the alt-right this week, things got ugly. “These far-right trolls are really threatening people and coming after people,” an anonymous CNN employee told The Daily Beast. “Somebody’s gonna do something stupid at some point.”

For observers of Gamergate, these tactics are familiar—only now the digital mob is taking inspiration from the highest reaches of government. Trump frequently approaches social media like a message board troll, so it’s darkly fitting that far-right trolls are adopting the basest instincts of internet forum culture to wage war against the president’s perceived enemy: CNN.

Trump can’t win a war against CNN in the courts. But he can continue to troll the network (and other media outlets) into chaos and disarray. Consider Trump’s 2006 battle with the journalist Tim O’Brien, who had published a book alleging that Trump’s net worth was far lower than claimed. Trump sued the author for libel, and after a lengthy legal process, the case was eventually dismissed. But Trump was pleased: “I spent a couple of bucks on legal fees,” he later told The Washington Post, “and they spent a whole lot more. I did it to make his life miserable, which I’m happy about.”

Rest of article: Donald Trump vs. CNN: The president is trolling the media into oblivion

It really is disturbing to see what Trump is doing. If I believed in Satan, it would be pretty obvious that Trump is possibly the anti-christ, a charming man sent here to divide humanity into an all out war. He's tearing the country apart, starting with the media because certain outlets don't feed his needy narcissism the way he wants it, the poor, poor baby. How dare CNN report facts about the orange shitlord of division.

"The Shitposter In-Chief"

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Shitlord? That sounds about right. What is also really sad and scary is how many really fucking delusional and stupid people buy into his con game. Reminds me of the Jim Jones cult. When do they serve the Kool-Aid? Or, are they headed more toward Hitler and the Nazis?
Trump is attempting to do what Putin has done with russia's opposition and what is currently going on in Turkey. Destroy any opposition and repress people.

And yet you support him?
I don't that much care what means he uses to get the fake news out of the air. Coerced News Networks operating with no limits....

Losing with dignity, gone are those days. The left is pissed!
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I don't care what means he uses to get the fake news out of the air. Coerced News Networks operating with no limits....

Losing with dignity, gone are those days. The left is pissed!

Your side will never get CNN off the air, but your fascist authoritarian fantasies sure are entertaining! :laugh:
CNN needs to consider being Comedy Central Part Two and show cartoons if they hope to retain any viewers. CNN has been fake news for a long, long time. Do your homework!
CNN needs to consider being Comedy Central Part Two and show cartoons if they hope to retain any viewers. CNN has been fake news for a long, long time. Do your homework!

Are you on Putin's payroll? Seriously?
I don't care what means he uses to get the fake news out of the air. Coerced News Networks operating with no limits....

Losing with dignity, gone are those days. The left is pissed!

Your side will never get CNN off the air, but your fascist authoritarian fantasies sure are entertaining! :laugh:

Trump has made CNN a joke. You are right, it is entertaining. News, the Cancer News Network is not.
Lakhota, talk to meh punk. Where did you attend high school? And Mr. SYTFE do not help him out. I want to work with this punk and understand where he is coming from!
“These far-right trolls are really threatening people and coming after people,” an anonymous CNN employee told The Daily Beast. “Somebody’s gonna do something stupid at some point.”
You mean like opening fire on a bunch of Congressmen practicing for a baseball game?
CNN should be doing a lot of soul-searching but they don't have one. They've been discredited far beyond any other media institution in US history and there is no way back to any kind of legitimacy.

"I saw it on CNN" is death knell to any argument but a boon to derision.
“These far-right trolls are really threatening people and coming after people,” an anonymous CNN employee told The Daily Beast. “Somebody’s gonna do something stupid at some point.”
You mean like opening fire on a bunch of Congressmen practicing for a baseball game?

They are spreading dangerous life threatening rhetoric (because in smack down, people die!)

Meanwhile at CNN:

Trump is truly remarkable. Before he took office he took down the two reigning aristocracies in America, the Bushes and the Clintons. And let's not forget he saved the Republic from a Hillary Presidency. OMG I don't even want think about how hideous that would have been.

Now within the first few months of his Presidency, he is dismantling the Democratic propaganda agencies a.k.a the Media, sans Fox. That my friends is what is known as a CHANGE AGENT.
Trump is truly remarkable. Before he took office he took down the two reigning aristocracies in America, the Bushes and the Clintons. And let's not forget he saved the Republic from a Hillary Presidency. OMG I don't even want think about how hideous that would have been.

Now within the first few months of his Presidency, he is dismantling the Democratic propaganda agencies a.k.a the Media, sans Fox. That my friends is what is known as a CHANGE AGENT.
Agreed. It's (He's) a revolution of epic proportions and more importantly legitimizes democracy as an institution of change.

The elites, always used to running the show have had a very rude awakening and are not taking it well at all.
The president of the United States of America is a “shitposter.”

It’s not an elegant turn of phrase. But it is, I think, the correct terminology to capture a political moment so monstrously stupid that even Jerry Springer finds it embarrassing. To shitpost, according to the scholarly journal Urban Dictionary, is to “make utterly worthless and inane posts on an internet message board,” particularly those involving memes or low-quality visuals.

And the president’s latest act of shitposting—tweeting out a video edited to show Trump wrestling, and beating up, the CNN logo—has flung the 24-hour news network into a week-long controversy involving death threats, claims of blackmail and a Reddit user who calls himself “HanAssholeSolo.” It’s very hard to imagine having to explain that sentence to a person from 2007. But frankly, it’s also pretty hard to explain that sentence to a normal person from 2017 who doesn’t spend every waking moment following incremental developments in Trump’s blustery war with the media. (Which, probably, is healthy.)

Now, a week after Trump’s tweet, CNN is accused of blackmailing the Reddit user behind the wrestling clip, and the network’s journalists (and even some of their families) are being subjected to threats and harassing phone calls from pro-Trump trolls and Redditors. Curiously, the line from the CNN story that was interpreted as blackmail (a stretch) wasn’t written even by the reporter. According to Gizmodo, it was added by a CNN executive as a legal safeguard, but the threatening tone proved disastrous. But as the #CNNBlackMail hashtag spread through the alt-right this week, things got ugly. “These far-right trolls are really threatening people and coming after people,” an anonymous CNN employee told The Daily Beast. “Somebody’s gonna do something stupid at some point.”

For observers of Gamergate, these tactics are familiar—only now the digital mob is taking inspiration from the highest reaches of government. Trump frequently approaches social media like a message board troll, so it’s darkly fitting that far-right trolls are adopting the basest instincts of internet forum culture to wage war against the president’s perceived enemy: CNN.

Trump can’t win a war against CNN in the courts. But he can continue to troll the network (and other media outlets) into chaos and disarray. Consider Trump’s 2006 battle with the journalist Tim O’Brien, who had published a book alleging that Trump’s net worth was far lower than claimed. Trump sued the author for libel, and after a lengthy legal process, the case was eventually dismissed. But Trump was pleased: “I spent a couple of bucks on legal fees,” he later told The Washington Post, “and they spent a whole lot more. I did it to make his life miserable, which I’m happy about.”

Rest of article: Donald Trump vs. CNN: The president is trolling the media into oblivion

It really is disturbing to see what Trump is doing. If I believed in Satan, it would be pretty obvious that Trump is possibly the anti-christ, a charming man sent here to divide humanity into an all out war. He's tearing the country apart, starting with the media because certain outlets don't feed his needy narcissism the way he wants it, the poor, poor baby. How dare CNN report facts about the orange shitlord of division.

"The Shitposter In-Chief"

CNN needs to consider being Comedy Central Part Two and show cartoons if they hope to retain any viewers. CNN has been fake news for a long, long time. Do your homework!

Are you on Putin's payroll? Seriously?
Are you? You keep posting shit glorifying the power of Putin.

Are you sucking his dick in exchange for an internet account?
Trump is truly remarkable. Before he took office he took down the two reigning aristocracies in America, the Bushes and the Clintons. And let's not forget he saved the Republic from a Hillary Presidency. OMG I don't even want think about how hideous that would have been.

Now within the first few months of his Presidency, he is dismantling the Democratic propaganda agencies a.k.a the Media, sans Fox. That my friends is what is known as a CHANGE AGENT.
Agreed. It's (He's) a revolution of epic proportions and more importantly legitimizes democracy as an institution of change.

The elites, always used to running the show have had a very rude awakening and are not taking it well at all.

Jesus Christ dude, take Trump's cock out of your mouth. You're a grown man FFS.

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