Donald Trump's Finally Been Seen In Public Without Ear Bandage

And surprise, surprise, surprise.....not a SCRATCH on his ear. Behold...

Some commentary on it...

Your thoughts USMB?

Trump is one hell of an actor! all of those secret service people? fabulous actors! and let me guess,
the other people shot were faked as well.
And surprise, surprise, surprise.....not a SCRATCH on it. Behold...

Some commentary on it...

Your thoughts USMB?

Take this argument everywhere. Tell your Democrat friends to tout it far and wide. No holes barred. Senators, Congress reps, media, everyone. It's such a great message all your people should be saying it:

"Nevermind that we saw the blood on live TV, look he doesn't have a bandage, obviously he wasn't really hurt!"

This is an especially effective message since you all are still crying about some guy sitting at Nancy Pelosi's desk.

Really. Do it. DO IT
Take this argument everywhere. Tell your Democrat friends to tout it far and wide. No holes barred. Senators, Congress reps, media, everyone. It's such a great message all your people should be saying it:

"Nevermind that we saw the blood on live TV, look he doesn't have a bandage, obviously he wasn't really hurt!"

This is an especially effective message since you all are still crying about some guy sitting at Nancy Pelosi's desk.

Really. Do it. DO IT

The MAGA fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals...they saw...

“You could see there was blood coming out of his eyes,” “Blood coming out of his wherever.”
I'd like to know your thoughts on Trump's PERFECT ear.

Do you have any?

I shared my thoughts. Please, keep crying about people in the "sacred ground" of Nancy Pelosi's desk but denigrate that fact that Trump was SHOT AT.

Does that look like an ear that's been shot by a high-powered rifle to you?

They said it was grazed. first of all surgeons can do a hell of a lot these days. Secondly the ear bleeds profusely when injured and its hard to stop the blood, so that part jives very well with what we saw on TV.

Someone died... the shooter died... you think trump could pull all that off for a publicity stunt.... and no one would talk???

The picture isnt even really that clear , its blurry and without seeing to wound prviously, its pretty hard to judge.
Cry some more about January 6th and then remind regular Americans the assassination attempt was NOTHING.

Where did I say, or suggest, that the murder attempt by a run-of-the-mill mass-shooter white Republican male suspect was NOTHING?

And if you think the events of January 6th is a WINNER for the Republican Party, then let me interest you in a bridge I have for sale in Brooklyn....

Where did I say, or suggest, that the murder attempt by a run-of-the-mill mass-shooter white Republican male suspect was NOTHING?

And if you think the events of January 6th is a WINNER for the Republican Party, then let me interest you in a bridge I have for sale in Brooklyn....


I think you still want to wail about the "insurrection" while casting doubt on an actual assassination attempt. That people saw live. With blood and shootings.

DO IT MARC. This is an excellent line of attack. Take it everywhere. Put it in the mouths of your Senators and of Malaka, with her 68 supporters.

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