Donald Trump’s Tariffs Proposal Faces Pushback From Republicans

We,still have quite a,few,GOP'ers to deal with but we have it under control....

Good luck with the collapse of your democrat's hilarious....
How embarrassing. Trump promised something so kooky that even Republican won't embrace it.
None of the GOP'ers embraced Trump.....we kicked them to the curb.....

No you didn't. Almost every one of them was reelected. :lol:

Marco Rubio received more votes in Florida than Trump.
Was Rubio not the 'establishment' guy that so many Trump supporters were screaming about?

For electing the guy that is going to 'drain the swamp' those same people doing the electing certainly forgot to take care of that at the root of the problem.
What will herr Cheetos fuhrer do?

Trump repeated on Sunday morning a campaign promise to set a 35% tax on businesses that leave the country—leaving many Republicans on Capitol Hill to respond the next day with guffaws, grimaces and nervous hedging. ( even his own party is laughting at the cheetos

“I do not want a trade war. I do not believe in a trade war. I do not think trade wars are healthy. I think history has shown that trade wars are not healthy,” said House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy.

Some of these things do have to face a harsh reality but you have to be very careful if you’re going to add costly tariffs,” said Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, who endorsed Trump in May. “We’re all going back to the ‘30s when they started playing around with this and that and caused a lot of trouble.”

Republican Sen. John McCain, when asked whether he would support a 35% tariff, scoffed and and answered emphatically. “No!” he said.

Trump Faces Pushback From GOP Congress on Tariffs

Tariffs & taxing American business's 35% are dead on arrival in a Republican congress. They have never created a single job, and only drive the price up on the product, which of course is passed onto the consumer. A tariff'd country will always respond back with tariff's of their own, starting a trade war, making it bad for both sides.

Republicans would never put a 35% tax on American corporations for moving certain parts of their operations overseas, in order to compete in a global economy.

The PROBLEM has always been, that the cost to operate a manufacturing business in this country makes it impossible to be competitive in the world market. Wages are higher here, employers are required to pay payroll taxes, unemployment insurance, workman's compensation insurance, and health requirements, along with a lot of other B.S. regulations, that aren't required in foreign countries. Henceforth the manufacturing segments of many American corporations have moved their operations overseas.

One would have thought that Trump would have known this basic economic concept before campaigning and remarking on it.
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Never a truthful moment from a lib.

Imagine a Trump supporter recognizing a "truthful moment". No, I can't either. Anyone who believes Donald Trump is beyond gullible, and has no business calling ANYONE a liar.
Trump has been facing "pushbacks from republicans" ever since he announced his candidacy. Fuk 'em.

I agree and that's what Congress does. Push back.

I'd be surprised if they didn't push back. They will all have to meet, hash it out and come to a conclusion.
We,still have quite a,few,GOP'ers to deal with but we have it under control....

Good luck with the collapse of your democrat's hilarious....
How embarrassing. Trump promised something so kooky that even Republican won't embrace it.
None of the GOP'ers embraced Trump.....we kicked them to the curb.....
Lots of GOPers embraced Trump.
Not many at all really need to pay attention.....

88% of Republican voters voted for Trump
We,still have quite a,few,GOP'ers to deal with but we have it under control....

Good luck with the collapse of your democrat's hilarious....
How embarrassing. Trump promised something so kooky that even Republican won't embrace it.
None of the GOP'ers embraced Trump.....we kicked them to the curb.....
Lots of GOPers embraced Trump.
Not many at all really need to pay attention.....

88% of Republican voters voted for Trump

I'm not a Rep and neither is anyone in my family and we all voted for Trump. He was a much better choice than Hillary.

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