Donald's "Patriots" destroying tens of thousands in camera equipment

Especially as the left is going to be constantly pushing new provocations on us, AND likely to continue to support or at least allow antifa and blm violence moving forward, that will be really causing serious harm to our nation and our people.
The CCP must be very pleased

my guess is that leftwing violence will increase now that they have a friend in the white house
The Center to Protect Journalists called on authorities to investigate attacks on journalists. Welcome to the waning days of Trump’s America. We are Belarus.

Let us hope President-elect Biden reverses this Trumpist trend of attacking journalists and the free press. He will. Because unlike Trump, President-elect Biden respects journalism and the free press.

OmG - Watch the "video of assault" - These are scary motherfuckers!

In one example of the violence, Trump supporters pulled Associated Press photographer John Minchillo down a series of steps, repeatedly hit and shoved him, and threatened to kill him, according to a video of the assault that Minchillo’s AP colleague Julio Cortez posted to his Instagram account. Yesterday, Amanda Andrade-Rhoades, a freelance photojournalist on assignment for The Washington Post, told CPJ that three people threatened to shoot her.

To be expected during a period of escalating civil unrest.

I mean, you saw this coming right?

Have you considered that the escalation is just starting?

I mean, it is kind of pathetic to see a grown man, crying over the obvious consequences of his actions, as though it was something that just happened, a random chance from an uncaring universe.
Libs like Dr Love think that there side can riot on the streets without a response from the other side

The folks I saw in the capital building looked pretty weird.

no doubt they have mental problems similar to what we saw all summer in the ANTIFA crowd

both sides have them

but after 8 months to 8 years of liberal riots it may be too late to put the genie back in the bottle

Especially as the left is going to be constantly pushing new provocations on us, AND likely to continue to support or at least allow antifa and blm violence moving forward, that will be really causing serious harm to our nation and our people.

The way they are acting hurt and surprised by a little push back, it makes them look like...

little girls.

Chansley, also known as Jake Angeli, called the Washington office of the FBI on Thursday and voluntarily spoke to law enforcement.

The DOJ said in a statement quote: "Chansley said that he came as part of a group effort with other 'patriots' from Arizona, at the request of the President that all 'patriots' come to D.C. on January 6, 2021."

Before his arrest, NBC reported that Chansley gloated about how the crowd infiltrated the Capitol, forcing lawmakers to flee, telling the network quote:"The fact that we had a bunch of traitors in office, hunkered down, put on gas masks and retreat to their underground bunker, I consider that a win."
This is disgusting - Don't recall anything similar happening at any BLM protest.
We have hundreds of faces here and elsewhere to run searches on - Find their Fascist asses and lock 'em up!

100's of millions of dollar in destruction from BLM/antifa riots, yet you fucks were silent about it

Yup. Antifa and BLM looted, rioted and burned buildings to the ground in Portland, Seattle and Indi and the Dems called them protesters.

The Governor of the State I live in, Florida, has already said rioters, looters and arsonists will be shot on sight in this State.
This is disgusting - Don't recall anything similar happening at any BLM protest.
We have hundreds of faces here and elsewhere to run searches on - Find their Fascist asses and lock 'em up!

100's of millions of dollar in destruction from BLM/antifa riots, yet you fucks were silent about it

Yup. Antifa and BLM looted, rioted and burned buildings to the ground in Portland, Seattle and Indi and the Dems called them protesters.

The Governor of the State I live in, Florida, has already said rioters, looters and arsonists will be shot on sight in this State.

Looters and vandals should be arrested.. What your issue?
This is disgusting - Don't recall anything similar happening at any BLM protest.
We have hundreds of faces here and elsewhere to run searches on - Find their Fascist asses and lock 'em up!

100's of millions of dollar in destruction from BLM/antifa riots, yet you fucks were silent about it

Yup. Antifa and BLM looted, rioted and burned buildings to the ground in Portland, Seattle and Indi and the Dems called them protesters.

The Governor of the State I live in, Florida, has already said rioters, looters and arsonists will be shot on sight in this State.

Looters and vandals should be arrested.. What your issue?

What else but the usual? "We're bad, but you're worse" - The PWD ... aka The Pee Wee Defense
They've been playing this tape for the past 5 years, maybe longer!

Right. The people need to make it clear to congress that we are not willing to give any new powers to "law enforcement" until every law enforcement agencies purge all white supremacists from their midst
What "new powers" to law enforcement is it that we are willing to give?

Is there something wrong with you?

Round up violent assholes and charge them specifically with domestic terrorism.
Your Proud Boy and Q insurgents are quite the charmers eh?
Mine? Hell, I haven't been to the US since 2009. Now it's going to a shithole. You own BLM and Antifa.

Prague eh? Lotta Russian spies in Prague.
Thanks for admitting your complicity and nice to see you can get a quick train ride into Moscow for collusion purposes!

You live in a very strange and confined little world.

I live in the real world - You should try it sometime!
Btw, how much is Vladimir paying you per post ... 1000 rubles or so? :laugh:
I'm trying to remember the time thousands of AntiFa stormed the capitol, busted out windows, looted offices, smeared shit on the walls, destroyed camera equipment, beat a journalist half to death and killed a cop with a fire extinguisher.
They dod so every night for 8 months straight in American cities across the nation

maybe you have a short memory but we dont

A gift for your memory :)

This is disgusting - Don't recall anything similar happening at any BLM protest.
We have hundreds of faces here and elsewhere to run searches on - Find their Fascist asses and lock 'em up!

No all BLM did was loot, murder and burn businesses to the ground in Portland, Seattle and Indi. You Dem's called them protesters and even bailed any who got caught out of jail.

You Dems have no room to talk about anyone.
Remember how Trump mocked the early protests when the ball players respectfully took a knee?

I was always surprised Trump didn't have guts enough to sit down and address police brutality or he could have just continued the effort to restore confidence in the police and weed out the bad apples. He sure threw his presidency away tweeting and insulting and making enemies ever day.

The mockery was well-deserved.

The “protesters” here were committing malfeasance. In a position as public representatives of their employers, they were behaving, while on-the-clock, in a way that reflected badly on their employers, and was offensive to a large part of their audience. A large portion of sports fans are not sympathetic to subhuman criminal pieces of shit, no matter what their skin color may be, and were not happy to have their enjoyment of an entertainment event that they had paid to see be marred by protests in favor of criminals.

These malfeasant employees caused a lot of harm to their employers. In any other profession, they would have been fired on the sport, and had a very difficult time ever again finding employment in their profession. I don't get what makes athletes so special that they should get away with behavior that would not be tolerated in any profession that does actual productive work.

Then there was his covid incompetence.

It was not Trump who sabotaged the economy, and stripped citizens of their essential Constitutional rights, on the pretext of an exaggerated flu bug. It was Democrapic Governors and mayors who did that.

Your side totally owns the #CoronaHoax2020, and all the harm that has been caused over it.

Not that anyone on your side has any credibility, but if you did, you'd be destroying it every time you try to blame Trump for the results of your own side's corrupt and disastrous abuse of powers seized in connection with this absurd hoax.

You really are a true believer. Sad.
These aren't patriots, they're cult members existing on a lie.

That's why I put "patriots" in quotes. It is what Donnie believes them to be as he stated AFTER the riot.
And THEY believe it TOO. That's the fuckin' problem.

It is funny how you people will respect a man claiming to be a woman, but can't accept a man self identifying as a Patriot.

Trump claims to be a Nationalist not a Patriot.

He's both. So am I. So are the vast majority of his supporters. We are all proud of that.

What part of that is confusing to you?

Trump is no patriot.. Nationalism is always racist, aggressive, authoritarian usually involves a big dose of Fascism.. Look at the nationalists of the past century.

1. Trump certainly seems to be a Patriot to me. His America First platform certainly seemed to be "Love of country" turned into policy.

2. Nationalism:

Definition of nationalism

1: loyalty and devotion to a nationespecially : a sense of national consciousness (see CONSCIOUSNESS sense 1c) exalting one nation above all others and placing primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations or supranational groups

Nothing in there about any of that shit you claimed. Nationalists of the past century? You mean like the American nationalists that fought and defeated Nazism and Communism? LOL!! You point is debunked.
This is disgusting - Don't recall anything similar happening at any BLM protest.
We have hundreds of faces here and elsewhere to run searches on - Find their Fascist asses and lock 'em up!

How much damage from looting and arson did the BLM mobs rack up?
The Center to Protect Journalists called on authorities to investigate attacks on journalists. Welcome to the waning days of Trump’s America. We are Belarus.

Let us hope President-elect Biden reverses this Trumpist trend of attacking journalists and the free press. He will. Because unlike Trump, President-elect Biden respects journalism and the free press.

OmG - Watch the "video of assault" - These are scary motherfuckers!

In one example of the violence, Trump supporters pulled Associated Press photographer John Minchillo down a series of steps, repeatedly hit and shoved him, and threatened to kill him, according to a video of the assault that Minchillo’s AP colleague Julio Cortez posted to his Instagram account. Yesterday, Amanda Andrade-Rhoades, a freelance photojournalist on assignment for The Washington Post, told CPJ that three people threatened to shoot her.

To be expected during a period of escalating civil unrest.

I mean, you saw this coming right?

Have you considered that the escalation is just starting?

I mean, it is kind of pathetic to see a grown man, crying over the obvious consequences of his actions, as though it was something that just happened, a random chance from an uncaring universe.
Libs like Dr Love think that there side can riot on the streets without a response from the other side

The folks I saw in the capital building looked pretty weird.

no doubt they have mental problems similar to what we saw all summer in the ANTIFA crowd

both sides have them

but after 8 months to 8 years of liberal riots it may be too late to put the genie back in the bottle

I'm trying to remember the time thousands of AntiFa stormed the capitol, busted out windows, looted offices, smeared shit on the walls, destroyed camera equipment, beat a journalist half to death and killed a cop with a fire extinguisher.

Could you remind the class?

I don't recall them doing it at the capitol, but beyond that, sure. All summer long.

Oh, that it was the capitol, you are pretending that this started last week?

Wow. You've got no shame at all, do you?
The Center to Protect Journalists called on authorities to investigate attacks on journalists. Welcome to the waning days of Trump’s America. We are Belarus.

Let us hope President-elect Biden reverses this Trumpist trend of attacking journalists and the free press. He will. Because unlike Trump, President-elect Biden respects journalism and the free press.

OmG - Watch the "video of assault" - These are scary motherfuckers!

In one example of the violence, Trump supporters pulled Associated Press photographer John Minchillo down a series of steps, repeatedly hit and shoved him, and threatened to kill him, according to a video of the assault that Minchillo’s AP colleague Julio Cortez posted to his Instagram account. Yesterday, Amanda Andrade-Rhoades, a freelance photojournalist on assignment for The Washington Post, told CPJ that three people threatened to shoot her.

To be expected during a period of escalating civil unrest.

I mean, you saw this coming right?

Have you considered that the escalation is just starting?

I mean, it is kind of pathetic to see a grown man, crying over the obvious consequences of his actions, as though it was something that just happened, a random chance from an uncaring universe.
Libs like Dr Love think that there side can riot on the streets without a response from the other side

The folks I saw in the capital building looked pretty weird.

no doubt they have mental problems similar to what we saw all summer in the ANTIFA crowd

both sides have them

but after 8 months to 8 years of liberal riots it may be too late to put the genie back in the bottle

The president wasn't encouraging BLM or Antifa. However he did mock the ballplayers who took a knee to protest police brutality. I thought they were very respectful.

Correct. That is a big point of difference. Trump stood AGAINST the rioters of the last 4 years, while Biden and the rest of the dems and libs supported BLM and Antifa in millions of ways.

You know, when you start a war, and then whine about the war, that does not look good on you.
The Center to Protect Journalists called on authorities to investigate attacks on journalists. Welcome to the waning days of Trump’s America. We are Belarus.

Let us hope President-elect Biden reverses this Trumpist trend of attacking journalists and the free press. He will. Because unlike Trump, President-elect Biden respects journalism and the free press.

OmG - Watch the "video of assault" - These are scary motherfuckers!

In one example of the violence, Trump supporters pulled Associated Press photographer John Minchillo down a series of steps, repeatedly hit and shoved him, and threatened to kill him, according to a video of the assault that Minchillo’s AP colleague Julio Cortez posted to his Instagram account. Yesterday, Amanda Andrade-Rhoades, a freelance photojournalist on assignment for The Washington Post, told CPJ that three people threatened to shoot her.

To be expected during a period of escalating civil unrest.

I mean, you saw this coming right?

Have you considered that the escalation is just starting?

I mean, it is kind of pathetic to see a grown man, crying over the obvious consequences of his actions, as though it was something that just happened, a random chance from an uncaring universe.
Libs like Dr Love think that there side can riot on the streets without a response from the other side

The folks I saw in the capital building looked pretty weird.

no doubt they have mental problems similar to what we saw all summer in the ANTIFA crowd

both sides have them

but after 8 months to 8 years of liberal riots it may be too late to put the genie back in the bottle

Especially as the left is going to be constantly pushing new provocations on us, AND likely to continue to support or at least allow antifa and blm violence moving forward, that will be really causing serious harm to our nation and our people.

The way they are acting hurt and surprised by a little push back, it makes them look like...

little girls.

Are you FOR police brutality or Fascism?

Pretending that your enemies are the bad guys, is a good coping mechanism for avoiding any feelings of responsibility in your own mind.

But, not a productive way of talking to your enemies.

That is a good way to get a civil war.

Do you WANT a civil war?
The Center to Protect Journalists called on authorities to investigate attacks on journalists. Welcome to the waning days of Trump’s America. We are Belarus.

Let us hope President-elect Biden reverses this Trumpist trend of attacking journalists and the free press. He will. Because unlike Trump, President-elect Biden respects journalism and the free press.

OmG - Watch the "video of assault" - These are scary motherfuckers!

In one example of the violence, Trump supporters pulled Associated Press photographer John Minchillo down a series of steps, repeatedly hit and shoved him, and threatened to kill him, according to a video of the assault that Minchillo’s AP colleague Julio Cortez posted to his Instagram account. Yesterday, Amanda Andrade-Rhoades, a freelance photojournalist on assignment for The Washington Post, told CPJ that three people threatened to shoot her.

To be expected during a period of escalating civil unrest.

I mean, you saw this coming right?

Have you considered that the escalation is just starting?

I mean, it is kind of pathetic to see a grown man, crying over the obvious consequences of his actions, as though it was something that just happened, a random chance from an uncaring universe.
Libs like Dr Love think that there side can riot on the streets without a response from the other side

The folks I saw in the capital building looked pretty weird.

no doubt they have mental problems similar to what we saw all summer in the ANTIFA crowd

both sides have them

but after 8 months to 8 years of liberal riots it may be too late to put the genie back in the bottle

I'm trying to remember the time thousands of AntiFa stormed the capitol, busted out windows, looted offices, smeared shit on the walls, destroyed camera equipment, beat a journalist half to death and killed a cop with a fire extinguisher.

Could you remind the class?

I don't recall them doing it at the capitol, but beyond that, sure. All summer long.

Oh, that it was the capitol, you are pretending that this started last week?

Wow. You've got no shame at all, do you?
Biden voters tried to burn down a church across from the white house
The Center to Protect Journalists called on authorities to investigate attacks on journalists. Welcome to the waning days of Trump’s America. We are Belarus.

Let us hope President-elect Biden reverses this Trumpist trend of attacking journalists and the free press. He will. Because unlike Trump, President-elect Biden respects journalism and the free press.

OmG - Watch the "video of assault" - These are scary motherfuckers!

In one example of the violence, Trump supporters pulled Associated Press photographer John Minchillo down a series of steps, repeatedly hit and shoved him, and threatened to kill him, according to a video of the assault that Minchillo’s AP colleague Julio Cortez posted to his Instagram account. Yesterday, Amanda Andrade-Rhoades, a freelance photojournalist on assignment for The Washington Post, told CPJ that three people threatened to shoot her.

To be expected during a period of escalating civil unrest.

I mean, you saw this coming right?

Have you considered that the escalation is just starting?

I mean, it is kind of pathetic to see a grown man, crying over the obvious consequences of his actions, as though it was something that just happened, a random chance from an uncaring universe.
Libs like Dr Love think that there side can riot on the streets without a response from the other side

The folks I saw in the capital building looked pretty weird.

no doubt they have mental problems similar to what we saw all summer in the ANTIFA crowd

both sides have them

but after 8 months to 8 years of liberal riots it may be too late to put the genie back in the bottle

I'm trying to remember the time thousands of AntiFa stormed the capitol, busted out windows, looted offices, smeared shit on the walls, destroyed camera equipment, beat a journalist half to death and killed a cop with a fire extinguisher.

Could you remind the class?

I don't recall them doing it at the capitol, but beyond that, sure. All summer long.

Oh, that it was the capitol, you are pretending that this started last week?

Wow. You've got no shame at all, do you?
Biden voters tried to burn down a church across from the white house

Yet, he is the bad guy for wanting to stand in front of it, with a bible and take a stand against burning churches.

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